Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 2004)
To olace a classified ad: Business Hours Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Office: Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building ■express Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price mi appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal po< for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify forjlii additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early AUTO FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE HELP WANTED PETS 1995 MustangGT. Moving, must sell. Great condition, 5-speed. cold/AC, cruise. $5700 obo. 979-739-1759. 2bdrm/2ba at the Arbors available De- cember-May. $815/mo, contact vbatt © Free Locator Service: Apartments, du plexes, 4-plexes, houses. Alpha-Omega Properties broker. 774-7820. 2000 Ford FI50 Sport. Black w/gray inte rior. Great condition. $8000/060. 979-406-0221 Kenny. 2bdrms/1ba, 2story, across street from TAMU, shuttle, W/D connections, $500/mo. 832-428-7204. Beautiful 5x8 rug, 6-mon. old. 1-yr old chocolate brown sofa. Excellent condition. Kirby vacuum cleaner. Full size sleeper sofa. Excellent condition. 979-694-1494 Cleaning commercial buildings at night, M-F. Call 823-5031 for appt. ‘99 GMC Z-71 excellent condition. $10,000 OBO. Call for more details 979-799-5806 3/1 house, $550 or $69,000. Call Linda, Agent Re/Max BCS, 777-8280. Free rent. Great floor plan, close to cam pus. 4bdrm/3ba, 4bdrm/2ba, 3bdrm/2ba. Ceiling fans, w/d connections, fenced, pets ok. 776-8984 Celtic Tapestries. Perfect for: walls, beds, tables, curtains, etc. Many de signs, sizes, colors available. Earn $ on campus between classes. Lo cal business needs workers. Contact Mike @ 979-676-0810. Baby ball python, $50 Bab ||ive pc Red Tail Boa $100. 4ft ballp Cage plus accessed 979-733-4873 Chevy truck, ‘96, diesel, 4-WD, fully loaded, extended cab, clean. 832-731-4807 Hunter’s Special- Isuzu ‘89 Trooper, 4WD, standard. View ©Sevcik’s Shell, Longmire @2818. 690-8876 after 6p.m. 3/2 2100 Southwood Dr. Walk in closets, ceiling fans, W/D provided, water paid. Quiet, convenient location, on shuttle. Privately owned/managed. 6,9,12 mo. leases. 774-5776. Free rent. Great floor plan, close to cam pus. 4bdrm/3ba, 4bdrm/2ba, 3bdrm/2ba. Ceiling fans, w/d connections, fenced, pets ok. 776-8984 For sale by owner. 3bdrm/2ba, 1438sq.ft., located cul-de-sac, south Col lege Station, $124.9K. 690-2754 Jimmy Buffet neon bar sign $225. Sign is brand new. 214-762-2592 EVENING JOB. College Students with good communication skills needed to do telephone work for local marketing com pany. AVERAGE $ 10/HOUR I Work schedule consists of 2-4 evenings/week, 6pm-9pm. Gain marketing experience... apply today! Call 979-774-3890, 9am-9pm. COOL KITTIES right oH the si tabbies, and blacks. Box weeks, 272-1223. Kittens and cats for adoption' ^ I too] ayh;i\ BED AND BREAKFAST 3/2 duplex, w/d, ethernet. No pets, rent negotiable. 690-9466. Great floorplan, 2bd/2ba 4plex, $525. Kitchen table with leaf, 4 chairs $50. House plants 10$ OBO. 691-8394 Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,'70, 979-696-0091. 3/2 house on over 1/2acre. New tile Scar- pet. Grad students preferred. Pets OK. Call Greg at 224-0005. 3/2 Rock Hollow Duplex, like new 3 yrs old, well maintained, w/d, lawn care in cluded, no pets. $850/mo. 846-5722. Great floorplan, close to campus, 2bdrm/1.5bth, ceiling fans, w/d connec tions, shuttle bus, $575/mo. 776-6079, Remington 760 Game Master 30-06. $200. Firm. 903-870-8783, Leave mes sage. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Part-time travel agents wanted.Free train ing. Excellent income. Call Margie. 936-662-8729. Hurry. COMPUTERS 3bd/2ba new duplex & 2bd/2ba apart ment, available now & December. 979-690-6735. Systems, parts, up grades & repairs. Internet prices, locally. 979-778-0173. FARM/RANCH Horse Boarding: 6 horses only, 12x12 stalls 12mi. to campus. 30acres, good grass, owners on premises, $200/mo. In cludes hay, 12% feed, feedings, Sturnout. 776-7902 Horses pastured. Excellent grass. No feed necessary. Ride on 100-acres, along Brazos River. $65/mo. per head 979-846- 9229 Leave message. Brand new house. Half month free rent. 4bdrm/2bth, fenced yard, fireplace, &much more. Close to campus. $ 1250/mo. 680-0173. FOR RENT $800 Cash Back! 2bdrm/1.5bth near Hil ton, Spacious, Quiet, Shuttle, $575/mo., 575-4816. Call Anytime. Bryan 2/1. W/D connections, new carpet, fenced backyard, behind Blinn, pets OK w/deposit $625/mo. Call 979-571-7652 or 281-428-2310. 1-3/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$600/mo. 696-2038. 1/1, 2/2, $450-$600, short-term lease available. Vaulted ceilings, fireplace, ce ramic tile, W/D. Broker owner 777-5477. C.S Large 4/2 plus 18x16 bonus area. Available now. Updated, pets OK. 1115 Berkeley (off Dominik few blocks east of TAMU), reduced $995/mo. 979-731-8257, 979-820-3939. If no an swer please leave message. Clean 3bd/2ba house in CS. Fenced yard w/deck, W/D included, $995/mo. Call Sarah, 574-0223. 1/2month free rent! 2bd/1ba $375/mo. 1bd/1ba $295/mo. C.S. Close TAMU. Call 979-680-0173. Clean, individual, 1bdrm/1bth upstairs apartment, 303-E Villa Maria ©Cavitt, $400/mo., $400/deposit. 979-224-0675. 1407 East 23rd. 2bdm/1ba, central heat/air, hardwood floors, appliances. $450/mo. $450/deposit 903-825-6967. 2&3bdrm duplexes &houses 1 block from campus. Free Rent $500-$1100. Call MVM-Rents at 680-9300. First month rent $229! 1bdrm/1ba studio, nice. Imile TAMU, 2pools, 2hot-tubs, gym, shuttle, tennis, +more. $458/mo. free internet, water, &gas. 979-694-3711 2/1.5, College Main Apartments, $503.14/mo., Call 979-777-6988 First Two Weeks Rent Free. $795/mo, 1100 sq.ft., 3bdrm/2ba duplex near Hilton. Equipped kitchen, W/D. Available now. 979-260-1255 2bd/1ba duplex. 3312 Bluestem, on bus route. $550/mo., fenced yard, fireplace, w/d connection, pets OK. 268-1096. 2bdrm/1.5ba Harvey Rd. $550/mo. Lease to August 2005. Move in anytime, BUT if lease signed by October 1st. 2004 no de posit &1/2 first months rent paid. Gas, water, cable paid, either net. 777-3151 For- rent. 2bdrm/2ba. Cripple Creek Con dos, Unit-126. New carpet, new paint, W/D, $575/mo. $575/deposit. Available now, CIE Janette. 820-1325. 2bdrm/1.5ba, W/D, large living, bus route, no deposit. $575/mo, small pets OK. 979-229-5606 2bdrm/1ba apartment. Walk to campus. Very clean $450/mo. No pets 979-574-7464. 2bdrm/1ba Bryan. Shuttle route, free wa ter, free wireless. Ideal for students call 936-524-0474 Crossword answers can be found online at grili&tavern* join us for lunch! 15 minutes or it’s FREE! Come in and try our signature Monte Crlsto and Death by Chocolate May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty! Newsday Crossword ACROSS 1 Red Sox, on scoreboards 4 Fitness centers 8 Smoothly, in music 14 Eyebrow shape 15 Vogue competitor 16 Arthurian paradise 17 Resort, for short 18 The Ghost and Mrs, 19 Israeli, e.g. 20 Basketball broadcaster’s remark 23 Essayist’s nom de plume 24 Board flaw 25 Abridge too far? 28 Sordid 30 Jerusalem’s land: Abbr. 32 Novelist Deighton 33 Spearheaded 35 carte 36 Patchy in color 37 Sinatra film of '55 41 Uprising 42 Not as large as Ige. 43 Sundial hour 44 Sushi fish 45 Little drink 46 Sub detector 50 French port 52 "Oh, woe!" 56 San , Italy 57 E.B, White children’s story 60 Seinfeld woman 62 Enjoy a novel 63 Yalie 64 To the point 65 Basilica’s center 66 Go astray 67 Made soapy 68 “So be it!” 69 Street game GOTCHA by Fred Piscop Edited by Stanley Newman www. stan 9 More uniform 40 “ the season . . 41 CSA soldier 45 Batter's position 47 Most current 48 Aviator Earhart 10 Video-arcade enthusiast 11 Carrier to Rome 12 Young’un 13 Latish lunchtime DOWN 1 Noble’s partner 2 Black-and- orange bird 3 Nova 4 Highway hauler 5 Coin-on-the* counter sound 6 Set straight 7 -Croatian 8 Go the distance '2 21 Shakespeare- 49 Dressing an prince after a bath, 22 Of service 26 Trickle (out) 27 Phase out 29 Thus far 31 Delhi attire perhaps 51 Recoils, with “away” 53 Fictional Doone 34 Moore of film 54 First-stringers 35 Say further 36 Rap-sheet listings 55 Barrel strip 58 On Soc. Sec., perhaps 37 Stadium level 59 Genesis locale 38 Asset held in reserve 39 Katmandu’s land 60 Mag. staffers 61 Lucy of Charlie's Angels CREATORS SYNDICATE C 200* STANLEY NEWMAN WWW.STANXWORDS.COM 9/23/04 Great locations. 2bdrm/1bth & 2bdrm/2bth fenced yard duplexes. Great floor plans, w/d connections, ceiling fans, shuttle bus, pets Ok. 776-6079. Sale! Cavitt Corner Used Books, Collecti bles, Furniture, Antiques, Gifts. 822-6633. Senior Boots. Approximate size, 10.5, spurs included. $300. 979-779-3387. Full-time teacher/mom of BUSY family needs help! Mm. 8-10hrs/wk. Starting $8/hr. Heavy detailed cleaning- inside &out, washing &ironing a must, organizing help needed. Two full-year commitment necessary: begin work ASAP. Weekend interviews only. Been burned before- se rious inquiries only. Fax biographical &work info to 690-8075. Miniature Pinscher Puppies. & dewclaws done. Taking i $27 5 979-535-4052 KfenCC Seven chocolate labs Bomj F 0 lea AKC registered. $300, 979*6^ l)Wly t 1 REAL ESTKi I : ; 4/2 Snook 69,900: CS § (jig th iltor 693-1851 | after 90K Re 3bdrm/2bth gorgeous condo. Bus route. Appliances, w/d, microwave, internet/ca ble. $995. 281-381-5283. 804 Concho 2bd/1ba washer/dryer shaded fenced yard. (979)690-4181 Avail able October 1 st. Historic District- walk to campus, 300 West Dexter- Avail Now! 1200sf 2BR/LR/Study/1 Bath, $600/mo. 220-0900. WAKEBOARDING LESSONS $60/hr for the boat. Call Hunter 979-676-2260 Fun, prestigious public speaking position. $7/hr., evenings &Saturdays. Must have DL 4+years. No criminal records. We train. 693-3992. Fox Run Condos. Expem dom Of Owning Your Condo- 1-mile to TAMU- New I Dttai Washer& Dryer, $250. Refrigerator, $200. Craftsman riding mower, $1500. 220-3665. Kurten, Great 2/1, quiet, outside pets ok, $650/mo. 979-589-1922. 902 San Benito: 3/2 $900+ deposit. 1000 SanBenito: 3/2 $900+ deposit. 2806 Leonard Rd: 4/2 on 1-acre, $1200+ de posit. No Pets, No Section 8. 979-822-3043. Large 2bdrm/2ba. 1,100 sqft. fenced yard, pets ok, W/D connections, free rent. $660/mo. 693-1448. Wireless router brand new 54mbps, $60 negotiable. Call Kim (979)696-8907. GARAGE SALES HAUNTED HOUSE: GET PAID TO SCARE THE HECK OUT OF PEOPLE! To join our 2004 Scare Staff, contact Tony at 979-774-1890 or tonyOexces- For more info, check out http://www.excessiveproduc- id pn ROOMMATE ttemor .ast w< as he to pi bases i confei [ient o Almost new 2,3,4 bdrm houses. Free Rent, fenced, pets, ceiling fans. 776-8984 New 3bdrm/3bth Foxrun Condominium. 776-6079, Storage unit sale. C.S. w/d, futon, desks, bookshelf, other furniture. Saturday, 7am-3pm. 219 Manuel Dr. #N-3. New 5bd/4ba house, 3-living areas, 2-din ing. On 4.28acre lot. $2500. Available 10/1. Call 979-690-6735. HELP WANTED Healthy women 18yrs+ not taking hormo nal preparations are invited to participate in behavioral research paying $10-20 for 1-2hrs of time, for further information, contact. Dr. Alexander: 979-458-4512, 1M/F in 2bd/1.5ba. $3O0/itiai ble &high-speed internet or near Rock Prairie. 979-324-58: Now leasing 2bdrm/1.5bth and 2bdrm/1bth 4-plexes, close to campus, great location, nice floor plans, shuttle bus, 776-6079, Apply Now- PT Work. *$10.25 Base/Appt* Students welcome! Flex schedules, sales/svc., all ages 18+. condi tions apply. Call Mon-Wed, 696-7734. Love working with kids? Hiring part-time, afternoons, Mon.-Fri., off weekends Call 979-846-1762 or fax resume, 979-846-3387. 1 M/F in 3/3 duplex ASAP' bills. W/D, fenced yard, pe' 210-378-1763 2-M/F needed ASAP! 3Mmv2! S267/mo. +1/3MIS. 281-813-0586 Now leasing 3bdrm/2bth houses & 2bdrm/1bth duplexes, fenced yards, close to campus, Caregiver for disabled A&M student. Help w/dressing, bathing, etc. T/Th, 2-4. Eve nings, 10-11:30, weekends. $5.75/hr. Contact David, 764-6016 or vanzandtaggie @ Martial Arts School seeks customer serv ice rep w/computer skills. $15/hr. week. 2501 Texas Avenue A104 CS (Lacks Shopping Center). ,ai ilingL icisco. droppe ions t Price to rent! 3bdrm/2bth duplex. Rock Hollow Loop, pets ok. big yard, w/d con nections. 979-822-9818. Carpenters Needed. Flexible hours, must have own bags/ hand tools, $7.50/hr. 775-7126. Now hiring bar staff. Apply in person be tween 3-8pm, 2010 S.College Ave., Bryan. 2F needed to share ne* i house. S475/mo all Mis paid I r unfurnished, pets negotiable G non (979)690-3608. t rancist dsnea; ce the i 2roommates neec Some pets OK 979-574-6771. Ridgewood Village, large very quiet tree-shaded Ibdrm/lbth studio, no pets, $415/mo., $200 deposit, 1201-1209 Holik. 696-2998. Part-time travel agents wanted.Free train ing. Excellent income. Call Margie. 936-662-8729. Hurry. Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don’t buy, rent a washer & dryer, $30/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local. Faster, Better! 764-3902 SIX DAYS. NO NIGHTS. (you can sleep when you die) P/T house keeper to work in morning. For more information, call 979-255-1340. ^ SnoDaze. '05 ^ =(J J - Jan. 3-ll Info 888-777-4642 PT Work. $10.25 Base/Appt. Flex around classes. All ages 18+. Sales/Svc., conditions apply. CALL NOW 695-1386. F-needed ASAP. Cute 2/1 duf lease $275/mo. +1/2utte 512-699-4173. Needed. roommate, icl $400/mo. +1/2bills, w/d. Call 82tJ >n heck ■ncisco ion Satur Roommate wanted. ZtttmZSit \ Master available, good +bills. Jim, 979-676-0212. The Battalion Advertising office has openings for typesetters. Quark knowledge required, InDesign knowl edge a plus. Must be currently en rolled at A&M. Interested applicants apply at 015 Reed McDonald Bldg, ask forTrish or Sandi. Seeking roommates to share l S325/mo. +$325 deposit. Imile ti available now. 713-203-8248. Wanted waitresses and bartenders TABC certified. Apply at 2820 Pinfeather, Bryan TX. Ask for Larry. The Cowboy. TIME FOR A CHANGE? 2( ior girls need one female i Great duplex, great location, Sill ©Dexter. $325/mo. plus share:J Please call Bethany at 820-1995j[ 409-659-8760. [col lege skiw.eek^c'om 17 Hot*Destinationsj Book Early afReceivef Free Meals Free Drinks mjnj) Trove/ Free & Be VIP 1.888.Spring.Break 'Wiww.studantcity.coml #7 College Ski« Bean! Week Breck, Vail, K Beavercreek, Arapahoe Basin & Keystone 1-800S: Youth Director. Part-time. Flexible hours. $1,000/mo. Ideal candidate will be youth oriented, spiritually mature, en ergetic, a team leader. 979-823-8073. SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS Download your cellphone ringtones and Texas A&M logos at G&Me gifts and antiques. 3219 South Texas Ave. Vintage clothing, hats, and accessories. All your gift needs. AAA Texas Defensive Driving.: fun, Laugh-a-lotll Ticket dis« ance discount. M-T(6p r '- i z Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat- M &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(6i Former student serving you 2 ces above Aggieland Kiva lug] (next door to Applebee's). come. $25/cash. Lowest pitt] 104 Texas Ave. S. 846-6117. 30/min. early. Linda’s Typing Service 979-690-1518, Resumes, disserta tions, class thesis. STUDIES IN PROGRESS MOTORCYCLE "The Library" ©Northgate isa private parties 7 days a week-1 live pricing. Contact 979-739-1967. 2001 Yamaha YZF 600, Black, 713-806-4988 or 979-693-9340 $3800, TICKETS 1 Senior sports pass for Kans Athlete’s Foot Study $40. Call 979-219-2475 2002 Suzuki GZ250, black, $2800, 979-324-9072 Volunteers ages 10 and older are needed to participate in a 6-week clinical research study with an investigational topical medication for athlete’s foot. Eligible volunteers will receive at no cost: 2003 Honda CBR 600RR. Runs well, drives well, 2500mi., $6000. 979-739-4594. 3 senior sports passes for Kan game. $75/each OBO. 979-690-7072 • Study related medication • Study related medical examinations relating to their athletes foot • Compensation up to $100 for time and effort 2003 Suzuki GSXR 750. Runs great, drives better. $7000, 979-739-4594. For Sale: Sophomore sports p rest of the season. $230,979#| MUSIC Junior sports pass for Kansas s] $60 OBO. 512-577-2444 Call for more information. Fever Blister/Cold Sore Study Ace DJs offering the best music in kar aoke w/awesome lighting for the lowest price guaranteed! Call 1-888-GOACEDJ (1-888-462-2335) Need sportspass for K-State. for Co/OU. Ramon 979-575-82211 Senior sports pass for K-S $100 OBO. 979-575-7989. Volunteers, ages 18-80 years of age who have at least 3 outbreaks a year, are needed to participate in a clinical research study of an investigational topical medication for the treatment of fever blisters Eligible volunteers will receive at no cost: • Study related examination of your cold sore • Study medication • Compensation up to $320 for time and effort Call for more information. Are You Allergic To Metal? Volunteers, ages I 8 to 55 are needed to participate in a one-month long clinical research study to evaluate the clinical response of an investigational topical study drug on patients whose skin show an allergic reaction to nickel. You may qualify for this study if your skin reacts to: • Jewelry • Zippers, Belt Buckles, or Snaps ' • Coins or other metal objects Volunteers will need to make 12 visits to the office for blood draws and skin evaluations, 5 of these visits will last up to 8 hours. Volunteers who qualify for entry into the study will be compensated up to $1050 for their time and effort. Call for more information. Audio Project DJ your A&M DJ Service. 3000-watt system, 18-inch subwoofers, light show. Call 979-571-7416. Sophomore Sports Pass fcj State, Colorado, and OklaW each game OBO. 979-661-11 TRAVEL LOWICK Efficiency, One or Two Bedroom Spacious FloorPlans Ask Us About Our Semester Leases! 693-1325 #1 Spring Break Bahamas Cel!:] Cruise! 5 Days $299! Parties! Cancun, Acapulco, maica From $459! Panama! tona $159! www.SpringBreak'] 1 -800-678-6386. Summer Work in MODELING Swimwear/Beauty/Slamour Call (979)268-1379. Spring Break 2005- Travel 1 America’s #1 Student Tour I Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco, 1 and Florida. Now hiring on-call! Call for group Information/Reservations 1-8( or J8vS Studies, Inc. The Physician Centre • 979-774-5933 3201 University Dr. E., Suite 475, Bryan, Texas 77802 $450 Group Fundraiser Scheduling Bonus 4 hours of your group’s time PLUS our free (yes, free) fundraising solutions EQUALS $ 1,000-$2,000 in earnings for your group. Call TODAY for a $450 bo nus when you schedule your non-sales fundraiser with CampusFundraiser. Con tact CampusFundraiser, (888)923-3238, or visit Spring Break 2005. Hiring 0 Meals!! Nov. 6th Deadline! R« i | groups. Hottest destinations anil 1-800-426-7710. THE NATIONS MOST POPUt* LEGE SKI WEEK. Pat Green ( nadian Ragweed, Kevin Fo» many more. or call 1-81 Travel agents needed. Sign-up] wholesale travel credentials nt» for as little as $25/day. FreaJ Hurry. Call Margie. 936-f book your own travel. 0/2 Ries Erl JM