Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 2004)
SPORTS [he battalion 3B Friday, September 17, 2004 limners invade mb M- fOllege Station for ' kic (price must K r( &M Invitational i doesn’t sell, ilify for the 5 ed early. RCYCLE : 600, Black, 9-693-9340 The A&M cross country team ked off its season under the (price must I r ection of new head coach Dan onal possess;| a ( ers | as t weekend by finishing cond in men’s and women’s divi- ons at the Lobo invitational at the liversity of New Mexico. “They fared really well in the al- ude there," Waters said. “Every- le really competed hard. We know ere our fitness level is, and we’ll it a lot faster and a lot better." Highlighting the men’s show- '39-4594 p' n New Mexico were holdovers eooR-R r - Jnior Jonathan Lewis and junior 2500mi jjatt McLeod, who finished eighth d 10th respectively. McLeod and Lewis are some of |e runners Waters will be looking for team leadership. “Lewis is one of the best we’ve id, and McLeod looks to be one of etop five this year," Waters said. On the women’s side, Waters id last year's missed opportu- Ities will translate into success |is year. he best muscil "A couple of girls that either lighting lor the At injured or redshirted last can i-888GCk* ar are getting to run,” Waters , , . . Bid. An underachieving team iour a&m oj s-Bom last year has a chance to dt some things." J Fourteen teams will participate ig how to play J the two-day tournaments, in ch ding the University of Texas, Teas Christian University and ETS Ice University, ht off the famr'I ‘We'll run our race, work togeth- Box tram land make sure we all run well at me," Waters said. jetskis SL . and low hr 6)886-2292. JSIC 18-inch -571-7416 adoption! Vist Runnin’ wild EVAN O'CONNELL - Thc Battalion Aggie senior cross country team member and senior wildlife and fisheries science major Vanessa Kelly runs through Research Park. A&M is hosting an invitational tournament this weekend which will showcase 14 collegiate teams from around Texas. Puppies. CKC Taking depose ESTATE ; CS duplex. 693-1851. Experience 1 Your Own TAMU- 979-6" Soccer ontinued from page 1 B \&M will offer. “We wanted to play an out-of-region, op-25 team,” Cano said. “Playing at one of he toughest places, against one of the best Reams will be a test, and we’ll find out how ood we are.” The Anteaters are led by senior defender Alyson Spencer and sophomore forward Britney Webster. Webster has two game winning goals already this season. Yet, UC-Irvine has yet to be tested this year and traveling to A&M is a tall task. “We started out kind of slow, but the last game we played well,” Cano said. “Going to College Station is no easy task, and we will learn a lot about ourselves. Playing at A&M will get us going, and our kids will eat it up. We’re looking forward to it.” com T,“.football .OOO. Q79 m 2$ , *Sxi rnd clean Call 512-55; ontinued from page 1 B /IMATES I „ wit of offense that has given l&M’s defense trouble over lie past few years, as they like to spread the offense out and needed AS ^ lirow to multiple receivers, t. Cali 823-66'; |lemson also likes to catch its S35b/mon5#P° nents offguard by fre- iternet, on busBiently going to a no-huddle 979-324-5836. oti'ense. However, the NCAA e 3bdrm/2.5bi iliplemented a new rule this es. $380/mo. (Sff-season aimed at helping de fenses overcome these hurry- P! 3bdrm/2bHi» 0 ff ens i ve schemes. The rule Bates that the defense will be -Jven the opportunity to rotate mis paid * |s players before the offense is negotiable, a 111 owed to snap the ball. A&M defensive coordina- |r Carl Torbush said his team ply needs to be focused and dy to play every down. “Instead of being able to hoop _d holler a little bit after a big nate. aWmB , , , , , ^d.Caii82i-22j a y* y ou ve g ot to g et ready -—r—-T^iplay the next play,” Torbush to share f , , snandoah SuW*d. Hopefully it won t be a sadvantage, but in no way will s to shareTw be an advantage.” posit. imile w Perhaps the scariest part of 103-8248. ^ e Q emson offensive equation 4GE? 2 Chrisfe' Whitehurst, who Torbush re- ? f T ale mS irds as one of the elite. location, SW n f . . plus shared I' Thisguy is special. I think he s at 820-1995 oi*e of the top in the country when |u talk about touch on the deep \/lCES [ll, touch on the short ball, the se, $260/mo. owed. Sta-at?'! ability to throw the deep ball accu rately and on a line,” Torbush said. “And he probably has as quick of release as I’ve ever seen.” With game-breakers like senior wide receiver Airese Currie, the Ti gers aren’t short on speed either. “It’s going to be as fine athletic team as anybody we’re going to see,” said A&M head coach Dennis Franchione. “We obviously have two or three outstanding teams on our schedule that are going to have great speed, but across the board speed - this team has it.” Like the Aggies, though. Gem- son is a little banged up at the run ning back position. Junior Duane Coleman, last year’s starter, has yet to play a down this season af ter breaking a bone in his foot last month, but is listed as question able for Saturday’s game. Coaches from both sides hesi tate to call this game vital, noting the importance of every game, but all understand how signifi cant a win this weekend could be for their respective team. For Clemson, it would mean getting back on track and living up to its high potential. The Tigers can’t afford to open up 1 -2 with all the obstacles that still lie ahead. And for the Aggies, a win would mean making a statement to the rest of the Big 12. It would mean showing that they can con tend with a top-level team with a high-powered offense. The Match ups □ QB Ivf □ □ wu |vf EfoUMI |vf Irll M | | □ o' □ «« [vT □ 81 - Depending on health status of Courtney Lewis Brandi Dunn • THE BATTALION ive Driving, Ticket dismissal r M-T(6pm-9pif I &Sat.- Fri(6pi* I Sat(8am-2;> 1 nng you 20yrs. | nd Kiva Inn, 51 bee’s). Walk*'I Lowest price t* I 846-6117. Ski /ITH MIKE ^ uctor CFI, CFt Call (956)455 thgate is avails 1 ,ys a week- Contact • <ETS iking pass v# 1 member 6th. ! 3 for K-State ■7989. i WEL 5- Travel 3nt Tour Ope 6 Acapulco, & iring on-camp 1 ® group ^ tions 1-800-641 Y OU CAN STILL HAVE YOUR GROUP'S picture taken for Texas A&M's 2005 Aggieland yearbook. Photo sessions with Corps units, Greeks and Residence Halls are underway. Photo shoots for club sports and academic and other student organizations will begin in October. Space is limited, so turn in your contracts today. Follow these easy steps: (1) Download a contract from or pick one up in room 004 Reed McDonald Building. (2) Fill out your contract and return it with payment to room 015 Reed McDonald. Questions? Call 845-2682 for details. Aggielancl2005 '■— 7 v — 7 Texas A&M University SENIORS. We need your graduation portrait for the 2005 Aggieland yearbook. Graduation portraits for Texas A&M University's 2005 Aggieland yearbook will be taken Monday through Friday, Sept. 13-24,2004, in MSC Room 027. Hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day. There is no sitting fee required to be photographed for the yearbook. To make your appointment, go to Go to Scheduling, then click New User, and complete with Registration Password: tarn Or schedule by calling Thornton Studio at 1-800-883-9449, or see the photographer beginning Sept. 13. 2005 A Wors flip ‘Directory J2 €atfudic 'Nan-'DeiMnimtianal St. Mary’s Catholic Center 603 Church Avenue in Northgate (979)846-5717 Daily Masses Mon.-Fri.: 5:30 p.m. in the Church Tues. & Thurs.: 12:05 noon in the TAMU All Faiths' Chapel Weekend Masses Sat: 2:00 p.m. (Korean), 5:30 p.m. (English), 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Sun.: 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Confessions Wed. 8:30-9:30 p.m., Sat. 4:00-5:15 p.m. or by appointment.. Parkway Baptist Church I 50 I Southwest Pkwy (979) 693-470 I Sunday Worship 10:45 am & 6 pm Sunday School 9:30 am A&M Church of Christ 2475 Earl Rudder Freeway S. (979)693-0400 Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m., College Bible Class 10:30 a.m. Mid-Week 6:45 p.m. Aggies for Christ Call for on-campus pick-up info 693-0400 To advertise on this page call The Battalion today! 1 845-2696 J GateWay Community Church Meeting 1.5 miles from TAMU Small Groups on Campus GATEWAYBGS.COM 571-GATE o cxHnmunityCHU RCH AJESUSCOMMUNflY. Sundays: worsNp@10:30ajn. Now Meeting at Oakwood Intermediate School Just across from campus, off George Bush Dr. on Holik St. ComGroups during the week Paskxs Ross King & Scot Stotz www.como 1UKO I .com 260-1163 IPreshyterian Covenant Presbyterian Church 220 Rock Prairie Road (979) 694-7700 Rev. Dr. George Klett Worship: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Students Welcome J