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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 2004)
Have You Heard the Buzz? Bee A Good Neighbor Carnival DENT E /Vise Main Hallway Wednesday, September 15, 2004 11:00am - 1:00pm learn how you can be a good neighbor Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! September 13 th - October 15 -th Kickoff and Reception Monday, September 13 th MSC Flagroom President Gates 1 1:30 a.m. — 1:30 p.m. Conversaciones September 16 th — October 13* MSC Room 201 Latino Film Series September 14 '-October 14 th Tuesdays, 2 nd Floor MSC 5:00 p.m. Thursdays, 2 nd Floor MSC 7:00 p.m. i Brought to you by: Dr. James Anderson, VP & Associate Provost, Institutional Assessment & Diversity Mexican American and Latino Faculty Association (MALFA) Memorial Student Center (MSC) For more information go to: "* or call 845-4551 nttMMMV cot \Oi hpc.tamu edu pHn TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY QUANTUM COW: 260-COWS PRCKCTS NOW nvminBlC AT NOT€S-n-QUOT€S! CHEMISTRY BIOLOGY PHYSICS ORGANIC LAB PACKETS PRELABS, POSTLABS, REPORTS! A&M/BLINN CHEMISTRY STUDY GUIDE SL SOLUTIONS MANUALS! OWL A ACCOUNTING CAPA SOLUTIONS INCIUDCD! HELP W/ANY PROBLEMS W/PURCHASE! BILLT'S VIDEO SOLN'S! *ALL PACKETS HAVE BEEN RE-WRITTEN AND REVISED FOR FALL 2004 W/MORE DESCRIPTIVE ANSWERS & FREE HELP W/PURCHASE, ANY TIME! SENIORS. We need your graduation portrait for the 2005 Aggieland yearbook. Graduation portraits for Texas A&M University's 2005 Aggieland yearbook will be taken today through Sept. 24, 2004, in MSC Room 027. Hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. There is no sitting fee required to be photographed for the yearbook. ^ To make your appointment, go to Go to Scheduling, then click New User, and complete with Registration Password: tarn Or schedule by calling Thornton Studio at 1-800-883-9449, or see the photographer beginning Sept. 13. Aqqieland2005 ^ Texas A&M University Monday, September 13, 2004 the bat ttai Tennis dedication Fifty ye; coach Pai players to Fifty years players ret for a reunii Jason L ble in the the HousU Pittsburgh Mark Te homer in tl the Texas F lead over tl Jays, and F recorded h complete a of the Blue Former A&M tennis star George P. Mitchell talks to members of the tennis team Saturday after thei tion ceremony for the Tennis Center on West Campus Mitchell is the chairman and chief executive oflio Mitchell Energy and Development, and is responsible for the master plan of the Woodlands. Texas The No. team defea 3-0 to take Hurricane Ivan slams the Golden Tournamer conference v* 1 ! Grand Cayman Island By Jay Ehrhart THE ASSOCIATED PRESS GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands — Hurricane Ivan bat tered the Cayman Islands with ferocious 150-mph winds Sun day, flooding homes, ripping off roofs and toppling trees three stories tall as its powerful eye thundered past just offshore. Ivan has killed at least 60 people across the Caribbean and was expected to strike west ern Cuba, where residents have dubbed the storm “Ivan the Ter rible,” on Monday. More than 1 million Cubans were evacuated from their homes. The storm also could brush the Florida Keys and parts of Flori da’s Gulf Coast. Mexico issued a hurricane watch and tropical storm warning for the northeast ern Yucatan Peninsula. The hurricane, which grew to the most powerful Category 5 with 165 mph winds Saturday, lost some strength before tearing into the wealthy Cayman Islands chain, a popular scuba diving destination and banking center. “It’s as bad as it can possibly get,” Justin Uzzell, 35, said by telephone from his fifth-floor refuge in Grand Cayman. “It’s a horizontal blizzard. The air is just foam.” High winds prevented offi cials from assessing damage im mediately. But Donnie Ebanks, deputy chairman of the British territory’s National Hurricane Committee, estimated that as many as half of Grand Cayman’s 15,000 homes were damaged. At 5 p.m. EDT, Ivan’s eye was about 225 miles southeast of Cuba’s western tip. Hurricane- force winds extended 90 miles and tropical storm-force winds extended 175 miles. Ivan was moving west-northwest at near 10 mph and was expected to turn northwest by Monday. It was projected to pass near or over Cuba’s western end by Monday afternoon or evening. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said the storm surge could reach 25 feet with dangerous, battering waves. The Cayman Islands were better prepared for the punish ment than Grenada and Jamaica, which were slammed by Ivan in the past week — though Jamaica was spared a direct hit Saturday. The Caymans have strict build ing codes and none of the shan tytowns and tin shacks common elsewhere in the Caribbean. The Hurricane Center said ham radio operators on Grand Cayman reported that people were standing on the roofs of homes because of storm surg es of up to eight feet above normal tide levels. While it was nearly a direct hit on Grand Cayman, the eye of the storm did not make land fall. passing instead over^ just south of the island, saidi fad Mojica, a Hurricane Gel meteorologist. Still, emergency official# residents from all parts of| island were reporting off roofs and flooded homi Ivan’s shrieking winds and ing rain approached Grand man, the largest of three isl that comprise the British lory of 45,000 people. The government said Gl Cayman was “experiencing! most severe portion ofllumf Ivan” on Sunday morning.: I “We know there is $ age and it is severe,” saidf Emanuel of the Government formation Service. The airport runway I flooded and trees 1 wrenched from their rf including a giant Cayman* hogany next to the govern^ headquarters in downtl George Town. Radio Ca went off the air tempon before resuming broaden: Though there were no iiC diate reports of injuries Caymans, the death tol where rose as hospital o in Jamaica reported four deaths, for a total of 15. Ad 34 people were killed in nada, where the hurricane widespread destruction, tcred deaths occurred on islands and in Venezuela. pAPAJOHNs Gig ‘em! Proud Sponsor Of exas A&M Athletics and Man Rewards Prograff Look for us at your favorite Sportina, events! The 12 th Now Delivering Until 3AM! 601 University (Northgate) 846-3600 Open until 3 AM! 1100 Harvey Rd. 164-1212 Lobby Open until 10 PM 1740 Rock Prairie 680-0508 Lobby Open until 10 PM Order Online! PARTY PACK 4 Large I Topping Pizza’s ONLY $27.99 MONDAY MADNESS CONTINUES ON! I Large 1 Topping Pizza! ONLY $5.99 Monday Only! Pick-Up Only Late Night Special! 1 Large 1 Topping I Only $ 6.99 | Pick-up or Delivery j I0PM-Midnight Northgate Lunch Speed Any Slice and A Drink! 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