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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 7, 2004)
I • V M Apartments 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom $ 499 ^Fitness Center ^Outside Storage *Walk-ln Closets ^Sparkling Pool ^Shuttle Route 24 Hour Maintenance (979) 693-3701 1700 Southwest Parkway WE WANT YOU! One month FREE when you sign a I year lease or 2 weeks FREE when you sign a 9 month lease on a I or 2 bedroom unit • Shuttle Bus Route • Basketball Court . Free Cable • Swimming Pool . Sand Volleyball Court • Fitness Center Eastmark Apartments 2400 Central Park Lane 693-8066 Free Rent or Special Rates Five 2 bedroom floorplans to choose from Mill Creek Condos • Select units with washer/dryer and some fireplaces Free Internet 801 Spring Loop, C.S. 846-2976 July Special Summer CyrauliuitecS Check out our original and unique Graduation Announcements at Ma Order today and receive them in approximately 1 week! We have our own special design licensed by A&M. Don't mss it! Graduation Announcements • Graduation Remembrance Displays Thank You Notes • Personalized Graduate Notepads 1902 Texas Ave. South • College Station (Texas Avenue and Park Place, in front of the new HEB) 693-8621 M-F 8:30-5:30 TICKETS ON SALE NOW! JULY 13 & 14 . pe* i-iriREED Arena .*..-.11 A&M UNtVKttSITt Tue. JULY 13 + 7:30 PM | | Wed. OPENING NIGHT JULY 14 SAVE $5 ON TICKETS! 3:30 PM’# 7:30 PM'# ’KIDS UNDER 12 - SAVE S4.00 ON TICKETS? (•STUDENTS. FACULTY AND STAFF - SAVE S5.00 ON TICKETS! (Exclude Fri.*tf Row and VP seals Nb doutie disocwnta.) For the fastest and easiest way to order tickets, go to WWW.Rin9ling.COiH tkketrn?$Q>r Ticket Centers including Foley's, Arena Box Office or call (979) 268-0414 for Information s Groups call (979) 862-REED TICKET PRICES: $15 - $18 - $23 limited number of Front Row and VIP seats available. Call for details. (Semcut ciimgcs ami handling Ich;s nmy apply.* Meet the clowns and animals at the Three Ring Adventure' - one hour before showtime. Wednesday, July 7, 2004 THE BAIT. by Will U Board Continued from pad Donate Continued from page 1 did donate, there would never be a shortage,” Pat terson said. APO has brought college students together to strive to achieve service-oriented goals including friendship, community service and leadership. APO has sponsored many blood drives for stu dents to donate blood and help the American Red Cross send blood to hospitals, according to the organization’s Web site. On Wednesday, students can donate blood at the Bio-Bio building from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Wehner from 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., and Sbisa from 11:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. On Thursday, students can donate blood at Rudder from 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Sbisa from 11:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., and Read from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday, the last day to donate blood, students can donate blood at Sbi sa from 11:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Rudder from 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. If anyone has any questions about donating blood, they can call 268-4755 or contact Theresa Evangelista at 739-7950. “We strongly encourage everyone to come by and donate blood,” Evangelista said. that apply. He has a bn deep background welh this job. I don’t think| have found a better perso job than Bob.” Creel said he has Surovik for 10 years "as student and excellent lai He said that while candidates would haved Surovik brings a lot to4 “Bob has excellent] and vast experience in and legal areas,” Creel s loves A&M and hasagre edge of how things woit Surovik also served chair of the Associatioi mer Students’ One Spiriil sion campaign committel Surovik said hisexpeiif “tic HufI gifts' lie a useful tool in hisdti “I like to gather all the fore I offer opinions on Surovik said. “I’ve se a lot of boards and 1L RDAF SPOR- Speaker Continued from page 1 Speaker-elect. “If someone wants to know the faculty’s po sition they call the speaker.” Gunn also plans to make fac ulty involvement a primary goal during his term. “There is quite a lot of apathy on the part of faculty members,” Gunn said. “A lot of faculty members are of the opinion that the voice of the faculty doesn’t matter to the administration. It is incorrect and certainly in correct under Dr. Gates. He is involving the faculty in a lot of decisions.” Gunn also volunteers his time to run a freshman learn ing committee made up of 25 first year genetics and bio chemistry majors. “He does this (freshman learning committee) on his own without help,” said Dr. Martha Loudder, accounting profes sor and former Speaker of the Faculty Senate. “Each year he takes the students to Europe for Spring Break.” Gunn has served as a senator for the past three years. He has served as an at-large member of the Executive Committee and as Secretary-Treasurer. He has served on several commit tees including the President’s Task Forces on Academic In tegrity and the search commit tee for the Vice President of Student Affairs. Students have honored Gunn by naming him a Fish Camp namesake in 1997. He was also given the Academic Inspiration Award by one of his students in 1996. “(Gunn will) be a great per son to accomplish all of his goals,” Loudder said. “He’s quite organized and is very persuasive. I think people on campus have a lot of respect for him.” Professor 1°. need to be a good listenel ^ ie u a Big 1- —-Ham ma list. The Icn nati in the fii Continued from paot| a(lvancei Bent bel Rojo del BustowillH in his position at A&MH 9. Tc provides employmentsetH Tocca immigrants and foreign'Bason b working with the Ten.[the thin University System. ].()()() pc steals in Free Rent Or Special Rates I «#oy*e P>ieanancu 6W m f * * OF BRAZOS V* pnng eights Visit Our LARGE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS or FOURPLEXES 1 BEDROOM STUDIOS with washer/dryer connection Visit us & check for yourself! 409 Summer Court, C.S. 846-3569 FREE PREGNANCY TES Rojo del Bustoisactij community and inproiB And tc ter relations between tkliiams \va States and Spain, Asto 1 Silver St His Majesty, Juan (s King of Spain, honored!, 8. Za Busto with the title KniB g e f on mander of the Royal (H an y tlje A&b ason g Collej Jacksc &M G ■e 15-0 g and a Merit in 2001. ♦ Pregnancy, Adoption & Abortion Education ♦ Post Abortion Peer Counseling ♦ Adoption, Medical & Community Service Referrals ♦ All Services Free & Confidential ♦ Open M-F 9-5 and some evenings & Saturda ♦ I 7. 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Cross St Cm A iSi IKVIS • 3l K tmmmm rs?™ . _y ^ f- ~ 0 \ SyiET The Battalio Joshua Hobson, Editor in Chief Elizabeth Webb, Managing Editor Lauren Rouse, Copy Chief 9 Brian Cain, News Editor Ruben DeLuna, Graphics Edit* Julie Bone, Aggielife Editor JP Beato III, Photo Editor M Jordan Meserole, Sports Editor Kendra Kingsley, Radio ProA® Sara Foley, Opinion Editor Yen Cao, Webmaster Staff Members Aggielife —Lydia Adams, David Barry, Daniel Chapman, Jose Cruz, Amber Gray, Jimmy Hissong, Will Knous, Carrie Pierce, Jay Slovacek, Christina Teichman, Teresa Weaver City — Joanna Jemison, Shawn Millender, Carrie Pierce, Michael Player, Erin Price, Pammy Ramji, Miles Sasser, Chelsea Sledge, James Twine, Natalie Younts Copy -Abri Foster, Lindsye Forson, Nikki Knight, Kara Ryan, Rachel Valencia Graphics —Grade Arenas, Andrew Burleson, Rylie Deyoe, Ivan Flores, Will Lloyd, Tony Piedra KfisW* cw , Heath 0*1 Opinion — John David Blakley, Nicholas Davis, George Deutscli, Lively, Matt Maddox, Clint Rainey,Co# David Shoemaker, Jonathan Smith,lo* Steed, Kelley Sweeney, MikeWalteis Photo —Sharon Aeschbach, Randal Ford, Whitney Martin, Alejal Martinez, David Morris, EvanOCoi Brian Wills Sports —Ryan Irby, Nikki Knight Newsroom Clerks -Kyle Carter, Reynoso Advertising — Michael Bingham, Sco# Dennis, Lauren Schulman THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Fridof ing the fall and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the so' session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M Uni* Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Se changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, 1111 TAMU, College StatW 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M Ui# in the Division of Student Media. News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald B# Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail:; Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorser^ The Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-: classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDiY and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M $tud f ' pick up a single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 25f scriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 summer or $10 a month. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or A(#' Express, call 845-2611.