Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 2004)
THE BATTALION 1'riday, May7,J 2b To place a classified ad: Business Hours Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Office: Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building t Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non commercial advertisers offering personal Possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t vT advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the R additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early AUTO FOR RENT 1994 Black Mazda MX3 automatic. Car history available, 94000 miles 979-680- 3115. BED AND BREAKFAST FARM/RANCH FOR RENT 1-3/bedroom apartments Some with w/d, some near campus S175-$600/mo 696- 2038. 101 Sulphur Springs. Near Chicken Oil, 3bd or 4bd/2ba. 2000sqft CHM. hardwood floors, new paint, new roof, S 1200/mo 979-224-0675. 1bd/1ba 809 Yegua, Bryan. W/D, Refriger ator included. Balcony, quiet neighbor hood, bus route. $495/mo. Call David (936)545-5200 or (936)636-7923. Ibd/lba country cottage, acreage and stall available, 20min. to TAMU, $375/mo., all bills paid, 979-218-4712 Answers to todays puzzle can be found on Pg. 3b. Answer to previous puzzle ■ rran MAKE SI A L I BlI HHHn L1UH3 □QCQm □HamHomomro 11—, 1 IW DM 0 |V|EINMA| V 1A| ^^pTaIrB^^A; BI □□□HU ^□□□om^Qmaamaao □□□□ amaH uaaoo fiTT □□□□□□□CDOQ □□ ElRlAlSl R; aannn 0 u mm H □□BQ □ Sana Newsday Crossword ACROSS 1 Competition of yore 6 Covenant 10 Vineyard valley 14 Tiresomeness 15 Morales of NY PD Blue 16 Aussie bird 17 Lucy's landlady 18 Entrance demarcation 20 Greek letter 21 Tennis do-over 23 Blunder 24 In the envelope: Abbr. 26 Olive of comics 28 Regard as the same 29 Jargons 31 Scopes defender 33 Minstrel’s sona 34 Glove material 35 Regular writing 36 With entrance prevented, perhaps 42 Dayan of Israel 43 Leave-taking 44 Song syllable 47 “Now it's clear!" 48 Clears, as a windshield 49 Be empathic 51 Health club 53 NFL positions 54 Actress Harmon 55 Sailor’s 41 Down 57 Club room 59 Entrance step-overs 63 Curtain fabric 65 Green land 66 Potatoes partner 67 Cager Shaquille 68 _ Scott Decision 69 Tower city 70 Unstylish, perhaps DOWN 1 SUV cousin 2 Fleeing 3 Distraught 4 Boy in a Cash song 5 Use a plow 6 Insignificant 7 Mountain tree 8 Train unit 9 Stalemate 10 ’60s jacket style 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 2001 Ford Expedition XLT Sport, towing package, 4x4, 5.4liters, ranch hand bump er, silver, excellent condition, $18000, 979-220-0606 2001 Haundi Sonata, custom only 30,000mi, 1-owner, loaded, sunroof, all extras, 979-823-0662. Immaculate 2003 Volkswagen Jetta GLS, black, 6,000-miles, 5/60,000 warranty, 5- speed, Monsoon Sound System, $17,000. 979-690-9724 Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,’70, 979- 696-0091. 2/1 duplex Rummer lease $450/mo. OBO. W/D connections, fenced yard 832-794- 3810. ATTENTION HORSEMEN! GIANT SAD DLE & TACK AUCTION Wed., May 12th - 7:30pm, Ramada Inn -Aggieland, 1502 Texas Ave , College Station Western Suppliers is returning to your area with two big trailer loads! Get in gear for up coming trail rides, shows & events Over 100 saddles by: Billy Cook, Longhorn, Circle T & More! Bits, bridles, halters, spurs, ropes, leads, collars, wormer. buck ets. blankets, cinchs, tote bags, work & show gear, assorted tools, decorative items & more! We ll treat you right & save you big bucks! 'Bring your used saddles for trade-in credit For info: (800)656- 3133 Auctioneer: Rodney Kankey TX*13763. 2/2-condo carpet, appliances. W/D. wa ter/gas paid Bus route Doubletree Con dos, 1901 W Holleman Available now, 713-862-2010. 203 Pronghorn 4/2/2 Luxurious 4/2/2 available August. Pets ok, huge backyard Shuttle, must see to believe! 979-574- 8425 2bd/1ba duplex, in Bryan. W/D connec tions. fireplace, fenced yard. $580/mo 979-774-5776. 2bd/1ba Townhome for rent $475/mo. wa ter included. W/D connections. 979-219- 2916 Horse Boarding: 6 stalls 12mi. to campus. 30acres. good grass, owners on premises, $160/mo. Includes hay, feedings. Stum- out. 776-7902 2bd/2ba Duplex lOOOsqft W/D connec tions lawn-care, large yard, available 5/18/04 $800 979-690-2439. S495/mo. starts Large 2/2 condo. W/D, carport, walk/ bike to TAMU Unbeatable price. 979-694-2323 2bdrm/1ba duplexes available July 1st, August 1st W/D, brand new refngerator new carpet, small fenced back yard, on the shuttle in CS. S520/mo Call 777-7151 2bdrm/2ba duplex off Navarro/ Welbom W/D, S85Q/mo. new condition 214-316- 6598 $780/mo . 3/2 duplex, oft SpringLoop, w/d, bus route, fenced backyard Spatio, new paint/ appliances. Discount summer rate $600/mo. Shelley. 281 •728 0344 *•* 3bd/3ba duplex in C.S., 1300+sq ft., steps from shuttle, all appliances. W/D. gas. extra large living area, available July/August $999/mo. 324-1138 3-2 CS duplexes, on shuttle Very nice, tile, fireplace, ethernet, w/d, fenced, lawn service, pets okay Available May/Aug 979-574-6291. 979-676-1391. 979-255- 0424 3/2 duplex 1618 Rock Hollow Available 08/05/04, w/d, shuttle, lawn care, $900/mo.. 979-739-2560 3/2 duplex 2901 Brittain Available 05/16/04, w/d, shuttle, lawn care included $950/mo . 979-739-2560. 3/2 duplex. 2302 Pronghorn. Available 08/03/04. w/d. shuttle, lawn care included, $975/mo.. 979-739-2560. 3/2 duplex. 2yrs new, brick, tile, applian ces. ceiling fans, w/d connections, S875/mo, available now. 979-587-0824. 3/2 duplex, like new 3 yrs old, well main tained. w/d. lawn care included, no pets $900/mo. 846-5722. 3/2 duplex, w/d. ethernet. No pets, rent negotiable. 690-9466. 4/2, 4/3 houses available May or Aug, owner/ agent, 979-268-7400. GRILL&TAVERN* Join us for lunch! 5 minutes or it’s FREE! Come in and try our signature Monte Cristo and Death by Chocolate May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty! ENTRANCE EXAM by A.J. Santora Edited by Stanley Newman 11 Unprincipled 12 Jai alai ball 13 Little Shop of Horrors character 19 Melodic passage 22 Aurora alias 25 Genetic 27 Trees with needlelike leaves 28 Fashion reporter Klensch 29 Tempe sch. 30 House wreckers 32 Steelmaking need 35 Pretense 37 Come up short 38 Remove, as a hat 39 More like some knees 40 Sandwich order 41 Word of assent 44 Took Monty Hall’s offer 45 Corot contemporary 46 Tipper’s hubby 48 Life With Father author 50 Broadcast 52 Trattoria selection 56 Preppy jacket 58 Depend(on) 60 Little devil 61 Wahine offering 62 Vegas 64 United CREATORS SYNDICATE O 2004 STANLEY NEWMAN STANXWORDSOAOL.COM 5/7/04 FOR RENT FOR RENT Ibdrm/lba 4-plex; good neighborhood, minutes from A&M; in College Station; Available 6/1, $515/mo. (979)260-1792. 3/2 duplex- 1201A/B Webhollow- Aug. $850 268-5844 or Avail. Ibdrm/lbth summer sublease. Longmire House Apts, bus route, $400/mo., 214- 783-1450. Ibrm/bth 4-plex, w/d, refridgerator, lawn care, water/ sewer included. Covered deck, quiet neighborhood, bus route, no pets. $495/mo., available now, &preleas- ing June &Aug. David Perry, 936-545- 5200/ 936-636-7923. 3/2 duplexes. Pre-leasing August Main tained like new. W/D. Lawn care. No pets. Owner managed and maintained $900-$925/mo. 691-0304,571-6020. 2,3&4 bedroom houses w/yards. Great lo cations for students. Pets welcome. 575- 7461. 3/2 Townhouses, 1250sqft Very Spa cious, Ethernet, Large Kitchen. Walk-in Food Pantry, Walk-in Closets, Extra Stor age. Great Amenities. On Bus Route. Now Pre-leasing, Excellent Specials. 694-0320 office @ 3/2/2 Avail, now at 2501 Rustling Oaks. Across the street from Blinn. F/P, back yard. w/d and refrigerator included $1175. 268-5844 or 2/2 @1100 Autumn Circle W/D, water paid. $550-S600 224-0005, 696-0616 2/2, 3/2 duplexes, pre-lease now for May & August. Fenced yard, pets ok. 979-268-7400, owner/ agent, limited time summer 3/2 lease specials. 3/2/2 house for rent mid August, deck, fenced yard, w/d. on shuttle. CS. $1200/mo 979-571-7392 3/3 Canyon Creek Townhouse W/D, all appliances, some furniture, shuttle route Summer- $900/mo. -fUtll., tall/ spring- $ 1300/mo i-util., 512-296-7745. 3/3 duplex. College Station, available July, w/d. security system, lawncare. I400sqft. SI 050/mo. 979-690-0857. AFFORDABLE almost new 3bd/2ba Rock Hollow duplex 5-min to campus $895/mo. $600 deposit. Yard care. W/D. security system, each available at small extra charge Call for details 979-774- 1270 3/3 duplex, Harvey Mitchell/ Villa Maria. August 1st. S 1000/mo. 281-467-1427 3/3 duplex- 3707 Oldenburg. Avail Now $1095 268-5844 or 3410 Green Street: 1/mi. South of cam pus: 4/2 Available 6/1: all appliances, new paint/ carpet Rent $900/mo (281)537-7897 Available summer storage, great rales' 219 Manuel Dr CS 979-693-0551 3bd/2ba and 4bd/3ba duplexes for sum mer; fenced. 2-porches, lawn care, shuttle route. 5-mm from campus. $299/mo/per son Must see. 979-696-2222. Big House For Rent! 3bdrrn/2.5ba w/study. game room, deck. &2car garage 2200sqft.. huge closets. 4mm TAMU. $1350/mo. 219-2097. 3bd/2ba home available in August, near University. S975/mo.. owner/agent. 693- 8898 Bike or Walk to TAMU large yards 2&3bdrm Great price, great neighbor hood. Please call 696-1444 3bd/3ba duplex, near new. off Graham Rd C S Available May. W/D. security system, lawn care. 1400sq ft , $900/mo (979)739-5553 Bryan 3txl/2ba house. I900sq ft . 5mm TAMU. appliances included, pets okay, fenced 575-0024 3bd/3ba duplex, near new. off Graham road. CS. available August. W/D. security system, lawn care. I400sqtt. $990/mo 739-5553 Bryan- Delee, 2/1 condo, w/d included, fireplace. 2car garage, screened porch. $700 www bcsrental com Broker. 774-7820 3bdrm sublease summer 04, 3/2, shuttle, w/d. $330/mo +1/3utilities. Kristin 936- 559-3184 Bryan- Elaine Drive. 2/2 duplex, w/d conn, fenced yard. 990sq ft. brick, pets. May or August. $700 www bcsrental com Broker. 774-7820 3bdrm/1bth. 2-car garage Huge backyard pets ok. Close .to campus $ 1050/mo., 832-788-9100 Bryan- Labnsa. Cute 2/15 house, fenced yard. deck, w/d conn., June pre-lease, $750. www bcsrental com Broker. 774- 7820. 3bdrm/2ba duplex @Rockhollow Loop. Priced to Lease! Call Jeff leave mes sage 979-219-3677. Bryan- Navtdad. townhome. 2/2 loft. cute. $750. carport, www bcsrental com. Brok er. 774-7820 3bdrm/2ba duplex on Rock Hollow Loop. W/D connections. $900/mo 775-8271. Phil. Bryan- Toro Nice 2/1 fourplex. avail now. $450 www Broker. 774-7820 3bdrm/2ba. one year old. W/D, in the country about 7 miles from the University, very peaceful. $1100/mo Call 777-7151. 3bdrm/2bth apartment. CS, $279/mo ,ea +bills. Bus route, pets okay, 903-521- 9993. Bryan- Western, 2/2 duplex, w/d conn., fenced yard. 890sq ft, brick, pets. May. $550 Broker, 774- 7820. 3bdrm/2bth brick, near campus, $900 +$600 deposit. Call 979-690-0085. Bryan: 1/1 & 2/1 apartment homes, cov ered parking. POOL, walking distance to Blinn and St. Joseph, www.twincityproper- or 979-775-2291 3bdrm/2bth Duplex. Excellent Location and parking! Dexter at SW Pkwy, shuttle, full-size w/d. $995/mo. 846-7454. Bryan: 1/1 duplex. WOOD FLOORS, AN TIQUE BATHTUB, w/d conn, fenced Call TCP 979-775-2291. 3bdrm/2bth Rock Hollow duplex. $825/mo.. w/d connections. Call for de tails, 979-690-7929, cell 979-739-1450. Bryan: 1/1 house w/study, w/d conn, GA RAGE, fenced, or 979-775- 9921. TREEHOUSE APARTMENTS & 2 BR’S AVAILABLE $420 - $595 (979) 696-5707 Bryan. 2/1 & 2/1.5 duplexes, w/d conn, f/p, fenced w/lawn care. Call TCP 979-775- 2291. Bryan: 2/1 fourplex, ext. storage, some fenced. Call TCP 979-775-2291. Bryan: 3/1.5 house, w/d conn, fenced yard, or 979- 775-2291. Summer Break Employment The Texas Transportation Institute is look ing for students from the following cities to collect data on seat belt use: Abilene, Amarillo, Brownsville, Beaumont. El Paso, Houston, Laredo, Lubbock, Midland. San Angelo, San Antonio. Tyler and Waco. Hours vary, depending on location, to be done between May 17 & June 25. $8/hr„ $50 minimum. Call 458- 1229 between 8am & 5pm for interview or more information. Med Tech/Lab Tech for full-time, two doctor office. Excellent benefits. Great experience for student applying to medical or nursing school. Degree and one year commitment required. Please fax resume to (979)776-4260 or apply in person at: 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan, TX. Development Engineer Sun Prairie, WI Development Eng. position in 325 person manufacturing facility. Responsibilities will include application of technical/engineering expertise for the development, implementation and improvement of quality and/or process systems. Must be able to interact directly and effectively with production, development and suppliers. 4 yr. technical degree required with strong skills in organization, leader ship, verbid and written communications, MS Office. Travel at least 20 days per year. Bilingual Spanish/Eng. required. Resumes to: Ken Birdwell The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. 143 Goodyear St. Sun Prairie, WI EEO/AA M/F/D/V FOR RENT 3bdrm/3bth new duplexes, great floor plan, internet access, tile floors, w/d, now leasing 4/3, 3/3 &3/2 Townhouses, Duplexes &Fourplexes. 1250-1700sqft Very Spa cious, Ethernet. Large Kitchen, Extra Stor age, Great Amenities. On Bus Route, Now Pre-leasing, Excellent Specials 694-0320 office © 4/3/2 Avail. 5/20- 1405 Broadmoor Close to everything. $1500. 268-5844 or 4/3/2 Avail 5/20- 3903 Kelli- Excellent Bryan location. $1300 268-5844 or 4bdrm/4ba near A&M &Blinn campuses $350/mo neg. Good neighborhood 979- 777-8947. 4bdrm/4bth condominium. University Place, all appliances, ceiling fans. S375/bdrm (281)444-9612. Campus Lodge Ibd/lba. BRAND NEW. fully furnished, summer sublease, renew available. $399/mo. negotiable call 979- 575 7399 CANYON CREEK APTS SUMMER SUB LEASE CALL 979-696-1734 Attention Students! Why Pay Rent? Buy a home, rent out the other rooms, and live for free! 979-693-7653 or AndrewSmithTeam com Broker. RE/MAX B-CS Available May. 4bdrm/2bth house. 2-car garage, fenced, pets ok. 3104 Long leal S1050/mo 979-693-1448 Chadwtck on Carter Creek, large 3/2 5/2 luxury town homes w many extras. 979- 822-1616 College Hills. Large secluded home CA/CH, rent adiusts for number of ten ants. 512-477-8925 College Station 2407 Bosque 2/1 four plex. w/d included. patio. $500 www bcsrental com Broker. 774-7820 College Station- Blanco. 2/1 fourplex. Cute, Split Floor Plan. Close to Park. $485 www bcsrental com Broker. 774- 7820. College Station- Cornell. Aug prelease. Large 2/1 duplex, 9l0sq ft. fenced yard, w/d conn $625 www bcsrental com Broker. 774-7820. College Station- Lisa Circle. 2/1 fourplex. Cute. Close to Campus. $450. ask about move-in special www Broker, 774-7820. College Station- Navarro. May Available. 2/1 duplex, fenced yard, w/d conn., $565, pels neg. www.bcsrental com Broker, 774-7820. College Station- Oakdale. 2/1 fourplex. August prelease. w/d included, www Broker, 774-7820. College Station: 3bdrm/2bth, 1897sqft brick home, 2-car garage, all appliances, near TAMU, wooded country setting on 2.31 acres Available May 1 Call 979- 268-3007. $1400p/m. CS 3bd/2ba house, fenced yard, major ap pliances, $ 1000/mo +deposit. Available 7/11 No pets. (979)680-9783. (979)676- 0240. CS Condo, 2bd/2ba, W/D. available 5/15/04 $800 +deposit 979-828-5694 CS large 4/2 +bonus area, available Aug., updated, pets okay, 1115 Berkeley (off Dominik a few blocks east of TAMU), $1495/mo. 979-731-8257, 979-820-3939, if no answer please leave message. CS monthly rental, new home, $300/mo per room, 936-582-4452. CS Pre-leasing 2/2 Cripple Creek Condo. W/D, appliances, $650/mo. 776-0202 or 324-1343. $200 off 1st month rent. CS: 2/1 fourplex, w/d conn, biking dis tance to TAMU. or 979-775- 2291. CS: 2/1 house, w/d conn, large corner lot, GARAGE, fenced, biking distance to TA MU. Call TCP 979-775-2291. CS: 3/1, 3/2, & 4/2 houses, w/d conn, fenced, close to Post Oak Mall. Call TCP 979-775-2291. Duplex, no deposit, 2/1, W/D-conn., fire place, fence, pets, $599/mo. 450-0098, 764-5969. For lease 5/12/04-8/14/04, New Fox Run condo, 3bdrm/3bth, unfurnished, $1300/mo. +utilities. 210-698-0765. FREE LOCATOR SERVICE www.bcsren- 774-7820, Broker. for rent Bryan: 4/2 duplex, over 1600sqft. w/d conn, 2 LIVING AREAS, extra fridge, f/p, balcony, ext. storage, lawn care. Call TCP 979-775-2291. Furnished 3bd/2ba five minutes!,^ pus Available for both summer $500/mo,, 210-771-5140.830-60^ C.S 2bd/1ba duplex. W/D-conn fenced yard, shuttle, available May or August Summer lease accepted $550/mo 979- 218-2995 Good Deal, 3bd/2ba orlbSSTT house, close Blinn, $850/mo Call r 680-0173 9,5 C.S. 2bdrm/2bth updated, pets ok. fenced, tans, w/d included. S560-S610 575-0024 Available June-1st GrBat Deal! CS 3/2 dupteTiam^: yard, all tile floors, available late it $850/mo Summer discount avafe- 713-819-7393 C.S. duplexes 2/1, yard service, pets OK, fenced. W/D connect Available May or August Owner/Agent 695-2025 nitanckOtca net C S pre-leasing 2.3.4bdrms. Pets OK. fenced, fans 979-776 8984, Half-off June rent 3/2 4-pta^rwi)F vided, water paid, walk-in closets ctik fans, large kitchen, security lighting •• shuttle, some fenced yards, great km, S849-S879 ^ www allweathennvestments com 7745776 Heart Rock Duplexes. 3bdr2ba WlT nections, 4yrs old May/ August teg available, S900/mo 979-324-7729 Heritage Townhomei Stxnta tor house for lease Available 4/15 or sow Call now 693-7835. Casa Blanca Apartments 2-bedroom 2- person S395/mo Shuttle bus, laundry, pool 1/2m*le from campus North Gale area 41 to College Mam. 979-846-1413 Holleman Townhomes- Luxurious \\ townhomes walking distance to TAW, shuttle bus. raised ceilings, cozy firepfe, privacy fenced yard and deck or www Casa Blanca Apartments 2-bedroom. 2- person units available now Summer rate $325/mo lease ending August 12 Shuttle bus. laundry, pool 1/2rm from campus North Gate area. 4110 College Mam 979- 846 1413 Huge 3/2 fourplex, August lease, pets., w d included, shuttle. $330 per ror 595 2209 Large Ibdrm/lba apt $445/mo, tretc? We ftethemel. covered parking Avafe April- Aug 15. 979-820-1330. Cheap! ibd/lba furnished duplex W/D May 15- July31 Make offer 361 648-3536 Large 2bd/1ba brick duplex. Mdng* lance lo A&M. ideal for graduate stupe available lo lease now or prelease lortW. no pets. $40G'mo ♦ bills 693-8534 Chnstian Private Dorm. Free cable, inter net. phone, laundry and utilities DTS Movie Theatre Luxury bathrooms. Pool Room Rooms start at $325. Call 739- 9403 M F-lbdrm in 3bdrm duplex, private tar turmshed W/D. $315/mo, June-Aug. 9~- 571-4764 May & August Preleasing. Ouptee Large 3/2. well maintained, fenced yr. local owners. $775- $995 Also 2/1i ar Manuel Dr Fenced yard, w/d-ircL S5£ $575 Cathy or Mark. 979-268-1074 Prek May lease specials! 2bdrm& Broker owner 777-5477. College Station- 2403 Bosque. 2/1 tour- plex. patio. $450 www bcsrental com Broker. 774-7820 May rent free with 12mo. lease Wan Free Cable? You got it! Anderson Pta Apts have a greal 2/1 floorplan. w/dcorv nections. lor only $499 Large dper en Close lo Gold s and shoppng Cal 693-2347 May rent tree with 12mo. lease. Art Ta On A Tight Budget? Well, we haye iw answer lor you. Ibdrm below W 2bdrm for $465 Close lo shopping cr pus Laundry lacrlities. pool. Must See Longmire House. 693-7741. Ask aba: our specials! MILL CREEK CONDOS. Lim. timespeca contemp style 2/1 (loft bdr), w/d, 6 tree n ternet Start at $540- call 979-846-29/t view at Move-m special: New 3/2 duplex. W. lawn-care, available August Call l-Sfr 779-7119; (512)627-2422 Multiple 4/2 large houses nice ya" & neighborhood. Avail. May/Aug. $120. $1400 nego 979-696-8975. Need 4 friends, Condo available 8/15, h- mshed. 4bd/4ba. pool, spa. $340/ea 50- 669-2264 New condo for lease at l22Frater» Row. CS. TX; Great location, on TAM- bus route, fully furnished incl Allnewap pliances. 3bd/2ba, 1300sf, Free locaW service, fenced back ' lM phone act vivo, S375/mo/room or $1,125/mo; Calls'; 731-0928 or New luxury townhomes 2bd/2.5ba, shuttle route. $850/mo. 224-0005, 0616 NEW! 3/3 DUPLEX: 3bd/3ba, high® ings. crown molding, tile floors, secu i system, backyard, ethernet. all ne ^ a j ances. includes W/D_ MayJ^J 979-690-1913 Call (nts/wknds) Nice duplex in CS, 3/2/1. w ^ con ” living room and kitchen, very c shuttle. $800/mo. 254-722-2107 Northgate location: Brand new 2t jS. 3bd/2ba. Walk to campus ( ' a " 4076. Now leasing 2bdrm/1.5b Ibdrm/lbth 4-plexes. ck)Se hl# great location, nice floor P la bus, Now leasing 3bdrm/2bth houses, yards, close to campus. yaiuo, viv-roo iv/ w...., One to Two rooms for rent +1/4bills. 5bd/3ba on 2-acres. 4934. Parkway Apts. 1600 Sw-PW Bdrm Avail, Pre-leasing sp p 6540. Chis-sifieds continued, on Pg ^ STUDIES IN PROGRESS FACIAL ACNE RESEARCH STUDY Volunteers ages 12 and older, with facial acne | are needed to participate in a 12-week clinical research study with an investigational topical medication. All eligible volunteers will receive | at no cost: • Study related acne evaluations by a dermatologist • Study related medication • Reimbursement for their time and effort Call for more Information. FEVER BUSTER/ COLD SORE STUDY ; of ag e ^ Volunteers, ages 18-80 years have at least 3 outbreaks a to participate in a clinical r «earc ^ ^ |f|( investigational topical mc 0 | U „ie«s treatment of fever blisters. Eligible v will receive at no cost: • Study related examination of your c • Sludy medication , • Compensation up to S3M for tin**" Call for more information J&S Studies, Inc. The Physician Centre • 979-774-5933 ^ 3201 University Dr. E., Suite 475 Bryan, lexas Sub