Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 2004)
Nation THE BATTALION 3B Monday, April 12, 2004 ISturdy IContinued from page 1 B 12,25 0 ac * 1 ' eve over Ihe next three years of her collegiate ^areer, Sturdy has a quick answer. “1 want us to achieve a top 10 finish at the champi- nships,” Sturdy said. “Maybe with some good recruits own the line we could be in the top five before I grad uate - that would rock my world.” Those who are closest to Sturdy don’t see her as a wimmer with records and awards. Most who have some- hing to say about Sturdy mention her quirky personality, :ense of humor and spontaneous nature. Maybe it’s those ualities that make this great swimmer seem like just other average college freshman. ie5 Track Continued from page 1 B hand-off proved costly as it was fumbled and almost dropped; however Nelson said he was pleased with the result. Freshman sprinter Monique Lee finished in seventh place in the women’s 100-meter dash with a time of 11.63 seconds. She has already qualified for regionals in both the 100- and 200-meter events. A&M redshirt freshman David Phillips placed fifth in the men’s 400-meter dash with a time of 48.21 sec onds, while sophomore Brian Kelley took eighth place with a time of 48.24 seconds in the same event. The field athletes were most affected by the poor weather conditions. Senior Josh Ralston finished in fifth place with a throw of 185 feet. Ralston has already qualified for regionals. “This event served as a good warm-up for the Mt. SAC relays next week,” Nelson said. The Aggies travel to Walnut, Calif., to compete in the Mt. SAC relays next weekend. The relays are one of the largest events of the year and will be a four-day event pitting the Aggies against more than 100 schools. It will be the team’s final regular season event until the Big 12 conference meet in two weeks. es 1162 JrtT' reni cor;; nec’i fBnc-' 5 tT ' 3 Classifieds continued from page 2b FOR RENT FOR SALE andJj s W 846-f re-lease for May or August. University laks Duplexes. Large 2bdrnV2ba, w/d :onn., fenced yard, great location, i/mo. 693-1448. re-lease for May to August 3bdrm/3ba duplex. All appliances-in. Fenced back yard. Lawn care provided. 979-690-0814; FOR RENT 7. wiT 9. Cal a Car. vcare id, SW es.WJ real mi 979-571-3036. Pre-lease for May, large house 3bd/2ba, could be 4-bedroom, great location, fenced, W/D connections, pets OK. 1601 Langford $1125/mo 979-693-1448. Pre-leasing for May or August. 2bdrm/1ba duplexes. W/D conn., fenced, pets OK. 3-locations to choose from. $525/mo. 693-1448. Preleasing August. 2bdrm/1bth close to campus, fenced yard, Lodge Pole. $575/mo., 979-204-1950, www.aggieland- Summer sublease house 2/1. All furnish ed, walk to class, fenced backyard, $600/mo +util, 979-220-2444. Summer Sublease! University Commons 1br/1ba of a 2br/2ba apartment. August and 1/2May’s rent paid. Fully furnished. Hector at (713)822- 8608. Summer sublease, 2bdrms available in 4bdrm/2ba house. $323/mo. +1/4bills. Price negotiable. 979-236-1216. Summer sublease. House 2bd/1ba $695/mo, backyard, garage, W/D includ ed, on bus route. Call Amanda 979-693- 5116. Summer sublease. Female needed 4bdrm/2bth, $320/mo +1/4 bills. Fully Fur nished, negotiable! 979-693-7738 Summer sublease: 1/1 apt at The Gables. Good location, $439/mo., mid-May to Aug. 14. 979-574-0238. Washer and Dryer for sale, good condi tion, $175/obo. Call Chris and leave mes sage at 979-574-6558 or email at c-sparks @ tamu. edu HELP WANTED 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. IN STRUCTORS NEEDED: Tennis, Basket ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La crosse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa terskiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood- shop, English Riding, Nature, Nurses. Ar lene Streisand 1-800-443-6428; ?ARE YOU BROKE? Part-time openings in customer sales/service. Students wel come. No experience needed, will train. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. 696-7734 M-F. )3 A r 729 Sorsom no. te igAvan Preleasing for August. 4/2/2, 2-car ga rage, fans, fenced yard, w/d connections, ceramic floors, hardwood floors, new car pet, includes fridge w/icemaker, close to campus iirsfM Preleasing for August, 2bdrm/1 bth fenced yard duplexes, great locations, great floor plans, w/d connections, shuttle bus. Preleasing for August, 3bdrm/2bth duplex es, 3bdrm/2bth houses, fenced yards, new carpet, close to campus, shuttle bus, w/d connections, ceiling fans. WD. >9646 Durr ence: Iso 2': l-inci £ mi If: ipgrsx 3-73^ <J rtfi s3k:« 2ba M i,W it. Cal 2 340 ea; areas t ailatrt' 5. iioMa) ,0005 2 a. If : OfS. S3 ill re# 3 orW 79^ Pretty 41212 in Sun Meadows, 3516 Wild Plum. August, $1450/mo. Sunlight Leas ing, 979-220-4005, 979-776-5111. Quiet country atmosphere, fire place, very large Ibd brick duplex, available now or pre-lease for Fall $395mo +bills no pets 693-8534, Pre-leasing for May & August, summer specials. 979-268-7400, owner/ agent. Ridgewood Village 2bd/1ba 2-story, balco nies on each level, lots of trees, no pets. 979-696-2998, 1212-1218 Hollik. Ridgewood Village efficiency with loft. Nice useful floor plan. No pets. 979-696- 2998,1211-1213 Hollik. Ridgewood Village, 1bd/1ba studios. Great floor-plan, lots of trees, quiet, no pets. 979-696-2998 1201-1209 Hollik. Share new house with two F-students. All utilities, cable, and internet, bus route $450/mo. Casey 214-641-0077. Spacious HOOsq.ft. 2-story town home, w/d conn. Fenced yard, large closet. $575/mo. 219-3645. Studio style apartment. Close to campus, bus route, reduced from $479/mo to $425/mo. 214-417-1993. Sublease avail. 5/17, one bedroom in 4/2 at Sterling, $350/mo. +1/4bills, May rent free, 979-680-9613, 361-550-6639 Sublease available 6/1 for 2bd/2ba apt., $560/mo., free cable and internet, 979- 574-6817 Sublease now! 3/2 duplex Wolf Pen Creek area. (713)504-9059/ (936)554-3802. SUBLEASE! 694sqft. Ibd/lba, 2-wic, IV/D, Meadows Point Apartments. Walk ing distance to Rec. Move-in flexible, lease ends, May ‘04, $579/mo 979-492- 7525. Sit lo jKi 1 !7ri £ If»' (li> ! iff; i»* 0 It if f Sublease: June-Aug on Holleman. 4bd/2ba, $1450/mo +utilities, cable Sinter- net included. Move-in date flexible. Call (979)219-3379. Sublease: The Zone, Ibdrm/lba in 2bdrm/2ba, $425/mo. +1 futilities, May- July 979-877-5002. Summer apartment June to July close to campus $350/mo 979-739-5852. Summer Lease: Nice 3bd/2ba, 2bd/2ba at Northgate. Walk to campus. Call 846- 4076. Summer sublease $285/mo +1/3bills. 3bdrm/2ba duplex, bus stop, W/D, fenced backyard. Tiffany 979-694-6665. SUMMER SUBLEASE 1/1 in 2/2 at Uni- versity Commons. Furnished, ethernet, May- $200, June/ July- $415/mo., Aug.- Free. 979-575-7586. Summer Sublease 2/2duplex, free cable, fenced backyard, w/d, 1mile from campus, $700/mo. 979-695-7854. Summer Sublease 2bd/1.5ba, duplex, W/D, furnished, fenced yard, deck, pets ok, $575/mo +utilities 979-574-3158. Summer Sublease 2bdrms available in 3bdrm/2.5bth townhouse with backyard. $350/mo., negotiable, 979-764-9469. y SUMMER SUBLEASE 2bdrms new du- 11,(1 plex off Graham, $300/rm O.B.O. 979- fllf! 571-0219. 4 Summer Sublease 3/2 duplex, 300/mo., good location. Call Jennifer 214-542-2441 Summer sublease 4bd/3ba in Midtown rooms sublet individually, $343/mo on bus route 979-695-1935/ 214-241 -4685. Summer sublease 4bdrm/2bth new house, near campus, park/pool, $395/nego. +bills, w/d, trampoline, furnished if need ed. (979)680-0699. Summer sublease: 1/1 in 3/2 house, fe male needed, lots of owner upgrades, own private wing, $350/mo.+utilities. Call Ra chel 979-739-4965. Summer Sublease: 2/2 fully furnished, w/d, ethernet included. $420/mo 229- 2488. Summer sublease; 2bdrms available. W/D, close to campus, on bus route, cov ered parking, rent $300/ea. 979-574- 4062. Summertime Lease Only. 3605 Glenna Court. Very clean 3bd/3ba duplex availa ble May-Aug. Apartment has full kitchen and laundry room with washer and dryer. No pets. Call 254-466-3900. Walk to TAMU great 2bdrm/1ba. Rent $425, deposit $300. 979-764-1082. Walking/ ride TAMU. 2bdrm/1ba 4-plex. W/D included. $500/mo. $250 deposit. Contact 210-391-4106. Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don’t buy, rent a washer & dryer, $30/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better! 764-3902 Well kept 2bdrm duplex on quiet cul-de- sac, 1.5-miles from campus. No pets. Avail June 10. $525. 936-273-2479. Woodbrook condos. 2bdrm/2.5bth, $750/mo. available 6/1,281-728-7810. FOR SALE 16x56 Sonoma, 2bdrm/2bth, Oak Forest Park, w/d, deck, shed, $29,900/obo, 1- 888-484-8880, 956-605-9213. 1978 Ibanez electric guitar with soft case and Fender amp $400 1-979-645-8400. 1980 14x80 mobile home. 3/2, CH/A. $8,500. Includes moving. 979-224-0675. 1994 16x80 3/2 mobile home for sale, $17,000 060. 979-775-4491 or 713-703- 9007. 1999 Town and Country home in Rolling Ridge Park. 16x56, 2bd/2ba, furnished, W/D, deck, great condition. $34,000. Call Courtney (979)695-8909. 2 entertainment centers $30/ea., 2 couch es $75/ea., and a full size bed $75. Ac cepting best offers, 979-574-0450. 2000 Palm Harbor home for sale. 28x58, 3/2, one owner, 2-decks, shed, fenced yard. $62,500. Call Mark 979-574-3345. 3bdrm/2ba mobile home in Rolling Ridge Mobile Home Park. W/D, dishwasher, re frigerator, computer desk, lawnmower in cluded. Call 325-247-3422 Attention Ags! Great investment 2-duplex es, 2bdrm/1bth, fixer uppers, near cam pus, $58,500. 255-6729 Bullitt Mustang exhaust and driveshaft for sale. Call Mikel, 254-291-8955. COMPARE TEXTBOOK PRICES! Search 24 bookstores with 1 click! Ship ping and taxes automatically calculated. Cripple Creek Condo, 2/2, all appliances, $58,500, 776-0202 or 324-1343 Engagement ring .55ct., natural princess cut diamond, size 6, white gold band, $1000obo Guitar: Washburn, Acoustic/Electric, new w/tags and warranty. Call Mikel, 254-291- 8955. Hot Tub Everything included $400 409- 781-5577 after five o’clock. Kenmore kegerator for sale. $500 713- 927-5982 Like new mattress & box springs, $250. 979-693-2780. Live Crawfish, call 979-694-0612. Reclining leather couch & loveseat, good condition, $200/both. Comp, desk, great condition $30, available mid-May. 972- 877-3213 or email Three year old GE dryer, $200 cash get matching washer FREE. 2036 Legacy Lane, 817-267-3545. Two 10-inch Kicker Subwoofers , box in cluded, $125, please call Stacy 979-575- 6359. W/D $250 and Refrigerator $150 220- 3665. Baptist Church needs nursery workers for Sundays and Wednesdays, call Mary at 979-776-5000. Carpenter needed. Must have own bags, aggressive, will work with schedule. $7.50/hr. 775-7126. Cashier, evening plus some grave yard shift Tigerland Express. Apply corner of Rock Prairie and Wellborn. Cashier, server, bus, and catering posi tions available FT/PT apply T/TH 2:00- 5:00pm. at C&J Bar-BQ 4304 Harvey Road C.S. 979-776-8969. CIRCLE ME! Build your resume! $10.25 Base/Appt. Fun atmos. Resume experience. Customer sales/service. Conditions apply. All ages 18+. 695- 1386. Cleaning commercial buildings at night, M-F. Call 823-5031 for appt. Construction Work. No experience need ed. Will work w/schedule. $7.50/hr. 979- 775-7126. D&D Moving needs responsible, reliable drivers. NO C.D.L. required. Great pay. F/t and p/t helpers needed. Apply at 3700 Texas Avenue South CS. 979-693-6233. Full-time teacher/mom of BUSY family needs help! Min. 8-10/hr week. Starting $7/hr. Heavy cleaning- inside and out, washing and ironing a must, organizing help needed. Two full-year commitment necessary, training early May, begin work May 17-04. Weekend interviews only. Fax biographical and work info to 979-690- 8075. Fun, prestigious public speaking position. $7/hr., evenings &Saturdays. Must have DL 4+years. No criminal records. We train. 693-3992i Hiring: bartenders, watiresses, all posi tions, 3rd Floor Cantina, 979-779-1548. Koppe Bridge Bar and Grill. Part-time cook & counter help. Wellborn and Harvey Road locations. 764-2933, 776-2833. Leasing Consultant: FT/PT, some Satur days req. Dependable, enthusiastic peo ple person! Will train. Call (979)846-2089 for more info. Local retailer is looking for an experienced Assistant Manager and energetic sales staff. Work in a fun, Aggie atmosphere. Apply in person at 208 George Bush Dr. Looking for summer work? Make $8,200. Get 3-hours of college credit. Great re sume and work experience. Open to all majors. Contact Marcel 979-218-0084. Med Tech/Lab Tech for full-time, two doc tor office. Excellent benefits. Great expe rience for student applying to medical or nursing school. Degree and one year commitment required. Fax resume to (979)776-4260 or apply in person at: 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan, TX MODELS swimwear beauty and glamour print. Call 979-268-1379 for appointment. Now Hiding cafe staff PT. Apply in person, Otto’s Bakery &Cafe, 979-775-7770. Part time childcare help needed after noons, nights and weekends. Apply in per son, Fit For Kids, 3609 E 29th St., Bryan. Part time programmers wanted by local software firm. Looking for persons with in terest in programming, experienced in C, C++, or other programming language pre ferred, but not required. Flexible sched ules, competitive pay and great real world experience. Need persons who are availa ble 20hrs/wk and who can work for at least one year. Send resume to Part-time job helping handicapped. Male student preferred. $290/mo. 10-hours /week. 846-3376. Part-time medical office secretary, 5- lOhrs/wk through Summer. Call 979-260- 7805. Part-time office help needed urgently. Work processing, data entry, sorting docu ments. Flexible hours. Competitive rates, 979-764-1188, 979-255-7810. PT receptionist needed to start immediate ly. MWF 2:00-6:00pm TTH flexible. Send resume/ available work hours to or call 979-776- 9955. Partners hiring delivery drivers. Good pay, flexible hours. Apply at 113 Walton, C.S. or at HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE PART-TIME STAFF ASSISTANT needed for a busy real estate office. Must be de tail oriented people person with reliable transportation and good computer skills. This position requires 15-20 hours per week and at least one Saturday a month. Must be available to work summer 2004. Apply in person at Coventry Glen Realty, 414B Tarrow St., College Station. Pest Control Sales- Dallas top pay 33% commission, May to end of August can make you 20-50K, call Mike, 972-353- 2200. PT Vet Tech for spade/ neuter clinic, ex perience needed, Thursdays only 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Call 936-295-4666. Real Estate Associate. Learn to be a R.E. Professional & Financial Consultant w/growing natl. co. This is a career oppt’y w/unlimited earnings potential and the op tion to advance to mgmt. Looking for an ambitious self-starter w/good comm, skills, will train, start immed. Fax or email: 1- 800-280-9104 or The Deluxe Diner hiring cooks and wait- staff for am/pm shifts. Apply in person. 203 University Dr. Wanted: Energetic people for after-school program. Employment begins 8/10/04. applications accepted at College Station Conference Center thru 4/26/04. Kids Klub. WEBMASTER partnership to run and de velop and associated web sites, 979-268-1379. WOMEN’S FAST PITCH SOFTBALL PLAYERS WANTED: If you are interested in playing women’s fast pitch softball this summer, call 979-764-3424 by 4/30/04. LOST & FOUND $$$ REWARD $$$ LOST BEST FRIEND. CHOCOLATE MALE LAB. NEED THE SPIRIT OF AGGIELAND TO HELP BRING HIM HOME. PLEASE CALL BRIAN 979-694-6465 OR 214-802-0964. Lost white cat, blue eyes, no tail. Tree- house II Apartments. Call Amy, 979-485- 8255. MOTORCYCLE 1999 Honda CBR600-F4. Yellow/ Black. Two Brothers Exhaust. Great First Bike! 979-224-0822. 2001 Honda CBR600-F4L Mint condition, new tires, lots of extras, $5500o.b.o. Must sell Soon! 979-777-7680. 2001 Ninja ZX6R. 6,000 miles. $5,000/ OBO. Call 979-492-5622. 2003 Yamaha R6, black and silver, 3000mi., all maintenance records, full war ranty till 2007, helmet, gloves, and two jackets, perfect, $7500, 210-884-9811 ‘96 Kawasaki Ninja ZX6 $3333. Every thing you need for your first bike! 979-492- 6869. Ducati, 900ss, 10K+, new tires, all mainte nance performed, $4500 903-870-8783, leave message. MUSIC Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, pro fessional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693- 6294. NEEDED Check online to learn how to get UNLIM ITED Yoga and Pilates... for FREE! PETS Adopt Pets: Dogs, Cats, Puppies, Kit tens, Many purebreds. Brazos Animal Shelter, 775-5755, Black Female, Pitt Bull puppy. 8 months, 50lbs. Good blood line, and house bro ken. $400obo. Please Call Stacy 979- 575-6359. Pre Easter Sale. Champion Chocolate lab breed. S/W/D, AKC Registered, $550. Call Keith 979-739-2565. Puppies for Sale! Dalmation mix, $10ea. 979-777-3893. REAL ESTATE Available in May. Newer 16x60-ft MH w/copper wiring. Near campus. Aggie owned. Graduated. 2bd/2ba, LR, kitchen w/14ft frost-free fridge, DR, util., washer, dryer. Deck. Fenced. Avg trailer payment, lot rent, utilities: $600/month total. Ideal for 2 students. For picture, balance owed call 979-492-5509, 281-388-5545, 281-331- 9603. B-CS: 1br/1ba, WBFP, all appliances, completely furnished, tile /carpet, many upgrades, on shuttle route. New appraisal $41,000. (972)722-5648. Easy automatic home searches by mail/ e- mail. Get the facts w/o the pressure. Realtor Re-max. Free House Hunting Services reveal best buys in any area and price range you specify! Visit or 979-693-7653. Broker, RE/MAX B-CS. Free, quick, over-the-net home evalua tion! or 979-693- 7653 Broker, RE/MAX B-CS. Stunning 3-2 custom house for sale C.S. Deck, jacuzzi whirlpool, elegant trim. $126,900.00. 575-0316 ROOMMATES 1-F nice house, walk-in closet, on shuttle. Available May. $400/mo. +1/4bills. 846- 3134. 1-F Summer Sublease, Sterling Apts, fur nished, great amenities. Jennifer, 979- 694- 7557. 1-female roommate needed. Summer sublease. $350/mo., all bills paid, high speed internet, on bus route. Call Alicia, 979-693-4028. 1-Female roommate wanted for 3/2 house on buss route $325/mo. +1/3bills 764- 4333 1-M for 2bd/2.5ba condo, on shuttle, move-in August. $400/mo +1/2bills 979- 695- 1268 1-m/f summer sublease $250 +1/4utilities 979-695-8141 may rent paid 1-M/F, Canyon Creek Townhome, $425/mo +1/3bills, W/D, garage, pool, on bus route, high-speed internet. Robert 979-218-4719. 1-M/F: Beautiful new 3bd/3ba Fox Run Condo, 1-mile from TAMU on bus route. $450/mo. +1/3-bills. Available 8/15. Call Andrew (281)910-1039. 1- M/F: Beautiful, furnished home. Summer sublease $300/mo. +1/3-bills. (979)324- 0196. 1bd in a nice double-wide trailer. $300/mo + 1/4 bills, 281-923-5905. 2- F needed, nice 3/2 house. W/D, internet, cable, shuttle, garage, furnished. $525/mo., bills included. Available May, 281-788-7400. 2bds available, $375/mo and $200/deposit fully furnished except bedrooms. Call Ca-‘ mille 979-777-2297. 2M/F- 3/2 house, new: carpet, tile, paint. Bus route, w/d, summer lease. $350/mo +1/3 bills, 979-695-0132. 3- M roommates needed for summer. $325/mo. including utilities. Nick 713-504- 6392. Available now, non-smoking roommates for 4/3 new home, 904 Bougainvillea, w/d, $375/mo. +1/4utilities. Call Jacob at 979- 690-7781 or 512-557-7576. F-roommate needed for summer to live with 4th year vet student in fully furnished townhouse $300/mo. +bills. Must like cats. Call Chrissy 696-7173. Female roommate 3/2/2, shuttle, w/d, ca ble, internet, $350/mo +1/3bills, 210-383- 8524 or 979-695-8074. Female roommate wanted. 3bd/2ba mo bile home $275/mo. +1/3-utilities. Call Megan 696-2119. M/F, 2/2 condo, w/d, $400/mo +1/2util. 1- block from campus, by Northgate. 979- 694- 3848. M/F: 5/04-5/05 Private Ibd/lba in 3bd/2ba duplex. $432/mo. bills included. (979)218- 3355. Need F-roommate. Beautiful condo in CS. Totally furnished. Private bedroom &bath- room per roommate. Call Katie, 832-265- 1760. Roommate needed, 2bd house with land. Pets and Horse welcome. Leah 979-778- 3164, Roommates needed, beautiful new home, 3bd/3ba, approx. 1mi. from TAMU. Con tact Bill 281-440-4405 or 832-473-0513 Summer Sublease 1-F needed 3/2 duplex. $283/mo., pets ok, horse stables, 979- 778-5713 SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotN Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Former student serving you 20yrs. In offi ces above Aggieland Kiva Inn, Ste.200 (next door to Applebee’s). Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price by law. 104 Texas Ave. S. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. Circle-H Lawn Maintenance. Commercial and residential mowing $15 &up. 820- 0265. Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695- 9193. SELL YOUR FURNITURE FOR CASH. We will buy your used furniture. Quality Used Furniture 693-8669 TRAVEL Deep Sea Fishing- Red Snapper Trips $200 off until May., 361 -649-3954. TUTORS Experienced teacher offers private tutor ing, Algebra and Spanish. Call after 5pm (979)575-7414 Masters Continued from page 1 B birdies to stay in range, caught Els with a 15-foot birdie putt on the 1 bth and then had the stage to himself on No. 18. Despite a half-dozen close calls in the majors, Mickelson had never come to the final hole with a share of the lead. He never had the final say. On this day, he refused to let his chance get away. He smartly played 3-wood off the tee to avoid the bunkers and hit his approach behind the hole. Mickelson got a huge break with Chris DiMarco blasted out of a greenside bunker and just beyond Mickelson’s ball marker, giving him the line on the biggest putt of his life. “I just couldn’t believe that ball fell in there,” Mickelson said. Before walking into the scor ing hut to sign his card, Mickelson held daughter Sophia and said, “Daddy won. Can you believe it?” Mickelson, who shot a 31 on the back, finished at 9-under 279. Mike Weir, whose victory last year made him the first southpaw to win the Masters, slipped the green jacket on the most famous lefty in golf. It was a bitter end for Els, who now knows how Mickelson has felt all these years. The big South African did nothing wrong over the final 12 holes, salvaged four crucial pars along the way and it still wasn’t enough. “I think Phil deserved this one,” Els said. “He won this one. He didn’t lose it like some of his other ones. Full credit to him.” K.J. Choi holed a 5-iron from 220 yards on the 11th hole for eagle, kept his hopes alive with a 40-foot birdie putt on the 13th but wound up with a 69, three shots behind. Tiger Woods was long gone before the fireworks started. He made a double bogey — this third of the tournament — on the 13th hole and shot 71, leaving him 1 1 shots out of the lead in a tie for 22nd, his worst finish ever at the Masters. Woods now has gone seven majors without winning, and he has played his last five over par. But this Masters didn’t need him to deliver the drama. SPORTS IN BRIEF A&M men’s tennis blanks Texas Tech The No. 25 Texas A&M men’s tennis team blanked Texas Tech Friday, 6-0, at the McLeod Tennis Center in Lubbock, Texas. The win gave A&M (18-7, 4-1 Big 12) its 10th straight win over Tech (10-9, 1-3) dating back to 1997. Despite temperatures in the 40s, wind chill in the 30s and a 20 mph wind blowing through the outdoor courts, the Aggies did not drop a set in any of their six singles matches. Doubles were not contested. “Under the circumstances, which were really tough in the 40s and windy, I thought our guys played with good compo sure and purpose today,” said A&M head coach Tim Cass. A&M junior Lester Cook defeated Tech junior Jakob Paulson, 7-5, 7-6. The win gave Cook, ranked No. 12 in singles nationally, his 12th singles win in his past 13 matches. A&M will travel to Austin to face the University of Texas Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Penick-Allison Tennis Center. Women’s tennis defeats Baylor, 6-1. The No. 15 Texas A&M women’s tennis team defeated No. 44 Baylor University, 6-1, Thursday at the Baylor Tennis Center in Waco, Texas. The win keeps the Aggies (16-6, 8-0 Big 12) in first place atop the Big 12 conference standings. Baylor (8-9, 4-2) could only manage one singles victory despite beating the Aggies in four of the last five matches con tested between the two clubs. A&M senior Jessica Roland, ranked No. 21 in the country in singles, defeated Baylor fresh man Carolin Walter, 6-1, 0-6, 6-3, to lead the Aggie charge. A&M will host Kansas State University at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the George P. Mitchell Tennis Center.