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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 2004)
I I I welcomes ; TAMARA CRABB, R.M.T. Massage $j^i r yr r C CranioSacral Avr V_/A^a Lymph Drainage Reflexology 'Most Insurance Accepted Pregnant ? o FdeLtiA/0 AloiA^e Support Group for Pregnant Singles Thursdays j ) 764-6636 CfCfV. PizZA TOP QUALITY at the BEST PRICE!' ^ ^ Yflpr FAVOR 1 /®' plZZA (_ f & p^l^O meat pi^ (. f BW^XHIN CREST#. *Sfiirlenr I 200 S Pizza Taste-Off ■ k ALL DAY EVERYDAY Party Time Rentals 1816 Ponderosa, College Station 696-5555 1904 S. Texas Ave., Bryan 822-5555 Vl@ fcent Fun/ UNIVERSITY TOWER ABOVE AND BEYOND THE REST! CONVENIENTLY LOCATED ACROSS THE STREET FROM TAMU WE HAVE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE... LEASE BY BEDROOM, SINGLE AND DOUBLE OCCUPANCY LARGEST 1 600 SO. FT. CONDO STYLE SUITES IN BCS! ONLY AT UNIVERSITY TOWER DO ALL LEASES INCLUDE: FULL MEAL PLAN ALL UTILITIES PAID PREMIUM SATELLITE LOCAL TELEPHONE FOR EACH RESIDENT WEEKLY HOUSEKEEPING 24/7 4,000 SO. FT. FITNESS CENTER LEASE RATES INCLUDING ALL OF THE ABOVE START AT ONLY $ 495 A MONTH! ACADEMIC, 6-9 MONTH AND SUMMER LEASES ARE AVAILABLE! FREE SUMMER AND 1 2-month programs! 410 SOUTH TEXAS AVE. 1 -800-uvtower 979-846-4242 UNIVERSITYTOWER.COM 8A Thursday, April I, 2004 THE BATTAU Engineers in training i i 303 Arguello • Chimney Hill Business Park • College Station.TX 77840 I 979.846.1250 • 979.846.1252 fax HE3MIB1 Annan completes Cyprus dealJurlJ side ready to send to referendum FUERIGEN, Switzerland ||l U.N. Secretary-General Wll presented his blueprint fel reunification of Cyprus Wed J and set an April 24 date! islanders to vote on the plan, I Turkey's government J endorsed the proposal, bit] Greek side was more caution] Annan's plan is a lastl attempt to reunify the MeddenJ island before it joins the EirJ Union on May 1. Turkey, wliicliJ to join the European Uni I had hoped an agreement on cl would help its cause. Cyprus has been split iiJ Greek Cypriot-controlled soufi] the occupied north since iJ invaded in 1974 in the m short-lived coup by supportti union with Greece. The teal state in the north is recogi only by Turkey, which maio] 40,000 troops there. California seeks! overhaul workers compensation Sophomore agricultural engineering major Gary Nolan and junior agricultural engineering major Mark Macek load a trebuchet for a test Tuesday afternoon. They Evan O'Connell • THE BATTALION designed and built the trebuchet for a project in their biological systems engineering class and will analyze the data once they have concluded the test. SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Af California's 91-year-old wa compensation system haste! bled for the better part of decade, but now, with prai r | doubling and tripling, the ecw stagnant and businesses tea to leave the state, fixing II become a priority for lawmaker Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unlike many states, Caid covers all industries and alii ers, making it the moslta workers' compensation inmj system in America. Fallujah Continued from page 1A Abdul Aziz Mohammed said. Some of the corpses were dismembered, he said. Beneath the bodies, a man held a print ed sign with a skull and crossbones and the phrase “Fallujah is the cemetery for Americans.’* APTN showed the charred remains of three slain men. Some were wearing flak jackets, said resident Safa Mohammedi. One resident displayed what appeared to be dog tags taken from one body. Residents also said there were weapons in the targeted cars. APTN showed one American passport near a body and a U.S. Department of Defense identification card belonging to another man. Witnesses said the two vehicles were attacked with small arms fire and rocket propelled grenades. At a donors conference in Berlin, Secretary of State Colin Powell, when asked about the attacks in Iraq, said terror ists and remnants of the old regime were still loose in Iraq. He said “the Iraqi people will be free. They will have a democracy.” The burst of killings Wednesday assured that Marclv's death toll for U.S. troops will be the second-highest for any month since Bush declared the end of major combat. The only month with more deaths was November, with 82. Prior to the deaths Wednesday of five soldiers from the I st Infantry Division, at least 43 troops had been killed in March. With the additional five, the month’s total more than doubles February’s total of 21 and compares with 46 in January and 40 in December. On Tuesday in Ramadi.-one U.S. soldier was killed and another wounded in a roadside bombing, said Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt. Northeast of Baghdad, in the city of Baqouba on Wednesday, a suicide bomber blew up explosives in his car when he was near a convoy of government vehicles, wounding 14 Iraqis and killing himself, officials said. On Tuesday, a suicide bombing outside the house of a police chief in Hillah. about 60 miles south of Baghdad, killeup attacker and wounded seven others. A bomb exploded late Tuesdayti movie theater that had closed fcrthed Two bystanders vyere wounded by (1)1 glass, said its owner, Ghani Mohamme(| The latest violence came two days Carina Perelli. the head of a U.N.eleci team, said better security is vital wants to hold elections by a Jan. 31 line. The polls are scheduled to foW June 30 transfer of sovereignty loan government. s Top U.S. administrator L. PaulBi said Tuesday he had appointed21 ant ruption inspectors general to govemiis| departments to try to prevent fraud.Ml will be named in coming days,hesaiil The inspectors will work with two™ newly formed, independent agentij Together, they will “form an intern approach intended to combat comipwl every level of government across theca try.” Bremer said. In Berlin, Powell met with speciall| envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, who w ill go to Baghdad on Thursday. : cMone. 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