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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 2004)
THURSDAYS • 4-CLOSE $ 1.50 Domestic Schooners $ 2.50 Margaritas $ 2.00 Well Drinks 709 Texas Avo., CS (across from campus) • 695-2492 Annual Fay Lecture Series in Analytical Psychology “The Old Woman’s Daughter: Re-Imaging the Mother Archetype” by Claire Douglas, Ph.D. Co-sponsored by The Federation of'Texas A&M University Molhers’ Clubs & The Women's Studies Program at Texas A&M University Friday, April 2 Opening Reception: 5:00-6:30p.m. Introduction to Lecture Series by TAMU Provost David Prior Introduction to Lecture Series by Claire Douglas Banquet & Entertainment (6:30-9:00p.m.) ,4 // Friday fund inns will held at: Texas A&M University Clayton Williams. Jr. Alumni Center Saturday, April 3 Lecture I: The Black Serpent and the Beauliful Young Oirh Inherited Views of the Feminine 9-10:30a.m Lecture 2: The Oirl and the Snake Transfigured: A Feminine Birthright Reclaimed 11-12:30p.m. Sunday, April 4 Lecture 3: Cherishment: A DilTereiU Wav ol Doimt Therapy and Beimt in the Wp r |d 9-l0:30a.m. Lecture 4: The Old Woman. Her Dautthlcr. and Her Daughter's Daughter: Wei^viny Together I l-12:30p.m. AH lectures held at Texas A&M University. Memorial Student Center Rooms 205 & 200 TICKETS at MSC Box Office: Students & Sr. Citizens: $4 per lecture $ 12 four lectures f Adults: $7 per lecture $24 four lectures For additional information on the Fay Lectures call: 845-0477 The Josephites: Serving the African- American community since 1871. We are an interracial society of brothers and priests. n ■ ■ ■- it. A Vocation with the Josephites eXSa Call toll free 1.800.897.1827 fax: 410.727.1006 email: 2.2004 00 am *La Orquesta Salmeron & Salsa Lessons in MSC Flagroom In Collaboration w/ MSC CAMAC, L.T. Jordan Institute, & Puerto Rican Student Assoc. * LOTR: Return of the King at 6:00 & 9:45 _ $1 w/ TAMU ID In Collaboration w/ MSC Film Society *Free activities in the MSC Basement: pool, bowling, arts & crafts and Dance Dance Revolution in collaboration with Cepheid Variable * FREE FOOD and Drinks!!! * PRIZES: Nintendo Game Cube & Digital Camera! ^ Drawing at 12:50 am in MSC Flagroom! y 979.845.1515 /L. Fof special needs, please contact us vlA three days prior to the event at 845-151 5. 2A Thursday, April 1, 2004 THE BATTAHi FISH 8, JOSH DAMJJUl Reed OH MV GOSH, SCOOT' what’s happened TO us? Now Mf TORSO IS thick ENOUGH TO FIT AU MV ORGANS! ANP Our HANDS Arc small enough to Actuallv fit in our Footers' SAPLV, \ STILL look like The GlRl ON ‘WULV WONKA" LOHO turns INTO a BuieecRRv. \ Continued from noise f poumion by Will Uoy<A OYZ witmm WILL PUPE, THE 0RETT N SEEMS TO HAVE GOTTEN HIMSELF IN YET ANOTHER GOMIGAL SITUATION.. I PONT KNOW WHAT GIVES ME THE BIGGER HEAPAGHE, 1 yOU OK THESE TRlPPY A 0AGKGKOUNPS.' ^ EVERYONE KNOWS YOU'RE OUST RIPPING OFF "THE TOPP’ FROM "SCRUBS"!! ^YOUR NAME IS OUST ^ MR. LLOYP, HOW PO YOU PLEAP TO BRETT! NO0OPY HAS EVER OR WILL EVER GALL YOU >"THE BRETT"!! SAY ITU __ CHARGES Of ASSAULTING THE BRETT? “The speech gave | unique perspective of tliel War that we haven’t |( from our textbooks,” saij Cagle, junior biomedical ences major. Yulia Botvich, a gradm Texas A&M Class of 2001,i she grew up in Russia seeiiij Cold War from the ottan and that she was conctu about her generation’s lad concern from Americans Russians with learning such a historical event. “1 believe it is impoitt people to see why the Cold took place, because the you know about more likely you can pm future incidents like Botvich said. Reed ended his speed some words of warning fm United States’ security future. “There are some problems ahead of us; we to balance our personal doms but make sure we itrj secure,” he said. on,: Journalism Continued from pagelil Blood Continued from page 1A blood, and that a donation is divided into three parts: whole blood, plasma and platelets. Therefore, one Aggie’s donation can benefit three different people, but there’s still a shortage of blood due to constant demand, she said. “Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood,” Hale said. “Fewer and fewer peo ple are donating blood, but the demand is always increasing. When you consider that six units of blood are used for a heart transplant, and an auto accident can use up to 40 units, anyone can see that we need all the blood we can get.” The University Round-up Challenge Blood Drive is an event that allows people to give to the community. “The really cool thing is, The Texas Star Day Foundation has promised to donate one book to Bryan-College Station area schools for every pint of blood that is donated,” said Jacqui Bourland. president of Alpha Phi Omega. The American Red Cross will be collecting blood on campus at Rudder Fountain, Sbisa. the Biochemistry-Biophysics Building, the Commons, Zachry and Wehner. “Currently only 3 percent of Texans give blood, but it is a wonderful way to give back to the com munity,” Bourland said. “I would really encourage anyone who can donate blood to do so, not only because of the importance of blood collection, but also for literacy.” what’s going on.” Blakely said thedeit the journalism departmem impossible situation to aw “Texas A&M, being a one university, requiresits lessors to do research,"Bla said. “When you teachsoE classes you can’t really on research.” Wal raven said proper sal tutions will be madetoea: that students get the chi they need to graduate. "We’re making suretk one is going to be left beta Walraven said. "1 will bet: ing some classes, if requir Walraven said that il department was not closiiip contracts for the three pisj I [ sors would have been am ered for extension LEARN TO FLY NOW At United Flight Systems THE EXPERIENCED FLIGHT SCHOOL 2001-2003 Best of the Brazos Valley Winner! FAA Approved Flight School Private - Advance Training Aircraft Rental Available VA Eligible Benefits Pilot Shop Discovery Flights COLLEGE STATION At Easia tvood Airport (979)260-6322 www. unitedflight, com Take a 30 minute aerial tour of Bryan- College Station 1 for as little as *25.°” The Battalion a Elizabeth N. Webb, Editor in Chief Kendra Kingsley, Managing Elditor Melissa Sullivan, City Editor Kim Katopodis, Aggielife Editor Nishat Fatima, Entertainment Editor George Dcutsch, Opinion Editor Troy Miller, Sports Editor Rachel Valencia, Copy Chief Ruben Dcl.una, Graphics I Joshua Hobson, Photo Eimt Jacquelyn Spruce, Radio Pm Jaynath Kannaiyan, Web Edira ManisEt Jindal, Webmaster THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055 4726) is published daily, Monday through Fridaydi# fall and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer s (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Pi Paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes tdThe Bat Texas A&M University, 1111 TAMU. College Station, TX 77843-1111. News; the Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M Mm the Division of Student Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offasai 014 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-264?; E; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement^ 1 1 Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. Ford®| tied advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald,! hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M studentto|»| up a single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail sub! are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 for the sumniero(ill| a month. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611 Animal Planet A camel with no hump? A leopard with no spots? An elephant with no trunk? This is definitely not an everyday trip to the zoo! It’s a fun-filled new musical starring six of your favorite animals. Filled with vivid costumes and plenty of sing along tunes, JUST SO STORIES, based on Rudyard Kipling's masterpiece, will have you laughing, singing and dancing in the aisles! JUST SO STORIES TheatreWorks USA Saturday, April 3 2 PM & 4 PM Rudder Theatre TICKETS 845-1234 OELSf FOR THE YOUNG AT ARTI MSC Three Decades of Performing Ans (iflti Jania.siic 'JamiLf 'JnJ. All tickets only $7.50! 1 An-