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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 2004)
NATIC IATION ™L1( he battalion 9 A Thursday, March 4, 2004 8 te ie larges (ainst artha :ewait stice ng to s a prison irsanda ay: carried a itenceolii ion fine, lamas militants die n Israeli air strike ,\'eb site indicates three me preparing an attack 5 the coma se. ed with to n of statement ad with mi By Ibrahim Barzak THE ASSOCIATED PRESS GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — i Israeli helicopter strike led three Hamas militants ling in a car Wednesday, the cond such targeted attack in ve days and a possible sign tat Israel is stepping up its ampaign against militants head of a planned withdrawal rathe Gaza Strip. Two missiles slammed into tecar, triggering a fire that ijstanders tried to put out with md and their jackets. One an, using a blanket, lifted a larred body out of the car and eaved it onto a stretcher. The Israeli military said one those killed, 24-year-old bstruction that can)i bars, count acts acanovici o devise! cover st* s througha Stewart i the soraetii her hand, al, thejui of securiiic Stewart a Stem a inveslo proclaims e eludes mag is, omeilf t :utive aln st summt s chief erf :e tout $48,te ing, Rubalcakii 1 ^ t seven)® tfromaJU f about $lf cal year, obs. Airstrike kills three An Israeli helicopter fired missiles at a car carrying suspected Hamas militants on a road through the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, killing three people. 5 mi ISRAEL Gaza N ® ,2arim Strip Gaza City , making* nts com ,ra( ''’ ama '' was bob inti sever- Iroadside bombings and rock- taltackson Israelis. The other nowere identified as Ibrahim ti,34, and Amar Hassan, 21. Onits Web site, Hamas indi- aiedthat the three were about carry out an attack. “The tee martyrs were on a holy when the Zionist U.S.- sadehelicopters fired two mis- iestoward their vehicle.” the statement said. leader Sheik Ahmed Ifcinsaid the Islamic militant would keep up attacks against Israel. “The Palestinian will continue their resistance despite this aggres- n,"Yassin said. Wednesday’s strike, near the lewishsettlement of Netzarim. just five days after Israeli fired missiles at a cat in the same area, killing m/rtants of the Islamic / Golan' r J HeightsJ ISRAEL,^ SYRIA West Bank Detail □ \/Gaza \ Sthp JORDAN Jerusalem 0 25 mi 0 25 km There has been some expec- onlltat Israel would step up itsslrikes against militants in Gaza ahead of a u with- Israeli Minister hid Sharon has aid he would ismantle most i-time staff fnaeli settle- in the strip impose a oimdary on the ilestinians if lace talks tmain frozen in oming months. Avi Pazner, Israeli gov- r n m e n t ikesman, said Israel would itinue its campaign against groups even after a The prospect of an Israeli rithdrawal has also fueled hternal Palestinian strife in Eaza, with armed gangs and jorrupt members of the securi- j forces jockeying for power. On Tuesday, gunmen killed al-Zaben, an adviser to alestinian leader Yasser Police have made no rests, but a security official lid privately he believed the lackers had ties to Arafat’s movement. So far, ilamic militant groups, it’s main political rivals, ive stayed out of the internal ghting. Sharon has pledged to coor- inate the Gaza pullout and unilateral steps with the d States. A top Sharon SOURCES: Associated Press; ESRI AP aide, Dov Weisglass, met earli er this week with U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice. A senior Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Wednesday that U.S. officials did not reject unilateral steps, but expressed concerns about security and humanitarian issues. U.S. offi cials have said Israeli actions should fit into the “road map” peace plan, which moves through three stages to a Palestinian state next year. Talks on the plan have been frozen for months, and neither side has carried out even its first provisions — halt vio lence, dismantle militant groups and end construction in Jewish settle ments. Also Wednesday, Israeli troops in the West Bank killed a Palestinian who belonged to the Al Aqsa Martyrs ’ Brigades, an armed gang with ties to Fatah. The army said the man, who had an assault rifle, approached troops during an arrest operation in the Tulkarem refugee camp, and they opened fire. A Palestinian demonstrator wounded by soldiers in a clash last week over Israel’s West Bank separation barrier died in a hospital. He was the third man to die from a clash between soldiers and stone throwers near the village of Bidou, where Israel is planning to build a section of the barrier. Israel says it needs the con tentious barrier of razor wire, cement walls and trenches to keep Palestinian suicide bombers out of Israeli towns and cities. However, the barrier dips into the West Bank in some areas, and Palestinians say it is a land grab meant to prevent them from establishing a state. The Palestinian people will continue their resistance despite this aggression. — Sheik Ahmed Yassin Hamas leader THE BARBER SHOP Texas Ave. Barber Shop 14.0 & Go | | l-ack’s 693-4400 Mon.-Fri. 8:00 - 6:00 2553-C Texas Ave. S. College Station Next to Brown's Shoe Store 2 off with this coupon Offer expires March 31, 2004 French parliament adopts ban on headscarves PARIS (AP) — A law banning Islamic head- scarves in France's public schools was over whelmingly adopted Wednesday in the Senate despite protests by many French Muslims that the measure is discriminatory. The 276-20 vote mirrored similar support by the National Assembly, the lower chamber of par liament, which passed it 494-36 on Feb. 10. NEWS IN BRIEF President Jacques Chirac must now formally sign it into law within 15 days. He had said such a law was needed to protect the French principle of secularism. The law forbids religious apparel and signs that “conspicuously show” a student’s religious affili ation. While Jewish skullcaps and large Christian crosses would also be banned, authorities have made clear that it is aimed at removing Islamic headscarves from classrooms. The measure is to take effect in September. There are an estimated 5 million Muslims in mostly Roman Catholic France — the largest Muslim population in Western Europe. The Senate, which like the lower house is con trolled by conservatives such as Chirac, still had to dismiss 23 proposed amendments raised in two days of debate. The amendments were offered mainly by the left. The law is to be re-examined after a year in force to see whether “conspicuous” should be replaced by “visible.” mmm MW Let s Co Out To Eat Thursdays in The Battalion m mmmm WUEtUM ■ MEXICAN CAFE 3312 S. College Ave., Bryan Serving the freshest and best mexican fast food since 1969. 49C Crispy Tacos :9aker Baking If Great! I aTm Bakery ♦ Pizzeria ♦ Deli ♦ Cafe No Limit. Show Student ID Expires 04-02-04. Between Farm Patch and Villa Maria 9” SPECIALTY PIZZA 1 ■ with purchase trf arr*f specialty pizza £ 2 sodas I Pizza Served Daily After 5pm. Offer Expires: 3/15/04. Valid for dina-in or delivery. Delivery minimums and fees apply. 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