Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 2004)
y THE BATTALION To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is paced $1,000 or less (pnce must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offenng personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. ADOPTION FOR RENT HELP WANTED HELP WANTED TRAVEL Former Ags, in Central Texas, wish to adopt and raise a baby in fun, loving, Christian home with lots of teddy bears and Ag traditions. Listed with an accredit ed adoption agency. Legal and medical expenses only. Please consider and call 1-800-299-2466. ANNOUNCEMENTS Start your own Fraternity! Zeta Beta Tau is looking for men to start a new Chapter. If you are interested in academic success, a chance to network and an opportunity to make friends in a non-pledging Brother hood, e-mail: or call 800-431-9674. BED AND BREAKFAST Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,'70, 979- 696-0091. _____ COMPUTERS HP Pavilion 8180, CDRW, wireless mouse, monitor, $275. Danny 979-676- 0709. 11 FOR RENT 1-3/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$600/mo. 696- 2038. 2/2-condo. New carpet, all appliances. W/D, water/gas paid. Bus route. Double- tree Condos, 1901 W.Holleman. 713-862- 2010. 2bdrm/1bth, .5-miles from campus, w/d, water paid, on bus-route 979-690-4181 3/2 duplex, w/d, ethernet. No pets, rent negotiable. 690-9466. 3/2 Townhouses, 1250sqft. Very Spa cious, Ethernet, Large Kitchen, Walk-in Food Pantry, Walk-in Closets, Extra Stor age, Great Amenities, On Bus Route, Now Pre-leasing, Excellent Specials. 694-0320 office @ 3bdrm/2ba all appliances, w/d, covered parking, yard work done, on shuttle route. $850/mo Call 776-3083 to see. 4/3, 3/3 &3/2 Townhouses, Duplexes SFourplexes, 1250-1700sqft. Very Spa cious, Ethernet, Large Kitchen, Extra Stor age, Great Amenities, On Bus Route, Now Pre-leasing, Excellent Specials. 694-0320 office @ 4bdrm/4bth condominium, University Place, all appliances, ceiling fans, $375/bdrm. (281)444-9612. Attention Students! Why Pay Rent? Buy a home, rent out the other rooms, and live for free! 979-693-7653 or Broker, RE/MAX B-CS. Brand New Duplex for Rent, never lived in. 1400sqft. Just built last month in great neighborhood. 3bdrm/3bth w/all new ap pliances. Washer, Dryer, Oven, Stove, Microwave, the works! $1000/mo. Call Brian: 979-764-2926. Large 2bedroom Ibath brick duplex. Bik ing distance to A&M. Ideal for graduate student. Available to lease now. No pets. $375/mo -fbills. 693-8534. Nice 2bdrm/1.3bth. Private, on shuttle, fireplace and pool. Must See! $475/mo. 979-574-8418. Nice 2bdrm/1ba for lease. W/D connec tions, water, PD, 806sqft. $525 OBO. 979-693-8685. Parkway Apts. 1600 Southwest Pkwy CS now pre-leasing for May or August 1,2, or 3 bedrooms great rate look in lease spe cial 693-6540 Priced to rent! 3bdrm/2bth duplex, Rock Hollow Loop, Bryan. 979-822-9818. Reduction, 4-blocks from campus. Large 2/2, 2-story condo, w/d conn., fenced yard. New carpet, paint, $475/mo., 506 C- Col)ege Main. 254-542-6030. Reduction, 6-blocks from campus 4311 D Boyett, cozy 4-plex, 2/1, $325 rent. 254- 542-6030/254-289-8200 Reduction, cozy 1/1 condo in Villa Oaks West off 2818, 1107 Verde#67, pool, laun dry area. $275, $150 deposit, on shuttle, 254-542-6030, 254-289-8200. No HUD. Reduction, cozy 2/1.3, condo, in Villa Oaks West, off 2818, 1107 Verde#49, pool, laundry area, $325, $150 deposit, on shuttle, 254-542-6030, 254-289-8200. No HUD. Room for rent in 2bdrm/1bth house. Pets ok, 10-mins. to A&M, no deposit, $250/mo. +1/3util. 979-693-6241. Studio style apartment on bus route, will reduce price from $479-$450/mo 214-417- 1993. UNITED REALTY'S Free Locator Service is PRELEASING NOW for May and Aug. 2004! WE can locate what you’re looking for- CALL 260-1200 TODAY to get start ed or EMAIL us- Wanna get 2 for the price of 1? Redstone Apartments offers a 2bedroom at a 1 bed room price. $499! W/D connections avail able. 979-696-1848. Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don't buy, rent a washer & dryer, $30/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better! 764-3902 FOR SALE ‘01 Specialized Hard Rock Bicycle. Barely ridden. $200/060. Call 979-777-7302. COMPARE TEXTBOOK PRICES! Search 24 bookstores with 1 click! Ship ping and taxes automatically calculated. CRU-5000 IEC Refrigerated Centrifuge for sale; excellent condition; original price, $6,800. Asking $500 or best offer; contact Lesa at 979-776-7895, M-F 8-5. Desk 30X40X24 inches, 2 drawers, sliding tray $40. Computer stand 29X27X20 inches, sliding tray $20. Call 979-450- 0146. Having roommate or landlord problems we can help negotiate your current lease come see us at Fox Run Condos 979-693- 2999 HELP WANTED 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. IN STRUCTORS NEEDED: Tennis, Basket ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La crosse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa terskiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood- shop, English Riding, Nature, Nurses. Ar lene Streisand 1-800-443-6428; Accepting applications for wait staff for lunch and dinner shifts. Great atmos phere and very happy environment. Apply in person at Mr. G’s Pizzeria, 201 W. 26th Street, Bryan from 11 am-2pm. Part-time leasing agent 25/hrs/wk. Af ternoons and Saturdays 10-4. Apply Parkway Apartments. 1600 SWPK C.S. or fax resume to 979-693-0180. FREE Burger or Salad w/purchase of Burger or Salad Culpepper Plaza 979.696.9066 Aggie Bucks Accepted Newsday Crossword ON A DIET by Lee Weaver Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 1 Stinging insects 6 Transmission setting 10 Hemingway nickname 14 Drive forward 15 Bom Free lioness 16 City near Tulsa 17 Prom queen’s headgear 18 Intend 19 “Zounds!" 20 That woman 21 Dr. Strangelove actor 24 Natural-gas component 26 Scandinavian city 27 Calcutta costume 29 Roadside eateries 32 Like the Sahara’s climate 33 Most tense 37 Broad-minded 41 Allow back in 43 Guaranteed 45 Entirely sensible 46 Bring to naught 49 Gusto 50 Bakery buy 53 Deal in secondhand goods 55 Sensitive to criticism 58 Male turkey 61 Stand up 62 Singer Adams 63 Mirror reflection 65 podrida 66 Fellow 67 Rings up 68 Monopoly card 69 Droops 70 Little shavers DOWN 1 Accompanied by 2 French girlfriend 3 Barbecue favorite 4 Part of mpg 5 Sweeping cut 6 Castor and Pollux constellation 7 Gold or germanium 8 Memo notation 9 Rajah’s wife 10 Quick glances 11 Treetop ornament 12 Concerto instrument 13 Says more 22 Young fellow 23 Mesa, CA 25 Ebb and neap 27 Gal of song 28 Operatic highlight 30 Corn on the cob 31 Feel remorse 34 ’50s Ford 35 Chitchat 36 Singer Turner 38 Mystical poems 39 “ we there yet?” 40 Something to stand on 42 Midmorning 44 Mending, as socks 47 Group doctrines 48 Brooklyn suffix 50 Santiago’s country 51 Pews divider 52 Work with bread dough 54 Official proclamation 55 Walked heavily 56 Beer barrels 57 Sudden thought 59 Eye slyly 60 Army chow 64 Might possibly Asst. CM & Pro. Coord. F/T, Motivated Team Associate with strong People, ver bal & written communication, Technical abilities. Responsibilities: Engr. Shop dwgs./ submittals; Update plans & specs.; Coordinate/ resolve const. Field issues with Engr./ Arch, via RFI’s' Track permit(s) procurement & implementation; working knowledge of MS Word, Excel, Scheduling with Primavera P3 A+. Field/ Office Posi tion. Salary with benefits. Send Resume: WM Construction, 23235 Hazel Field CT„ Katy, Texas 77494. Babysitter to watch preschool child. MWF afternoons, all day T/Th. If interest ed call 979-272-1010. Chess coach for rated Consol. 9th grader. Flexible times &locations. $20/hr. 979- 694-6652. Cleaning commercial buildings at night, M-F. Call 823-5031 for appt. Clementine’s Cafe seeking lunch wait staff. For more information call 779-2558. Tutor for Protel 99 SE. 979-862-8442 daytime; 979-693-5444 night, Wanted: Cowboys & Cowgirls to guide tourists and horses through the Rocky Mountains. Come work for the largest horse operation in North America Write Sombrero Ranch, 3300 Airport Road. Boulder, CO 80301 or visit our website at www. sombrero .com. MOTORCYCLE 02 Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 800. Cus tom seat, exhaust &saddle bags Extra clean. $5400/060 Call 979-777-7302 MUSIC Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, pro fessional/ experienced Specializing m Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke Mobile to anywhere Book early 1 ! 693- 6294 http://www PETS Little Caesar's Pizza now accepting ap- Adopt Pets: Dogs. Cats. Puppies. Kit plications for delivery drivers and pizza tens. Many purebreds Brazos Animal makers. Apply at C.S. location. Shelter. 775-5755, Needed: Web Designer. Must be experi enced using PHP. HTML, and be good with content, formatting and layout. Need to have experience manipulating images in Photoshop. ASP and Flash experience a plus. Call Systek 776-9955 or fax 774- 9863. Part time childcare help needed. Apply in person, Fit For Kids. 3609 E 29th St., Bry an. Part-time, leasing help. Are you energetic, outgoing, and people friendly? Willing to work weekends? If so, please email your resume to The Best Summer Job: Why hike in our backcountry, ride horses on our rugged trails and breathe fresh mountain air all summer long? It comes with the job. Cheley Colorado Camps, a residential wil derness camp for youth 9-17. 6/6-8/9. Call us at 1-800-CampFun, email or visit our website at Top Gun Selling. The six selling systems that are used by virtually every business in America and Europe. References STU- 1346: Student Special: $49.97. Includes the full Selling System Prospecting, Ac count Management and Closing. Choice tor over 20 years! SPRING BREAK CAMCUN ACAPULCO LOS CABOS BRECKINRIDGE ~~ TT VUL BEAVER CREEK - KEYSTONE A BASIN ummm www.universitybeachclub.coni REAL ESTATE Free House Hunting Services reveal best buys in any area and price range you specify! Visit AndrewSmithTeam com or 979-693-7653 Broker. RE/MAX B-CS Free, quick, over-the-net home evalua tion! AndrewSmithTeam com or 979-693- 7653 Broker. RE/MAX B-CS ROOMMATES 1-1. Cute 3bdrm/2ba house S32S/mo +1/4bills. Cable internet, close to TAMU 936-556-0409. 2-F roommates needed 2bdmV2bth. S300/mo. Call Shelley at 281-728-0344. 2-roommates needed to share 4bdrm home in Shanandoah Subdivision. C S. S300/mo. 979-846-6520; 979-255-7479 SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Dnving. Lots-of* fun. Laugh-a-lot!! Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm). W- Th(6pm-9pm). Fn.&Sat.- Fn(6pm-8pm) &Sat( 10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2 30pm) Former student serving you 20yrs In ofli- ces above Aggieland Kiva Inn, Ste.200 (next door to Applebee's) Walk-ins wel come $25/cash Lowest pnce by law 104 Texas Ave. S. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193. Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. TRAVEL Go Skiing at Spring Break!! Luxury townhouse sleeps 15. Ski Taos. Red River, Angel Fire. Rio Costilla $150- $350/night. Call John or Tommy 846-8916, 255-8905. Spring Break! Free food, parties & drinks! Our students seen on CBS' 48 hours! Lowest prices! 800-985-6789. Serine Break Mazatlan, Mexico $364 “* via Party Bus _ Your Spring Break Package Includes: ■ Round trip Luxury "Party Bus" to Maatlan ■ 5 nights Hotel Accommodations ■ Breakfast and Dinner everyday in Mazatlan ■ 50+ hours of Free Drinks ■ Free Beach Parties ■ Free Happy Hour Parties ■ 24hr On Site Paradise Parties Staff Air Packages Available to Cancun Jamaica Acapulco Nassau 1.877.467.2723 Spring Break ACAPULCO- -CABO- -PUERTO VALLARTA- A/l Food & Drinks mon-stop partying Student Travel America 1 -800-235-TRIP THE AGGIE OUTREACH PROGRAM The Association OF FORMER STUDENTS Contact Former Students to ask for their support of student scholarships & other student programs. Earn $6.00/hr PLUS Bonuses! (No shifts Fri. & Sat.) Work flexible hours while developing communication & negotiation skills. Stop by the Clayton Williams, Jr. Alumni Center for an application, call 845-0425, or check out our website: for more information. lA/&cvierl7ie, Aqqie, Netuio'tkJ Spring Break 2004. Travel with STS, America's *1 Student Tour Operator to Cancun, Acapulco, and Florida Biggest Parties. Best Clubs! Call lor group dis counts Information/ Reservations 1-800- 648-4849 or www SPRING BREAK Beach and Ski Tripe on sale now! Call V800-SUNCHASE today! Or visit www Sunchase com Spring Break Getaway! S Padre Island luxury beach house for rent Brand new 5bdrm/4bth home with 3-balconies, large patio, swimming pool, bbq pit, gourmet kitchen Amors 1 2-minute walk to beach Sleeps 12 $7000/week Can 956-451 • 0635 Fraternities - Sororities Clubs - Student Groups Earn Sl.000-S2.000 this semester with a proven CampusF undraiser 3 hour fundraising event Our tree programs make fundraising easy with no risks. Fundraising dates are tilling quickty. so get with the program* It works Contact CampusF undraiser at (888)923-3238. or visit www camousfundraisar com COMPARE TEXTBOOK PRICES! • Search 24 stores with 1 clickl • Save up to 704b M/bookHQ HOUSES FOR RENT All properties ovoiluNe now! 1606 Ursullne 4/2 .*800 - Huge Bryan l mile from Blinn 208 Cooner 3/2 • *850 Big • CS l/2 mile from campus Detached party garage 2506 Morris 3/2 • *800 • Bryan 5 miles from A&M Call Clarissa 690-9751 Meet The Battalion Wednesday, Jan. 28 2-4 p.m. Forsyth Galleries, MSC Meet the writers, photogra phers, artists and editors who produce your campus newspaper. The Battalion