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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 2003)
cn *5 Off Coupon (regular price *40.00) Good for one hour FOOT RUB (reflexology session) to release stress and tension, improve circulation, and help balance your body naturally. Call to schedule an appt. (979) 219-1278 or (979) 691-8884 MC/VISA/DISC accepted • Gift Certificates Available Melody Nelson, RN Certified Reflexologist 1880 Greenfield Coupon good k»k oni visit only. Kxpirls June 30, 2004 Bryan, TX 77802 Tuesday Buy Regular or Large Sandwich Get 22oz. drink and chips FREE Dine-ln and take out only. Check out our new menu Sandwiches starting at $ l.99! I 10 College Main • 846-7000 Mon.-Sat. 10:30am-10:00pm Sun. I 1:00am-1 Opm This store not affiliated with Texas Avenue location. IN THE DARK ABOUT ^ WHERE TO SELL YOUR TEXTBOOKS? LOUPOT’S BOOKSTORES WILL GIVE YOU 1 0% MORE AT BUYBACK NORTHGATE 335 University Drive College Station, TX 77840 SOUTHGATE 308 George Bush Dr. College Station, TC 77840 WOLF PEN PLAZA 1907 Texas Ave. S. College Station, TX 77840 * Bob Schneider and Battle of the Bands in collaboration w/ MSC Town Hall * American Wedding at J:00 & 9:15 pm in Rudder Theater - SI w/ TAMU ID In collaboration w/ MSC Film Society * Aggie Jeopardy Finals in the nsc Fiagroom * Free activities in the NSC Basement: pool, arts & crafts, bowling, and DDR In collaboration w/ Cepheid Variable Free door prizes at 11:30 PM in NSC Flagroom. Must be present to win! HaM (FlfflEE IDkmttim's (Piss® 979.845.1515 T For special needs, please contact us O- three days prior to the event at 845-1515. Tuesday, December 2, 2003 THE BATTAL! FI5H wamiwA All,s Thanks For Helpihl, me UJITW This Pieo3£<T SfHoOU First ooesTonO ViHAT Do You uoanT MOST FoR CHRISTMAS This AcTuAtL'y, 15 There AajyThimG MoRE RoMANTiC IN NATURE y Some 3EL)£LRY? Perfume > ^No, Rul SPEAKING Him... what day Two CELERR-ATe Anniversary ag 0 ' Continued from pagel noise t pouunon en josh DflRUJin WAIT A SECOND , You'Re '^ mc that au. three OF YOU WAVE DATED THE <al«L I'M CiOlNCj OUT WHTH T0N16HT? S ueu. if she's so (atteAr, UHAT WAFTCnED 7 . weuu, tost make Sure to never fcUY A CiIRl A STaiRMASTER FOR VALENTINE’S DAY. TI \ W Nairobi to show support forj* pie infected with HIV air demand access toes: “It is depleting ourstod knowledge and reallocai family and national bufe President Mwai 1 “Indeed, this disease couldb to the collapse of economies in the next few; : ; orations. We, therefore,owei:; humanity to fight this fc relentlessly.” Health and Human Sens Secretary Tommy Thonr appealed in Zambia for roll bling efforts against HIV. Air:. the hardest-hit continent, car: her class fight the pandemic alone,hesil problem: “This war has caused d and sent FORI CrazLy 5v ^ouy Today, I went to class and found out that I have a test in two days. I haven't studied at all for this test! Til be cramming for the next 48 hours! Has that ever happened to you, Jake? You know what words sound Do you ever pay attention? . I'm broke, if ford it. I Sanch picture p le sent t [pread b' This I iven if yt ng an in ggffleas mm BY: MILL LL6YP mmmmm mmmm mm mm casualties than any other Kf Thompson said. “We America, the European T and everybody. Nobody going to be spared unlesswei come together in the fid against this disease." Former South Afc re so 111 President Nelson Mandela® 3 § ra P* iet the world to fight the siis l0W ' as P associated with HIV, savir; u as stopping people I tested and treated. “That is a tragic mia because when you do that ; make the people that are si ing feel like they are not hi beings.” Mandela saidinCal Town, South Africa. “Ma will die because of feelinu 1 than human.” UNA IDS estimates 3 mil people have died this year.H says more than 5 patients need anti-retrovd drugs, hut fewer th; have access to them. Anti-retroviral drugs all; HIV patients to live a i normal life by preventing3 development of ful The drugs improve It health, but they remain infeed and can transmit the disease. Rother’s Continued from page 1 said. major, store’s same amount of excitement about the plan as Rother’s is, such as Angela Nelson, a sopho more marketing major. “I think it is cool that they want to support the University in that way, but it seems like they are spending a lot of money changing it when they already had built a good name for themselves,” she Kirk Garza, a junior economics said he does not see the point in the remodeling. “I really think all this money could be used for something besides decorations,” he said. “Students already like Rother’s and are going to buy books from them despite what the store looks like.” This is a project Rother’s has been work ing on for more than two years. “People need to come in and seed nothing has really changed,” Brooks “There wdll be more confusion than any at first.” Steps are being taken to spark stf interest in their new stores, she said.!- will lie given away to promote the newrn and giveaways have been planned. “All this work and change is when you consider all of the overall benefit Brooks said. “Like tely,” sa nfomiati or abuse flanket jt That I Forld, tl Cheese! V serv at’s en otential Imagi lity insp Store cle their ass; t The n ty much jy a half I “It’s j lion to ti |very da But d se them ial mon Proud nonth-o and frier football is to pii “A dt it’s Never Too late to Join the Cor Conors Center put the Corns of Cadets or to loin the Cerps, call the ingi office at 979-845-9232 or visit us at the Sanders Corps el THE BATTALION Sommer Hamilton, Editor in Chief Elizabeth Webb, Managing Editor Sarah Szuminski, Metro Editor C.E. Walters, Metro Assistant Lauren Smith, Metro Assistant Kim Katopodis, Aggielife Editor Nishat Fatima, Aggielife Assistant Jenelle Wilson, Opinion Editor Matt Rigney, Opinion Assistant True Brown, Sports Editor Dallas Shipp, Sports Editor George Deutsch, Sci|Tech Editor Micala Proesch, Copy Chief Ruben DeLuna, Graphics Editor John Livas, Photo Editor Kendra Kingsley, Radio Producer Jason Ritterbusch, Webmaster THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) Is published daily, Monday through Friday du' ing the fall and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the sumnw session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M Univeisitt Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send adtlres changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, 1111 TAMU, College Station.!* 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas Ml 1 University in the Division of Student Media, a unit of the Department of Jouraalism News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fai 845-2647; E-mail:; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement^) The Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696.8* classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDorf and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M studentti pick up a single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 25<. Mail in scriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 fortle summer or $10 a month. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or Ameiican Express, call 845-2611. THINKING OF MOVING? ^ LETS TALK. Move over to The Tradition for the rest of the 0(3-04 school year and you can: AT N 0 R T H G tlj •^Receive a one-time Room and Hoard credit of up to ssoo • i I.or K ill tliii' year’s rates lor ne\t veat! Aggieland, Texas GROUP RATES as low as s,V2.T per monthly installment Engineering , Honors and Sorority students: Mow into one of the blocks reserved for these groups and automatically get the rate 1 ! ^Student Organizations: lo + from your group get the rate, phis a donation to your organization tS: access to our meeting rooms! ' :i "*AIl Ags: Form your own group of |o N you.also get the rate! As always. The Tradition offers convenience: ALL-INCH’SIVE rates and a great LOt ATION. Gall today for more inlonnation.