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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 2003)
\ WESTERN*BEVERAGES GIG 'EM AGS! SAW 'EM OFF WESTERN * BEVERAGES 701 University Dr. East (979) 846-1257 2205 Longmire (979) 764-9577 Major Credit Cards Accepted Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 am to 9 pm Prices C.ood 11/24/03 to 11/29/03 In caw of printim: rrror. Mon- price prrxiiils D\seovoJF$(^searx‘l i i> .<. You may qualify for a clinical research study if you have any of the following conditions: SINUS INFECTION? • Males and Females 18 years of age or older / > • Have a frequent cough, facial pain, pressure and/or tightness • Up to $400 paid for time and travel. SORE THROAT? • Males and females between the ages of2 and 12 • Have a sore throat/scratchy throat, pain or swelling • Reimbursement for time and travel. Medical assessments, study-related diagnostic tests, and investigational medication are provided to qualified participants at no charge. (979) 779-3303 or 888-438-9586 toll free Tuesday Buy Regular or Large Sandwich Get 22oz. drink and chips FREE Dine-ln and take out only. Check out our new menu Sandwiches starting at $ 1.99! OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY 5pm - 10pm II0 College Main • 846-7000 Mon.-Sat. 10:30am-10:00pm Sun. I 1:00am-10pm This store not affiliated with Texas Avenue location. The week of November 23 - November 27 Acct 209 Kratchman Fine Stmt Analysis Tue Nov 25 7pin-12am Fine Stmt Analysis Sun Nov 30 Kpm-lam Acct 209 Strawser Makeup Fxam 1 & 2 Sun Nov 23 6ptn-9pm Makeup Exam 3 & 4 Mon Nov 24 6pm-9pm Fine Stmt Analysis Mon Dee 1 8pm-1 a m Acct 229 Bs» rr#tt/ Cassidy Old Exams Part 1 Sun Nov 23 9pm-12am Old Exams Part 2 Mon Nov 24 9pm-12am You car now buy Acct 229 Stasiiy Old Exams Sun Nov 23 3pm-t>pm tickets online at p and avoid standing in ticket lines Chem 227 Ch 11 Wed Nov 26 9pm-11pm < h 15 Thu Nov 27 9pm-11pm .... \ - - f . Chetn 227 Test Review Mlller/Tiner Sun Nov 23 4pm-7pm Hildreth Mon Nov 24 9pm-llpm Math ISO Test Review- Sun Nov 23 6pm-8pm llllaiiliill iiisilililili Math 151 Part 1 of 3 Mon Nov 24 7pm-10pm Part 2 of 3 Tue Nov 25 10pm-lam Part 3 of 3 Sun Nov 30 7pni-10pnt OR »» Part 3 of 3 Mon Dec 1 4pm-7pm Math 152 Part 1 of 4 Mon Nov 24 lOpm-lam Part 2 of 4 Tuc Nov 25 7pm-lflpm Part 3 of 4 Sun Nov 30 lOpm-lam Part 4 of 4 Mon Dec 1 10pni-lan> Phys 201 Part 1 of 3 Fri Nov 21 4pm-6pm Part 2 of 3 Sat Nov 22 12pm-3pm Part 3 of 3 Sun Nov 23 12pm-3pm Phys 201 Old Tests Paulus/Kapp Sun Nov 23 Spm-lOpm Phys 218 Part 1 of 3 Fri Nov 21 6:3Upni-8:3npm Part 2 of 3 Sat Nov 22 3pm-6pm Part3 of 3 Sun Nov 23 3pm-6pm ' Phys218 Bassiehis Old Tests Old Tests 1 Sat Nov 22 6pm-8pm Old Tests 2 Sun Nov 23 I0pm-I2am Phys218 Old Tests Yuri/Tlostovsev Sun Nov 23 12pm-2pm Sokolov Mon Nov 24 5pm-7ptn Tickets go Check our wet on sale Sunday at SW Pkwy and T page at http:// 11:30 a.m. 4.0 & C x Ave, behind KFC www.4.0andGo >o Is located on the next to Lack’s. com or call 696 comer of -8886{TUTOR) Monday, November 24, 2003 THE FI9H One /More Minute, \ Class. Then 9ouR TESTS in Toi The ta s GHAT /ARE Voo \ bot/gG ? Vou \ FILLED OUT LUCE Eight Blue / ~j/ " Aft, The FKoF MAbE AW HFE 6'Vi/JG A test On THA^k$6l\/l/06 Uj£EK.. < (CtwsioeR Tms ^ V BAM^Ct/vC, ’"T SfAtrS/ I'LL 2e<mea\be<? That WHf/y ME MARES GRADE I the* ^t oh . v ^ You 6UVS DoY GLT R4/D 6V THE PAGE ? Elephant Continued from pagel —4 > y t www | noise f poamion bo josh OARtum i ha-pe you ANP AU- OF Your FpveNW. / Amo oer th«! \ was TVt ONe MHO •shot Bam BPS Mom • ha ha ha / I t>OM-r CARe, PAKREM. WflUr «T\u_ MAviMOi A VEO«eTAK»AN TMAW.fe'V'*. («^T) \ CrcjzLy ^1. ^lou^e BV. MM M0VP Bonfire Continued from page 1 same time,” he said. “We weren’t prepared for all the traffic.” Will Trevino, a senior psy chology major, said seeing bon fire burn was worth the trouble it took to get there. “Coming to this University, I had always looked forward to see ing the bonfire,” he said. “1 was really disappointed when I learned that I wouldn’t be able to see one here during my time at A&M." Stagner said bonfire always got started later than planned ever since it was held off campus. “Back when it was still held on campus it would be lighted at ‘dark-thirty’ because there was no set time,” he said. The bonfire took almost a year of planning, including months of cutting trees and stacking logs. During “push week," the week before bonfire, students helped build the bonfire every day from 6 p.m. until midnight. The students who lit the fire walked around it three times before it was lighted -— as a tra dition. Lampton said. “Three times around the bon fire: one for you. one for your mother and one for your date,” Lampton said. Because of a call to quarters, freshmen cadets were not able to attend, said Corps of Cadets pub lic relations officer Justin Woods. “The yell leaders are their own student organization,” Woods said. “The bonfire was not recognized as a University- It also became a junior class to sabotage the iors. In 1992, the trail Junior E-Walk was born. "Junior E-Walk is a tit celebration because it’s the i that our class pride should^: strongest,” Junior B. Director llayley Henderson s. ‘‘We are now the oldest me© of the Twelfth Man withaht ship position to uphold. This it j opportunity for us to realized and see ourselves inthatpositr Wes Tidwell, ajuniorbiot; ical science major and mentbet Corps of Cadets Companj / said Junior E-Walk will beats day to go around and mess r the seniors. “Lots of them have nth feelings about leaving,soil fun to go around and makefc of them.” Tidwell said. 1 always get to know the di above you so you look to rubbing it in that we're so to be taking over next year.' Tidwell’s girlfriend. Kris; Perry, a senior nutrition m. I saiil these events are a big ji between them because “dying elephants” andge of the old and in with the m “As far as looking will be a day to remember." Pr said. "I am definitely excited,est dally just getting my Aggie Rr. The senior class voted! spring in the general election one thing to be done differer this year at Elephant Louder said. The Class off class gift was voted on dmitt last spring's general election- will be announced TuesL Money made from sales it events that class council ized from freshman year nr. graduation goes towards class gift, Henderson said. “The announcing of the sc gift is usually not done untilt Dance,” Louder said. "IhetreE bers of our class will now be & to see our class gift being puli® action instead of it c after we’ve graduated." Another change of evtf from past years deals wit senior class picture. According the directors, only the juniorcls gets their picture taken-on'[ day, but bad weather last )J prevented the Class of 2004ft® getting theirs taken. The If shaped picture of the senior ;!s will be taken Tuesday at lili p.m. on the first level i Field under the “Home 12th Man” letters in the stadia if Just wave, a unconcc Hujows lege to 1 “I Wi ly. But I said. “1 Station, Hujc only a 1 homesic n’t reall possess, football “Isp a Corps said. “I Man They sa was in t Arm tion is a ly, fears “I h; when 1 (Memo a word i n’t ever Kurt high scl whelm i look hit “Ult friendly think a depress would t It m; in the p say the' “I kt don’t re Corps needs Americans with skills in Environment Education Health Agriculture Peace Corps needs 5,500 graduates with skills in agriculture, business, education, environment, health and information technology. All majors are welcome. Benefits include medical, dental and housing, as well as a monthly stipend and 24 vacation days a year. Graduates can defer student loans while serving. Visit the TAMU Career Center 209 Koldus Building to pick up a Peace Corps Catalog. • 800.424.8580 Eat for the children!!!, On November 24, The Society of Petroleum Engird will be selling hamburgers and sausage at die Spence intersection near the Bright & Ridiaife Buildings. All raised hinds will go to Scotty's Houst.i local charity. We thank the following sponsors for their contributions. Alhfitlscms' The Perfect Gifts for Your Aggie Graduation! (acutal size) 14K Gold Aggie Pendant $ 24 93 r i i i i i (979)693-9501 Ima Sip “My doctor said I need to | take my contact lenses off every | night, but I always cheat.” | Ag E. Fann: “My doctor said with ** Student Specials ** Most insurance accepted ** Scotland White Provider ** Free LAS1K consults ■ the latest technology I can sleep in " my lenses for up to one month.” Once Again: Aggies Know Best Matthew T. Greene, O.D. TAMU ‘94 Citizen Watches with Official A&M Seal Gold-Tone $ 179 95 Two-Tone $ 159 95 Quartz Movement. 3 yr. Warranty. Water Resistant. Available in Mens and Ladies Sizes Mail orders welcome! TAG-Hever SWISS MADC SINCE I860 John D. Huntley ‘79 313B S College Ave. (next to Harry’s) 979-846-8916 An official authorized dealer for Tag-Heuer and Breitling. BREITLING 18B4 THF RATTAIIfiR JHL JKL, -Murntm JRimjr JL Jmm «&» JL JK JtL JL ’ Sommer Hamilton, Editor in Chief The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday througb Friday during the fall and spring# tens and Monday througb Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and eiampetf ■ Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, IK 77840. POSTMASTER: Senil arit- changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, 1111 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-1111 News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in tire D Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald Building te?-'' phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail:; Web site: http://www.thel)attal»n.nfi Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by Trie Battalion W' pus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-056!!.AitoP; offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday,frfWL Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer or $10 a month. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, call 845-2611. Sour otg