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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 2003)
Greene GiT 6, 2003 Ima Sip: “My doctor said I need to | take my contact lenses off every | night, but I always cheat.” Student Specials Most insurance accepted Scott and White Provider Free LASIK consults | Ag E. Fann: “My doctor said with ■ the latest technology I can sleep in ■ my lenses for up to one month.” Once Again: ® Aggies Know Best | Matthew T. Greene, O.D. TAMU ‘94 \mmmmmmmmmm THE BATTALIO! &Y RVELUNh Histor y Thev'KE Tost So OaJCommoa)... / The last T/he X Paid with THE/vt TFe CfERK LooK-Eb VERY PoZZLED A/Ob Co/VFuSE T'ai 5uRE That'S Tost How HE Looks AT EVERY ONE SuVlNG THAT A/neiR]caaj iboL' vvwwTd e I u no. c o rn Continued from pagelA noise f potuinofl B9 jo$h mm Graduate Students and Seniors WHO’S WHO AMONG STUDENTS IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES 2003 - 2004 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Who’s Who applications are now available for both graduate students and senior undergraduates in the following locations: Office of the Dean of each College Office of Graduate Studies (302 Administration) Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (10“’ Floor Rudder) Commandant’s Office (Military Sciences Building) Student Programs Office (2 nd Floor MSC) Student Activities Office (125 Koldus Building) Sterling C. Evans Library V/est Campus Library Completed applications are due to the Office of Graduate Studies or the Department of Student Activities no later than 5 p.m., on Friday, October 24, 2003. Applications may be personally delivered or sent through US Mail or Campus Mail to either: Office of Graduate Studies Dept, of Student Activities ATTN: Who’s Who ATTN: Who’s Who 1113 TAMU 1236 TAMU 302 Administration Building 125 John J. Koldus Building College Station, TX 77843-1113 College Station, TX 77843-1236 Questions may be referred to: Kim Widdison (845-3631) kwiddison @ Sandy Briers (862-1973) sandy@ ALRIGHT/ open UP, YOU CRATN RocK Punks! I SAW YOU l»TTL£ PUNK5 THROWING Furniture out of the hotel. WINDOW ! OFFICER, You -See, MY BROTHER P.U4S HAS A NEUROLOGICAL. DISEASE THAT MARES Him involuntarily DESTROY things. HE CANT HELP IT. And the sad part ts THAT ’’P.T.S. 1 ' HAS No CURE . Cra-z^ ^Jcilce E5y ^ou$e If everyone will take their seat, we can begin class. Thank you. Now last time we started to discuss th— “This will give the ment of history the to publish more and to offs more diversity courses," Buenger said. Buenger’s research interest are focused in the South ami Texas in the 19th and 20th cei- turies. His most recent tot “The Path of a Modem Souil: Northeast Texas between Reconstruction and the Great Depression,” published in 2(101, won the Coral H. Tullis Award for the best book on Texas histo ry. He is also the author or co author of four other books the co-editor of another. “Dr. Buenger is a veiyd cated member of the his department,” Rosenheim s “1 know he is committed to maintaining the department as one of its superb teachers, and also of dynamic and productive scholars.” Jason Godin, a second-year M.A. graduate student, said he is impressed with Buenger's efforts so far to improve the department. “Dr. Buenger has done a fan tastic job making the department become more efficient adminis tratively,” Godin said. Law Continued from page 1A find that a one-time minor in possession of alcohol offense BY. mu UOYP The week of October 19 - October 23 Explosion Continued from page 1A Acct 209 Billys Video Feb Trans Part 1 of2 Tue Ocl 211 7pm-9pm ‘ Part 2 of 2 -.Wed Oct 22, Feb Trans , Thu Oct 2Jr & j OR | OR 6pm-J0pm 1 6pm-12ani Acct 229 Barrett/ Cassidy Part 1 of3 Mon Oct 20 lOpm-lam Acct 230 Old Exams Sun Oct 19 lOpm-lam Part 2 of 3 Tue Oct 21 lOpm-lam Feb Trans Sun Oct 26 Ipm-7pm Part 3 of 3 Wed Oct 22 lOpm-lam f Part 1 of 2 1 Biol 113 Thu Oct 16 7pm-9pm Part 2 of 2 Sun Oct 19 3pm-5pm You must have ALL of Jan. Trans. Completed 1 Biol 113 Lekven/Rizzo 1 ^ ^ . Moo Oct 20 I Test Review 7pm . 9pm All other Professors Wed Oct 22 7pni-9pm Ft wmmam sb. 1 Test Review Bio! 114 I Sun Oct 19 5pm-7pm I ChemlOl Wmi * mS0D Natowitz % 1 „ , Sun Oct 19 Sun Oct 19 1 Test Review j 2pra ^ pm llpm-lam I ChemlOl Ma g nuson Peck Soriaga Conway I Mon Oct 20 Tue Oct 21 Wed Oct 22 Thu Oct 23 I Test Review 6prn . 8ptn llpm-lam 6pm-8pm 6pm-8pm Part 3 of 3 Old Exams I Chem 107 Mon Oct 20 Tue Oct 21 4pm-7pm 4pm-7pm - i be expelled from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip. It issued similar expulsion orders for three more Palestinians on Wednesday. Human rights groups condemn the policy as a violation of international law. Wednesday’s bomb explod ed around 10:15 a.m. (4:15 a.m. EDT) as the three-car con voy, escorted by Palestinian police, was heading south on Gaza’s main road just after entering the Gaza Strip from Israel. In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Brooke Summers said the blast came from a “previously plant ed explosive device.” An AP reporter saw a gray wire with an on-off switch leading from the scene of the attack to a small concrete building at the side of the road. After the first two cars went by, the third car had just passed when the blast went off near a gas station, said Mohammed Radwan, a Palestinian taxi driver who was at the station at the time. “The first two cars drove quickly and stopped far from the explosion. Palestinian security people jumped out of the car and rushed to the car that had blown up ... I saw two people covered with blood lying next to the car,” he said. The blast gouged a deep crater into the unpaved stretch of road. The attack tore the van in half and flipped it over, leav ing the wreckage twisted with the tires up in the air. The pave ment was stained with blood and littered with bits of flesh that were collected by Palestinian paramedics. can follow them for several years afterward. “1 am an Aggie, and I know how things are here in College Station, “ Placke said. Thibodeaux said that with the advent of the Internet and sites such as, it is much easier to access a person’s records than in the past. The fact that these records can now be suppressed eliminates what Thibodeaux called the “collater al consequence” of deferred adjudication. Bass also cited the side effects of deferred adjudication, “It’s not a conviction, but people are still being punished,“ Bass said. Freshman agribusiness major Annette Cadena said she was surprised at the new law. Others, like Alicia Feagley, were sup portive of the bill’s effect. “I think it’s right, “said Feagley, a sophomore political science major. “You do have the right to suppress your informa tion.” Feagley compared the new law to the expunging of juvenile records. Cbem 227 Test Review Pennington Sun Oct 19 4pni-6pm Fine 309 Joyner Part 4 of 4 Sun Oct 19 7pm-10pin Fine 341 Joyner Part 4 of 4 Sub Oct 19 7pm-10pin Info 303 Part 3 of 3 Sun Oct 19 6pm-8pm Aggie fashions for Aggie Ladies J-800-321-4466 Check out our web page at Lady Aggie Wear.Com We have your size! Small - XX Large Back to School Special! A&M Lady Cotton T’s 7.95 Old Tests Mon Oct 20 4pm-6pm Part 1 of3 ■ Math 141/166 Sun Oct 19 I 8pm-llpni Part 2 of 3 Mon Oct 20 Spm-llpm Part 3 of 3 Tue Oct 21 8pin-lipm Practice Tests Wed Oct 22 8pm-tlpm | Part 1 of 2 1 Math 142 Tue Oct 21 4pm-6pm Part 2 of 2 Wed Oct 22 4pm-6pm - ,i -v# i 4 J.. r?!*. '■ -A 1 Parti of 2 I Math 150 Thu Oct 23 |10pin-Midnight Parti of2 Sun Oct 26 5pm-7pm j* Test Review 1 Mg«nt363 1 Sun Oct 19 j 7pm-10pm ■ - .... . You can now buy tickets online at and avoid standing in ticket lines llvlkig 309/32l| V** 1 Review I EK’wnid 7pm-10pm ■ I Mktg 309/321j Test Review I Pride Mon Oct 20 7pm-10pm ' : - r | Part 1 of 4 I Phvs 218 Ch4&5 I 7”* ° Mon Oct 20 J llpm-2am Part 2 of 4 Tue Oct 21 6pm-8pm Part 3 of 4 Wed Oct 22 tfpm-lam Part 4 of 4 Thu Oct 23 4pm-6pm I Phys218 Rassichis l“H rc 1 . ' ’ >" •'< ' Tickets go on sale Sunday at 2:30 p.m. 4.0 & Go is located on the comer of SW Pkwy and Tx Ave, behind KFC next to Lack’s. iCheck our web page at htfp://www.4.0andGo.coni or cal! 696-8886{TUTOR) Athletic Gray embroidery + S&H (included) Order online today! Lady T’s Crop Tops Scoop Necks V Necks Fleece and more! Designed in Texas - Made by Texans Call or visit online CAMPION CHIROPRACTIC’S ANNUAL FOOD DRIVE We are pleased to announce our “Community announce our Appreciation Week” starting October 20-24, 2003. We are offering a special opportunity to anyone in need of our services. Please bring 12 non-perishable food items in exchange for an examination and 2 view x-rays (if necessary). The only cost of admission will be to bring the 12 non-perishable food items on the day of your appointment. The food items will be donated to the Brazos Food Bank. Space is limited. Call today to schedule your appointment. 693-6500! TUI? B ATT AT TAM I ill} DAI 1 AL1UJ.M Sommer Hamilton, Editor in Chief The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semes ters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, 1111TAMU, College Station.TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail:; Web site: http://www.thebattalion.tiet Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For cam pus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569, Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678, Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer or $10 a month. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611. f 1 SENIORS. We want vour portrait for the Aggie land Yearbook. Graduation portraits for the 2004 Aggieland Yearbook will be taken Monday, Oct. 13, through Friday Oct. 24, 2003, in Room 027 of the Memorial Student Center. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, except Thursday, Oct. 16, which will be 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. There is no sitting fee required to photographed for the yearbook. To insure being pho tographed you should make an appointment by calling Thornton Studio at 1-800-883-9449 or seeing the photographer beginning Monday, Oct. 13. Senior attire: For the yearbook pose, women should wear a favorite top or dress; men should wear a suit or sports jacket and tie. Graduating members of the Corps of Cadets should wear their Midnights. A Texas A&M graduation cap & gown will be provided by the photographer. Aggieland 2004 When Mi his freshman use. He went Cycling Out could compe member ever “It’s nice t we all load u| to have a go Roberson, a j Many stud clubs such as their passion horn the stres The Depa ports and spoi dents, such as Courtney < oeering majc some of the n dent organiza Sport Club A early in the s tompeting wi Gunthrop: meant for re national succ< “A lot of tl titions. In the play on teams Wunderle wh Club,” Gunth: Ashley Gi major, said joi next logical s high school. < link they ma; flexible time s “The coacl Grulich said, and tries to w Although provide their