Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 2003)
nesday, April 23, 00 or less (price mus ffering personal posse arge. If item doesn’tse end to qualify forlhe J is cancelled early. FOR RENT )/2, on shuttle, South#:: ood Villas. Prelew and August 2003. r dryer included in res 24 or wesleysandersi: e: 680-1758, xcyber.corTV-mcdowel I for May and August® s 696-0616,224-0005 fG NOW and PRELE!' 03 and AUG '03! ns. Call United fte, of properties we haw: EE LOCATOR SERVIC: your call. United Realt(5 2-story 4txtr/3.5ba. 1« 2404 Pintail Loop SI 600/mo. 22040; e at 817-790-7408). ow, rents. Starving ji minded students, ! ba. 5-units availabler« 308-310 EhlingerDr s ’1. >ve in specials, CS, l. rent reductions, We 7. December leases. 2t»a S590 to S620 Broker drm/2.5bth townhomes tie, all appliances. 698 4bd homes in MagnO: r BCS & Houston yards. Starting atSffi Duplexes under to ons on W. Lull* 3 August 2003. 3tr es including w/d, one 1 Call Brian @ 979-229-i plexes- Edelweiss Ga* tor, w/d, $1000/mo. Coventry Glen Reefy 79)777-2910. wnhome unit, 2bdir»: i campus, 306 Che) . (979)299-0921. ite- 2bdrm/2bth &3bdir! alk to A&M. Call 8464C oreleasing tor A®1 ig. Large house, spacffl jhborhood. 979-®S#[ ! Apartments, idrm available. Great s 0. e for May or August, i sections, new carpet.® 3-1448. 3 for May/August, IW ;, 2/2, w/d connects 3-1448. ng for Aug. One yea 1 >n Glenna Ct. (offd ling fans, fenced bad' Ethernet, lawn care e 35 -(-utilities. Call Stem seau® ng for Aug., 2bdrm/tf lexes. 776-6079, ng for May &Aug, 2bdrm duplexes I :bdrm/3bth duplexes nice properties, fe® : connections. sg for May and /- i Terrace Apartmef Bush Drive. 2bdrm I iSOsqft. Call 693-1931) sg May/August. 5bth, w/d included. Mat- 0. Cathy 268-1074. for May. 3bdrm/2btlik* tol. $1100/mo. 693-11' for May, 2/1 duf ? nt. 1421 Hillside $525 May, large 3/2 l»- ; ns, good neighbor!^ ,000/mo. 693-1448. Continued on page3t SING! s available Plexes idos peed Intend 16-2976 3ts. ■2720 exp^ 979-846-3569 Continued from page 2b FOR RENT Pretty 4bdm/2bth w/double garage, 3506 Wild Plum in Sun Meadows. High ceilings, w/d connections, icemaker. Partially fenced. $1500. 979-220-4005. Pretty 4bdrm/2bth w/double garage, 3506 Wild Plum in Sun Meadows. High ceilings, w/d connections, icemaker. Partially fenced. $1500. 979-220-4005. Quiet country atmosphere. Large Ibdrm duplex with firepiace. Ideal for graduate student. No pets. Available August 1, $450/mo +bills. 693-8534. Rock Hollow duplexes. 3bdrm/2bth, w/d hookup. May and August leases. 979-324- 7729. Several nice homes for lease. Bryan &CS. All appliances including W&D. Pet friendly/ flexible terms, $995-$1295. Call Laurie Follis, Broker, 260-7653, ext.114, 764-5777. Signature Park Sublease. Top of line 2/2. Ground floor, 1145sqft. w/d included. $850/mo. 731-8318. Southwood Valley area. 3bdrm/2bth. 693- 1488. Spacious 3/2 four-plexes, w/d provided, water paid, large room, walk-in closets, on shuttle, plenty of parking. Great location. May leases available. $849/mo. 774-5776. Spacious 3/2 House, $1,OOO/mo., off Raintree. Available in June. 979-218- 6603. Spacious duplex, 3/2, fenced yard, utility- room, vaulted ceiling, Treehouse Trail, $995/mo. Cathy 846-6827. Sublease 1bdr/1ba. May- July with option to begin new lease in Aug. $500neg. 979- 777-9805. Sublease large Ibdrm apartment from Junel- August12. Please call 979-696- 0283 or Sublease May-Dec., 2bdrm/1ba., w/d connections, $570/mo., 1-month free rent. Call Alicia 731-1473 or 324-2454. Summer lease Ibdrm and bath in 3/2 house. Short walk to A&M or Northgate. Furnished. $300/mo. Matt 492-6262. Summer Special $200/mo., 2bd/1ba and 1bd/1ba, close to TAMU. (979)680-0173, (979)485-0347. Summer sub-lease, 4-plex, 2bd/2bath, w/d, fenced backyard, free cable, mile Irom campus, near shuttle stop, $500/mo. 695-7854. Summer sublease 1/1 $450 negotiable, available mid-May, bike/ bus to campus. (979)-218-5552. Summer Sublease Ibdrm in 4bdrm/2ba apt., furnished, $335/mo., -(-utilities, w/d in apt. Call Michael 695-6545, 214-563- 4504. Summer Sublease 1bdrm/1ba in 2bdrm/2ba apt., furnished, $300/mo., futilities, w/d in apt. Call Stephanie 694- 7346,214-293-8117. • Summer sublease 2bdrm/2bth. $575/mo. futilities. Jessica 764-7746. Across from mall. Summer sublease 3/3, rent $255, low bills, clean, convenient. Call Erin 281-682- 3624. Summer sublease brand new 4bdrm/2bth, w/d, fire-pit, pool-table, fenced backyard, 2-car garage, $250/mo. 218-6181. Summer sublease now, townhome, May- Aug. And year lease in 3bdrm townhouse. 903-872-5093, 903-641-3143. Summer sublease Sterling, Ibdrm in 4/2, all other rooms vacant, cable& ethernet included in rent, 693-2447. Summer sublease, 1-F needed for 2/2 apartment, private bath $285/mo./obo. +1/2bills. 694-7880. Summer sublease, 1/2 of 2bdrm/2bth apartment, furnished, at University Commons. $387/mo, 764-3917. Summer Sublease, 1/f Private bedroom, share bathroom. $250/mo. f-1/3bills. Suzanne. 764-9884 Summer sublease, 2-rooms, Rock Hollow duplex, w/d, fenced, high-speed internet, shuttle. $265/mo/obo before bills. 823- 9193. Summer sublease, 2/1 duplex, $500/mo., 1406 Hillside, 693-4409. jmontagne @ hotmail .com Summer sublease, 2/1 furnished. Walk/ bus, $450/mo. Extension available, 979- 739-2001 Josh. Summer sublease, 3-M/F needed. 4bdrm/2bth house, fenced backyard. $350/mo. +1/4bills, includes w/d. Contact 979-690-5894. Summer sublease, females only, great house in Southgate, $265/mo. +1/4bills. Carly 680-8590. Summer sublease, M/F, bike or walk to TAMU, 2bdrm/2bth available, $300/mo. 695-9348. Summer sublease, May-July. The Zone. 2bdrm/2ba., fully furnished. $375/mo. futilities. 979-877-5002. Summer sublease, University Commons, 2-rooms in 4bdrm/2bth. $335/mo. futilities. Female Christian roommates! Heather, 693-2823. Summer sublease, University Commons, Ibdm/lbth ' in 4bdm/2bth, furnished, $335/mo/OBO. 940-727-8550. Summer sublease. 1-F needed, 2bdrm/1.5bth townhouse, $275/mo. +1/2 bills, no deposit, May Free. Summer Sublease. Bedroom in 2/1.5. Large kitchen, walk to campus. $280/mo f1/2bills. Call Lisa 575-0679. greencat98 @ Summer, University Place. 4bdrm/4bth, $295 fbills each. Call 817-332-5800, 979-695-6994. Summer-Fall, 2bdr/1ba, 2 story. $595/mo. Ridgewood Village. Call Jen or Amber (979)695-0987. TOWNHOUSE 2/2 garage, patio, $725/mo. 979-820-1729. Townhouse, 2bdm/2ba. Covered parking, shuttle bus, appliances supplied. 915 Navidad. 255-6725. FOR RENT University Place Condominium 519/303, 4bdm/4bth, common living/ kitchen. $400/ea/bdm. Peter Palka 281-444-9612. University Tower Apt. 1 bdrm furnished. Quarters, Meals, Secure parking. $810/mo. Contact Mr. Gleason 903-489- 1982 or Ms. Frankel 979-846-4242. Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don't buy, rent a washer & dryer, $30/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better! 764-3902 We will pay you for summer sublease. 2bdrm/2bth, The Zone. 764-6978. Woodbrook condos. 2bdrm/2.5bth, $750/mo. 281-728-7810. Available in May.- College Station’s best apartment search tor college students on the internet! FOR SALE 1997 R.V. Trailer 38’ sitting on rented property in C.S. $10500. 979-820-2049. 915-356-2628. 2/1 Mobile Home, recently remodeled. Fridge, stove, w/d included. To be moved. $7200. 696-9185. 4 Chevrolet/ GMC Rims, American Racing, 15x10, 5-lug, Atlas style, like new, only used for 3-mos, $450. 361-834-8896 or 979-218-4943. 46” TV. 10 yrs. old, still works great- $700. Coffee table- $20. 777-6875. 5-nights 6-days all inclusive stay for two in Cancun. $299 per person +tax. Valid until November. 979-268-4220. College Station, 1995 Southern Lifestyle Mobile Home. 16x84, 2/2, great condition. In Rolling Ridge Trailer Park. 680-9562. CS, Brick, 3/2/2, 1600+sqft., on Burnburg. Fence, w/d, $124,900obo. (979)224-0675. for Sale: King size mattress and box springs, excellent condition, like new, $100/obo. (214)-801-2513. Hewlett Packard computer, 16” monitor w/printer and speakers. 2001 Model Windows and Office XP. Perfect condition. $600. Call Bridget 695-8413. Matching couch and love seat, good condition. $150. David 764-0938. Move-out Sale- desks, file cabinets, monitors, electronics, posters, paintball. Call John 979-224-0991 or for listing. Moving: Must sell washer and dryer, great shape, $150 for both. 823-6764. Must sell 95’ mobile home, 16X72, 1,152 sq.ft., 2bd/2bth, 2-car covered parking, $22,000/obo. 979-774-7126. Queen oak waterbed frame with mirrored headboard, 6 drawers, $100. Wooden desk with hutch, $50. Call Sarah 694- 2366. Senior boots, Holick's, $400, size 9.5, can be custom fitted. 817-235-7777. Single wooden loft, $80neg. 12’x12’ Hunter Green carpet $70neg. Both only one year old. Call Matt 847-7772. Must Sell Now! Sofa & chair - $50; twin daybed with mattress - $100. 695-1268. Washer and dryer set,$200. Refrigerator starting at $100. Repair, call 220-3665. HELP WANTED $$$Dancers, Dancers, Dancers$$$. Flexible hours. Silk Stocking, 690-1478. 18+ only. $250 a day potential/ bartending. Training provided. 1-800-293-3985 ext.625. *Have you taken the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, or MCAT exams? Kaplan is seeking qualified candidates to teach our course offerings in CS and Waco. We provide paid and comprehensive training to all accepted candidates. Pay starts at $15/hr. E-mail your resume and test scores to (attn:Cory). A fun, prestigious teaching position. Some evenings &Saturdays. Must have had driver’s license 4+years. No criminal record. We train. $7/hr. 693-3992. Carpenter & carpenter helper wanted, part-time, experience preferred. Call 776- 7184. Cleaning commercial buildings at night, M-F. Call 823-5031 for appt. Do you like working w/kids? No nights, no weekends. Need to be available 2:30- 6pm, M-F. Apply now for fall positions w/The Champions Afterschool Program. Call Kim 731-7805 or apply online Female bartender needed, no experience necessary. Harp’s 778-6333. Help Wanted: Part-time grounds keeper. Apply at 2101 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South or call 693-1906. Hiring F/PT Teachers and Assistant Director for Montessori- Discovery preschool. Candidates should be working towards or completing a degree in BCD or related field. Contact Kathryn 979-739- 5001, email Love working with kids? Now hiring FT/PT positions, Monday- Friday. A&M UMC Weekday School, 846-1762. Medical office now hiring Medical Tech/ Injectionist. Great experience for student applying to medical school. Position requires a one year commitment. Salary commencery with experience. Please fax resume to 979-776-4260 or apply in person at Allergy Associates, 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan, TX 77802. MOVIE EXTRAS/ MODELS NEEDED. Earn from $150- $450/day. Print modeling and extra positions. Local castings No experience neccessary! Call 1-888-820- 0164x1180. Need person for housekeeping &childcare. Flexible-hrs., car a must. Call to apply, 776-1975, leave message. Need tutor for highschool student for PSAT and SAT. Call 696-2172, after 6pm. Ninfa’s is now accepting applications for servers and host positions. Apply in person between 2-4pm, Mon.-Thurs., 1102 Harvey Rd. HELP WANTED Office Support. Part-Time. $7/hr. Universal Computer Systems, Inc., seeks individuals with excellent communication skills to fill entry-level clerical positions in our College Station office. Current openings include: •Receptionist 'Sales Assistant ‘Purchasing Rep. We offer direct payroll deposit, tree on-site gym and semi-annual performance/salary reviews. Non-smokers only. EOE. To apply, please call our Recruiting hotline or visit our website. Attn ad#1978. 595-2609. Email: Painters needed. Experience helpful but not necessary. Now -Summer. $7+/hr. 775- 7126. Part-time aide for busy medical practice. Excellent experience for pre-med. Send resume to 1605 Rock Prairie Road, Ste.#312, CS 77845. Part-time assistant for busy healthcare team. Typing, experience in insurance/medical records preferred. Apply in person, 8-5/M-F. 1313Briarcrest, Bryan. Part-time computer technician needed. Must be available all day T/Th. Experienced technicians inquire, 2700 Osier Blvd. Call Terri 776-9955. Part-time job helping handicapped, male student preferred, $290/mo., 10hrs./week. 846-3376. Part-time nanny needed for three young children. Approximately 12hrs/wk. $6/hr. 731-1753. Part-time sitter needed for 2-boys, must have car Alike dogs. Call 845-6199 or 693-6228. Porter needed May-Aug. Apply parkway Apartments, 1600 SW Pkwy, CS. Summer Jobs. UCS has been in the computer and automotive business for thirty-two years. With over 2700 employees worldwide, our College Station staff has expanded to over 850. Full and part-tirne positions include: •Clerical •Customer Service ‘Computer Assembly No experience required. We offer $7 per hour, free on-site gym, on-site dining room and a busy atmosphere. If you are interested and would like to apply, please contact our Recruiting department for more information. Universal Computer Systems, Inc., Attn: ad #1981,200 Quality Circle, College Station, TX 77840. Call 595-2609. We hire non-tobacco users only. Summer work for rent. Six Ags wanted to work May 12-26 in exchange for summer housing. Will work oh ranch near College Station or on apartments. Call 979-696- 7414 or 979-846-1413 or see Dr. Hann in room 205-N WERC. Unlimited Income Potential! Full &P/T commission based sales positions available immediately. Must be self starter w/positive attitude &good people skills. Product is web based computer organizational, follow-up system for Realtors. E-mail resumed to Support® Waitresses needed. No experience necessary. Great money, flexible hours. All shifts available at all locations. North- Beltway 8 at Imperial Valley, Galleria- Richmond at Briing Drive, South- 145 at Dixie Farm Road. Apply in person, Rick’s Cabaret. Waitstaff and bartenders needed immediately at YESTERDAYS. No experience necessary 4421 S.Texas Ave. Apply 12-3pm, Mon-Thurs. WANTED! Coaches needed for youth volley ball. Call 764-6386 for more information. Wanted: Web designer, part time, flexible hours, excellent pay, must be experienced In Photoshop, ASP, PHP, CGI, Flash Dreamweaver and database. Call Terri 776- 9955. Warehouse workers needed, immediate openings, f/t &p/t, depending on schedule. Apply in person to Bill Crutchfield at Producers Co-op, 1800 N.Texas Ave. 778-6000 ext. 151. Yard work/ maintenance help needed. PT/ summer-hrs. available. Carpentry, plumbing, Apainting skills helpful. 979- 776-5760. MISCELLANEOUS Spa Spa Spa. 4-5person Complete Portable Hot Tub loaded. Sacrifice, $1,895, 979-255-8200. We buy, sell &repair cell phones. Complete Wireless Solutions, 979-412- 3876. MOTORCYCLE 1997 Suzuki Katana 600. EXCELLENT Condition, 3500-mi., $3600/060. 979- 764-8755. 1998 Suzuki TL1000S, beautiful bike, call on extras, $5,200/obo. 587-1654. 1999 Yamaha Virago 1100. 27k miles. Kept indoors. Extras included. $3000. 823-5315. '■• v •• PETS 1-M Jack Russell puppy left, 6 weeks old. Ready to pick up. Parents on site. $200. 693-1902. A.K.C. Golden Retriever Puppies, shots, wormed, $300, call Chase 979-279-2297. Adopt Pets: Dogs, Cats, Puppies, Kittens, Many purebreds. Brazos Animal Shelter, 775-5755, AKC Labradors. Black/yellow. Field trial national champion blood-line, hunting background, excellent pets, registered papers, shots, wormed. $350. 979-255- 5950. American Pitbull Terrier, extremely tight blood line, breed for gameness. 3- females, 5-males. $250 each. Call 823- 7152. Free Kittens: 1-grown female and 4- kittens, very sweet. 690-6725. REAL ESTATE Free House Hunting Service reveals best buys in any area and price range you specify! Visit or call (979)693-7653. Broker, Century 21 Beal. Free, quick over-the-net home evaluation! Visit or call (979)693- 7653 Broker, Century 21 Beal. Revealed! 7 Costly Mistakes to Avoid Before Selling Your Home. Free recorded message 1-800-951-2018 enter ID#1000 or visit Broker, Century 21 Beal. ROOMMATES 1 furnished bdrm in 3bdrm/2bth house available for summer. For more info call 695-1856. 1 furnished bedroom in 3/2 house. Close to A&M. 979-220-3871. 1-2 Females for summer sublease from 5/3-8/18. ALL BILLS PAID. 4bdrm/2bth apartment, furnished, cable/ethernet, w/d, shuttle route, $340/mo. Call 255-8761. 1-F beautiful 3/2 in Bryan. Master bed/bath, $475/mo. All bills included, 847- 6665. 1-F Christian roommate for summer and/or fall, $237.50/mo. +1/2utilities. Call Heather 823-6178. 1-F for May- Aug. Sublease, $350/mo +1/4bills. Nice 4/2 house, w/d, garage, in Southwood Valley. Call 693-3664. 1-F May- August, behind northgate. $215/mo, +1/2 utilities, Nicole 694-2536. 1-F needed ASAP, 3bdrm/2bth townhome, Navarro Drive, $400/mo./neg. +1/3 bills. 571,-8420. 1-F needed for summer sublease. 4bdrm/2bth, furnished apartment. $335/mo +utilities. Call 979-777-7868. 1-F needed. Must see! Awesome condo May/August ‘03, 2/2, $400 +1/2 bills. 210- 497-0520. 1-F summer sublease, 3/2 house, shuttle. 5-min. to campus. $350+1/Sbills. No pets, 979-492- 5817. 1-F, May- August. 4bdm/4ba condo, $300/mo +1/4bills. 817-219-3004. 1-F, summer sublease, 3bdrm/2bth duplex, $300/mo. +1/3bills. w/d, fully furnished. Laura 979-846-3017. 1-Female needed, 2bdr/1bth apartment, May-Dec. $225/mo. +1/2bills. Call Sabrina 210-273-2900. 1-female to sublease 2bdrm/1.5bth apartment, May- July, $275/mo. +1/2 bills. Call 693-6207. 1-M for May-Aug., $385/mo. /neg. +1/3bills, furnished, new apt. 693-9414. 1-M for summer sublease, $250/mo., non- smoker, Brian/vood, unfurnished, 3bdrm/2bth, 847-0219. 1-M, 3/2 House, w/d, 1.5mi. from campus, $250 +1/2bills/mo., pets okay, call Paul 775-3032 or 777-3078. 1-M/F needed for sublease, starting May or August, 2/1 apartment on shuttle, $262.50/mo. +1/2 bills +deposit, partially furnished. Call Daryl 979-691-6260. ROOMMATES 1-M/F needed for sublease, start May or June, 2bdrm/1.5ba apartment on shuttle, 2-blocks from campus, $300/mo., +1/2bills, +deposit, partially furnished. Call Brian (979)224-1071. 1- M/F Sublease in beautiful house off Harvey. June thru August. $375ngo. Kyle. (979)680-1811 Ibd in 2/2 townhouse, garage, patio, $360/mo„ 820-1729. 2- F needed for summer sublease. Cute house close to campus. $300/mo. Melissa 693-8785. 2-F roommates for summer sublease, nice 3/2 duplex. Available after finals. Lindsay 832-372-3995. 2-female roommates for Aug.-May. 3bdrm 2bth house, shuttle. $300/mo. +1/3utilities +deposit. Furnished. 680-9783. 2-Roomates needed, M/F, 3/2 house, on bus route. Call Stacy 739-7397 for more info. 2/1 townhome, 10-minutes to A&M. $310/mo. +1/2bills. Call Stacy, 575-2528. 3bdrm/2bth house in CS, $350/mo. +1/3bills, +deposit. Fully furnished. 979- 690-8683. Available 8/1, non-smoking roommates for 4/3 new home, 904 Bougainvillea, w/d, $400/mo. +1/4utilities. Call Jacob at 979- 847-7982 or Ross at 1-800-877-2495. Canyon Creek Townhomes. One Female needed. $450/mo. 693-7728. Cheap! Summer sublease, 1-F, 3bdrm/3bth, $255/mo., low bills, w/d. 817- 455-5675. F-roommate wanted. University Commons apartments, May- August save $ 100/mo. 972-874-1952 Female needed for fall+, 2bdm/2bth house, w/d, $350/mo. Melissa 485-8479. Female needed, summer sublease. 2bdr/2bth apartment. Free internet and cable. $290/mo. +1/2bills. 693-1543. Female roommate needed for summer sublease. Nice 2/2, close to campus, w/d. $355/mo. +1/2bills. 694-6498. Female roommate, new 3/2/2, shuttle, w/d, cable, internet, $350 +1/3bills. 695- 8074, 210-383-8524. Female. 4/3/2, shuttle, w/d', cable, internet, walk-in closets. May. In Bryan. $400+1/4bills. 846-3134. Four summer subleases needed. Male only. 5bdrm/3bth. 100 yards from campus, Southside. Call 695-2312, 940-782-3433. M-Needed summer only. 1-block off campus. $260/mo +bills, call 764-0640. M-roommate, 2/2 house, new, furnished, $400/mo., utilities paid. 979-218-6288. M/F to share large 2bdrm/2ba condo w/walk-in closets. 1-block from campus, close to Northgate. W/D, $400/mo. +1/2utilities. Erik 260-3472, leave message. New 3/3 Townhouse. Close to campus, gated, serious students wanted, prefer female. $400/mo., +1/3utilities. Available now. 979-694-3124, 936-874-2531. One female summer sublease needed in private bedroom, private bath. (979)696- 7286. ROOMMATES Only $187.50/mo. Summer sublease, duplex. 1-F. Fenced, w/d. Megan. 696- 4109. Roommate needed for summer. 3bdrm/1.5bth, $285 +1/3bills. Call 764- 8440. SUBLEASE! 1-room available May 15, $350/mo. +1/3bills. Room is large w/private bathroom, w/d, on bus line, fenced yard. Call 676-1363. Summer sublease, $275/mo +1/3 bills. Available 6/1 - 8/25. Close to campus/ bus stop. Hot tub, tropical backyard. 696-0300. Summer sublease, own bed/bath, duplex, on bus-route, cable &internet, $305/mo. +1/4bills. 680-0166. Summer sublease. Great location with view of Wolf Pen Park. Private bedroom and private bath. $300/mo. Call Katherine 979-764-9600 or 409-351-9879. Summer sublease. Ibdrm in cute 2bdrm/1.5bth townhouse. w/d, fully furnished, nice neighborhood. Great Roommate! Pets okay. $300/mo. + 1/2bills. 229-2745. Two Male Roommates needed for 3 bedroom, 1 year old home in south College Station. May move-in for 1 year lease. $325 per person plus bills. $325 security deposit. For viewing and more details call United Realty 694-9140. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lot!! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm- 9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. Aggiescape Lawnservice. Complete lawn service, contact Trey Jones at 979-693- 9586. Dependable lawn service. Mow, edge, trim, clean up. Free estimates call Brandon 979-574-1533 Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. MUSTANG LEASING CO.- Are you graduating and planning on moving to the Dallas Ft. Worth Area? Are you looking for an apartment, townhouse or loft? If you use our FREE location service, we will give you a rebate of up to $150 upon signing lease!! Toll free 866-721- PONY(7669) or PAPER EDITING. Editing performed by professors and graduate students. Visit us at or call us tollfree at 866-693-EDIT. TUTORS I S m I wHl Math and physics tutoring- Algebra through CalculusS. 696-9113 leave message. Summer os Staff Appfication If you can write, edit, design pages, draw, use a camera... Texas A&M's award-winning newspaper is looking for you. •gain valuable experience • earn extra cash • make friends in a professional newsroom environment Name: Phone number: Cellphone or pager: E-mail: Major: Classification: Credit hours you will take in the spring Expected graduation (semester): How many hours per week would you be available for work at The Battalion? ALL APPLICANTS: Please type your responses on a separate piece of paper, and attach a resume and samples of your work (stories you have written for publications or classes, pages you have designed, photos taken, drawings made or other creative samples—just show us what you can do). Section Editor Applicants 1) What are your goals for managing your staff? 2) What do you believe is the role of the section for which you are applying? 3) What changes would you make to improve The Battalion? Pay particular attention to the position for which you’re applying. Staff Applicants 1) Why do you want to work at The Battalion, and what do you hope to accomplish? 2) What experience do you have that relates to the position for which you are applying? (include classes, seminars, etc.) 3) What changes do you feel would improve the quality of The Battalion? Give special attention to the section for which you’re applying. OPENINGS INCLUDE: Please check the position(s) for which you are inter ested. If you are interested in more than one position, number them in order of preference with“1" being your top choice. Managing Editor Section Editors News AggieLife Opinion Sci |Tech Sports Design/Copy Chief Graphics _ Photo Radio Producer Webmaster Staff News Reporter Sci |Tech Writer Feature/Entertainment Writer Sports Writer Radio Reporter Opinion Columnist ' Page Designer Copy Editor Photographer Graphic Artist Cartoonist DEADLINE: 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 23, for editor positions and Friday, April 25, for staff positions. Turn in applications at 014 (basement) Reed McDonald Bldg. Interviews will begin immediately after application deadline. Extra applications available in the newsroom or online at 7409