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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 2003)
K2 Skates - Schwinn - Kona - - Clothing - Apparel - K2 Skates - Schwinn s K*s -o'- M ■* ,c* 'Z- ''S/I - . \ I I - 0/ Jey/ Tuesday, April 22, 2003 THE BATTALIO! Fish by R.DeLuna Court WE ACCEPT AGGIE BUCKS! $FREE$ Bicycle Service with any new bicycle purchased. • % off all accessories day of purchase and any future purchases • Largest selection of bike accessories • Largest selection of in-line skate accessories 303 Dominik Drive (979) 696-6551 uui/v\ips - soji’>js ZX - pjeddy - Sujipop - uioa’sdpXajqsDq - euo>| - um/uqas - s,)jr>js ; /MicroAge' Call (979) 846-9727 or register online at www. MicroAgeCS. com COLLEGE STATION Service rinr/ solutions that trork. TECHNICAL TRAINING Hands-on Technical Courses for top Microsoft, Novell and CompTIA APPLICATIONS TRAINING certifications. Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced Courses available for Office 2000 and XP! MCSA • MCSE • CNA CNE • A+ • Network* Server* Word • Excel • PowerPoint Access • Application Development for Access Publisher • Outlook FrontPage • Fixed Macros Excel Charts • QuickBooks AGGIE OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1984 |N O " Authorized IDUCATION ttNU«" , r Authorized PROMETRIC aMZHBOBiiaa Microsoft CERTIFIED Novell Cube of Xoe By C.J. NSisS PSllMftiSn by J2sh Darwin TVtiS l-S 50 IRKiTATiNG. WHAT ON EARTH \S CAUSING TH\S POWER OUTAGES \ ISLAM 101 Series Fillais of Islam CHECF OUT WHAT I GOT *1 TRANSFomeR! I TO PUW WITH THESE te TIME AS A VC|t>/ HOPE IT TUfcNS mtO A FIGHTER TET/ <^5 EERENttW now. SERENtn NOW.. Continued from pagel to reiterate rules for evaluati whether a lawyer’s poor pi formance affected the outcoi of a trial. The court is ate looking at a separate case ft could restate parallel rules! how to measure a lawyer’s cor- petence. Both cases address an is* that has troubled at least It Supreme Court memta Justices Sandra Day O’Com and Ruth Bader Ginsburgta questioned the quality of sou lawyers assigned to repress poor defendants like Banks. Death penalty opponentss such lawyers are often ill-p pared and may have little exps ence with complex capitalcass Under the Constitution’s Sic Amendment and previon Supreme Court rulings, defendant is entitled to an live lawyer. “These very important cast are being tried by some prosec tors who are cheating and sorc defense lawyers who are noth ing up to the Silt Amendment,” attorney Kent said. “You have both those el ments in this case.” Witnesses reported seen; Banks with the victim the he was shot, and driving the l tim's car afterward. Prosecute- say the case against Banks solid, and that time already!: run out for Banks to make at more appeals. Pers Speaker AH Hakeem Wm&meMsif'i ^pri! 23 PM ® mMm 302 Muslim Students’ Association Pizza 2^ Continued from page 1 student advocate and someone who is willing to represent the students to the upper administration,” he said. Barry Hammond, former Memorial Student Center Council president and a search committee member, said he is looking for a candidate who not only values student opinions but also under stands the uniqueness of the Aggie spir it. Kibler, who held an open forum per taining to his candidacy last week, said his 23-year tenure at A&M would allow for a smooth transition into the new position if elected. “A&M is a very unique institution. It has a very unique culture,” he said. “I think someone that already knows and understands that and has worked effec tively within that culture and communi ty means that 1 could kind of hit the ground running.” A reception honoring Southerland will be held Thursday, April 24, in the J. Wayne Stark Galleries from 3 to 5 p.m., and is open to students, faculty and staff. Vice President for Student Affairsi candidates Dr. William Kibler - Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Texas AGlM Dr. S. Leellen Brigman Vice President for Student Affairs, University of Wyoming Dr. Charles Fey Vice President for Student Affairs, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Dr. Juan Gonzalez - Vice Preeident for Student Affairs, Georgetown University NEWS IN BRIEF A&M cancels Singapore trip Identity th penalties and Crooks are racking up cn new accounts to build. If you’re oi banking and s experts say th( tech crime, su documents thr That doesn Internet for pei ing your sensit many folks thi People cite the major reas UCLA Interne fewer adults s out of 10 peop secure their pe Yet studies identity was st swiped. Expert through a job < online falls far Consider th A worker f< bureaus sold p ing in the theft every adult An ing agencies. 1 busted in Nove Two men w records of Flor more than 12,( Citing concerns about the outbreak of Sever: Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Southeast ta the University has canceled a study abroad pit gram this summer in Singapore. Theresa Huth, director of the Internship as fraudulent chat Living Abroad Program in the Jordan Instituted thaneatinu International Awareness, said the SARS epider.*' ‘ ~ which had earlier prompted organizers to pos pone the trip for a month, made the region risky for the 10 students who were set to spell six weeks in Singapore. According to the World Health Organizali there have been 178 confirmed cases of SARS Singapore, resulting in 16 deaths. The Centers^ j ' Disease Control has issued travel adviscwA'j; / w’.. China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Vietnam^ Americans planning nonessential travel areas to postpone their trips. While in Singapore, students would havesti with a host family and worked at a professio ( internship, said Huth, a senior computer e» neering major. The students have the option Workers foi caught selling country. Given more sobering Snigic joining a similar study abroad program sponsor by the Jordan Institute in Australia or theycanCf for Singapore next summer. The Institute began its Singapore programtliiii I years ago, attracted by the nation's low crimeii 1 and bustling business climate. Rebuilding Continued from page 1 v sy %0NS y ^PBjj SIC HAN Based on SUSAN! STROMAN s Direction and Choreography from the 21)00 Broadway Production The classic all-American salute to music, romance and fast-talking flim-flam. Tuesday and Wednesday Nights! April 22 and 23 at 7:30 PM Rudder Auditorium TICKETS Call 845-1234. Logon to MSC OPAS Three Decades of Performing Arts moment. For now, a retired American gen eral has taken charge of an Arab country, as Douglas MacArthur did in Japan after World War II and MacArthur’s father did in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War. Garner, though, said he has no inten tion of leading Iraq. “The new ruler of Iraq is going to be an Iraqi. I don’t rule anything,” he said. He was careful to frame his mission in humanitarian terms: “What better day in your life can you have,” he said, “than to be able to help somebody else, to help other people, and that is what we intend to do.” After his arrival, he visited Baghdad’s 1,000-bed Yarmuk hospital, which was overwhelmed with Iraqi casualties in the final days of the war and then stripped by looters. “We will help you, but it is going W take time,” he told doctors. His Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Aid is to coordinate emer gency aid to the 24 million Iraqis and over see the rebuilding of the nation’s infra structure and establishment of an interini|| Iraqi government. That last, crucial goal was challenged Monday by Iran, which said it would no! recognize any government installed by America. Better Ingredients 2Large n ■Tooning 11 11 pu/delivery 1 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 1 LARGE 1-TOPPING $C 99 pu/only 2 LARGE 1-TOPPING $12" ■ pu/dellvery 1 EX-LARGE 1-TOPPING $ 8. 99 pu/delivery 1 LARGE 2-TOPPING & 2 liter drink $1 1 99 | • pu/delivery PICK YOUR SIDE LARGE 2TOPPING AND 1 SIDE $12 78 1 JbaQ pu/delivery LATE NIGHT LARGE 1 TOPPING 99 q after 10pm pu/delivery LATE NIGHT LARGE 1 TOPPING $£ 99 q after 1 0pm pu/delivery Northgate 601 University Dr. 979-846-3600 Post Oak Square Center 100 Harvey Rd. r Suite D 979-764-7272 Rock Prairie 1700 Rock Prairie 979-680-0508 Sunday: 11 a.m. - midnight Monday - Wednesday: 1 1 a.m. - 1 Thursday: 1 1 a.m. - 2 a.m. Friday & Saturday: t 1 a.m. - 3 a THE BATTALIO! Brandie Liffick, Editor in Chief Sommer Bunce. Managing Editor Elizabeth Webb, Copy/Design Director Rolando Garcia, News Editor Rob Phillips, Asst. News Editor Melissa Sullivan, Asst. News Editor Kendra Kingsley, Aggielife Editor Sarah Darr, Asst. Aggielife Editor Marianne Hudson, Asst. Aggielife Editor Chris Jackson, Sci/Tech Editor Brieanne Porter, Opinion Editor Jenelle Wilson, Asst. Opinion Editor Michael Crow, Sports Editor Kevin Espenlaub, Asst. Sports Editor John Livas, Photo Editor Alissa Hollimon, Asst. Photo Editor Ruben DeLuna, Graphics Editor True Brown, Radio Producer Jason Ritterbusch, Webmaster THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) Is Monday through Friday during the fall and spring sens- teis and Monday through Thursday during the sum# session (except University holidays and exam pehoii! at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Pail < College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send add® changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, 11H TAMU, College Station.TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed h students at Texas A&M University in the Division^ Student Media, a unit of the Department I Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed McDofrf Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fait & 2647; E-mail:; Web silt Advertising: Publication of advertising does not ii# sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion, forcaf- pus, local, and national display advertising, call 2696. For classified advertising, call 845-05® Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, art office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday tlmrf Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee ent iles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single con The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 2S 1 Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30forth- fall or spring semester and $17.50 for the simmer# charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or Amend 1 Express, call 845-2613. Sho then I© mode is, we service So Prices 4 bed i bed roc for you free Anc satellite inter So, now! from tc