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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 2003)
SPORTS 7 THE BATTALION Friday, March 28, 2003 Friday, ;d $1,000 or less (price must risers offering personal posses;] t no charge. If item doesn'tset tried to end to qualify for the 5 your ad is cancelled early, FOR RENT Summer Sublease, 1-F. $335/m,p room, 4bdr/2ba. University CoutosJ nished, w/d, pools, bus, near Kjf Park (979)229-2991. jlbou rne06 @ Summer Sublease, 1-M. $400lm.i Room, 2bdr/1.5ba. University C furnished, w/d, pools, bus.nearUfl park. Summer sublease, 2-rooms, tee J great house in Southgate, + l/4bills. Carly680-8590. continued from pg. 6 FOR SALE [let Ski, 1999 Yamaha GP800. 60hrs., ga- , runs great, $4,800/obo. 979-229- [1201. [.ooking to buy a mobile home? All sizes 1 cheaper than you think. 979-696-0469. [.ovely home in Shenandoah, 3/2/2. Brick, great landscaping, $114,900, Realtor 229- [3960 tlake Offer. Brick, 3/2/2, 1600+sqft. Close [to campus. Fence, w/d, $124,900. 1(979)224-0675. fountain bike, specialized, Hardrock. 24- speed, aluminum frame, speed shifters, [front shocks, climbing bars, All-terrain [tires, $300. Jeremy 260-3119/ [jSEA-DOO for sale 97GSX, great condi- |tion, well maintained, $3,200 obo. 696- 7434. Summer sublease. 2/1 furnished. I bus $450/mo. Extension avaial| 739-2001 Josh Vasher and dryer set,$200. Refrigerator Istarting at $100. 24-hour repair service ■available. Call 220-3665 or 220-4042. Summer sublease, extension i 2/1, fenced, Northgate, only I 260-7219. IWomens motorcane mountain bike. Shi- Imano 18-speed gears and brand new Ichain, $75. Call Katy 979-696-6748. GARAGE SALES Summer sublease, May-Aug enced. S600/mo. John, 777-3715 Summer sublease, private room niJ oom house, large fenced yard, :ampus, S283/mo., Cynthia,(MSI Summer sublease, University Cm jrnished Ibdrm/lbth in 400/mo. Christy 979-739-6409 iummer Sublease, University C ipartments, 2bdrm/2bth, living i itchen. w/d, Ibdrm, S4Wmo/ohi-i 79-412-4200 Jay. iummer sublease. 1-F, SSOtte' ills, May paid, 1-bdnn in a 32k ear campus, 2-bus routes, availaKi[ 3, 693-9245. ummer sublease. 1-M/F bdrm/1.5bth townhouse, $275/n>i | Hs. no deposit. May Free. 77744I! ummer Sublease. 1/1, No depost ave Apts. Call Jason, 4 92-7460. ummer-Fall, 2bdr/1ba, 2 story Bij idgewood Village. Call Jenortij 79)695-0987. jtter’s Mill 2bdrm/1 .Sblti i99/mo., electricity, water paid *'.[ ge, pool, dogs ok. 979-778-2171. >wnhouses. 2bdrm/1.5ba., walkffj nee to campus, bus-route. Also gs? larlment, 20-minutes from cain|tti| ailable, private swimming pod, 6-0091. ilversity Tower Apt. 1 bdrmtass| jarters, Meals, Secure 10/mo. Contact Mr. Gleason I 82 or Ms. Frankel 979-846-4242 ashers & Dryers For Rent. Oon’li, it a washer & dryer, $30/rof#? i). UniversityLeasing, Local, : s[ tier! 764-3902 Colleges st apartment search for coles its on the internet! FOR SALE Mobile Home for sale. Setup# :es, lots of extras, on com 1 1,000. Call Hank 979-1 Mobile Home. No money do» icing available in 9)324-5435. i hunt this year! Black, AKC-regW silent bloodline for breeding. Hid kground, ready 4/22. $400, tat«j its. 575-9924. ■Bryan First Annual Knightsbridge Lane ga- Irage sale in Copperfield Subdivision. [Many of the homes on Knightsbridge are ■participating. Lots of old pocket watches, Idothes, shoes, boots, Ag Senior Boots, (toys, kids clothes, furniture, gas powered Igenerator, old coins, silver dollars, etc. [lots of ammo, 1000 rounds SKS ammo [$89.00, WWI & WWII Militaria (uniforms, [iron cross, etc.) G.l. meals ready to eat leases of 12 $19.00 case, Civil War Mus- [ket, Confederate Currency. No early [sales! Sat., March 29, 7a.m. till 3p.m. For [information call John 255-8905. HELP WANTED fllCIRCLE ME!! Apply now, entry level po- jsitions. FT/FT. Great job experience, fun [environment. 696-7734. i$$$Dancers, Dancers, Dancers$$$. [Flexible hours. Silk Stocking, 690-1478. [l8+ only. [$250 a day potential/ bartending. Training [provided. 1-800-293-3985 ext.625. 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. IN STRUCTORS NEEDED: Tennis, Basket- Jball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La- |crosse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa ter-skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt.Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood- ; shop, English Riding, Nature, Nurses. Ar- [ lene Streisand 1 -800-443-6428; | Charli’s sales position for Spr/Sum. Op portunity in better ladies clothing. Apply in person. 505 University Drive East. 268- 9626. | Cleaning commercial buildings at night, j M-F. Call 823-5031 for appt. Old Spring Break break you? $12 BASE/ APPT. Needed: motivated indiv. with a good attitude. Customer sales/ service. Conditions apply. 695-1386. Female attendant needed for handicapped person. Please call Kristie 823-6178. HELP WANTED MOVIE EXTRAS/ MODELS NEEDED. No experience necessary!! Earn from $150- $450/day Call now for immediate expo sure. 1-888-820-0164x1180. Need weekend sitter for children ages 5&9. $6.50/hr. Molly, 821-6730 day, 774- 0441 evenings. Office cleaner, flexible hours, over $ 10/hr call 260-2660 between 12pm-4pm week days. Part time help needed. Must be available some mornings and weekends. Apply in person, 3609 E 29th St. Bryan. PART-TIME STAFF ASSISTANT needed for a busy real estate office. Must be de tail oriented people person with reliable transportation and good computer skills. This position requires 15-20 hours per week and at least one Saturday a month. Must be available to work summer. Apply in person at Coventry Glen Realty, 1003 University Dr. East, College Station. PT/FT summer job, good pay, good place to work. 690-2992. M-F/8-5. SALES ENGINEER/ ASSISTANT: Engi neering background, experience in mar keting & sales. PC knowledge, good oral & written communication skills. Please send your resume to HR, 762 Peach Creek Cut Off Rd, CS, TX 77845 or E-mail to Sororities! Help promote American Idol, Throw viewing parties at your house and earn $350, e-mail Jennifer D. at for more information. MOTORCYCLE 1985 Honda Rebel 250, 9000 miles, new tires, saddle bags, good condition, school bike, $975. Call John 694-6823. 1998 Suzuki GSXR-600. Red/Black, Per- fect Condition, never dropped, extras in cluded, $6,000neg. Call 936-590-0854. 1998 Suzuki TL1000S, beautiful bike, call on extras, $5,500/obo. 587-1654. 2000 Suzuki SV650, 11.5k miles, some body damage, runs great, lots of extras, $2,100/060. 695-9348. Yamaha 1992 Secall, runs great! Perfect starter bike, black, corbin saddle, $1650/neg. 255-7277. Immediate part/full time position for Leas ing Consultant available for student prop erty. Must be outgoing, motivated and neat. Experience not necessary but pre ferred, will train right individual. Apply in person at 502 Southwest Parkway. Koppe Bridge Bar and Grill. Part-time cook & counter help. Harvey Road loca tion. 776-2833 Harvey location, 764-2933 Welborn location. audio. 2-new Sony xplode 0; new 10in. MTX $40; oldaupS* -1447. tom crafted domino i d or portable, 5:: sale. Senior boots size 9. Brail m. $400 for boots, $200 for sate, 214-707-5459. ez hard body electric guitar $200. Practice amp $50. ® ie with stand and cords $100. S Cherokee Laredo Chrome NuflS? ed at $1000, selling for /obo. Call 680-9297. ki 1997 Seadoo XP, trailer, net ■year warranty $4,500.229-3W, continued on pg. 7 Little Caesars now hiring delivery drivers and pizza makers. Apply at C.S. location. Local business needs part-time ware house help/ delivery drivers. Must have good driving record. Need to be available Monday- Friday. Please call 779-7042 for an application. Medical office now hiring Medical Tech/ Injectionist. Great experience for student applying to medical school. Position re quires a one year commitment. Salary commencery with experience. Please fax resume to 979-776-4260 or apply in per son at Allergy Associates, 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan, TX 77802. MUSIC Fender Twin Amp ‘65 Reissue Dual 12"s, Tubed, Awesome Sound, Like New! Can’t Justify Owning Two. Must Sell. $750. 847-3888. Ibanez RG Series Electric Guitar, hard case, Fender amp, Zoom player 4-petal station, lots of accessories, mint condition, $550. 690-0125. PETS A.K.C. Golden Retriever Puppies, shots, wormed, $350, call Chase 979-279-2297. Adopt Pets: Dogs, Cats, Puppies, Kit tens, Many purebreds. Brazos Animal Shelter, 775-5755, Jack Russell puppies for sale. Parents on site. $300. Call 693-1902. Weimaraner puppies full-blooded, d.o.b. 1/26, 1st shots, wormed, tails docked, $200-250, exceptional! (979)279-3359. REAL ESTATE Free House Hunting Service reveals best buys in any area and price range you specify! Visit or call (979)693-7653. Broker, Century 21 Beal. Free, quick over-the-net home evalua tion! Visit or call (979)693-7653 Broker, Century 21 Beal. Revealed! 7 Costly Mistakes to Avoid Before Selling Your Home. Free record ed message 1-800-951-2018 enter ID#1000 or visit Broker, Century 21 Beal. ROOMMATES 1-female to sublease 2bdrm/1.5bth apart ment, May- July, $275/mo. +1/2 bills. Call 693-6207. 1-Female, summer sublease. 2bdrm/2bth, covered parking, Free utilities, DSL, cable. $325/mo, 2-minute walk from Blocker. Me lissa 847-4778. 1-Fun/ Studious female roommate need ed, May’03- at least Fall’03, large 2bdrm/2bth, $370/mo. +1/2bills, Heather 485-0139. Female. 4bdrm/3ba house. 2-rooms avail able May 1-August. $400/mo. +1/4bills. Big closets. In Bryan. 846-3134. Looking for 1-or-2 female roommates to share cute 3bdrm. house in Bryan. Call 979-823-6414. M-Roommate for summer only. 4bdrm/2bth house, $250/mo. +1/4bills, fur nished room w/computer and t.v. Bobby at 979-696-4824. M/F, 3/2.5/2 house, w/d new, $500/mo. +1/3 bills, pool, lawn service, 2-story, all appliances, in gated community. 979-696- 4413. One female summer sublease needed in private bedroom, private bath. (979)696- 7286. Summer sublease 1-F at the Exchange. Pool side view with private bd/ba, furnish ed. Kristina 764-7503. Summer sublease in private bdrm/bth $280/mo. +1/3bills. Call Jenn 979-694- 2086. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. Skilled caring mechanic at my shop. Call 777-8711. TUTORS Math tutoring- Algebra through Differential Equations. Grady 696-9113. The Battalion Classified Advertising • Easy • Affordable • Effective For information, call B+S-05G9 Aggies geared for OU, OSU ROOMMATES 1-M needed for summer sublease, 2bdrm/1.5bth duplex, Lawyer Street, $335/mo. +1/2 bills 229-5028. 1-M roommate needed. $280/mo. +1/2bills. July03’- Jun04’, 218-0447. 1-M/F needed for summer, 2bdrm/1ba. lOOOsq/ft apartment, near campus, $297.50, +1/2bills. 694-6648. 1- Roommate needed, Summer/ Fall ‘03. 2bdrm/1ba, $350/mo. Ethernet, Cable, fur nished. Brian. 694-1794. 2- female roomates for May, $340/mo. +1/4utilities. 4/2 apt. w/d, ethernet, fur nished. Call Paula 693-9764. 2-m/f needed, 3/2 house, 2-rooms availa ble now. $380 +1/3bills. Ethernet. Cable. Unfurnished. Call JR 361-728-1006 2-M/F roommates needed for 3bdrm/2bth house, $325/mo. +1/3 bills. Cable inter net, fenced yard, furnished, in Bryan. Call Bryant 979-571-3776. 3bdrm/2bth house in CS, $350/mo. +1/3bills, +deposit. Fully furnished. 979- 690-8683. Female ASAP. Privacy room and bath, w/d, fenced yard, close to campus. $325/mo. +1/2bills. Call Julia 691-8838. Female needed, 3bdrm/2bth, $385 +1/3utilities, large backyard. Call Kyla 281-455-6308. Female roommate needed to share a one year lease in big 2/2 apt. Walk-in closets, w/d, $323/mo., water and cable paid, on bus route. Call Jenni at 595-1132. Female roommate wanted to share one year's lease beginning in May in big 2bdr/2ba. $265/mo.+ 1/2 bills. Call now 255-1052. Female roommate, new 3/2/2, shuttle, w/d, cable, internet, $350 +1/3bills. 695- 8074, 210-383-8524. Female wanted, summer sublease, can stay through fall, 3bdrm/3ba town house $390/mo. 409-770-4244. By Jeff Allen THE BATTALION The No. 10 Texas A&M men’s tennis team will continue Big 12 play this weekend as it heads across the Red River to face two conference rivals: Oklahoma University and Oklahoma State University. The Aggies, who are back into the nation’s Top 10 for the first time since early February, extended their win streak to 10 games with a victory against No. 24 Rice on Wednesday. The two matches in Oklahoma will be only the second and third conference matches for the Aggies and mark the first time this year that they have faced this level of challenge on the road. “Any Big 12 match is going to be tricky,” said A&M Head Coach Tim Cass. “Oklahoma has been a strong tennis team, so I think the challenge for us will be playing on the road and recognizing that this is a Big 12 match.” The match is not coming at the best time for the Sooners (12-5,0- 2 Big 12). The team is fresh off a 6-1 loss in a match against Wichita State University last Wednesday. The Sooners, who looked to be a favorite in the match, dropped all six singles matches after sweeping the dou bles portion of the contest. The Aggies defeated the same Wichita State team 7-0 on March 18. “Our season has been a series of ups and downs,” said Oklahoma Head Coach Paul Lockwood. “Our two losses to the University of San Francisco and Wichita Sate have been most disappointing. We have not met our expectations.” JP BEATO III • THE BATTALION Senior Ryan Newport returns a shot on court one against the University of Alabama Crimson Tide last Saturday at the A&M Tennis Center. The match carries greater sig nificance than normal for the A&M men because of the level of competition found throughout the conference. The team has set high expectations for the very chal lenging Big 12. “For us to only sponsor eight teams in the Big 12, and of that we will probably have six of them in the tournament, it shows that our conference is extremely tough,” Cass said. The Aggies will head out of Nonnan after the match to move on to Stillwater to face another Oklahoma State. After coming from a match against a young Sooner team, the Aggies will be facing a Cowboy team that has been on a roll this season, despite their relatively low national rank ing. The Cowboys (8-2) are in the midst of a five-game homestand, which kicked off last Tuesday with a 6-1 win over Abilene Christian University. “They are off to a really good start,” Cass said. “Rumor is that they could end up top 25 by the time the year’s done.” The Aggies enter the game with a group of players that has performed up to expectations so far this year. The No. 16 combina tion of senior Ryan Newport and sophomore Lester Cook will lead the team at doubles once again. The duo suffered its first loss this season on Wednesday when it dropped a close match to the national No. 2 team from Rice. The Aggies will be taking on the Sooners Saturday in Norman at noon, and they will face the Cowboys at noon on Sunday. Track teams head to Houston By Marcus White THE BATTALION A&M senior Katy Doyle has been looking for ward to Saturday for nearly two years. It’s not that she particularly enjoys the Tom Tellez Invitational Track and Field Meet, or that she will be competing in her hometown of Houston. Doyle is simply excited to compete at all. For the first time since undergoing surgery to repair a tendon in her elbow, the two-time All- American will be competing in the women’s javelin. Doyle had won the Big 12 individual championship in the women’s javelin and finished fourth in the 2000 Olympic Trials before the injury sidelined her with 18 grueling months of rehabilitation. “It was a very long process and it was hard, because the one thing that 1 loved to do the most was to throw,” Doyle said. “I’m ready to start throwing again. I don’t have to worry about anything, so I’m not going to. I just want to throw.” Doyle will be one of many members of the Texas A&M men’s and women’s track and field teams heading south this weekend to the University of Houston’s Lewis/Tellez Track and Field Complex. The Aggies hope to duplicate the success they enjoyed last weekend at the College Station Relays where they won nine gold medals on the way to picking up 12 NCAA regional qualifying bids. Leading the way for A&M will be Doyle and the formidable Aggie javelin corps. Junior Luke Marrs, sophomore Jarrod Mathews and freshman Anthony Alfier all finished among the top four collegians competing on the men’s side, while freshman Rachel Walker was named Big 12 Track and Field Female Athlete of the Week for her first-place regional qual ifying performance last week. “Posting a victory in your first-ever collegiate competition is a great way to start your college career,” said A&M Associate Head Coach Ed Marcinkiewicz. “This is a tremendous honor for Rachel. I’m proud of the way she competed last weekend. She’s a tremendous talent and her best days are still ahead of her.” In the track events, the Aggies will be trying out some athletes in new events and mixing up the relay teams. Though the Aggie men’s 400-meter relay team took home first place last week, A&M Head Coach Ted Nelson believes they can do better. “We are going to be running different teams this week to see how they can improve their times. They ran well last week, but we believe they can do better,” Nelson said. “Track is such a psycho logical sport... It will be interesting to see how well they mesh.” Also tightening its screws in Houston this week end will be perennial track and field powerhouse Texas Christian University. The Homed Frogs cap tured three NCAA regional qualifying bids last week in the Dr. Pepper Invitation at Baylor University’s Hart/Patterson Complex. “I think this is the best shape our women have been in, in a long time,” said TCU Head Coach Monte Stratton. “With warmer weather this week end, I expect them to do extremely well.” Teams competing in the Tom Tellez Invitational include Baylor, Seton Hall, Syracuse, A&M and TCU, along with Texas men’s and Illinois women’s teams. The meet kicks off at 10 a.m. :<4SING! ins available /4 Flexes ondos Speed Internet -846-2976 Apts. 13-2720 Flexes t. 979-846-3569 0-7409 THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY STUDENT MEDIA BOARD IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR Editor The Battalion — Including radio and online editions - Summer 2003 (The summer editor will serve May 26 through Aug. 13, 2003) Fall 2003 (The fall editor will serve Aug. 18 through Dec. 17, 2003) Qualifications for editor in chief of The Battalion are; • Be a Texas A&M student in good standing with the University and enrolled in at least six credit hours (4 if a graduate student) during the term of office (unless fewer credits are required to graduate); • Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) and at least a 2.00 grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) in the semester immediately prior to the appointment, the semester of appointment and semester during the term of office. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (4 if a graduate student) must have been taken for that semester; • Have completed JOUR 301 (Mass Communication, Law and Society), or equivalent; • Have at least one year experience in a responsible editorial position on The Battalion or comparable daily college newspaper, -OR- Have at least one year editorial experience on a commercial newspaper, -OR- Have completed at least 12 hours journalism, including JOUR 203 and 303 (Media Writing I and II), and JOUR 304 (Editing for the Mass Media), or equivalent. Edi m s . i lypn Aggieland 2004 Qualifications for editor in chief of the Aggieland yearbook are: • Be a Texas A&M student in good standing with the University and enrolled in at least six credit hours (4 if a graduate student) during the term of office (unless fewer credits are required to graduate); • Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) and at least a 2.00 grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) in the semester immediately prior to the appointment, the semester of appointment and semester during the term of office. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (4 if a graduate student) must have been taken for that semester; • Have completed JOUR 210 (Graphics) and JOUR 301 (Mass Communication, Law and Society), or equivalent; • Have demonstrated ability in writing through university coursework or equivalent experience; • Have at least one year experience in a responsible position on the Aggieland or comparable college yearbook. Application forms should be picked up and returned to Dell Bomnskie, Student Media business coordinator, in Room 011A Reed McDonald Building. Deadline for submitting application: noon Wednesday, April 2, 2004. Applicants will be interviewed during the Student Media Board Meeting beginning at 9:30 a.m. Friday, April 4, 2003, in room 221F Reed McDonald. An Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer Committed to Diversity