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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 2003)
Kappa Alpha Order - Epsilon Delta Spring Rush 2003 Sunday, Jan. 26 - Monday, Jan. 27 - 8:00-10:00 Tuesday, Jan. 28 - Wednesday, Jan. 29 - Thursday, Jan. 30 - Friday, Jan. 31- Saturday, Feb. I - Open House MSC Meet & Greet Fox & Hound Pool & Darts 7:00-9:00 The Blarney Stone Fish Fry 7:00-9:00 KA Property Banquet** 7:00-9:00 Briarcrest Country Club Steak Dinner* 7:00-9:00 T-Bone Jones Bid Day* 11:00-12:00 Systems Building *By Invitation only + Coat and Tie John Henning Rush Chair 979-574-0407 Trae Mays - Rush Chair 972-841-8885 Evan McLaughlin - Rush Coordinator John Renner Rush Chair 979-229-8073 EXCELLENCE IS OUR AIM Tuesday January28, 2003 FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! (Meet over 75 representatives from Medical, Dental, Physician Assitant, Physical Therapy, Optometry, Nursing, Graduate Programs, and Other Programs from around the nation! MSC Flagroom 10:30 <1.111. — 2:30 p.m. E.C.H.O. Members: Alpha Epsilon Delta | Biomedical Science Assn. | Beta Beta Beta | Biochemistry & Genetics Society | Microbiology Society American Medical Student Assn. | Pre-Dental Society | Pre-Medical Society | Multicultural Assoc. Of Pre-Health Aggies We choose to stay in a group when we go out." wm mm Pablo Rodrigue/, and Brandi Hughes C lass of 2004 The Choice Is Up To You Applications Now Available in MSC 223 en & Women $ c c A S erving the ommunity by presenting pera and erforming arts to &M and the urrounding area W/iy Join MSC OPAS? See top quality performing arts for free Build your resume Participate in community service activities! Enrich your life with the arts Create lifelong friendships Belong to the family ^ A Interact with important community members Develop important skills Become a leader Help educate surrounding area school children through the arts Work in a real-world business environment Have fun! •jrt.hJsfc* For more information visit our table at MSC Open House on January 26 MSC OPAS is a proud member of the Arts and Entertainment programming area of the Memorial Student Center rtr & Application Deadline February 3, 5:00 PM 0 Tuesday, January 28, 2003 Cloning Continued from pagel “Some of the clones messed up genetically,” he si Copycat, the cat clonecrei ed by a team of A&M scieniii; in December 2001, did notia on the same fur color as genetic mother because ofk live X chromosomes. Copy lacks her mother’s orangespt because the X chromosom responsible for the spots not become active again, they should during the non', biological process, Evers sai: The biological process skipping a step, he said. Researchers have also this problem when cloi mice and cows, Evers said. During the project thatp:: duced Copycat, researctii went through only one lived. He said. He said the difficulty cot be attributed to inactive gen The cloned animal embre that do not make it to birtli suffering from non-function; genes, a problem that cam! cause human embryos tom rally abort during the firsti weeks of pregnancy, E said. “We should be able tbapp some of our research findis to human medical advano ment,” Evers said. Researchers have started a new cloning project involve white-tail deer, Westhusinsa A&M is using the deertosti disease-resistant lifestyles said. The research departm working on cloning aniiM does not have much fundi left, Westhusin said. He said he has submil grant proposals that shoi bring in funding for Fall 87 embryosilP um P in S ^s. be. Whether it Project Continued from page people, the Ku Dispersing weapons does deal of technic Iraqi intelligen Jessica Andrews, a biology major, also attend* tar 8 et the Unity Project Bonfire, thinks former students andct l^se weapons rent students should help with donations. “For many .students A&M, that was their first only experience seeing great tradition of bonfm Andrews said. “The class 2007 and beyond should the opportunity to expener- it, too. But that won’t happen these students don’t pay their debt so they can focus this coming year.’’ Jill Gross, a senior Eng major, said the tradition Bonfire should not be suppoi through donations or others unless it is fully supported: ^commonly uc the University. “The students that p»!C “e women a Unity Project together lastfi did so without the Universi behind them,” Gross said, know they had good intentiot but Aggies shouldn’t be willing to monetarily sup| an event that cannot compare the original and that willne' 1 be like the original unless endorsed by A&M.” The Unity Project wants continue and be successful the future. “We want to provide a tra^ immediately, e tion and keep it going year year,” Cheatham said. “Ti was bonfire’s most success! year because it came bacU' we proved people wrong. Ti is more important than whet! we get our money back or no 1 Co Hi ow the poor Ir ers cou into a man cap ordering the n everyone betw ages of 15 and group of Kurd lages, says Pre George W. Bu something typ going through price of the 8" pumped into y deployment of Middle East, a Iraq will affec violating every resolution pas« Saddam Husse self the target time is up, but come at a prici Disclosing weapons of m; ending all sup] and ending the Iraqi people ar terms outlined before the Uni Saddam Husse There is no co This madm; East has ball is range enough i such as Saudi Turkey, a regie 135,000 Amer service mem be Bush says thes capable of can chemical or bi< agents Husse ir Your friend in called-up reset Th of Saddam’s w Rec ue to ef: women’ activists rape has transit shameful and s a crime that we ly have a right charges for, the to fit the whim they did. A Californi 6 that not only word “no” for rape, but they “I should go h expands on the in Maryland ai partner expres: NEWS IN BRIEF Inflammation testing suggested (AP) -New guidelines issu f Monday urge doctors to cc sider testing millions : Americans at moderate risk 1 heart disease for signs 1 inflammation in the blo0‘ stream — a newly recogni^ cause of heart attacks. Evidence has been buildf for several years that infiai' mation is a major trigger heart trouble, worse events high cholesterol. But until doctors have been unsure he and when to look for the co dition, which can be measure with a simple blood test. ous terms. According t John Z., Laura in March of 20 to talk to the di in various acts ted reciprocatii ing intercourse Unable to expr times, “I shoul minutes after s got up and assi NAMBLA advocate in response to Jan. 14 colum Thomas NAMBLA w cies. Whilt with NAME consent lav costs us nc anced and First of "NAMBLA the paret