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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 2003)
I The Texas AdrM University Interfraternity Council (IFC) presents.., RUSH 2003 Kappa Alpha Order Alpha Gamma Rho Alpha Tau Omega Beta Theta Pi Chi Phi Delta Chi Delta Sigma Phi Delta Tau Delta FarmHouse FIJI ^Alplp (Snxtmm Tues., 1/28: Pizza and Pool Hornbacks 2-6 Wed., 1/29: Meet the AGR’s HEER 101 7-9 Thurs., 1/30: Dinner Chicken Oil 7-8 Fri., 1/31: Lunch Fitzwilly’s 12-2 Sat., 2/1: BBQ Oak’s Park 12-3 Mon., 2/3: Bowling Triangle Bowl 7-9 Tues., 2/4: Alumni Smoker T-Bone Jones 7-9 Contact: Dustin 412-4302 Alpha Tau Omega Mon 1/27: Dixie Chicken 7-9 Tues 1/28: Triangle Bowl 9-12 Wed 1/29: Zapatos Cantina 8-10 Thurs 1/30: Hilton (Informational) 7-9 Fri 1/31: Oxford Street - Dinner Date Party Business Casual 8-10 Contact Jeff Nickel! 696-6794 Beta Theta Pi Mon., 1/27 Meet the Beta’s, Beta House, 8-9:30 Tues., 1/28 Pool and Darts, Dixie Chicken, 7-9 Wed., 1/29 TAP - Fajita CookoudInvite Only, 7-9 Thurs., 1/30 Pebble CreekJInvite Only, 7:30-9 Fri., 1131 Steak Night,T-Bone Jones, 7-9 Contact: Frank Braly 764-0003 CHI PHI Mon 1/27 BBQ, Kyle Field Pressbox, 9' h Floor 7-9 Tues 1/28 Bowling.Triangle Bowl 7-8:30 Wed 1/29 Target Practice, Champion Firearms 6-7 Thurs 1/30 Dinner, Fajita Rita’s 7-8 Thurs 1/30 Billiards,Yesterdays 8-9 Fri 1/31 Crawfish Boil, Chi Phi House 5-7 Contact: Matt Solomon 571-1370 >PRTA chi DELTA CHI Mon - 1/27 Meet & Greet, Fajita Rita’s, 7-9 Tues - 1/28 Bowling, Wolf Pen Creek, 7-9 Wed - 1/29 Billiards, Hornbacks, 7-9 Thurs - 1/30 Informational, Alumni CtrTlnvfoe On/y, 7-9 Fri - 1/31 Date Party!Invite Only, 7-9 Contact: Charlie 696-8725 DELTA SIGNA PHI Mon. 1/27 • Iguana Dan’s Hole in the Wall, 7-9 Tues. 1/28 • Bowling Triangle Bowl, 7-9 Wed. 1/29 • Billiards Dixie Chicken, 7-9 Thurs. 1/30 * Go-Karts Boondocks, 6:30-8:30 Fri. 1/31 • Kopee Bridge, 7-9 Contact: Roger Lasater 696-0489 Delta Tau Delta Sunday 1/26 Super Bowl, Wings‘N More 5-10 Monday 1/27 Driving Range, Lone Star Golf 7-9 Tuesday I /28 Billiards, Poets 7-9 Wednesday 1/29 Informational, ClaytonWilliams Bldg. 7-9 Thursday 1/30 Wild Game Cookout, Delt House Invite Only 7-9 Friday I /31 Oxford Streedlnvite Only 7-9 Contact: Levi Martin 847-1454 Kappa Alpha Order Monday, Jan. 27: Burgers & Balls, Fox & Hound, 8-10 Tuesday, Jan. 28: Pool & Darts, Blarney Stone, 7-9pm Wednesday, Jan. 29: KA Property - Fish Fry, 7-9 Thursday, Jan. 30: Briarcrest Country Club (Coat & Tie)!Invite Only, 7-9 Friday, Jan. 31: Corral, KA Property, (Coat & Tie), 7-9 Contact: John Renner 229-8073 KAPPA SIGNA M • ■ 1/27 T • 1/28 W • 1/29 Th • 1/30 F • 1/31 Acceptance Dinner//nv/te Only, 6 Contact: Arash Ghanbapour 214-649-0290 Kappa Sigma Lambda Chi Alpha Phi Delta Theta Phi Kappa Theta Pi Kappa Phi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Epsilon Lambda Chi Alpha Monday 1/27 BBQ Lambda Chi House 6:30-9 Tuesday 1/28 Poo] Poet’s 9-12 Wednesday 1/29 Casino Night Lambda Chi House 7-10 Thursday 1/30 Informational (Coat &Tie) Faculty Club 7-10 Friday 1/31 Date Party Old Bryan Marketplace 7-10 Contact: Kurt Autin 255-4649 Phi Delta Theta Monday 1/27 Tuesday 1/28 Wednesday 1/29 Wednesday 1/29 Thursday 1/30 Friday 1/31 Meet the Phi’s, Carney’s, 6-8 BBQ, Phi Delt House, 7-9 Billiards, Hornbacks, 6-8 Wings ‘N More, 8-10 Informational, Clayton Williams Bldg. Invite Only, 7:30-8:30 Date Party, Rockfish Invite Only, 6-7:30 Contact: Josh Hyatt 220-2900 Phf Gamma Delta (FIJI) Sun., I /26 FIJI athletics, REC, 2-5 Mon. 1/27 Casino Night,Assoc.of Frm.Students Bldg., 7-10 Tues., I /28 Black Diamond BBQ, FIJI Barn, 7-10 Wed., 1/29 Billiards/Cigars, Fox and Hound, 7-10 Thurs., 1/30 Hilton Oakwood Ballroom (Coat & Tie) Invite Only, 7 Fri., 1/31 FIJI Fight Night, FIJI Barn,/nvite Only, 7 Contact - Andrew Rice 680-3 174 PHI KAPPA THETA Monday 1/27 Tuesday 1/28 Wednesday 1/29 Thunday 1/30 Friday 1/31 Phi Kap Lau PKT House 8-10 Phi Kap Fiesta PKT House 8-10 Pool Yesterdays 8-10 BBQ PKT House 8-10 Dinner PKT House / Invite Only 7-9 Contact: Emmanuel Situka 255-2808 Pi Kappa Phi Monday 1/27 Dinner & Live Music, Pi Kappa Phi House, 6-8 Tuesday 1/28 Billiards, Poets, 7-9 Wednesday 1/29 Rush Reception, Reed Arena Sky, 7-9 Thursday 1/30 Dinner & Smoker//nWte Only, Pi Kappa Phi House, 6-8:30 Friday i/31 Mystery Date Party//nWte Only, Pi Kappa Phi House, 8-1 1 Contact: Michael Cauthen 218-0206 Sigma Alpha Epsilon Mon., 1/27 Phil Pritchett Concert, SAE House 8-10 Tues., 1/28 Triangle Bowl 8-10 Wed., 1/29 Hilton (Coat & Tie)//nv/te On/y 8-10 Thurs., I /30 Date Party, SAE House//nvrte Only 8-10 Fri. I /3 I Bid Acceptance (Coat & T\e)llnvite Only 8-10 Lunch daily at Duddley’s Draw 12-2 pm Contact Patrick Keegan 713-291-4196 sm cm Mon., 1/27 BBQ Sigma Chi House 7-9 Tues. ,1/28 Billiards Fox & Hound 7-9 Wed., 1/29 Banquet (Coat & Tie) Pebble Creek CC 7-9 Thurs., 1/30 Smoker/Bowling Sigma Chi House 7-9 Contact: Brian Mobley 694-4509 Sigma Nu Mon., 1/27 Wild Game Cookout, Sigma Nu House, 6:30-9 Tues., 1/28 Meet the Sigma Nu’s, The Library on Northgate, 7-9 Wed., 1/29 Pool, Poets, 7-9 Thurs., 1/30 Banquet, Pebble Creek CC/Invite Only, 7-9 Fri., 1/31 Date Party, Kyle House//nwte Only, 10-lam Contact: Justin Stafford 492-0204 Sigma Phi Epsilon Sun., 1/26 Mon., 1/27 Tues., 1/28 Wed., 1/29 Thurs., 1/30 Fri., 1/31 Superbowl Party, Sig Ep House, 6:30 Wild Game Cookout, Sig Ep House, 7-9 Casino Night/Cookout, Sig Ep House, 7-9 Informational, Briarcrest CC (Coat & Tie) 7-9pm Pool, Poets, 7-10 Date Party, Sig Ep House//nv/te Only, 7 Contact: Erich Sowell 324-6006 10 Friday, January 24, 2003 NATI( THE BATTAL1 Internet job boards seek hourly workers for listings NEW YORK (AP) — Wanted: Truck drivers, plumbers, nurses, cashiers and the businesses who hire them. After years of pitching them selves primarily to resume-tot ing professionals and their prospective employers, the big Internet job sites are trying to muscle into the recruitment mar ket for blue-collar and service workers. will use an ad during this Sunday’s Super Bowl to tout changes in its list ings and application process geared to workers paid by the hour. The new campaign follows the December launch by of its own online recruitment tool for so- called “skilled and hourly” workers., owned by Yahoo!, says it also is working to broaden its efforts in the hourly market. The new focus comes as the online job boards struggle to generate business in an economy notable for its lack of new jobs. “Last quarter. Monster’s revenue was down almost 30 percent, year over year,” said Matthew Litfin, an analyst with William Blair & Co. “Who can blame a company for trying to stem a decline of that magnitude?” Monster and its rivals say they're wooing hourly workers out of logic, not desperation. Workers paid by the hour are 60 percent of the nation’s labor force, and more of them are fre quenting the Internet. “It’s the size and the rev enue potential of the market, regardless of how the economy is doing, that's drawing people there,” said Matt Ferguson. CareerBuilder’s chief operat ing officer. For the Web sites, the hourly job market — which they define broadly to cover everyone from construction workers to nurses — is largely fresh territory since most of those jobs are filled through newspaper classified ads or staffing agencies. The first Internet job boards to venture in were specialty sites like and affiliated with a chain of free ad circulars focused on the hoi market. Monster edged into then ket early last year, when its ed a test site in the Cinch area. It was matched by Cincinnati Enquirer newsp; owned by Gannett Co., u started its own online ho recruitment board. Thai helped shape the expansia CareerBuilder, owned joi by the Gannett, Knight and Tribune Co. newspj chains. Monster and CareerBt say there are important ences between the way and salaried workers look jobs. Most hourly workers jobs by tilling out a rather than creating andsa ing out resumes. So both allow jobseekers to fill application that can be vi by employers. The job boards acto edge that some hourly # ers don’t have comp access, so they have sei phone-based services accept applications. Ul' ® overthrou hn P® tppiiu: BE A SENATOR. Seats open for students in: , STUDENT CiOVERNMENT Jl'IATIO' Applications available now in Koidus 127. u.< |~T)l!ou ing 5 H America li X stopping tt steps have been ent terrorism, i of the e formation of Department of 1 Security. Much 'arhave aimed i ose who have d to commit tei :o addressing is? feeling terrorisrr In the Islamii frustration that 1 irom the situatic between the Pah In the middle ized country in t war has simmen years. Since 196 coalition of Ar ritory occupied < up in the air. It i Palestinians, but r ormed in the pa As long as the f: in question, th According to years since Israe Sharon touched )ack-and-forth r 600 Israeli is. Most of ans. This can or ncredible tragec world stage. Hoi area of the work now, as they are day. The United S for a final world ment, not only b tarian thing to d< our own self inte rossibility. The Pew Res arofit agency, rei vey on intematic 38,000 peo] urveyed, and th America was vie ively in Arab ar ban in other coi Party! )iversity a :orrectnes What right do >ass judgment tot even occu dministration ension caused ensitivity to rac iur officials see radition and 1 ibout A&M for v ike "diversity" a The administr orgotten that lusiness. We, tf ervice to be p ustomers. Anc business is th ilways right. S< he Bonfire ba limple theme | :ials obligated 1 it least not act all, businesses Me fall by the Money from hese people t< ith all due r tart acting like SUPER BOW1 SUNDAY! XS02 S* Texas Harvey H«f* fe9€M>756„ Specials begin 1$ Minutes before the start of the Super Bow! and last til! the final whistle! * Wings are dine-in on!y» Muiimum order is 10.