Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 17, 2002)
THE BATTALION Wednesday, To olace a classified ad: Business Hours Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Office: Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (pricey appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal po^ for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’ta advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualifyforjit: additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early led: 2-Male C rs. 3/2 house, i/mo. +split bills jkenie/gerOhotma ADOPTION California Beach community couple prom ise your baby loving home, secure future, wonderful life. Legal/medical expenses only. Attorney involved. Call Debbie and Gary 877-322-4404 pin-1860. ANNOUNCEMENTS $250 a night potential/ bartending. Train ing provided. 1-800-293-3985 ext.625. AUTO 1988 Toyota pick-up, 117k, AT, CD, $2,200/obo. Stephen 696-5121,218-1260. 1994 323 Mazda Hatchback, 95,000- miles, good condition, $2800. David 450- 0913. 1995 GMC Sierra, red, standard transmis sion, 78,000-miles, $8,000. Call Tyson 412-2993. 1995 GMC Z-71 4x4 Regular cab. short wide bed, teal green, 350, automatic, all power, fully loaded, 95k miles, excellent condition. $10,500 obo. 693-9687. 1997 Black Dodge Ram 1500 Club Cab. leather. New BFG All Terrain Tires, 78k hwy miles, $9850, negotiable, Clayton 693-5028. 1997 Honda Accord, $13,500/o.b.o., ex cellent condition. Loaded! 48,000-miles, 731-0062, after 5:00pm. 1997-Dodge Ram, excellent condition, CD-player, spray-in bedliner, chrome rail ing, new tires, alarm. Call 979-255-5559. 1999 Mazda Protege, red, 75k, good con- dition. $6500 o.b.o. Call 764-4097. 90 Mazda B2200 pick-up, 130k, CD, AC, $1900/nego. 779-1815, Matt. '93 Pontiac Sunbird- white, runs great, low mileage, $2850. 779-6636. Police Impounds! Cars from $500. For listings, 800-319-3323 ext.3782. Storage Station 693-0551 Free April Rent, All Sizes From $ 27/mo. Regular or Climate Controlled AUTO Dodge RamCharger 1986- Full-sized, SUV, 4-WD, 8-cyl, 93K, all power, big tires, $4300/obo. 695-0077. Ford Bronco, 1987- full-size, 4wd, 8-cyl, $6500. Call 936-348-6568. Travis Rollins Class 2001 sales consul tant, Sterling Auto Group. Cars, Trucks, SUVs. Ags helping Ags. 779-3516. Used Jeep Cherokee Laredo Nerf bars for sale, chrome. $275 o.b.o. Call 694-7242. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. Auto repair. Coming to you. 255-0003. BED AND BREAKFAST Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,'70, 979- 696-0091. COMPUTERS For sale, Barely used Dell Inspiron 4000 Laptop computer Pentium 800, Windows 2000, 10 gig hard drive, 128 Meg RAM, DVD drive, wireless ethernet, card carry ing case. Paid $1600 asking $999. 979- 229-9814. DJ MUSIC "Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693- 6294. EMPLOYMENT $250 a day potential/ bartending. Training provided. 1-800-293-3985 ext.542. Need work in May/ this Summer? Univer sity Leasing needs strong laborers. $8/hr. 764-3902, Receptionist Position- Saturdays. Centu ry 21 Beal, Inc. Self starting hard worker needed for cus tomer relations. Flexible hours, good in come. Espanol a+. 778-0043. Win Free Rent For One Full Semester!!!! For a 1 & 2 bedroom apartment Visit these properties for drawing info: Spring Heights 409 C Summer Ct 846-3569 Lincoln Square 313 Lincoln 693-2720 Timber * Creek 801 Spring Loop 846-2976 Newsday Crossword YOU BET by Fred Piscop Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 1 Glasses, slangiiy 6 Verne voyager 10 Olympian’s sword 14 Muslim deity 15 Natural emollient 16 Croat or Bulgar 17 “It been something I ate!” 18 TV’s warrior princess 19 Handy bag 20 Porgy and Bess composer 23 Suffix for fact 24 Proctor’s handouts 25 Erudite one 29 Prickly plant 32 Smelter input 33 Bullwinkle, e.g. 34 Hack’s auto 37 For starters 41 Card game 42 Eccentric 43 Netman Arthur 44 Slow-witted 45 Annoy 47 Normand of silents 50 Itinerary word 51 Sullivan’s offering 58 With 62 Across, Bumble Bee competitor 59 Subtle emanation 60 Fall birthstone 62 See 58 Across 63 Muscat’s land 64 Upper crust 65 Son of Adam 66 Hourglass filler 67 Rizzuto contemporary DOWN 1 Bogie, in The Maltese Falcon 2 Outlet insert 3 “If all _ fails . . 4 Roman censor 5 Ariel of Israel 6 Sent, in a way 7 Designer to Jackie 8 Auctioneer’s call 9 Stick-shift selection 10 Biblical heroine 11 C leafs snow from 12 Yankovic parody 13 Makes level 21 "Vamoose!” 22 Tough to climb 25 Potting need 26 Pisa’s river 27 Bill killer 28 Blonde shade 29 Comic pianist 30 Like Santa’s cheeks 31 Art or novel add-on 33 Russian fighters 34 Playbill listing 35 Tummy trouble 36 Brewski 38 The Seven Year Itch star 39 Half a sawbuck 40 Cruces, NM 44 Scarcity 45 Porky or Petunia 46 Lent ender 47 Halloween wear 48 Bandleader Shaw 49 Brutish sort 50 Tasty dish 52 Vientiane’s land 53 Arizona city 54 Muffin type 55 Putter’s target 56 Sheriff Taylor’s boy 57 Bulk-rate phone service inits. 61 Zuider CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2002 STANLEY NEWMAN CRuck’s Pizza 'J-*' PIZZA STROMBOLI HOAGIES Medium 1-Topping Pizza $ 3.99 97 * order 3 for free delivery B93-BUCKI 4/17/02 Answer to previous puzzle 1 R A D E L O N E L O C A F L L E E F R O | N N E S A E G Y T R A T E R A G N 13 E3EII3E3 d sm 19 QD nmHEinmmBn hhoh HHmn |C s s o ET S mm 4/17/02 EMPLOYMENT FOR RENT FOR RENT Shakes Frozen Custard now hiring P/T Spring and summer positions. 701 Univer sity Dr. East, building 100. 693-0301 Summer sales people needed for outdoor sales in advertising web and wireless. Great Pay! Excellent resume builder. Call Mike 764-5902. OPPORTUNITY Internship with National Nonpartisan Voter Service Organization in Montana. Project Vote Smart offers summer/fall, credit/non-credit internships to students in terested in politics at our Rocky Mountain Research facility. Apply now, space is limited.,, 1-888-Vote-Smart. FOR RENT 1 Year Lease starting May. 3bd/1bth, w/d connections, shuttle-route, fenced back yard. $266/mo/rm, +1/3util. Meredith 693- 6009, 492-7959. 1-3/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$600/mo. 696- 2038. 1- Female needed for summer sublease, $325/mo., no bills, 693-9650. 1/1-Apt summer sublease. No May rent, no deposit, Mid-May- Aug16. $400/mo, 680-0247, Jessica. Ibd/lba apt. central air and heat w/d con nections, pool, covered parking, close to Blinn. $465/mo TCP 775-2291 Ibdrm summer sublease, 683sq.ft., $595/mo., w/d, on shuttle, Liz 268-9061. Ibdrm/lbath sublease, 2/mo, option to re new, $350/mo Heather 255-8988 1bdrm/1bth available mid-May, Yellow- house Apartments, bus-route, $300/mo. Call 764-7737. 1bdrm/1bth spacious studio. Close to A&M, w/d connections. Available August. $525/mo. 776-6079. 2- rooms available for summer sublease, 3bdrm/2bth duplex off Graham Rd. $367/mo.+1/3util. 690-2921. 2-Rooms for rent, large CS 3bdrm/2bath house, 2-blocks to TAMU, Lee Ave. $360/mo each or $720/mo both, +utilities, available August /sooner. 693-0632. 2-yr old Rockhollow duplexes, 3bdrm/2bth, 1225-sq.ft. Cal now! (979)764-5666, (979)412-1275. 2/1.5 Studio, fenced yard, fireplace, W/D connections, bus-route. 776-6079. GREAT SUMMER JOBS AUSTIN / HOUSTON E^ARN UP TO $6,000+. WORK PROTECT ING THE ENVIRONMENT. NEED RELI ABLE PERSONS W/GOOD COMMUNI CATION SKILLS. INTERVIEWING C.S. 713-529-9427 / 512-474-1903 2/1.5 apartment sub-lease, mid-May through mid-August, $695/mo, negotiable. Aaron 774-4796. 2/1.5 sublease, W/D connections, fire place, shuttle route, lOOOsq.ft. $250/mo for Ibdrm or $500 entire sublease. 774- 4796. 2/2 sublease, mid-May, w/d, fenced yard, pets okay, bus route. $635 +utilities. 268- 9888 or 224-0506. 2/3, fully furnished, The Zone. Was $419/mo, now $319/mo. Call 693-5377. 2bdrm/1.5bath Duplex, Central A/H, W/D connections, fireplace, fenced yard, pets are welcomed. TCP 979-775-2291 2bdrm/1 5bth townhouse. Sublease, w/dconn., fireplace, on shuttle route, $500/mo negotiable. Available 4/20 775- 3448. 2bdrm/1bth duplex, fenced back yard, w/d, extremely clean. Available 8/1. $525/mo. Call after 2pm, 823-4684. 2bdrm/1bth house, large yard, pets ok. $475/mo., -futilities. 779-8526. 2bdrm/1bth nice fenced yard duplex, w/d- connections. Leasing for August. 776- 6079. 2bdrm/1bth spacious apartment available end of May, 3 blocks from campus, w/d, pets, walk-in closets, $500/mo. Call 260- 3921. 2bdrm/lbth studio. Close to A&M., w/d connections. Available August. $600/mo. 776-6079. 2bdrm/2.5bath condo in Woodbrook. W/D connections. Available in August. $900/mo. 690-3771 2bdrm/2bath $419/mo at The Zone, pool and volleyball court view. 695-8992. 2bdrm/2bth Apartment sublease. $585tot/mo, $292.50/person, +bills, cov ered parking, bus route. 324-6680. 2bdrm/2bth on Autumn Circle. W/D, se curity system. Call 696-0616. 2bdrm/2bth very spacious studio, w/d con nections. Close to A&M. Available Au gust. 776-6079. 2bdrm/2bth, w/d connections, also 2bdrm/1 5bth, w/d, available now. Call 696-1176. 3 bed/2 bath duplex, pre-leasing. Very nice w/ W/D, shuttle route, no pets. $975/mo 691-0304/ 571-6020 3-female roommates, summer sublease, $250/mo., +1/4bills, 4bdrm/2bth house. Call Jenny 693-1900, (214)542-2441. 3/2 duplex near new Preleasing for May and August. W/D and lawncare included. No pets. $1000/mo 846-5722 3/2 Woodsman 4-plex Summer Sublease. W/D, Irg-rms, convienient location. $660/mo negotiable. 485-8138. Summer Break Employment The Texas Transportation Institute is hiring students from the following cities to collect data on seat belt use: Abilene, Brownsville, Beaumont, Corpus Christi, El Paso, Houston, Midland, San Angelo, Tyler, Waco and Wichita Falls. Hours vary, depending on location, to be done between May 19 & June 14. $8/hr, $50 minimum. Call 458-1229 between Sam & 5pm for interview. NEED MORE MONEY? Earn $10(10 or more selling communication services! Call now! 1-800-896-5882 24 hour 3 Minute recording, Toll Free! Receive all the information you will need to get started today! Use ID #2097 Make the Call Today! Or 1-888-673 3795 ID# 9462004119 Houston Summer Jobs! Miller Swim Academy is now hiring swim instructors, lifeguards, and pool managers. Excellent Pay! Sixty locations throughout Houston. 713-777-7946 LYNN TECH, Inc. Engineering, Programming, And Research Positions Lynntech, Inc., a rapidly growing, highly successful technology development company has immediate openings for experimental physicists, programmers, electrical engineers, mechanical engi neers, industrial engineers, and those having similar science, engi neering and technical backgrounds. Immediate openings for R&D Research Assistants are also available in the areas ol chemistry, environmental sciences, biochemistry, biomedical sciences and physical sciences backgrounds. Employees having exceptional work ethics, a strong drive to accomplish goals and excellent time management skills will find the work exciting, rewarding, and challenging. Good communi cation and interpersonal skills are required for working in teams, proposal preparation, reports, and documentation. Part-time and full-time positions are available at all degree and experience levels. Lynntech offers competitive salaries and excep tional benefits. Please visit our web site at www.lynntech.cYvm for detailed descriptions of available positions. Mail resume and references to: Lynntech, Inc. Attn: Human Resources 7610 Eastmark Drive College Station, TX 77840 Lynntech is an EOE. 3bdrm/1 5bth carport, w/d connections, lg- fenced backyard. Available August. 696- 1176. 3bdrm/1bath house, central A/H, W/D con nections. garage, fenced yard, pets wel come. TCP 979-775-2291 3bdrm/2ba July-15 through Aug-1. $1000/mo- $l050/mo. $900-deposit. Lawn care services included, w/d. 1325sqft. (979)412-0604. 3bdrm/2bath duplex, shuttle route, pets welcome, fireplace. $830/mo 862-9311 3bdrm/2bth duplex. 1759 Rockhollow. Available mid-May Starling rent $850/mo. Large corner lot next to pond. Call Aimee 775-6999 3bdrm/2bth duplex. Rock Hollow, availa ble June. First month's rent 1/2 off. $ 1000/mo. 822.9265. 3bdrm/2bth duplex. Excellent location. $1095/mo. 846-7454. 3bdrm/2bth house, central a/h. fenced yard, approved pets ok. in Bryan. $750/mo., June move-in. Call 822-7263. 3bdrm/2bth house. Summer sublease or longer. Large yard, garage, great location. George Bush across from campus. $1.000/mo + bills. 694-8809. 3bdrm/2bth. 1416 Clements Court, behind Target. Available June-1, $815/mo., c/h/a, w/d, big living room, -t-backyard. Contact (281)537-7897 to call you back. 3bdrm/3bth Duplex, May Lease on Trace Meadows. I350sqft.. all appliances including w/d. vaulted ceilings, sprinkler system, fenced yard, lawncare, $1100/mo. 764-3902, 4bdrm/2bath studio and houses, central A/H, W/D connections, fenced yard, pets welcome. TCP 979-775-2291 4bdrm/4bth condo. University Place. Very Nice! W/D In unit, pool, hot-tub, volleyball, $1500/mo. Available Aug.'02. Call Emily (210)601-2116. All bills included. Starting June-1 st, Ibdrm apartment, w/d. bus route, 492- 5659. All price ranges. A great deal for Ags No Deposits! 1,2,3 bedroom properties. Great locations all over town. Summit. 777-3371. Apartment for summer sublease, The Zone Apartments, $350/mo.-o.b.o. Call 979-525-4577. Are you in the market for an affordable apartment? Eastgate Apts has 1/1 units starting as low as $430 -cable and water included. Anderson Place has 2/1 units with w/d connections, cable and water In cluded for $529/mo. Please call 693- 2347/ 696-7380. Brand new 3/3 duplex for May. Summer rent $ 1000/mo 777-5477. Bryan 3/2 fenced yard, w/d connections, 1250sq.ft. shuttle, pets with deposit, lawn care provided. 1203-B Webhollow $895, Megan: (512)291-0513, (979)695-6441 Cheap summer sublease, Ibdrm in a 2bdrm F-duplex. Call ASAP! 696-1220. Christian Private Dorm. $350/mo. private rooms including utilities, luxury accommo dations, call Micah 229-9403. College Station Apartment- 2bdrm/2ba with w/d conn. $625/mo. 696-9771. Yeast Infection Study Females, ages 18 and older are being recruited to partici pate in a research study to compare two research medica tions for the treatment of a yeast infection (vaginitis). If you are currently experiencing vaginal burning, itching or irri tation call for more information. Eligible volunteers will be com pensated up to $150. Sun-Induced Fever Blister/Cold Sore Study Volunteers, ages 18 and older, with a history of sun- induced fever blisters/cold sores needed to participate in a clinical trial with an oral medication. Eligible volun teers will be compensated $200 for time and travel. Facial Acne Study Volunteers, ages 12 and older, with facial acne needed to par ticipate in a 12-week research study with an investigational topical cream. Eligible volun teers will be compensated for their time and effort. J&S Studies, Inc. 979-774-5933 3201 University Drive East, Suite 475 Bryan, TX 77802 FOR RENT ■ townhome u ■to campus, $7! College Station- 4-plex, 2txt- shuttle, water paid. Micro*:* Ians, $450/mo , 690-6155 hgate Colony Apartment subleaseT? Parkway. 2txlrm/2bath, large, pool/hot-tub, can be fumisii« 1671/219-3859 260 CS duplexes. Very nice 2/U units. Excellent location. OnstJ fireplace, ceiling fans, w/d ( lawn service, lenced, pets ok I August. 693-1855,255-1585,2 fourplexi '2bth, walking -9611 o northgatefourp gate, 2bdrm/2 walk /2bth, walk t 076. kway CS house. 4bdrm/2bth, 904 Trigger, $840/mo. 693-3477, 764-8051, Apartme Lay. SO-depo: | or August. S| bff first month lease Dinner For Two with yourn Avalon Apts. $99 Deposit V/.i; Claude at (979)822-7321. for May Duplexes. 2b fenced. $680/ •lease 1 Duplex near new 3/2 shofl;? available No pets 846-5722 Duplexes- 3bdrm/2bth, fencec cunty system, lawn care Cal&l F-Roommate for Fait Sfr 2bdrm/2bth Apartment, dose S325/mo +1/2bills. 680-8736 Free Locator. Apartments Houses. Call Alpha Omega 1 : 1ual clr ' ve 3t:> ' broker 693-0868. Free Rent 1 Call 778-6407. Con: ply. for May c connections, n< i/mo. 693-1448 lease for May. ires. 901-Krem •1448. lease May&Au 2/1.5, 2/2. Di <er owner. 777 leasing 2bdrm ress. Cathy 26 Great 2bdrm/1bth apartment. MU. No Pets. S450/mo. *533: 764-1082. Leasing for M. ity Terrace Ape rm apts, 1025 i Call 693-193C House for rent. 2bdrmlbaT campus. Available July 1. CaliSSi l-leasing May pkhollow Duple) Ltions. $1000/ {rnerstone Prope 19)820-0926. Large 2bdrm/1 ba brick duple*. 8«i tance to A&M. Fenced yard ’’■fcfLEASING FC Avail Aug-1 S450/mo+bills 6^: Ep j | 10U g| n g f or r Large 3bdrm/2bth units on shutre T ted Realty s FF lege Station's Southwood Vale, -694-9140- ft eluded. Preleasing specialolSSOOW* a P l - ^'P 1 * lease. $1000/9mo. lease Petst* deposit of $300. Please call Torre)!! rett at 680-1758 or 575-378 dtbaussie @ or see the website at www. rent. net/direct/rosewoodvIasSi Rosewood Villas, a Safe. Studed ed Environment. ommates neede Bryan. Very fey. Call 214-284 oms for Rent $: m home, 1 mile Christian girls c Leasing for summer 3bdrm/3bth duplex in Sun Meaw| division. No smokers, no pets: 936-525-7135. ive $! Academi 15/mo, 2bdrm Apartments: 15/mo. office at Iryanor 846-1413 $! Casa Let's Make A Deal! Sundare® _ Sausalito Apts have 384 bdnnylvisimo. 2-bdrm you want cable, water, gas MlF* our own bedroc salito has free ethemet, Ms stop Both located on mg rents are $950 and up. 4242 Luxury Summer Sublease 2bdm. ; : availabe May-August, health club i# bership included. Call Todd 574 75^ May Special Free w/d! Southwood d area, 4-plexes. 777-5477. Mid May through December 2007 a 3bd/2bth house. $300/mo +' ly 695-8470 I Melrose Apts. M Mid-May -Mid-Aug . 4bdrm/4bth furnished, / phone and cable included $399/mo. Micala 680-3343^ 2/1 ummerrate- $1C f, 6/yan, TX 7' OUTHWOOD OJ EASING FOR M 130sqft, small, qi eighborhood. I osets, security lie rrpaid, low utilitii Pets ok, $82£ UniversityLei Sublease next fall imished, W/D, ce less than curn 115 Northgate August Prele ^ quiet, w/d. $465/mo. 777-54/r. UMMER ONLY id 3 bdrms avai ell office for deb j140. www.unite Classifieds continuedonf |ummer Subleas partment. $289/i 261. A&M United Method Weekday School lummer subleas |bdrm/1.5bth, ful |/d, 696-7014. Now Hiring P art ' t ! mC „l , u „r5 teacher aides now throug | Call 846-1762 or visit 417 University^ Fraternities • Sorority Clubs • Student Crop with H ,e Earn $1,000-$2,000 fundraising event. Do ^ card applications. Fund M filling quickly, so call today or visit wyw OUNSEL0R s CAMP C Summer in N eW ^ Have fun. Make A Camp Greylock & ^ seek caring, energ counselors and c Co-ed staffs, c0 ^5 salaries + room and bo^ Internships are ummer subleas i/d included, va 'ot bar, huge ba Mv-31 , option of 822,229-0809. urrimer subleas irnished 4bdrm/' us, nice condo. 783. 'ummer subleas' minutes from can »/PC, $800/mo. C:" ;: 'UMMER SUBLI 'osit: Available 300/mo +1/4utili ummer Subleas sokyard, garage '(her living arei '“■3179 Located in the B ^ Mountains of Massa J 2.5 hours from Boston ummer Sublee asher dryer in 'us route, close I oheyball, bas '326/mo. Call B 1307. 'Ummer Sublea: renew 3bdrrr anced, excellen '756 ummer Sublea a V rent paid, 2i bailable. $377/ | Summer subleas ln 9 rent in fall. Baseball, ^ nc luded. $; Climbing Wall, ^^^gypnas^B^mmer-Sublea Drama, Football, G , rC £«ed, g reat room Archery, Hiking, Inline-Hockey, ^ Mountain Biking, S 9 Tel( ijl Softball, SwirT1 S n 9 >^ Volleyball, Wate . rS ^' e 9 positi« r! ' ing and administrative P Beautiful waterfront cj,. outstanding 9 roup JL^er. very rewarding sum Rummer sublea 3bdrm/2bth dup 'Slose to bus-sto summer sublea; Call 693-1 f Summer sublea eyiock' 6 ' s W.Pkwy. Full te m, jacuzzi, 3- 9748. Summer sublea ' 3bdrm/3bth. deluded, w/d, ii pities. Mark Summer sublea ful| y furnished, Available mid-h T^d year. $400 Summer sublet Park Duplexes 1267 University Com: I room m 2bi | J Une/Ju|y. 696-.