Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 2002)
9 less (price must l personal posses f item doesn't se o qualify for the 5 incelled early. 'OR RENT ' r - Apartments ill Alpha Omega 168. 1bth apartment, s. $450/mo. +S30t 2bth units on sta Southwood Valle) lasing special ol SK 9mo lease. Petso« X). Please call Tor- 1758 or 575-378 )x-internet.comorse I ’direct/rosewoodvilaa Has, a Sale, Studr mt. summer sclioo: uplex in Sun Meaoci irrtokers, no pets. $! FOR RENT Roommates needed. Large 2-story house in Bryan. Very cheap rent!! Available May. Call 214-284-8832. Rooms for Rent $275/mo -i-utilities 5 bed room home, 1 mile from TAMU. Interest ed Christian girls call Becca 979-764-2867 Save $! Academic Village: tbdrm apts $385/mo, 2bdrm apts $415/mo. Scholar Inn Apartments: tbdrm furnished apts $385/mo. office at 3900 Old College Rd in Bryan or 846-1413 or846-9196. Save $! Casa Blanca Apartments $415/mo. 2-bdrm apt. for 2-people, have your own bedroom! Close to campus. Summer rate- $100/mo off! 4110 College Main, Bryan, TX 77840. 846-1413. SOUTHWOOD OAKS 4-PLEXES: PRE LEASING FOR MAY. Recently built 3/2, 1 tSOsoft. small, quiet complex in good CS ant. 2bdrm/1bath, i neighborhood. Includes: w/d, walk-in liable July! Caiij- closets, security lighting, shuttle route, wa- Iba brick duple*ter paid, low utilities, fenced yards availa- Fenced yard v We. Pets ok, $828. 764-3902 S450/mo +bilis 69k Sublease 3/2 or 4/2, W/D, furnished, Aug- Aug $326/mo, 693-6970 kirt02 @ Sublease next fall &Spring. The Zone 3/3, furnished, W/D, cable, ethernet. $414 rent is less than current rate. Kristina 764- 2115 SUMMER ONLY LEASES! We have 1,2, and 3 bdrms avail, for short term leases. Call office for details. United Realty, 694- 9140. Summer Sublease Ibd/lbth in 2bd/2bth apartment. $289/mo. +1/2bills. Call 693- 2261. A Deal! Sundancs h :s have 3&4 bdrms i le. water, gas W par > ethemet, this is Dies :ated on Harvey Rot $950 and up. 696-965 ner Sublease ZUdfi '-August, health dib led. Call Todd 574-7T: Free w/d! Soutfiwocr 3. 777-5477. ugh December 2002 1 iuse. S300/mo +1/3* -Aug Melrose Apts 1M furnished, w/d, eJs cable included it ala 680-3343 .dale Christian su* 1 ' louse, mile north dea' lit bills. 260-5935. me unit, 2bdrw2t* 1 us. S750 +utilities'» Summer sublease Ibdrm available in 2bdrm/1,5bth, fully furnished, $325/mo., w/d, 696-7014. Summer sublease Ibdrm/lba apartment. $325/mo, w/d, free cable, close to cam pus. On A&M bus route. 680-0626. Summer sublease 2bdrm/1.5bth 4-plex, w/d included, vaulted ceilings, fireplace, wet bar, huge balcony, available May-15- July-31, option of renewal, $652/mo, 324- 0822, 229-0809. Summer sublease 3bdrm/2bth house, 15- minutes from campus, furnished, w/d, LAN w/PC, $800/mo. 778-3907. Summer Sublease Female, 4bdm/2ba, washer dryer in room, fully furnished, on bus route, close to campus, workout room, volleyball, baseketball, May- Aug. $326/mo. Call Bethany 693-2542 or 877- 8307. Summer Sublease June-August, w/ option to renew 3bdrm/2bath house w/garage, fenced, excellent location, bus-route 680- 8756 Summer Sublease University Commons, May rent paid, 2bdrm/1bath, one bedroom available. $377/mo 694-8166 jgust Prelease./!® 65/mo. 777-5477 | urplexes, new mnsM walkinp distance to cart' M visit 'Net* :efourpfexes- cora ' «bthlbS®T walk to TAMU. ; walk to Blinn College artments. 1600 South deposit. Preleasew st. Special summery lonth rent, May. 3bdr-TV2bih Krenek Tap Rd y&Aug Duplexes 777-5477, Four-ple 1 ® 2/1,0 Summer sublease with option of continu- fegtent in fall. 3/2 duplex, on bus route, wldincluded. $350. 764-9737. Summer Sublease, $326/mo, fully furnish ed, great roommates. Call Jody 693- 0942. Summer sublease, 1-room available in a 3bdrm/2bth duplex, $330/mo, 595-1297. Close to bus-stop. Summer sublease, large 3/2 house off S.W.Pkwy. Fully furnished, sprinkler sys tem, jacuzzi, 3-4Christians wanted. 694- 9748. Summer sublease, The Zone, tbdrm/lbth in 3bdrm/3bth. Furnished, DSL/cable, TV included, w/d, individual lease. $425/mo. ♦utilities. Mark 574-7670. Summer sublease. 3bdrm/2bath Hickory Park Duplexes, $900/mo, May paid. 694- 1267. Townhouse. 2/2, 3/stories, decks, pool, w /d, covered parking. Garage apartment 1/1, w/d, swimming pool, available 6/1/02. 696-0091. University Commons summer sublease. 1- ro °m in 2bdrm/1.5ba $382/mo for dune/July. 696-5195. University Place condos, 4/4 with all ap pliances. Pool, hottub, volleyball. SMOO/mo No smoking/ pets. Available Aug. 690-0545. Walking distance to A&M. In Northgate. 2bdrm/1ba studio apartment. $525/mo ♦bills. No pets. Available May-15 or pre- iease for fall. 693-8534. Want a Nice Dulplex, for a low rate? 2bdrm/1ba $545/mo & 2bdrm/2ba $565. Some available for early May move-ins. SlOOoff 1st month rent. All units have fenced yards, and w/d conn. Call 693- 8850. Hurry! Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don’t buy, fent a washer & dryer, $28/month (plus jux) UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Setter! 764-3902 Why pay rent? Stop throwing $ away, uy and rent the other rooms out. Live for bee! Broker Century21. Wow! Brand new 3bdrm/3ba duplex! AOOsq.ft, Maytag app& w/d, security/ sprinkler syst. $1100/mo. Yulin, Coventry Uuen Realty. 846-2894/ 764-9021. FOR SALE 96 Yamaha Wave Runner w/ trailer. Ex- Ce lent condition. After market intake w/ Performance prop. Inner-tube, ski-rope, p 0ver , & 2-lifejackets included. $2900/obo. La H Brad (979)255-6322. 2000 Honda scooter CH80 elite, black W'fh helmet, auto start and shift, warranty, ',000-miles, 80-c.c., $2000, (210)481- 174 4, (979)695-6472. 01 Jeep Wrangler Sport. Loaded, extras *18,500 negotiable. Day/(832)590-5365 ^'961/(936)449-6971, e-mail/rejmh@ya- 3bdrm/2ba, 2-level deck. Listed $35,000. ^Vowner, 691 -8775. ^-gallon aquarium with stand, $250. Call ^^979-229-2012, leave message. ^arnw OOC j Furniture. Perfect condition, j? ® e table $75; kitchen cupboard 5’x3' =0; entertainment center 5’x5’ $300. ’“5-0746. sdroom Furniture Set: Dresser with mir- $24n b00kSh e' f w 'th drawers, nightstand. 0- Call Jessica 696-8264 tack Whirlpool microwave, almost brand n6w - Si00. 492-8883. College Station 2-story: 2bd/1.5bth +study, living room, fireplace, w/d, and re- fridgerator, fenced 70’s. Show end of April. Call Jere Hill 281-333-3664. HP Pentiuml, good word processor, in good condition. $300 obo. Call Jason 693-6395. Kegerator $390/obo. Comes with all equipment and keg shell. Compartment for storing frosty mugs and/or liquor bot tles. 764-1597. Nice college home! 2.5 miles from cam pus. 3bdrm/2bth. 1708 Beaver Pond 779-6636. HELP WANTED $$$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Flexi ble hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. 18+ only. $7,500 avg/ummer. Looking for sharp, in dependent students for business, sales, &management opportunity. 492-1186. Leave name, classification, &major. 100 Instructors/ Counselors needed. Co ed sleepaway camp. Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Good salary! 1-800-422- 9842. 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Summer Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. IN STRUCTORS NEEDED: Tennis, Basket ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La crosse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa terskiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood- shop, Nature, Nurses. Arlene Streisand, 1 -800-443-6428; A fun, prestigious teaching position. Some evenings SSaturdays. Must have had driver’s license 4+years. No criminal record. We train. $8/hr. 693-9294. Awesome Summer Job: Challenge yourself while exploring the Rocky Moun tains, be rewarded by making a difference in the lives of children, and make friend ships that will last a lifetime. Cheley Colo rado Camps, a residential wilderness camp for children 9-17, is hiring Male Horseback Riding and Crafts counselors 6/10-8/13. Call us at 1-800-CampFun or visit our website at Budweiser Women Of Big12 Swimsuit Calendar: Models, Photographers, De signers Wanted,, 785- 830-0367. Couple to manage small apt. complex. Ideal for grad, student couple. Apartment +salary +car allowance. Send resume to 1300 Walton Dr. College Station, Texas 77840. Cruise line, entry level, on board positions available. Great benefits. Seasonal or year-round. (941)329-6434, Earn $$$, sell Avon, $10 starters fee. Call Nancy, 1-800-873-6313-00 (free) or (512)784-8638. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M- F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. 2000 GSXR 600 $5,295, 2001 Buell Blast 500 $3,295. 281-960-6488. 2000 Suzuki GSX-R 600. 6000mi. Clean & fast. $5500 obo. 260-2118. 2000 Yamaha R6, blue, very clean, $6500-o.b.o. Call 324-5352. ‘93 750 Nighthawk. Mint condition. $3100/nego. 492-1020. 94 CBR/600 great shape, fast, new chain, tune-up, minor scratches. $3500. 979- 492-3446. PETS Adopt Pets: Brazos Animal Shelter, 775-5755, AKC Boston Terrier puppies, 5-females, 2- males. Easy to train. 1st shots. Ready 4/18. $300/each. (979)764-1089 or (979)229-4571. AKC Lab pups. Ready 5/1/02. First shots, wormed, dewclaws removed, black, yel low, chocolate. Hunters. $275-$350. 979- 693-0232. AKC Pomeranian pups born 3/6/02 Ready 4/17/02. $450 males/ $400 females (neg.) one-female and 2-males 979-822-0355 Boxer pups, akc-reg. Shots, wormed, dewclaws, Stalls cut, brindle and white, and flashy fawn, ready to take home. $300-$400/ea. 979-229-5384. Boxers- CKC registered, tails docked, shots, dewormed, 3 females white and fawn $250- $300. Ready to take home, (979) 268-5504. CKC Registered Female Rottweiler Pup py, 8wks old, 1st shots & wormed, $250. 979-773-4373. The Cats Cradle has fabulous felines for adoption with a difference! Student dis counts. 15-mins south of CS. (936)825- 8610, (936)870-6295. Weimeraner Puppies- full blooded, not registered. Red with green eyes. Beauti ful! Docked, wormed and shots. $150. 979-279-3359. REAL ESTATE 16x76 Trailer-house, 3/2, rent or sale. Call for details. 979-255-8805. 2-yr-old well built 4/2/2, Ig-fenced yard. 812 Oak Street. $105,000, 846-5800 College Hills, bike to TAMU, 3bdrm/2bth, 513 Gilchrist. New paint, carpet & up grades. $119,900. 979-680-1010 after 4pm. Edelweiss Estates House for sale. 4/2/2. Approx. 1934 sq.ft. Corner lot. $151,000. (979)218-0078 (281)486-7093. Must sell in Bryan! 4bd/2.5ba 3 living great entertaining. See to appreciate $164000 777-5322 Thinking of selling your home? FREE, quick, over the net market analysis of your property. Broker, Century21. ROOMMATES Fatburger-C.S. Help wanted all positions. Drivers earn up to $11/hr. Immediate hir ing. 725-A University. 1 -F/M Roommate for summer. 4bdrm/2bth house on George Bush. Across from cam pus, $300/mo. +util. 695-9348. Full-time painters needed for summer. No experience required. $7.00/hr. Call (979)695-7787. 2 Female roommates needed, available Summer/Fall, $170/mo, across from cam pus. Shannon 694-8430 Full-time porter needed May-August. Apply at Parkway Apartments, 1600 SW Parkway, C.S. 2-Female Roommates needed. 3bdrm/2ba nice duplex. Opens in May. $325/mo. Call Jenny 680-8952. Looking for a Summer Job? City of Col lege Station is hiring lifeguards &cashiers for the summer. Fill out application at Hu man Resources Office at City Hall, also apply at line/cstx.htm For more information call 979-764-3540. 4bdrm/2bth sublease needed May. Excel lent location, next TAMU. Renewable Au gust. W/d, cable, internet, $250/mo. +1/4utilities. Charles 696-9063. F-Christian needed for summer. 4/3 house, bus route, $235/mo. 695-0404. Medical office now hiring full-time Medical Assistant. Great experience for student applying for medical school. Position re quires a one year commitment. Salary based on experience. Please fax resume to (979)776-4260 or apply in person at Al lergy Associates, 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan TX 77802. F-roommate for summer. Nice 3/2 duplex on Colgate. Own bd/bth. W/D, bus route, $300/mo. Ashley 696-7292. F-Roommate needed for summer, fall, and spring. 2bdrm/2bath apartment $375/mo Call 696-2130. F-roommate needed for summer. Brand- new townhome. 3bdrm/2ba. $400/mo. call Notes-N-Quotes is now hiring for part- time and temporary in store positions for summer and fall 2002. Flexible schedule, will work around classes. For more infor mation please call 979-846-2255 or come by 701 West University directly across from the Blocker building. 485-0869. F-roommate non-smoker needed. 3bdrm/2bth house, close to campus. Se curity system, w/d. Available May for next school year. Major utilities included. Call Jamie 695-7898. Now Hiring Waitstaff, experience prefer red, Garcia’s- 1704 George Bush East at Harvey. Interview between 2-5p.m. Daily F-roommate slimmer sublease, University Commons, furnished, w/d, 2bdrm/2bath. $375. 764-7945. OFFICE PERSONNEL- Looking for bright, hard working, customer service orientated person to assist. SUMMER ONLY. Part- time: Tues.-Sat. 10-3, flexible; Full-time: Tues.-Sat, flexible. Apply at Twin City Properties, 1004 S. Coulter, Bryan, 979- 775-2291. F-Summer sublease, University Com mons, 2/1, w/d, furnished, $300/mo. + 1/2bills. 979-696-6004. Female roommate needed for summer. 2bdrm/1.5bth apartment, on shuttle, pets allowed, furnished/non-furnished. $307/mo., +1/2bills. Call Carly 696-3137. Part-time bookkeeper, accounting classes necessary, will train, send resume to 3707-S. College Ave., Bryan, TX 77801 Female Roommate needed for Summer 1 (June3-July8). 2bdrm/2bath apartment $200/mo +1/2bills Becky 847-6262 Part-time cooks needed. Koppe Bridge, 764-2933. M-roommate needed, 3bdrm/2bth duplex, $350/mo. +1/3bills. Starting July, w/d, Part-time help needed. Environmental ex perience to monitor water and waste water treatment plants. Resume/ qualifications, fax-979-589-1903, waterman25 @ msn .com. fenced yard, pets ok. Shane 575-7366. Roommate needed, summer sublease (2/1 duplex) fully furnished, $300/mo +1/2bills. Jeff 696-5259. Part-time job helping handicapped. Male student preferred. $270/mo., 12-hours/ week. 846-3376. Roommates needed. Large 3bdrm/2ba, walking distance to campus. 979-260- 3939. Summer work for rent.Wanted: 8 Ags with ranch or construction experience to work May-13 to May 28 in exchange for sum mer housing in Bryan/CS. Get application forms at Casa Blanca Apartments. 4110 College Main in Bryan or on campus at WERC rm205N. Roommates needed. Summer Sublease. 4bdrm/2bth house on Holleman. 696-3078 Dustin. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/2bth, water paid, furnished. $275/mo +1/2bills. Call 693-9244. Two part-time sales assistant positions available in large insurance agency. Each starting at $8/hr. M/W 1pm-6pm and ev ery other Saturday from 10am-2pm, the second position would be T/TH 1pm-6pm and every other Saturday from 10am-2pm. Duties would include helping the sales staff with marketing and insurance propos als. Please submit resume to: The Liere Agency, 1101 University Dr. East, Ste. 100, College Station, TX 77840. UniversityPlace Condos 4bdrm/4bath, Looking for 2 roommates for May-15. $360/mo. 764-1816 Mike. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lot!! Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Villa Maria Chevron- p/t attendant, basic auto knowledge preferred. Flexible hours. 776-1261. come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Wanted: Energetic People for after-school program. Employment begins Aug.’02. Applications accepted ©College Station Conference Center thru April 26th. Kid’s Klub. Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. SPORTS THE BATTALION Scare Continued from page 7 shortstop Matt Alexander. Pinch hitter Tim Foley then reached on a single to put run ners at first and second with two outs. Consecutive RBI singles by Osmar Castillo, Ryan Baldwin and Pat Maloney cut the lead to 6-5. Maloney and Castillo were thorns in the Aggies’ side all weekend, as the duo combined to go 15- for-29 over the series. A&M reliever Logan Kensing put out the fire, strik ing out cleanup hitter Ty Soto with runners on first and sec ond to end the game. The Aggies got their offense clicking in the bot tom of the fourth with three runs thanks to Meyer and Stephenson. The pair hit back-to-back home runs, with Stephenson’s going over the Green Monster in center field. David Evans added an RBI single later in the inning to give A&M a 3-0 lead. Loss Continued from page 7 Monday, April 15, 2002 Kansas State missed a gold en opportunity to get in the game in the top of the sixth. Down 3-0, the Wildcats loaded the bases with no outs on singles by Sorensen and Brandon Taylor and a walk to Castillo. Matt Farnum relieved A&M starter Ryan Warpinski and dashed the Wildcats’ hopes in the inning. Farnum got Maloney to hit into a double play and struck out Soto to get the Aggies out of the inning unscathed. “We scratched and we clawed but A&M has a good ball club,” said Kansas State head coach Mike Clark. “We could have had something positive happen to us in the sixth inning with the bases loaded and nobody out. It didn’t happen and we came up a run short.” Warpinski (2-2) earned the victory for the Aggies throw ing five innings of shutout baseball, allowing five hits and striking out seven. - - - ■ ■■■■ — Cross Stitch Exhibit www.aggieland-depot.coni Culpepper Plaza Spend the Summer in The Rockies Summer Employment Available at Mt. Princeton Hot Springs Resort Various positions available Employment housing available RSVP 1-888-395-7799 ext: 0 Get a Life!! Come, join us... Join a group of men and women for a weekend of presentations, group discussions, private con sultations and prayer to find out what it’s like to be a Catholic priest, sister, or brother. The program explores the rewards and obligations that go with religious life. It is designed to help you make a more intelli gent choice of your vocation, whatever it might be. Single Adults Ages 20 - 45 July 12, 13, 14, 2002 Join us on... Friday evening through Sunday lunch Life Awareness Holy Name Retreat Center 430 Bunker Hill Road Houston, Texas 77024 For More Information, contact: Sandy Steffes: (281) 497-4349 Joe DiLeo: (713) 464-0170 Holy Name Retreat Center (713) 464-0211 IF YOU ORDERED a 2002 Aggieland and will not be on campus next fall to pick it up, you can have it mailed. To have your yearbook for the '01-02 school year mailed, stop by room 015 Reed McDonald Building or telephone 845-2613 (credit cards only) between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and pay a $7 mailing and handling fee. Cash, Check, Aggie Bucks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express accepted. scored the next two games, but Cook finished him off, 6-2. “1 wanted to give the team the best chance I could,” Cook said. “I could see that most of the team had fallen down early in the first sets and then I think we were able to fire back. It all comes down to a few points here and there and we didn’t get them today.” Cook was referring to the three match points he and doubles teammate Ryan Newport failed to convert before falling on court No. 1 and giving the Longhorns the doubles point. Going into Saturday’s action, the duo was ranked No. 12 in the nation. “When two teams are as evenly matched as these teams were, the doubles point is always important,” said A&M head coach Tim Cass. “But I was very proud of the guys today because they didn’t let the doubles point fool them into think ing the match was over. It is only one point and the guys really stepped up and fought hard for the singles matches and that’s what I ask from my teams.” Texas stretched its 1-0 lead when senior Keith From retired from his match on court No. 2 due to injury, and Newport lost after bringing Texas’ top player. No. 13 Jean Simon, to a third set. Aggie wins came in a dominating fashion from senior Jarin Skube, who won in straight sets on court No. 5, and freshman Ante Matijevic, who stumbled early before claiming the last two sets to pick up a, 3-6, 6-1, 6-2, victory. Aggies Continued from page 7 the third set to secure the win for the Aggies, 5-7, 7-5, 6-1. “I saw Olivia [Karlikova] was down on court No. 2,” Terburgh said. “I knew that if I didn’t step up we might not win this match. This is my last year and I just wanted to do my best for the team.” This is the second time Terburgh has pulled off a dramatic comeback to win the decisive match this season. Earlier this year, Terburgh came back to win at Louisiana State, giving the Aggies a narrow 4-3 win over the Tigers. Although Karlikova was down on No. 2, she rallied to win in three sets over the Wildcats’ Kathy Chuda, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2. The loss was disappointing for the Wildcats, who came within a couple of sets of spoiling the Aggies’ hopes of a Big 12 title. “I thought we played well,” said Kansas State head coach Steve Bietau. “The No. 2 and No. 4 positions are places we are really strong. I thought with the first set leads in both of those matches we were in really good position to win. The A&M girls played real tough to come back and win.” Petal G3 Patch Petal Patch W Ring Dance Corsages & Boutonnieres 3122 Texas Ave. S • College Station • 696-6713 (Next to Wings & More • Deacon location) SO YOU WANT TO GET RICH AND RETIRE AT 25? LAUNCHING GLOBAL TECH-BASED STARTUPS FROM B/CS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2002 6-8 PM MSC FLAG ROOM Mm 73 SPONSORED BY: MSC L.T. JORDAN MSC E.L. MILLER CENTER FOR NEW VENTURES AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Person* with disablllitics please call 845-1515 at least three (3) days in advance to inform ns of your special needs.