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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 27, 2002)
INTERNATIONAL THE BATTALION 5B Wednesday, March 27, 2002 price must )nal possessions doesn’t sell, ify for the 5 d early. RENT ug 2/1 four-plen, TAMU. 609 Tup Classifieds continued from pg. 4B FOR SALE it $300 AT&T Wireless will pay to end ur current contract and give you $300. ! Kyle 979-574-8780 or itching gold wedding bands, 14K gold, tarn and 0.6mm in width, brand |w/original cases. Asking $120/ obo. Four-plexes Jill 694-9273. ilexes: 2/1, neviApiie Home, 2bdrm/2bth, all appliances '477. irluded. Shed, deck, large lot. $12,000. 5bth, w/d indui m/2bth large t •1074. I ive out in May. 979-776-3598. August, 3t)drm' s. Picket fence ) sq.ft., large ui n. Cornerstone P 7 or (979)820482 Iman 14x65 mobile home, 2bdrm/2bth. ist see! Must be moved, $8,000, 5 2)455-4033. HELP WANTED 'ersity Comm includes cable table, 4x8, slate top, excellent condi- $500 o.b.o. Call (979)777-7302. I MAY AND 1.1 {Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Flexi- ly, Aug, or now?: I hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. 18+ E LOCATOR SE ; I y help in finding« — ———— fourplex Supervisors & Cashiers wanted. xible time around class schedules. Ac- iting applications at Burger King, 1719- or Summer subs I ^ ve Culpepper Plaza. S 4-PLEXES r . Recently but! t complex in gccc udes: w/d, *a! ing, shuttle route i fenced yards m 7 64-3902 , i08418Deluxe Diner on Northgate hir- waitstaff and cooks for all shifts. Ap- in person 203 University Dr. in 3bdrm/3W • Summer Jobs/ 50 Summer Camps/ +1/3bills, ans iChoose! NY, PA, New England. IN- at 832-465-7211 1UCT0RS NEEDED: Tennis, Basket- Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La sse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa ging, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano ompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood- Nature, Nurses. Arlene Streisand, 10-443-6428; i/1.5 bath, $525 691-0139 o mid-August. 1 ills, bus route, 696-5805 blease. ibdmv mo. Bus route R13L@yahoo.cor lale needed, nice: W/D, bus route, , 695-0466. >rd. xSES! We have or short term United Realty. )fit is looking for individuals with WS Lifeguard Certifications. Apply in per atAerofit on Carter Creek, 4455 Car keek Parkway. drm in 3bdrm y close to Iweiser Women Of Big12 Swimsuit mdar: Models, Photographers, De is Wanted,, 785- 0367. )drm/2bth. newt . 680-1130. bdrm/2bath, fui )0-1200. Melrose Apartr 3th apartment @ ailable May bdrm/1bath, wal area •al office seeking energetic, enthusias- dinical assistant, experience helpful. 1759. sell Avon, $10 starters fee. SSBS/mO'f'V’ 1-800-873-6313-00 (free) 2)784-8638. lime painters needed for summer. Nc “fence required. $7.00/hr. Cal -7787. i fully 65 k 30th. i-utilities. in the v.tradit® ol, availabls Instructors/ Counselors needed. Co- sleepaway camp. Pocono Mountains, insylvania. Good salary! 1-800-422- eople wanted to get paid $$$ to lose ;o 30 pounds in the next 30 days. Nat- guaranteed. Call 1-800-311-5925. i, prestigious teaching position, evenings &Saturdays. Must have driver's license 4+years. No criminal We train. $8/hr. 693-9294. care worker needed. Weekend/ tegTdaytime available. Apply in per 906 Harvey Road#13. leline, entry level, on board positions ible. Great benefits. Seasonal or round. (941)329-6434, wtra income by cleaning offices M- ferSp.m. 823-5031. ^ to be a manager! Great resume Tl On Campus Positions April 1st - Excellent pay and short hours. '••< 888-621-9680 Needed!!! In Houston/Katy. -376-6510 or visit us at: leai| * e Caesar’s Pizza now hiring delive ,9s - Apply at College Station locatior _cal office now hiring full-time Medic Great experience for stude '9 for medical school. Position r a on e year commitment. Sala °n experience. Please fax resun rfi ’ 6 "4260 or apply in person at / :r ? 5 0ia,es , 2706 Osier Blvd., Bry; HELP WANTED Ninfa's is now accepting applications for all positions, inquire M-Th 2-4pm. Part-time cashier needed, flexible hours, Mon.-Sun. C&J BBQ Market, 4304-Har- vey Rd., CS 776-4817. Part-time cooks needed. Koppe Bridge 764-2933. PC Support. Full & Part-Time. UCS currently has full and part-time opportuni ties for the Internal PC Support Depart ment. This position configures, installs, and troubleshoots all computers in the College Station office. Full-time positions offer salary plus benefits including paid medical, dental and vision insurance. Part-time positions start at $7/hr. All posi tions offer direct payroll deposit, free on site gym and semi-annual performance re views. UCS promotes a healthy environ ment by sponsoring a variety of sports events and hiring non-smokers only. EOE. To apply, please call our Recruiting hotline or visit our website. To apply, call us at: 595-2609. Attn ad# 1546. Retail sales help wanted. Job starts April- 1. Call toll free 1-877-902-9112 for info/application. STUDENTS APPLY NOW! Part-time dur- ing the semester and Full-time in the Sum mer. IIAPPLY NOW!! Fun atmosphere, great resume experience, no telemarket ing! Others are welcome to apply. 695- 1386 or apply online at Summer Jobs Available carpet cleaning technicians wanted full and part time posi tions. A good driving record a must. Asure Carpet Cleaning call 693-4474 The City of Bryan is seeking qualified can didates for the following seasonal posi tions: Pool Cashiers, Lifeguards, Water Safety Instructors, Camp Counselors, Camp Coordinators, Lead Counselors. Position hours will vary. For a detailed job description or to obtain the required City of Bryan application form, visit us on-line at or call or visit us in per son at 300 S. Texas Ave. (2nd floor), Bry an, TX 77803, 209-5060. EOE. Two part-time sales assistant positions available in large insurance agency. Each starting at $8/hr. M/W 1pm-6pm and ev ery other Saturday from 10am-2pm, the second position would be T/TH 1pm-6pm and every other Saturday from 10am-2pm. Duties would include helping the sales staff with marketing and insurance propos als. Please submit resume to: The Liere Agency, 1101 University Dr. East, Ste. 100, College Station, TX 77840. Wanted part-time cook, 3-days/wk., 8am- 3pm, the Curten Store and Grill, 589- 2421. LOST & FOUND Lost cat: tricolored- black, brown, &tan. Long bushy tail, 7-months-old. Reward. Call 485-8585. MOTORCYCLE 1986 Suzuki VS700 Intruder. Runs great. Ready to ride. 979-775-4807. 2001 Honda Shadow, garage kept, excel lent condition, 4000 miles, two helmets in cluded, $4900. ‘96 Yamaha Secall 600, less than 3000 miles, red, Great condition. $3400. Call Thad 694-8809. Scooters +mopeds from $800 at www.giz- or email MUSIC Experienced drummer needed. Start gig ging immediately for Texas Music. 979- 492-7140, Geoff Spahr, www.geoffspahr- PETS Adopt Pets: Brazos Animal Shelter, 775-5755, Australian shepard puppies, registered, 1st shots, merles and tris, parents on sight. Must seel! $200-$300. Call (281)328-8818, or (713)913-1672 (pager). PETS Black Lab/Weimeraner, 7 months old, fe male, spayed, all shots/vaccines, large dog house/ auto feeder -$100. Call Nick 694-7039. Boxer pups, akc-reg. Shots, wormed, dewclaws, Stalls cut, brindle and white, and flashy fawn, ready to take home. $400/ea. 919-229-5384. For sale, registered rotweiler puppies born Feb-11, $350- females, $400- males. Ready for sale Easter weekend. 979-773- 4373. Rabbit, cage & accessories - $25 or best offer. Call 696-6625. The Cats Cradle has fabulous felines for adoption with a difference! Student dis counts. 15-mins south of CS. (936)825- 8610, (936)870-6295. Weimaraner puppies. Full blooded, not registered. D.O.B. 1-21-02. Docked, wormed, shots. Red with blue eyes- Beautiful! $200.00 979-279-3359 REAL ESTATE 1804 Southwood, CS- 3/2, many up grades. 979-694-7127. $115,900. Must sell in Bryan! 4bd/2.5ba 3 living great entertaining. See to appreciate $164000 777-5322 Thinking of selling your home? FREE, quick, over the net market analysis of your property. Broker, Century21. ROOMMATES *F-roommate for summer. Nice 2bdrm/2bth duplex; own bed/bath, w/d, fenced yard, bus route, $375/mo. Call 694- 6996. 2-Roommates needed for summer, 4bdrm/2bth house, $250/mo. +utilities. Call Jenny 693-1900/ 214-542-2441. Available now! Summer sublease. Fe male roommate needed. 3/2/2 brand new house, $375/mo. +1/3bills. Furnished, ca ble modem, w/d, on shuttle. Call Kristen 695- 8074. F-Roommate needed for summer, fall, and spring. 2bdrm/2bath apartment $375/mo Call 696-2130. F-roommate non-smoker needed for sum mer and/or fall. 3bdrm/2bath house, fur nished, security system, w/d, fenced yard. Close to campus. $450/mo, bills included. Jamie 695-7898. F-roommate summer sublease, University Commons, furnished, w/d, 1bdrm/1bath. $375. 764-7945. Female, non-smoker roommate needed starting summer or fall. Furnished 2bdrm/1,5bth condo, on shuttle, w/d, fenced yard, pool, no deposit. $375/mo. +1/2utilities. call 693-8978. M-Roommate needed. 2bdrm/1,5bath apartment starting May 15. $300/mo. Call Mike 492-3807. M/F rommate needed ASAP for 2bdrm/1bt duplex in CS. On bus route. $275/mo, +1/2bills. Call Jarrod 485-0420. M/F roommate needed for 1-year lease. University Place Condos $330/mo +1/4 bills. W/D, on shuttle route, own bath room. 696-6956. M/F Roommate needed, $175/mo. +1/4bills, clean, pets ok. Call 779-0530. Roommate needed, 3bdrm/2bath new du plex, pets ok, on bus route. 210-860- 0010. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. Arafat will not attend Arab summit in Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Yasser Arafat decided to bow out of this week’s Arab summit on Tuesday, a senior Palestinian official announced, hours after Israel’s prime minister imposed more conditions on the Palestinian leader’s travels. The announcement by Palestinian Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo said only that Arafat had decided not to take part in the summit that starts Wednesday in Beirut — a gathering that is expected to take up a Saudi peace overture. Earlier in the day, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s government said Mubarak would not attend the summit. Egypt also advised Arafat to stay away, angered by conditions Israel has imposed on the Palestinian leader. Ten heads of state from the 22-member Arab League are not attending the two-day summit. The absence of Mubarak could undermine chances for a strong moderate voice on the Saudi proposals, which had been praised by the United States and which the Arab leaders had been expected to adopt. Egypt’s foreign minister said Mubarak could not attend because of unspecified “domestic commitments.’’ The Saudi proposal, as floated by Crown Prince Abdullah last month, would offer Israel full normalization of relations with the Arab world in return for a withdrawal from Arab lands occupied in 1967. A proposal of normalization would be the strongest offer made by the Arabs since the peace process began. But in the past weeks, more hard-line Arab states have sought to change to offer to full peace — seen as a lower level than normalization, which would entail more cultural and trade exchanges. As they left debate of the Saudi initiative for their leaders, who open the summit Wednesday, the Arab foreign ministers drew up a more hard line draft final statement. It demanded complete Israel withdrawal from occupied Arab lands but said little about what sort of peace Israel would receive in return. Any decision on the Saudi initiative could be worked into the draft, which also dealt with Iraq and other issues, or passed alongside it at the end of the summit. Summit preparations have been overshadowed by the question of whether Israel would allow Arafat to leave the West Bank town of Ramallah for the first time in months and come to Beirut. Despite U.S. pressure. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon set more conditions Tuesday night for allowing Arafat to travel. Sharon insisted he reserved the right to prevent Arafat from return ing home if there are terrorist attacks while the Palestinian leader is gone. Israel has also been demanding Arafat agree to a U.S. brokered cease-fire as a condition for leaving. Egypt said it was better for Arafat to stay home. “The Israelis have been playing games with this matter of whether Arafat will attend,” Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher told CNN. “They were trying to impose conditions, unac ceptable conditions, and the honorable way is for Arafat to say that he is not coming, because it does not depend on the decisions of Israel.” Peace overtures are back at the table A Saudi peace proposal calling for Israeli withdrawal from occupied lands in return for full normalization of relations will be taken up at the Arab League Summit in Beirut, Lebanon. It is the most recent attempt for peace in the Middle East. Sept. 17, 1978 Israel and Egypt sign Camp David agreement ending hostilities and establishing full diplomatic ties; Israel returns Sinai peninsula, captured in 1967 war. August 1981 Saudi Crown Prince Fahd promotes a Middle East peace plan calling for Israeli withdrawal to 1967 prewar borders in exchange for peace. Sept 13,1993 After months of secret talks in Oslo, Norway, Israel and PLO agree on interim framework for autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat shakes hands with Israeti Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin at the White House. Oct. 26, 1994 Jordan and Israel sign peace treaty. Sept. 28, 1995 Israel-PLO agreement reached on self- rule in most Palestinian areas of the West Bank and Palestinian elections. Nov. 5 Ultranationalist Jew assassinates Rabin after a peace rally. May 29, 1996 Benjamin Netanyahu elected prime minister after a series of bus bombings carried out by Palestinian militants leads to plunge In Israeli support for peace accords. Oct. 23, 1998 Israeli and Palestinian leaders meet at Wye River, Md., and agree on interim land-for-peace deal , ■lyaiyjF* on the l West Bank. November Peace talks stop after riots break out in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over Palestinian detentions for anti-Israel attacks. Sept 4,1999 Prime Minister Ehud Barak, elected in May, and Arafat revive negotiations with accords signed in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt; announce plans for full-fledged peace by Sept. 13, 2000. Dec. 15 Israef-Syria peace talks launched at highest- ever level when Barak meets Syrian foreign minister in Washington. January 2000 Talks with Syria collapse over Syrian demand that Israel commit to withdraw from Golan Heights. February Arafat breaks oft talks with Barak, angry with the Israeli leader for / .yfieglecting Palestinians while courting the Syrians. talks and set new deadlines. July 11 President Clinton convenes Camp David il and sequesters Barak and Arafat for nine days to solve issues of Jerusalem, refugees and borders; White House declares summit a failure. Sept. 28 Israel’s opposition leader, Ariel Sharon, visits Jerusalem shrine, holy to Jews and Muslims, igniting dashes that mark start of the second Palestinian uprising. May 21, 2001 International commission headed by ex- U.S. Senator George Mitchell submits report calling for end to violence, cooling-off period and resumption of peace talks. June 13 CIA director George Tenet negotiates cease-fire framework; truce does not take hold. Dec. 25 Israel bars Arafat from attending a Bethlehem Christmas service, marking start of travel restrictions on Arafat. Feb. 18, 2002 With violence escalating. Palestinians and Israelis welcome Saudi peace initiative. ^ , SOURCE: The Associated Press jplexes w/d c° nnl 693-1448- S 4/4 will 1 a ets. AvailaL ,artm ent - fj 3 , 3 le May-1 5 o'’ throwing • , •corns out- MB end of > to cui-^;: eveif' niS'c^: , Stylus 400 F 39. SS- 33 ; n0\$ all J° sh 2 THE TEXAS UNIVERSITY STUDENT MEDIA BOARD IS ACCEPTINO APPLICATIONS FOR Editor The Battalion — Including radio and online editions Summer 2002 (The summer editor will serve May 27 through Aug. 12, 2002) Fall 2002 (The fall editor will serve Aug. 19 through Dec. 13, 2002) ilifications for editor in chief of The Battalion are. . Be a Texas A&M student in good standing with the University and e nrol, ed. in aH^st six credil hours (4 if a graduate student) during the term of office (unless fewer credits are required to graduate); • Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) and le ast a 2 00 grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) in the semester immediately prior to the annointment the semester of appointment and semester during the term of office. In order for Jhis prawsion to be met, at leasUix hours (4 if a graduate student) must have been taken for that semester; • Have completed JOUR 301 (Mass Communication, Law and Society), or equivalent; • Have at least one year experience in a responsible editorial position on The Battalion or comparable daily college newspaper, nSe at least one year editorial experience on a commercial newspaper, ompleted at least 12 hours journalism, including JOUR 203 and 303 (Media Writing mi IR 304 (Editing for the Mass Media), or equivalent. Editor Aggieland 2003 Qualifications for editor in chief of the Aggieland yearbook are: • Be a Texas A&M student in good standing with the University and enrolled in at least six credit hours (4 if a graduate student) during the term of office (unless fewer credits are required to graduate); • Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) and at least a 2.00 grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) in the semester immediately prior to the appointment, the semester of appointment and semester during the term of office. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (4 if a graduate student) must have been taken for that semester; • Have completed JOUR 210 (Graphics) and JOUR 301 (Mass Communication, Law and Society), or equivalent; • Have demonstrated ability in writing through university coursework or equivalent experience; • Have at least one year experience in a responsible position on the Aggieland or comparable college yearbook. , I j , • ij nnc j re f urne cl to Francia Cagle, Student Media business coordinator, in Room 014A Reed McDonald Building. Deadline for submitting application: noon Wednesday, A^l'T^OO? Applicants wS' be interviewed during the Student Media Board Meeting beginning at 2 p.m. Friday, April 5, 2002, in room 221F Reed McDonald. ' ' ' A A rr .- A i ’ / r- I ^ r- I s- -ij- J rv- .1.. An Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer Committed to Diversity