Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 2002)
Wednesday, March 20,2( To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building VISA Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. AUTO EMPLOYMENT 1988 Honda Prelude. Good condition, $2900/o.b.o. 1996 Dodge Neon, 2-door, good condi tion. $4000/obo. 777-2410. 1996 White Monte Carlo Z-34 $5,100 leather, CD, PW/PL, good condition. 574- 3209 1997 Ford Ranger, automatic transmis sion, good condition, Alpine CD player, $7,800/obo. Call Seth, 693-1550. 1999 Ford SuperCab XLT, maroon, 37,000miles, like new. Bluebook value $17,000. Must sell, reasonable offer, $14,000. 690-1617. 2000 black Dodge, single-cab, $9500 O.b.O. 694-7182, (979)574-3146, Emily. 2001 Camry LE for sale, black, tan leath er, 4-cyl., sunroof, 9,900 miles, $19,000 or reasonable offer. Excellent condition. 979-731-0055. 91 Acura Integra LS, black, 5-speed, sun roof, $3500., 693-3919, J.J. Police Impounds! Cars from $500. listings, 800-319-3323 ext.3782. For Telemarketing positions for a growing re modeling/ roofing company, part/ full-time available work with your schedule. Appli cants should be motivated and energetic, previous experience a + but not required. Call 268-7663. Travis Rollins Class 2001 sales consul tant, Sterling Auto Group. Cars, Trucks, SUVs. Ags helping Ags. 779-3516. Youth Minister wanted, Richards Baptist Church. Contact Dale Jackson (936)851- 2650. FOR RENT AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR * * Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. Auto repair. Coming to you. 255-0003. BED AND BREAKFAST Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,’70, 979- 696-0091. ***Hickory Park Duplexes*** 3bdrm/2bth, 2bdrm/2bth. Prelease now. W/D connec tions, fenced yard. 268-7400. 1-3/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$600/mo. 696- 2038. DJ MUSIC "Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experiertced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693- 6294. 1-bedroom. Large bedroom with private bath/ entry in former bed &breakfast locat ed near Research Park. Share common area including kitchen, great room &w/d. Dog. cat, horse ok. Available end of spring semester. Tracy 260-9059/ tracyisgitt @ EMPLOYMENT 1yr new duplex, 3bdrm/2bth, $1005/mo., $335/dep., summer only, 10-mins. from campus. (281)444-4124. $250 a day potential/ bartending. Training provided. 1 -800-293-3985 ext.542. 2 rooms in 4/bdrm apartment, summer sublease. $326/room. 764-9922. $250 a day potential/ bartending. Training provided. 1-866-291-1884 ext.542. 2-1 duplex 604 San Mario, shuttle, fire place, deck $695 764-0910 MALE DANCERS needed for Ladies Night at Silk Stocking. 690-1478. 2/1 Apt. Fully furnished, summer lease, $764/mo. Call 696-2085. Win Free Rent For One Full Semester!!!! For a 1 & 2 bedroom apartment Visit these properties for drawing info: Spring Heights 409 C Summer Ct 846-3569 313 Lincoln 693-2720 Timber Creek 801 Spring Loop 846-2976 Newsday Crossword FOUR-LEGGED FRIENDS by D.R. Stark Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 1 Wide belt 5 Paris landmark 9 S&L customer 13 Ancient Cuzco inhabitant 14 Pianist Peter 15 Hawk's gripper 17 Strain at a ■ 18 Revered one 19 Pierre’s floor 20 It may score a ringer 22 From Bali 23 Broadway brightener 24 Rocky debris 25 Entertaining time 29 Less at ease 32 More caloric 34 Paper flaw 35 Out of the wind 39 Did tailoring work 41 Hens 43 Business page initials 44 Jellied delicacy 46 Hindus’ forehead marks 47 Column 50 To the point 51 Midnight Cowboy character 54 Without ice 56 Pursued steadily 57 “Drat!” 62 Karamazov nickname 63 Vivacity 64 Dot in the sea 65 Clay-pigeon game 66 Horse-race distance 67 Big celebration 68 Gaelic 69 Wallet stuffers 70 Corn covering DOWN 1 Express relief 2 Part of A.D. 3 The Lion King villain 4 Boaters and bowlers 5 Ouzo flavoring 6 Very popular 7 Sentimental singer 8 Tunnel or cave 9 Drill command 10 String game 11 " de Lune” 12 Forum robes 16 Hawaii state bird 21 Parking- garage sign 25 Muffin ingredient 26 Long-stemmed flower 27 Quits stalling 28 Amorous glances 30 Penpoint 31 Barbecue need 33 Virginia (dance) 36 Deceitful one 37 Comic shrieks 38 To be, to Ovid 40 Pa. neighbor 42 “Me, too!” 45 Hand-lotion ingredient 48 Treat salt 49 Entertain lavishly 51 Spin-speed abbr. 52 Comparably 53 Lab solution strength 55 Actress Moorehead 57 Showroom model 58 Close by, in poems 59 Genesis hunter 60 What Pandora unleashed 61 Salad-bowl wood 51 52 56 62 @5 ■ 68 lJ CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2002 STANLEY NEWMAN 3/20/02 ^Ruck’s Pizza PIZZA STROM BOLL HOAGIES Answer to previous puzzle Medium Mopping Pizza s 3.99 * order 3 for free delivery 693-BUCM aramnDi nncian □□□Eld n Eint3 HEQQn □o aianra aauHQ HHmmQ annoHE] Hanam DQd U13LJ mnnmnmH Qi3 nrinn QEI EDQQEI FOR RENT FOR RENT B-CS Home Builders Association requires a 20-hr/wk administrative assistant. Hours flexible. Begin April 1,2002 to allow train ing overlap. Applicant must have tele phone skills, be personable and proficient in: Word, Excel, and Access. Accounting/Finance major is a plus. Send resume to: BCS-HBA, 511 University East #202, CS, TX 77840; Fax (979)846- 2786. 2/1.5 apartment sub-lease, mid-May through mid-August, $695/mo, negotiable. Aaron 774-4796. 2/1.5 Studio, fenced yard, fireplace, W/D connections, bus-route. 776-6079. 2bdrm/1,5bath Duplex, Central A/H, W/D connections, fireplace, fenced yard, pets are welcomed. TCP 979-775-2291 BARTENDERS NEEDED! Earn $250/shift Will Train. 1-866-291-1884 ext.543 2bdrm/1.5bath thru summer, all applian ces, W/D connections, $500/mo. Call 979-412-2713. Lifeguards and swim instructors needed for summer at Aerofit on Villa Maria. Cer tification required. Contact Kathy Wagner 823-0971 ext.111 2bdrm/1.5bth. Yard, w/d optional. Manuel. $560/mo. 693-3477. 312 Summer fitness camp counselors needed part-time. Apply in person at Aerofit on Villa Maria. 2bdrm/2ba., available May15 negotiable, thru Aug15. $655/mo., on shuttle. 694- 9758. Free August rent! 2bdrm/2bth, nicely $382/mo. per person. 2bdrm/2bth, w/d connections, 2bdrm/1,5bth, w/d, available now. 696-1176. also Call 3 bed/2 bath duplex, pre-leasing, nice w/ W/D, shuttle route, no $975/mo 691-0304/ 571-6020 Very pets. Great 2bdrm/1bth apartment, walk to TA MU. No Pets. $450/mo. +$300 deposit. 764-1082. 3bdrm/1bath house, central A/H, W/D con nections, garage, fenced yard, pets wel come. TCP 979-775-2291 Great for singles or young couples, 2bdrm/1bth, CH&A, 305 W.Duncan, $450/mo., $450/dep. 903-595-1602. 3bdrm/2bth duplex available mid-May, 1759 Rockhollow. Comer lot next to pond, $1000/mo. Call Aimee 775-6999. 3bdrm/2bth duplex in CS, fireplace, ga rage, w/d included, pets ok, $795/mo. Call Laurie Owner/Broker 260-7653. 3bdrm/2bth duplex, summer lease, 908B Azalea Ct. w/d on bus route. $900/mo. Chris 696-8047. 3bdrm/2bth mobile on 5-acres barn, car port, w/d, $800/mo. 589-2348. Large 3bdrm/2bth units on shuttle in Col lege Station’s Southwood Valley. W/D in cluded. Preleasing special of $900/12mo. lease, $1000/9mo. lease. Pets ok with n/r deposit of $300. Please call Tommye Bar rett at 680-1758 or 575-3788, email or see us on the website at Rosewood Villas, a Safe, Student Orient ed Environment. 3bdrm/2bth Rockhollow duplexes near new, pre-leasing now for May, Aug. 1250sq.ft, on shuttle, no pets, $1000/mo. 846-5722. Need someone to take over lease. Effi ciency apartment, $485/mo. 979-229- 7827. 3bdrm/2bth. Available May-Aug. Sub lease. W/D optional, backyard. Call Grant 822-8522/ 255-8058. Nice 3yr old 3bdrm/2bth, f/p, fenced yard, w/dryer, fridge included, $1195/mo. Call Laurie, Owner/ Broker 260-7653. 4bdrm/2bath studio and houses, centra! A/H, W/D connections, fenced yard, pets welcome. TCP 979-775-2291 Northgate 2bd/2bth 4076. summer lease 846- All price ranges. A great deal for Ags. No Deposits! 1,2,3 bedroom properties. Great locations all over town. Summit. 777-3371. Northgate, 2bdrm/2bth, 3bdrm/2bth, apartment, walk to TAMU. 2bdrm/2bth, walk to Blinn College. 846-4076. nice New Call Apartment available asap, Madison Pointe, $495/mo. Will discuss lower price. Call 832-277-0685. Parkway Apartments 1600 Southwest Parkway. Prelease now for May or Au gust. 1/2off first month rent, $0-deposit (979)693-6540. Available now 2/2, Hilton area, W/D avail able. $525. Broker owner. 777-5477. Pay no rent until April. No 1bdrm/1bath on Southwest $470/mo. Call Blu 764-4486. deposit. Pkwy. Bryan 3/2 fenced yard, w/d connections, 1250sq.ft. shuttle, pets with deposit, lawn care provided. 1203-B Webhollow $895, Megan: (512)291-0513, (979)695-6441 Pre-lease May&Aug. Four-piexes: t/t, 2/1, 2/1.5, 2/2. Duplexes: 2/1, new 3/3. Broker owner. 777-5477. Cheap summer sublease, $275/mo., 1- room in 2bdrm duplex. 696-1220. Pre-leasing 2bdrm/1.5bth, w/d included, manual drive. 3bdrm/2bth large duplex/ Cypress. Cathy 268-1074. Country Living- Free Pasturing new unit- 53 acres horse/dog welcome. $600/mo. 936-396-1703. Rent: 3bdrm/2bth, $815, carport, fenced, available mid-May, bus-route. 693-2256. Pre-leasing May or August, 3bdrm/2bth, Rockhollow Duplexes. Picket fence, gar den, porches, 1250 sq.ft., large utility, shuttle, $1000/ month. Cornerstone Prop erties, (979)822-1807 or (979)820-0926. Currently accepting applications for: • Banquet Waitstai f Assistant Executive Housekeeper Apply at: Hilton College Station Human Resources Office 801 University Drive East College Station, Texas 77840 Hilton References and Drug Screen Required Houston Summer Jobs! Miller Swim Academy is now hiring swim instructors, lifeguards, and pool managers. Excellent Pay! Sixty locations throughout Houston. 713-777-7946 Engineering, Programming, And Research Positions Lynntech, Inc., a rapidly growing, highly successful technology development company has immediate openings for experimental physicists, programmers, electrical engineers, mechanical engi neers, industrial engineers, and those having similar science, engi neering and technical backgrounds. Immediate openings for R&D Research Assistants are also available in the areas of chemistry, environmental sciences, biochemistry, biomedical sciences and physical sciences backgrotinds. Employees having exceptional woi'k ethics, a strong drive to accomplish goals and excellent time management skills will find the work exciting, rewarding, and challenging. Good communi cation and interpersonal skills are required for working in teams, proposal preparation, reports, and documentation. Part-time and full-time positions are available at all degree and experience levels. Lynntech offers competitive salaries and excep tional benefits. Please visit our web site at for detailed descriptions of available positions. Mail resume and references to: Lynntech, Inc. Attn: Human Resources 7610 Eastmark Drive College Station, TX 77840 Lynntech is an EOE. FOR RENT Duplexes: Brand new, available 8/1, 3bdrm/3bth. Corner of Holleman &Jones- Butler. Single story &2-story units. Inter net ready/ ethernet w/firewall. All applian ces provided. $1185-$1230 +deposit. (281)468-5213. Emergency sublease, nice 3bdrm/2bth off Holleman. Need 1 or 2 roommates. Call Patrick 979-587-1483. Four-plex unit to sublease now through July31. 2bdrm/1,5bath, $550, corner of Deacon &-Longmire. Call Angie 695- 2509. Summer sublease furnished, w/d, 693-4512. Free Locator. Apartments, Duplexes, Houses. Call Alpha Omega Properties broker 693-0868. Sublease available May, 1bdrm, $300/mo. Call 764-7737. Sublease mid-May to mid-August, 1bdrm w/!oft. $684/mo +bi!1s, bus route, W/D. Call Morgan 696-5805 or mackOOSI @ Summer sublease 1 bdrm in 3bdrm duplex, $280/mo. +bills, very close to campus. (979)696-7560. Summer Sublease 2bdrm/2bth. newly fur nished, w/d, $392/mo. 680-1130. Summer sublease 3/3.5, partially furnish ed. $390/mo. 847-8085. Summer sublease 4bdrm/2bath, furnish ed, w/d. $365/mo. 680-1200. Summer sublease 5/15 or 6/1-8/15 $360/mo. +bills. Ibdrm/lba in 3bdrm/2ba. w/d. Dexter Duplexes. 695-8296. Summer Sublease Available 2bdrm/2bath at College Park the Enclave. On shuttle route, W/D. $790/mo. Call Ivonne/Violeta 695-7661 or 574-0063 Summer sublease or 1-yr lease. Ibdrm/lba. $450/mo. w/d. Shuttle route. Call 260-5052. Summer sublease. 2bdrm/2bth, newly fur nished, w/d, need roommate, $392/mo. 764-9219. Summer sublease, furnished 2/1 near TAMU. $500. John 693-8843. Summer sublease, mid-May to mid-Au gust, 1bdrm/1bth, w/d, $435/mo., bus- route. Call Kristi at 775-0517. Townhouse. 2/2, 3/stories, decks, pool, w/d, covered parking. Garage apartment 1/1, w/d, swimming pool, available 6/1/02. 696-0091= University Oaks duplexes (Ire-lease May/Aug. 2Bdrm/2bth, w/d connections, fenced. $685-$695/mo. 693-1448. University Place condos, 4/4 with all appli ances. No smoking/ pets. Available Aug. 690-0545. Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don’t buy, rent a washer & dryer, $28/month (plus tax). UfilversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better! 764-3902 Why pay rent? Stop throwing $ away. Buy and rent the other rooms out. Live for free! Broker Century21. FOR SALE 2-yr unlimited membership to Total Tan Salon, $200. Call 694-0284. 700mhz laptop, very nice, 979-492-3337 for details. $1000. Call Matching gold wedding bands, 14K gold, 0.4mm and 0.6mm in width, brand new/original cases. Paid $550, asking $220. Call 694-9273. Sofa and recliner: light blue Scream sofa, light blue recliner. $150 for both. 693- 4865. Fraternities • Sororities Clubs • Student Groups Earn $1,000-$2,000 with the easy three hour fundraising event. Does not involve credit card applications. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact at (888)923-3238, or visit CAMP COUNSELORS Summer in New England! Have fun. Make A Difference. Camp Greylock & Romaca seek caring, energetic counselors and coaches. Co-ed staffs, competitive salaries + room and board. Internships are available. Located in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts, 2.5 hours from Boston and NYC. Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Climbing Wall, Creative Arts, Drama, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Hiking, Inline-Hockey, Lacrosse, Mountain Biking, Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Waterskiing, plus nurs ing and administrative positions. Beautiful waterfront campus, outstanding group of people, very rewarding summer. Camp Greylock for Boys: 800-842-5214 Camp Romaca for Girls: 888-2-romaca What are you doing this summer? HELP WANTED Room for rent. Summer only. 2bdrm/1.5bth, $295 +1/2bills. No deposit. W/D, shuttle, quiet, clean. No pets. 696- 7523. $$$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Hi ble hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. only. Classifieds cont HELP V Ootes-N-Quotes is_ sales representative- ' "pearance, knowledc munity and excellenL Approximately 20 P flexible scheduling,: worked between 93= Pay through Friday.: 2255 or come by 7« (across from the more information. Part-time cooks nec 764-2933. SINGLE APARTMENT AVAILABLE! Madison Pointe Apartments, 503 South west Parkway. Will discuss lower rent rate. Please call 832-277-0685. "Shift Supervisors & Cashiers" wad M tion at www vistas? Flexible time around class schedules l cepting applications at Burger King, tt TX Ave., Culpepper Plaza. SOUTHWOOD OAKS 4-PLEXES: PRE LEASING FOR MAY. Recently built 3/2, 1130sqft, small, quiet complex In good CS neighborhood. Includes: w/d, walk-in closets, security lighting, shuttle route, wa ter paid, low utilities, fenced yards availa ble. Pets ok, $828. 764-3902 29-People wanted to get paid SSSti up to 30 pounds In the next 30 days ural, guaranteed. Call 1-800-311-592! Reward: Lost yello 8mos. Contact Andrs MISCELU Sublease Ibdrm/lbth in 3bdrm/3bth apt. for female. $379/mo. +1/3bills, available 5/12-7/27. Call Lisa at 832-465-7248 or 764-1104. 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Summer Cr You Choose! NY, PA, New England STRUCTORS NEEDED: Tennis. Bail ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Basebas crosse. Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI. terskiing. Sailing, Windsurfing, Arcf;| Teeth whitening Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, shop. Nature, Nurses. Arlene Sire® 1-800-443-6428; . _ www summercampemployment.coin i.?i Wa A fun. prestigious teaching pcs- Some evenings &Saturdays. Mustt had driver's license 4+years No cm record. We train. $8/hr. 693-9294. Aerofit is looking for individuals witii and Lifeguard Certifications. Applyicloa/g son at Aerofit on Carter Creek, 4455C ter Creek Parkway. Agressive individuals for painting m $2200/0.6.0. Contad summer. Experience helpful but not essary. $7/hr. 775-7126. Budweiser Women Of Big12 Swi Calendar: Models, Photographers, J signers Wanted, ucalendars com. 1 830-0367. Child care worker needed WMH evening/ daytime available. Applying son 900 Harvey Road# 13. Cruise line, entry level, on board posito available. Great benefits. Seasons year-round. (941)329-6434, www.cns Dental office seeking energetic, enta tic, clinical assistant, experience helft 846-4759. Earn $$$, sell Avon. $10 starters lee Cl Nancy, 1-800-873-6313-00 (fr (512)784-8638. Earn extra income by cleaning officesl 1 F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. Full-time painters needed forsummrfo experience required. $7.00/hr. Csl (979)695-7787. Household cleaning help needed !«» mer/fall/spring terms. Reasonable* Ca\t Andrew 764-3975 day! 764-4022 nihg. ^ WANT A GREAT SI mending, highly- reve jobs available at old*: west Come teach s Mies while helping pay. Work on beau River near Kerrville. a cell et 1-800-545-31 LOST & Lost necklace. Ag @Leke Havasu have Pleese call 696-3248 dentists use. Gels r| tOO's. From $68.95-1 Free 1-888-48-white i MOTOF: 1980 Kawasaki KZ4 running, complete wd First $150 takes it 26| 95 Suzuki Intruder; ♦chrome, loud +ma- 96 Yamaha Virago, = 2,700-miles, blacks FUN, FUN, FUN- ’Od excellent condition,: 696-1220. Scooters +mopeds Ire galbino@gizdeals.corr MU1 Experienced drumme= ging immediately for 1 979-492-7140. R. Interested in Becoming a calender jZ 1 Call 764-9895 for your free consultaSt I and portfolio shoot with our professkw | photographer. Elite Imaging, Housxr College Station. Now acc Walk-ins 1 Junior, senior, marketing/business majoi flexible time, How mudi 1 Your choice. 979-776-9399. 201 N. A Bryar Learn to be a manager! Great resunt builder! On Campus Positions Apriltsl' May 30th. Excellent pay and shorthous 888-621-9680 Lifeguards Needed!!! In Houston/Kalj Call 281-376-6510 or visit us at: Medical office now hiring full-time Medtt Assistant. Great experience for studsd applying for medical school. Position »■ quires a one year commitment, Saai based on experience. Please fax ream to (979)776-4260 or apply in personal* 1 lergy Associates, 2706 Osier Blvd.,f TX 77802. Ac Mom Ch! Ninfa’s is now accepting applications If all positions, inquire M-Th 2-4pm. WE NEED HELP!!!! Office workerr ed Mon.-Thurs. 12:00-5:00 Some Sal: days 10:00-2:00. Please call: 696-446* Part-time cook positions needed. 76* 2933, Koppe Bridge. Classifieds continued onpg.7 YEAST INFECTION STUDY Females, ages 18 and oto are being recruited to partict pate in a research study to compare two research medica' lions for the treatment oi a yeast infection (vaginitis). A you are currently experiencing vaginal burning, itching orii* tion call for more information Eligible volunteers will be com’ pensated up to $150. PSORIASIS STUDY Volunteers, ages 18 older, with mild to moderate plaque psoriasis needed participate in an 8-week cln cal trial with an investigate 0 ^ ointment. Eligible volunte® f - will be compensated for f and travel. Ar J&S Studies, Inc. 979-774-5933 3201 University Drive Eas- wrih u "xSc*?* . ^ Ufltonltfli Suite 475 DKwor, TY 77802