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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 2002)
INTERNATIOI NATION the bait;- THE BATTALION 7A Thursday, March 7, 2002 maj puildings may become safer ^investigators get info from Trade Center collapse plan posal for peace 'Arab lands cap lization of relair SYRli Golan I was t from Sy would i Synai plan. from West Bank \ captured fn Jordan along with east Jerusalem, a sector that was later annexed!: become pad of Israel's capita WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite missteps in the inquiry in the collapse of the World Trade Center, investigators are gaining infor mation that could lead to stricter building standards and make sky- Hapers safer, officials told a congressional panel Wednesday. BArden Bement, director of the National Institute for Science and Technology, said it was unclear what form such changes could take uniil more is known about why the twin towers fell. His inquiry Light and remembrance [win columns of light evoking the fallen towers of the World frade Center will beam skyward at nightfall on March 11. fhe temporary memorial, "Tribute in Light." will be illuminated rom dusk until 11 p.m. for 32 days, though it may be darkened rom time to time for bird migrations or air traffic. rin highh nee” of I Syria \ nat Al-Thaur it paper. tile high >illty of beams hll vary with weather. On ■oudy Bights, for ■xample. the Kht will Buminate Barticles and Bdsture and Bay be seen Bom up to 25 Biles in any Brection, Br ejecting Bbout a mile Bito the sky. ■he pair of Searchlights Bre a block Bom ground Beco^— Reflector Bulb Bulb bank Power up Each 7,000-watt bulb is nested in a curved reflector that bounces light directly upward. Column core Each searchlight consists of a bank of 44 bulbs. The estimated $10,000 worth of electricity required to power them will be donated, as were all other costs. SOURCES: Creative Time; Municipal Art Society of New York: i-cubed could take two years and cost $40 million. Lawmakers bemoaned the lack of clear guidance in investigat ing building collapses. “There are no clear lines of authority as to who in the federal government is to conduct an investigation of a building failure,” said Science Committee Chairman Rep. Sherwood Boehlert, R-N.Y. “No one is in charge, no one is sure what powers the federal government can exercise, no one is sure of the scope of an investi gation. That has to be fixed right away.” The team of investigators — comprised of officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) and the American Society of Civil Engineers — did not even get access to the site until October, a month after the attack. They testified they never asked the city of New York not to recy cle tons of steel that some experts say could hold vital clues about why the twin towers fell. And the team, which has no subpoena power, did not get access to the trade center blueprints from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey until four months after the collapse and only then after being forced to sign a form agree ing not to testify against the Port Authority. And there was obvious confusion about who was in charge. In one testy exchange. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., asked the panel of witnesses who was leading the investigation and three people raised their hands Bemant said his organization had taken control. “We’re operating as if we’re in charge,.” Bemant said. But Gene Corley, chairman of the building assessment team of FEMA and civil engineers, said he was in charge until his group’s final report is issued in April. “It does strike me that six months after the fact there shouldn't even be any doubt,” said Rep. Chris Shays, R-Conn. Robert Shea, FEMA’s acting administrator of federal insurance and mitigation, testified “there are many things that in hindsight we would have done differently.” Officials told the lawmakers they need a rapid response team for building failures — modeled on the teams used by the National Transportation Safety Board in airplane crashes — with authority, subpoena power and funding. Lawmakers pressed for more speed. “There are buildings going up right now that can use the benefit of the knowledge that is coming out,” Rep. Felix Grucci, R-N.Y, said. Under questioning from Weiner, Bement said that with the sci ence that is available about the impact that heat and fire have on structural failure of buildings officials could have predicted about how long the trade center would have stood and possibly have pre vented the loss of life. “Do you believe that if we had this information before Sept. 1 1 some of those people sitting behind you would not have lost loved ones?” Weiner asked referring to dozens of victims’ fami lies at the hearing. “Perhaps, yes,” Bement said. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y, said the recycling of trade center steel without being examined will taint the investigation. 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