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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 2002)
Society of ^JC^omen Engineers General Meeting When: Wed., March 6' 1 ' Time: 6:45 p.m. Where: RICH 114 Speaker: Marathon Oil FREE FOOD! 8 NORTHGATE 260-8850 Across the street from Tradition’s Dorm Monday/Tuesday Lunch Special Monday Noon • Tuesday Noon Chicken Fried Steak . w/French Fries S 0 your choice & Salad 5 Vegetable Plate w/ M.30 longnecks all day, everyday Aggie Curd welcome! Free Parking behind Shadow Canyon. STWPY INJ MEXICO! Monterrey, Mazatlan, Queretaro, Ciudad de Mexico, Guadalajara, Estado de Mexico, Toluca, Cuernavaca Find out about semester and summer study abroad options at Monterrey Tech one of Mexico's premiere universities! Stop by the information table in the MSC Hallway 10:00 am. - 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 6th Attend an informationaI session 3:00 - 4--.00 p.m. Wednesday, March 6th Room 256 Bizzell Hall West FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM OFFICE -1ST FLOOR BIZZELL HALL WEST http://STUDYABROAD.TAMU.EDU 845.05-4-4 kinko's Your Student Election Headquarters! We have all of the supplies that you need. Call and check us out - 846-8721. 18” X 24” Black and white - $ 1.50 Express color copies 59C Color Paper with black ink - 6<t (letter size, single sided paper) Full Color Vinyl Banners - *6.00 per square foot All prices apply to those working on student elections. Please allow a 24 hour turnaround time for the vinyl banners. 509 University Drive, Northgate OPEN 24 HOURS, 7 DAYS A WEEK ^ONE C WEDNESDAY The Tap Piano Bar w/ Bobby E) $ 1.00 bar drinks & pints 8-10 $ 3.00 chuggers all night EAT!! DRINK!! LISTEN TO DIRTY SONGS!! CRAWFISH FRIDAY 696-5570 Designate * Party Safe * Wednesday, March 6, 2002 INTERNA! TH E BAr Palestinian militants kill Israelis; Israel stages air JERUSALEM (AP) — Palestinian mili tants struck at Israeli civilians Tuesday with a suicide bombing on a bus, a roadside ambush in the West Bank and a restaurant shooting in Israel’s largest city, leaving live Israelis and two Palestinian assailants dead. Before dawn Wednesday, Israeli tanks and troops moved into northern Gaza, witnesses said, after Palestinians fired two rockets that hit an Israeli town for the first time. Two Palestinians were killed by tank fire, accord ing to doctors. The Israeli military had no immediate comment. In raids earlier Tuesday in response to the militant attacks, Israeli warplanes and heli copters bombed seven separate Palestinian government compounds and security com plexes in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Most had been abandoned in anticipation of the Israeli strikes. However, an Israeli raid in the West Bank city of Ramallah killed three Palestinian security officers in a car, one of whom was wanted by Israel. Palestinian officials said. The death toll has soared over the past week amid violence that is erupting round-the-clock. Sixty-three Palestinians and 31 Israelis have died in one of the deadliest weeks since fighting broke out in September 2000. In the Palestinian rocket attack late Tuesday an infant received minor injuries and a second child was slightly wounded when a rocket exploded in their yard in Sderot. Another rocket landed harmlessly in a field. The homemade rockets were launched from the area of Beit Hanoun, in the northeast corner of the Gaza Strip, the point closest to Sderot. Mayor Eli Moyal lives in the neighbor hood closest to Gaza. “Nothing is the same as it was before,” he told Israel Radio. “Now children cannot play peace fully in their yards here.” Before daybreak Wednesday, Israeli tanks moved toward Beit Hanoun and nearby Beit Lahiya, residents said. Tanks and bulldozers cut roads and built barriers, they said. The Israeli military had no immediate comment. In southern Gaza, Israeli tanks entered the village of Karrara near Khan Younis, wit nesses said. Israeli forces arrested 27 Palestinians in overnight sweeps, Palestinian security officials said. Israeli tanks moved into a neighborhood at Gaza City’s eastern edge and tore down Palestinian checkpoints, witness es said. Other tanks moved toward the Rafah refugee camp early Wednesday. The camp, on ing part in the military opera: j Palestinian terror in Gaza.” Palestinian militants carried restaurant shooting at a popular] hangout that was still busy at : ’ two attacks came during the bkjJ hour, another time militants fh Israel’s military, with its equipment and sophisticated bombed with F-16 warplanes M Tuesday nights, while helicc carried out duiinsj I VOT Nothing is the same as before. Now children cannot pLty peacefully in their yards here. Eli Moyal Jerusalem mayor the Gaza-Egypt border, is the scene of fre quent clashes and house demolitions as Israeli forces try to stop amis smuggling. Also, Israeli navy gunboats fired at a Palestinian base on the coast north of Gaza City, witnesses said. Three Palestinian police men were injured, one critically, when a shell hit their car. they said. Ships also fired at Arafat’s seaside Gaza headquarters, witness es said. Arafat is confined to the West Bank town of Ramallah by Israeli forces. The Israeli military said the navy is “tak- hours Tuesday. In the lues strike in RamaL those killed vm. ( Abu Halaweh,a- the Force 17 unn . tects senior Pak-: cials, hospital i Israel said he m hie for se\en j including the deaths of anti-An ist BinyaminZeel and a Greek i h and Egypuar ■ President Bu Hosni Mubarak met in Washing:/ looking for a way to bring thews back to negotiations. “We both feel deep sympathy pie in the region w ho are trying ; lives in peace.” Bush said. However, the Egyptian progress depended on krae incursions into Palestinian tetr said and end to Palestinian at prerequisite. Religous strife continues Indian police reports say governing party official and Hindu nationalist leaders led mobs NEWS IN BI j Court setsai When the ion will be eeds a repr ollege and Because o iducation, 7 epublican ontest for F Brown is bservers e ouse, Brov :ation comn The Texas 1 200 millior md Brown Ithough th< nderstands nvestment 1 e economi' Also, Bro\ nsure the s he cost of < &M and th ent fee hik Brown ha? op-tier univ erms) a yei ersities to i ees. Brown ilot prograr chool and lassrooms i With the I roven lead devotes resc out passing suspect pet AHMADABAD, India (AP) — Police say a local leader of India’s governing party and officials from a Hindu national ist group linked to it led mobs that burned to death 107 Muslims during religious riots. Police reports obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday named several impor tant figures in two attacks in the city of Ahmadabad, part of riots that have killed 512 people. Police officers wrote and filed the reports on Sunday in the neighborhood of Naroda, where 65 Muslims were burned to death as they slept by Hindus who set the slum on fire Friday morning; and in Meghaninagar, where thou sands of Hindus burned to death 42 Muslims in their homes Thursday night. None of the men accused in the reports could be contacted for comment. They have been avoiding police attempts to ques tion them, said Deputy Police Commissioner P.B. Gondya. Called “first information reports,” or FIRs, the docu ments are the first step in an Indian criminal investigation. One report said nine people including local Bharatiya Janata Party leader Deepak Patel headed Hindus who burned to death 42 people, including former Parliament member Ahsan Jaffrey, in the Muslim residential area known as Gulbarg Society in Meghaninagar. “These persons, armed with weapons, led a mob of 20.(XX) to 22,000, which attacked Gulbarg Society and set it ablaze,” said the report by Kirit Erda, senior inspectqr-in-charge of the Meghaninagar police station. “They first burned to death 18 residents and later burned 24 more persons in the same place,” said Erda’s report, writ ten in the Gujarati language. A separate report dealing with the Naroda killings blamed members of the World Hindu Council, closely linked to the Bharatiya Janata Party, which leads the Indian and Gujarat state governments. KARACHI, Pakistr Pakistani court on aside a petition to:4 handover of the kp* the slaying of Journal reporter Da - ^ the United States government promis do so in violation Cf the prosecutor sa Sadia, wife TF Managing Ea Opinion Ea Ne ws Ea. News Ea The Battalion ijted in person at I mailed to: 014 Ri 7843-1 111. Fax: v yl* ^ Ahmed Omar Sa«. | •»<* include the asked the court Rtefff serves ^ righ, moves to hand over: On Tuesday, the lawyers assured the Saeed won't be Hanfc any "foreign authority in violation to the lav* ecutor Raja Quereshi*- Quereshi did note i; the comment app€^ the door open to harJ Saeed in accordance^ yy QoUten ‘KffV National Iionerr Society 1 Ah General Meeting Wednesday, March 6th 7:00p.m. Kolduslll SHOP THE WORLD LAST YEAR: GREECE THIS YEAR: BALI! 316 N Bryan ^COp, Hour, CWnttMe Bryan —x-P Mon ■ Sal 779 $208 u'i." W ,0an, 6 pm Dm of '79 iXVrt / Carved Amber Cameos • Chimes E r t l Religious Art • Incense 6 Oils Messuzas from Israel • Puzzle Boxes i Puzzle Rings • Garden Statuary • Star Lights l Beautiful Jewelry 6 Gifts from around the world Learn He To Becortf Finance Consults AX Mentors Texas A & M faculty, staff and administrators helping students. Jensen p student College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dean's Office Ms.. Shannon Murphy Dr. Joe Townsend Agricultural Economics Dr. Curtis Lard Dr. Kerry Litzenberg Ms. Pam Vernon Agricultural Education Dr. Barry Boyd Dr. Gary Briers Ms. Summer Felton Dr. Julie Harlin Mr. Joe Karasek Dr. Christine Townsend Agricultural Engineering Dr. Cady Engler Dr. Stephen Searcy Animal Science Ms. Amy Chapman Dr. J. Warren Evans Dr. David Forrest Dr. Howard Hesby Dr. Jimmy Keeton Dr. Shawn Ramsey Dr. Chris Skaggs Dr. Jodi Sterle For more information Dr. Martha Vogelsang Biochemistry and Biophysics Dr. Jane Apley Dr. John Ellison Dr. Linda Guarino Dr. J. Marytn Gunn Dr. Gary' Kunkel Ms. Eileen Stephens Dr. Ryland Young Entomology Ms. Liz Andrus Dr. Darrell Bay Dr. Bob Wharton Forest Science Dr. Michael Messina Horticultural Science Dr. David Byrne Ms. Sharon Duray Dr. Creighton Miller Office of the Vice Chancellor Ms. Patricia Gerling Plant Pathology and Mi era biology Dr. David Appel Mr. Larry Perez Poultry Science Dr. Chris Bailey on these and other Mentor, check Dr. W. F. Krueger Rangeland Ecology and Management Ms. Jennifer Funkhouser Dr. Robert Knight Dr. Mort Kothmann Recreation, Park, and Tourism Science Ms. Katherine Mabray Mr. Buzz Refugio Soil and Crop Sciences Dr. Harry Cralle Dr. C.T. Hallmark Dr. Mark Hussey Dr. Richard Loeppert Dr. Dudley Smith Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Dr. Bill Grant Dr. Daniel Roelke Construction Science Dr. David Bilbo Dr. Charles Graham Dr. Nancy Holland Landscape Architect^ 6 ® Urban Planning Dr. Donald Sweeney Ms. Nancy Volkman Graduate Programs Off" 1 Ms. Jill Raupe Ms. Stephanie Matlock In response t March 5 articl Student Sendees Ms. Venesa Flores Undergraduate Progf®' Mr. James Fancis Ms. Debbie Lock ledge College of Architecture Architecture Dr. David Ekroth Mr. Rodney Hill Dr. Mardelle Shepley Dr. Guillermo Vasquez de Velasco The ATMentors Progra" 1 consists of approxm nately 370 Texas A&M f' acul 5 staff, and administrator who volunteer extra oW hours to make tbeniseb 1 available to student* Mentors names wil e appearing in the Half®* throughout the week- at: http://mentor^ As a studei Texas Schoo the (dis)ple. barded wit Jensen's s American ra community, me to see tl soning the i College Stat I think stu seriously qu of a speake called a University Jensen eqr military resf and says th; all is to disc die class lif fessor at a could hold is beyond r America America i enslaving it not the cc executions America is