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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 2002)
2A Noel’s World of Travel presents Spring Break 2002 Cancun Mexico ALL INCLUSIVE Round Trip Air From Houston • Accommodations at Beach Front Hotels • All meals, Beverages, and Activities • Airport Transfers • Hotel Taxes and Gratuities STA1THMG AT 1PE1R PE1RSON Space is limited! Call today for more information! 979-693-2143 SMART AGGIE PARKING College Main Parking Garage (309 College Main in Northgate) ONE Block from Campus!! Walk to class or take the A&M shuttle. Leases available: $175/semester or $55/month’ (No deposit, parking Monday - Sunday 6 am - 9 pm; 24-hour leases available) Hourly Rates: 2 AM - 7 PM: ^0(f; 7 pM ^ 2 AM: SI.00 [ REE SuncJays: 6 am - 2 pM For more information call 764-3565. * Prices good through January 25, 2002 HUGE INVENTORY LIQUIDATION SALE l 707 Texas Ave. S. FINANCING AVAILABLE W.A.C. College Station 693-8 I 00 M-F 10-7 • SAT 10-6 • SUN I2-5 • CASH-VISA-MC-DISC. Thursday, January 17, 2002 NAH THE BATTALSl Fish Dude,£/kky, where Have 'ioo Sbsaj ? Tve <SoT A H oy 5£ Full Of Woaiew UAiThuO FofZ LA$T 5 ‘DAUJSoaJS CKlEk ) episode.'-' Bootleg copy. Imported All The by R.DeLuna Islamic tv.AY Rom HouSToal "5WEET r ^ ^ I 7f/M£ / Here We 6o , The MoME.ot VooVE Ai-L BEEAJ Fo2.!m fcf—^— funny sjde u p t by Josh Darwin weu ( weu, WHILE YOUVe SEfM i've aeeN up ^ince. fwe ‘ FIRST I TOOK A 6e»SK Toej in the park,-nteK) \ HAO A Nice SOLOCOC <3,L)AUV»V OATMEAL and DID MV -nAx Keturns LATER l RecsR<aANi\?€D MV STAMP couxcnoN ANC 1 LOATCHCP AU- Of MV FAvOPvTE. CARTOONS aa»p -rweM 1... 1... vi / vY^ V a? CH GjOD, i WOWAN/// Mentionii |iake palms lutter in nei Jacking, but ring about I TEEX Continued from page 1 The assessment team looked at the resources and capabilities within the city departments and put together a list of needs to handle terrorist threats, he said Equipment delivery is expected to begin in May. Despite “sensitive targets,” Humphreys said the area scored very low on its amount of potentially threatening protest groups or active radicals. Humphreys stressed that this program has been in place several years. Evaluation started in early 2(XX), well before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. “Oklahoma City was probably one of the initial incentives for programs like this," Humphreys said. “This is something we as emergency respon ders think about all the time. We want to reassure the people that we have always planned for inci dents like this.” Prince Eye Care /?. Michael Prince, O.D. TAMV Class of ‘94 • Eye Exams • Consultations • Glasses • Contact Lenses Now accepting TAMU Cigna Vision Plans Walk-ins welcome or call for an appointment 201 N. Main Bryan 822-2020 fax: 822-2021 MORE SCHOOL SPIRIT THAN A CHEERLEADING SQUAD IM fS NATIONAL LAMPOONS VAN WILDER IN THEATRES SPRING 2002 WWW.MATIONALLAMPOOM.COM Oh... Oh... OPEN HOUSE (you know what I'm talking about) Oh! MSC Spring OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 27, 2002 Tables for sale at MSC Box Office $30 covers registration fees Cash, Check, Aggie Bucks and Credit Cards acceted Hurry! Last day to order: Friday, January 18! Questions? Contact Chris Carter, MSC Executive Director of Marketing 845-1515 5 .aJJLl ' Sponsored by . MSC Marketing Team "t . y c on tinned from pagelg classes come and go, their^ est in teaching those comes and goes and ther the departments that those classes change overa Alexander said. Another key deficiem Texas A&M's lack of a! I .isicm language prtN which hinders the devek of a broad set of courseso region, Alexander said. Alexander and Dr. Walters, director oiintemj studies at Texas A&M. encountered students inti m taking three types of MB Eastern and Islamic courv ■ religion of Islam, the polrJ| the region and Middle EJg language classes. Alexander said he ha || student interest inciti Middle Eastern studies his five years at the Unr.H but the response after the £ ist attacks of Sept, unprecedented. “We’ve had a set of i over the last six montr ■ecomes a v\ have ... made students M ustin Wya interested in the MiddleLm ri j or ( jj sco in the Muslim ssorld asa-j b |; nd date , than .theyve probaWy* ieh( ;mtici been. Alexander said ■ - ? interest in those kinds of.« , isn’t completely nev,. bu: gf a l '' iinL ^ definitely increased expos® ,en(a - an(a l ' ly since Sept. 11.” B ate continue Walters has also witne ( W e ende growing interest from &w>d eventua hut adds that it is a peacr.pecame goo positive curiosity. quite a hit m “Most Americans knt Iiwoukl try a little about the region rfi Some, lik Sept. 11, and now we rtijBjej,- matchr aie interconnected, ^altt ^yer-after stc Alexander sympate administrators under prD ; create new courses but a making that kind ofconr^j requires time, money aK faculty members wither; on the subject. He adds! one knows how long the * terrorism or interest i Middle East w ill last. “We need to see wheth resurgence in interest i region is going to have relaxed, alnn time to it.” Alexande: “He was a “You can’t have Univers-’ite i talked ricula that are drivenent <'4,^,. and C0I current events.” . 7 After the for New Ye lys before ■gether evei I Angela V' ■lose people Bie simple t\ with a co-wc I “1 was r Bates,” Wilk< I A year la Bind date. 1 Bould get al ■inner before Wilke said t CJ Texas Career CenI Texas A&M Universih’ xnrmn i %J& 'k II IU Sm CAREER FAIR NETWORKING LI By 1 l Learn insider tips on how to effectively The colh NETWORK with RECRUITERS and make GREAT ended, leavii IMPRESSIONS at career fairs and employer receptions! Thursday, January 17, 2002 5:30 p.m. Ill Koldus Featuring Representatives from: National Instruments Dynegy, INC. BASF TAMU Career Center 209 Koldus 845-5139 Steps to your Succei free time on ties precludec Aggie games 1| For som approaching opportunities :;i Kyle Bool said he enjoy: games. “You and I like tha Boothe sai the spring ser tices of pulli stadium crow £S ; a member B Boothe sa »ames make Gening of en fi “I probabl gn football ga TUT? I* ATT A Iff) 1 HE JoiAl ITALJU Mariano Castillo, Editor in Chief Brian RufF, Managing Editor Sommer Bunce, News Editor Brandie Liffick, News Editor Lizette Resendez, Aggielife Editor Cayla Carr, Opinion Editor Mandi Vest, ScijTech Editor True Brown, Sports Editor Kate Siegel, Copy Chief Rhonda Weinberg, Design Dire:: Chad Mai lam, Art Director Guy Rogers III, Photo Editor Sayeda Ismail, Radio Producer Rees Winstead, Webmaster THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday durirf and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session ’. University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage 1 College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion,Te^ University, 1111 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M Univew? Division of Student Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices ay Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647: ! Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsemea' Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. FoG- advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office I* 1 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student!<• a single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail subscript $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 for the summert*' month. 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