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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 2002)
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The University-sponsored project will allow for the resurfacing of Bizzell and New Main that will include putting the roads at the proper grade and width, said PTTS associate director Doug Williams. Construction crews will also create temporary pond areas on the side of New Main to control flooding dur ing rainstorms, Williams said. Bizzell loop represents the first phase of construction on the roads on campus, Williams Jones Continued from page 1 plans in the media guide as becoming a criminal lawyer. Jones’s roommate, Natalie Tennille Young, a senior agri culture and life sciences major. said. Construction is expected to begin on Ross Street in January 2003 to widen the road and sidewalks and reopen both lanes of traffic. In addition to the construc tion already underway on campus. PTTS has made park ing lot 61 on West Campus, which previously allowed for resident and commuter park ing. both blue and red permits, a resident, or red permit, only parking area. Newman said commuters should seek park ing areas around Reed Arena, the George Bush School of Government and Public Service area or parking area 97. located just north of Reed Arena. Campus shuttles make stops at each destination. was also charged on one count of delivering a controlled sub stance. She stands accused of giving the drugs to the under cover officer. Young was a “Sidelines” cast member, also featured in the third episode with her room mate. She is a fonner member RUSH Mon. Jan. 21 ZX Barbecue 7 :00 - 9:00 p.m. - ZX House Tues. Jan. 22 Pool at Fox & the Hound 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Fox & the Hound Wed. Jan. 23 ZX Banquet + 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Pebble Creek CC Thurs. Jan. 24 Lone Star Golf # 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Lone Star Golf Range Fri. Jan. 25 Date Party 7:00 pm. - ZX House + Coat & Tie # Rainout - meet at ZX house * Invite Only Rush Chairmen Michael Solheid - 575-3629 * Aaron Offutt - 680-8998 Chase Culp 694-0409 • Peter Ruth - 693-5028 SMART AGGIE PARKING College Main Parking Garage (309 College Main in Northgate) ONE Block from Campus!! Walk to class or take the A&M shuttle. Leases available: $175/semester or $55/month" (No deposit, parking Monday - Sunday 6 am - 9 pm; 24-hour leases available) HourIv Rates: 2 AM " 7 piVl: 50<£; 7 pM - 2 AM: SI.00 TTvYFF SmclAys: 6 am - 2 pM For more information call 764-3565. * Prices good through January 25, 2002 The paving and marking of Parking Area l 14. the lot adja cent to the tennis and intramu ral areas, is scheduled for completion in March, Newman said. Parking in the existing Intramural Sports Complex will be closed until lot 114 is finished, she said. Changes in bus routes, including the addition of the Wehner Express route, which runs from the Memorial Student Center and Fish Pond straight to the E.L.Wehner Building, round out the major changes in transportation on campus for the spring. The Bush School Shuttle will also now make stops in front of the new commuter parking areas. Newman said. of the track team. On the ESPN “Sidelines” Website. Young said when she got to A&M she lost focus of her priorities and got wrapped up in “the w hole going out all the time scene.” Young is out of the Brazos County Jail on bail with her case pending. THE BATTALION Mariano Outillo Editor in Chief com The Battalion (ISSN *1055-4726) is published dB'iy. Monday through Friday during the (all and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station. TX 77840. POST MASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion. Texas A&M University, till TAMU. College Station. TX 77843-1111. Ness; The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313: Fax: 845- 2647: E-mail:; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsoiship or endorsement by The Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 25t. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year. $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer and $10 per month. To charge by Visa. MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611. m THE BATTALIA Journalism Continued from pagel Head Leroy Dorsey saidsiui in the general studies protj w ho plan on transferring journalism will be advisedth.: GPR requirements will be gj up.. .any w here from 2.5 to 31' The consultant’s report t highlighted a need to concert on the problems facing the ) nalism department before the dealt with implementing department’s newest degree; telecommunications. After Oliver shared the sultunts’ report with Dough' provost approved the susper- of the telecommunications gram for IX months. Thesu>: sion “may be more than ter rary.” according to the h. meeting’s minutes. In Dorsey ’s email, he sait dean's office will contact stm already enrolled in telecomir cations and “advise them tort, sider their major." The dti office w ill also contact adr; freshmen who have chs telecommunications as their it. and “offer them their sec choice of major.” Dorsey said He added that the dean’s x won Ul sik>o be contacting studs already enrolled in telecomm cations, and that the "dean’sct will work with any studeni'. are resolved to stay in telecor A major theme in the co: ants' report was a lack ofth in the department, which k. little or no productive rex. overworked faculty and tight: student schedules. The consultants offered i resort action in their report, ommending that the fled: journalism department e; with the emerging Sje Communications Departnien: that issue. Dorsey directed faculty at their meeting to h “no comment” policy, accoc: to the minutes. CORRECTION In the Jan. 14 article 'Gr: subpoenaed in Senate profe Enron case.” Wendy Gramme, economics at Texas A&M for? years, and served as chairperi. the U.S. Commodity Futures To Commission from 1988 to 199i ‘IZape CZrisis (Zenter f^mzos r Dutte$ | ALL SERVICES ARE FM| • 24 HOUR HOTLINE • INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING • SUPPORT GROUPS • ANONYMOUS INTERNET COUNSELING (h ttp://rapecris is. txcyber.coml P. O. Box 3082 Bryan, TX 77805 j 979-731-1000..phor 979-774-3810 fa If You Have Something To St| Remember: Classifieds Can Do I Call 845-0569 The Battalion Brumi STUDENT SPECIAL! Golf Course Present your student I.D. and receive I a Greenfee and cart for just $ 14.7$| Must present this ad. 206 West Villa Maria 823-0126 This offer is good after 2:00 p.m. on Monday thru Thursday. 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