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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 2001)
V : J;r!^ ; -.’<, •..;.f-:;*:■ ?i-i-!',•. ■V N ill November 2(1,] Politics pay, November 20, 2001 THE BATTALION Page 7A es &M denied law school that equalize,; rates by adji. USTON (AP) — The Texas me Court has refused to ene in efforts by Texas A&M . —rsity and the private South TjllCdjhs College of Law to join X Is in educating attorneys. high court this week denied uest from both schools to an appeal of previous rulings at dissolved a partnership I establish Leci by the schools in 1998. fuels stands: laffiliation allows Texas A&M, ■ demandft fch lacks a law school, to pro- enewable utelaw training and gives South d aid thee•• (as in downtown Houston, the : I name while remaining a pri- provides r ' e school. IjusI for (fcera | e schoo's struck the part- production without approval from ammodit\ the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, which oversees public colleges and universities. The board challenged the partnership, saying the schools ignored its authority by joining forces without first securing its approval. State District Judge, Suzanne Covington, in 1999 voided the partnership, saying Texas A&M had no authority to teach law. A year ago a panel of the 3rd Court of Appeals in Austin upheld Covington’s ruling, saying that board approval was required because Texas A&M could spend public money in the agreement. Officials from both schools said they have yet to decide whether to ask the high court for another hearing or start over by asking the coordinating board to approve the affiliation. “We will be having discussions with our board of regents to deter mine what our next step will be,” A&M President Dr. Ray M. Bowen told the Houston Chronicle in Friday’s edition. “It’s too early to predict what that may be, but we are disappointed.” Sheila Hansel, spokeswoman for South Texas, said officials expected the high court’s deci sion and they also will discuss future options. ure prices the past wo orist attack npact 0Mk iston said, said that if riculture to the prices ley should be, :d a safet; guarantee j;? uct thi! r NEWS IN BRIEF izos County may appoint magistrate to serve legal needs 1st Thursday, the Brazos Valley Commissioners It discussed the possibility of a new county Jistrate. Is position currently does not exist in Brazos Jity- County attorneys and county judges in support of 3roposed magistrate position offered their opin- to the commissioner court. 5j)$ position will be used to supplement the three osts of ptc jrict court judges, three county judges and five jus- on said, said the $r lake a peck es ofthe peace in the Brazos County, lie attorneys and judges said this position will ot guarantee femline the county court system and clear some of [slow judicial procedures at the county level. ow them to ere was no voiced opposition at the meeting. The Commissioners Court controls the county budget and must find funding, determine the location where the magistrate will preside and then fill the position, said a staff member of the commissioner’s office. The Commissioners Court, along with recom mendations from the Texas Bar Association, will appoint the magistrate. The duties of the proposed magistrate position include hearing oral arguments, holding fact-finding hearings and presiding over non-contested cases. The Commissioners Court has not determined if this position will be a full- or part-time position. The court has not made a final decision, but could have the new magistrate in place by Jan. 1, 2002. Scity council reviews, renews contract with Cox Cable Co. s home ITj|||)e College Station City Council rezoned a 55- 5 %4.111V fe f rac t 0 f | an< j a f 3500 University Dr. East for |ielopment last Thursday. leland may house offices with a day care center, bank with drive-thru service, a hotel, a conference •ials nor Gore.: L eran d a performing arts center, ould bepakfi j^jarge crowd attended the meeting and partici- iy. in a public hearing about the renewal of Cox ingfimtaiyfftmunication’s franchise agreement, which is set : financialconilxpire May 24, 2004. 1st over hearing identified future cable-related corn- affiliates weeds and interests and reviewed Cox’s per- eriders in tht\ ts such as, oyees Retire’^ ees Federal f ite jsoft. S^-j ner < wnrt during the current term. ism si 1 1 The council also decriminalized parking offenses. This action will make parking violations civil offens es, instead of criminal. This ordinance also contains provisions for immo bilizing and impounding vehicles with three or more unpaid parking citations. Currently, parking citations are misdemeanors and must be handled in front of a judge. The new ordinance gives this responsibility to a hearing officer. The planned changes for parking offenses will go into effect Jan. 1, 2002. -. :■ >1 OJUfimoo !;i' 7! irgers creen T.V. Drinks ne Back To! 0:00pm 00 pm (979) 846-3$ slons; wm Learn More. Do More. NOW OFFERING NIGHT CLASSES! New Website! | CompTIA and Microsoft classes. EE Certification Seminars what certification can do for you! ft Office User Specialist Seminar Nov 28 5:30-6:30pm echnical Certification Seminar 5 or Dec 19 from 5:30-6:30pm CALL TO ENROLL ZS&H2ZI5 13 UI A+ Hardware (5 days) Advanced Access 2000 Advanced Excel 2000 -30: Application Development for Access 2000 - Level I A+ Operating Systems (5 days) Intro to Excel 2000 Excel Charts 2000 Advanced Word 2000 Intro to QuickBooks 2001 : Intermediate QuickBooks 2001 :: Intermediate Excel 2000 (: Advanced Excel 2000 1: Intro to HTML CARPOOL is not running on Thanksgiving weekend!!! Hey Ags, make sure to designate a driver Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night this weekend (Nov. 22-24). Please be a responsible drinker this weekend and plan ahead with friends to arrange for a designated driver. Thank you for your support. We would also like to thank our sponsors for their support: AT&T Wireless Plantation Oaks Apartments North By Northgate On The Border Grin and Take It Jim’s Food Mart Outback Steakhouse Roly Poly Enterprise Rent-a-Car Cox Communications Papa Johns Double Dave’s Kinko’s Lacks MADD Office Max If you have a story about how CARPOOL has touched your life, please contact CARPOOL to share your story. Stories can remain anonymous if you like. Please call CARPOOL at 693-9905 or BJ, PR Director at 696-7117. for complete dates and times )Oetfy Of ^ 26: A+ Hardware ■$the ir women I 3r5th, fe.tami# -204^' all (979) 846-9727 for more information or register online at 10: A+ Operating Systems MCSE 2000 Classes ^ome classes may require prerequisite courses. 10: Course 1562: Designing Windows 2000 Net Services Infrastructure (4 days) 'Office XP Course 2272 Coming in January! I Authorized I PROMETRIC TESTING lMicrosotfl«H88lif9?l -EHEmammi /MicroAge CCM- LEGE STATION rvlce and solutions that work GGIE OWNED AND OPERATED eras* af 2CC2 ELEPHANT WALK ' t November 20, 2001 1:02 KYLE FIELD Schedule of Events 10:00 AM - Law/Puryear Field GAMES • Bouncy Boxing • Bungee Run • Human Foosball • Obstacle Course MUSIC • Adamo • 6 Bridges • Old Dimebox ELEPHANTS AND PICTURES 11:00 AM til 1:00 PM - Mi Cocina Fajita Lunch 1:02 - Elephant Walk 2001 begins at Kyle Field • Speaker Dr. John Hoyle FEMALE ENHANCEMENT GEL... It’s Fun...It f s a Blast! 12-Pack $39.95 + $5.00 S/H G fTMJAgnjA THE WOMEN’S CHOICE ...for Women of All Ages Intensifies...Magnifies Unsurpassed Pleasure! http://www. Pay your way through college! DISTRIBUTORS & MASTER DISTRIBUTORS WANTED! CALL TODAY! 1 -800-332-1647 fflic Vak & QhllL EAT * DRINK • DO LAUNDRY $ 1.50 Domestic Longnecks ALL DAY J Friday AND Saturday!! Open from V/KM till IX/lidniQtit If days a week. Texas <s> Harvey 696-6756 QUICK & EASY FOOTBALL GAME PARKING! Need a place to park one block from the A&M Campus? The College Main Parking Garage (309 College Main) $5 Gameday Flat Rate 7 a.m. - 8 p.m! $l/hour 8 p.m. - 2 a.m. or The Promenade Parking Lot (Church Street) $10 ALL DAY PARKING ON GAMEDAY! Go to the game, then hang out at Northgate! Walk to Kyle Field or take the free campus shuttle! Catch it directly in front of the garage! For more information call 764-3565.