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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 2001)
VICTOR’S Quality Mens & Ladies Boot & Shoe Repair Serving Aggie s Since 1966 3601 Texas Ave. I mile north of campus Hours Mon.-Fri. 8-6:30 Sat. 9-3 846-4114 : ' . • ' ' •' • ; - ' - ‘ .*.^»*^.%^.%'.%t*i* , i*r*t**** # v % .'r*c*. # i # r , **r*r*2* # *r v i**' - * % *"*t , * fc * - '*>*•*•*•*.*'• • v*«■. .**• .•.*».■, * ■,... WM 1805 BRIARCREST BRYAN 979-776-0999 COM: I A JQIH THB ^ PUN! if - ! ijy Mhmj'jy^r S4^ CLOSED 3 Big Sessions-Fritiay & Saturday 7:15 pin, 9pm & 10:15pm Thanksgiving daily STARTING TIMES 0 A Y luesda;. Wed • Thor • Sat Kriday ^m.daj 6:45 6:45 & 9:00 7:15 & 9:00 6:00 & 8:00 Large Non-Smoking Room v A\A • Dock Puius * Grlat Pood • Sicunny • Pm Tams and Much Mom Over $ 30,000 Won Each Week! Due to recent changes, no one under IA allowed to enter. 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Four week program in Angers, Francj ^ Classes on language, business, and agricultural topics ^ Trips to Paris and Belgium ^ One-week intensive study of business and ag- related topics Course Fee includes: Lodging, meals, administrative fees, program-related travel, and medical insurance. Optional one-month internship also available! Financial Aid is Available for this program! For more information visit our webpage: Page 2A Campus -g- 7^ E BATTALION Tuesday, November. Fish Key I<sml£ , Coaie PlflY Pottek WITH: ME' You 6uv5 LE7 Scoot BM/ H/IMY Pottbr ? Doesn't That Teach That Utra/ceAfT is okay 9> y People are GETTvjc ijAY Too CjoRkEb UP OV£C THAT TTs S^'> T A Book by R.DeLuna Advisers AJo UofiSE AVER. AGE « STubEAir- Continued from Pm :tosi 254 by J. Goldftute student come by everyday not come by at all.” Dr. Samuel Cohn, ui uate adviser for the department, said advisers only tell students whichcl they should take, but can plan future goals. “Times of academic are always a good time your adviser, but go see you want to change your goals.” Cohn said. Some students haveati relationship with their ad Chuck Ratcliffe, a junior cultural development m said he visits his adviserat two or three times a ih Ratcliffe said he goes to suggestions on what das should take and which sors are "not exactly thee, but best suited to what “Dr. Joe (Townsend)has a great help," Ratcliffe said Other students— 29 pec according to the informal! dent government survey-fc visits to advisers are i sary. Junior computer c MATT f^LUCB WHY DO fLi*E HER. DADOV N THE GUY-5 LIKE BAMBI SO MUCH? N\r owa/s A rtz-uetc: shop' poH ept. I 1 broil erica was bli as a power! ericans feeb d — the Am es hit them ight memb dents Associ: reeks after the; |e been affect major Adrian Zafar said lieh P of the tern not seen his adviser sine: Though tht freshman year. f n t * le P ro h "There is no needtoi|' a * paranoi him," Zafar said. "IhereL' l ut Rla™ an^ career plan whidi doe n ^ 8 enera l *gn that 1 follow" felly segregat Some departm«it8,'stiiii r? edia Joad^ education and agpculttinlji l. lr ! s 5 ns * tlve : j nalism, now require theitiS l lnit ' a l medi| dents visit their adviser a:I’ad Jh once a semester or they P ou S^ as ■ blocked from registra:::*’ sa '^ 11 ' s rn ' Education undergraduatead!® 5 ^ t ^ iere wer ' Justin Smith said enforcing visits keeps studentsinforme; Kathy Littleton, former idem of the university ad\ and counselors, and Dr. II Weichold, associate provost j undergraduate programs academic services, agree students would be poodyserve! it they did not visit theisafc 1 ers at least once a semeslti gthe rushed: to hard facts k it could have: Starr said any lislims that tli resentation v jhre celebrating iddle-Eastern ility for the ; sedbrought rel ¥oas group Bonfire Continued from Page 1A state-created danger that violat ed his civil rights. Comstock said he could not comment on the suit at this time. In August, Comstock told media he was just glad to be back at A&M. Also filing a lawsuit Monday was Lauren Scanlan, who was injured in the col lapse, and her parents. The law suit was also tiled in Galveston federal court and alleges the same civil rights violations. Scanlan, who is from Rockport, suffered facial and head injuries, said Stephen DeWolf, her Dallas-based attorney. Besides Scanlan, DeWolf also represents the families of victims Christopher Breen, of Austin, and Lucas Kimmel, of Corpus Christi, and Bill Davis, 26, of Bellaire, who was injured and has had metal plates placed in his face, arm and leg. These lawsuits were also filed in a Galveston federal court. Fort Worth attorney Darrell Keith is representing Jacquelyn Self, mother of victim Jerry Don Self, of Arlington, and the first to sue. Keith represents the families of victims Bryan McClain, of San Antonio, Christopher Heard, of Houston, and Chad Powell, of Keller, as well as Matthew Lynn Robbins and Dominic Braus, who were injured, and Braus' mother Nancy. Jacquelyn Self's suitfefe filed in both TarramT Probate Court in Fort federal court in GalveaWt Keith represents PowelhWj in federal court, Fort Wouht- ney Geno Borchardt repreai his family in the suit I Tarrant County probate o Besides suing in federakat McClain's family filed a tel in Bexar County pi and Heard’s family filed mi Harris County probate m surprised tc public knowl ■'There are a I practice, whf Ron George, I 1 former nev lller Times, • air.e out of the est to cover the “America’s i] lam makes oi irv superficial,- r 1 Focus group: verage of the the streets. “They show :us group p. iduate stude: kinko's Great Gift Ideas ,s a lot of oi ■ht vigils. erican gove tie are being k y do have •••• fvnf 0 ' ever/oT. Do you know someone that has everything and is impossible to buy for? and \ Starr Warn Do you need a way to preserve your o memories? arry Potter ( t-quite-ordinai irs of his « ..... i r ii igland. But wt Let Kmko s help with full color calendars, j^ooi of witet anges. Sudde e $ and wizards p powers, stu F evil Lord Vd Kinko's 509 University Drive West College Station, Texas 77840 Phone (979) 846-8721 Fax (979) 846-7133 Tickets available at all Huy Y-'TicketCenters including H-E-B stores. Convenience charge may apply. Intormation subject to change. He Emergency Message Center is available on Hie arena concouse diring Ibis event For emergencies only. call925-EELL. *GET ONE FREE TICKET WITH EVERY TICKET YOU BUY! Present this ad at the Flank Erwin Center box office onlyforone tree ticKet with every ticket you buy. Available only nn S2G tic lets only Offer not good on $100 VIP. $50 and $10 seats Adjacent seats may by puichased. Seat bcatiobs subject to availability Redeem early for best seat seleclmn This ad has no cash \alueand may not besold Otter subject to availability All information subject to change. Expires on Saturday. ttavemlier24.2001 at 5 PM. Texas A&M University — Celebrating 125 Years THE BATTALI01 Brady Creel, Editor in Chief The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spiinja® ters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exampefs s Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, 1111TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division ol$t' Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald BuildingJ«: phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail:; Web site: http://www.thebattcw Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion f?:; pus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569.te--1 offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fat 849!: Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick upasingec: The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year. $30te or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer or $10 a month. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, D® American Express, call 845-2611. Trii