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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 2001)
I < Congratulations Graduating Seniors! Bring this ad in for a free gift when you order announcements or purchase a cap & gown. ROTHER’S BOOKSTORES * VICTOR’S Quality Mens & Ladies Boot & Shoe Repair Serving Aggie’s Since 1966 3601 Texas Ave. 1 mile north of campus Hours Mon.-Fri. 8-6:30 Sat. 9-3 846-4114 Mon-Fri 9 to 6 Saturday 9 to 2 4303 South Texas Avenue Bryan, TX 77802-4360 Texas Ave. at Rosemary Phone: (979)846-4459 Fax: (979)691-2733 Email: Hunger Banquet A food distribution simulation Wednesday J2:30nm Koldus 110 tickets available at Rudder Box Office and <)ll r table at Rudder Fountain $5 nnssenten by MSC Hospitality 845-1515 going out of business SALE ALL RENTAL ITEMS FOR SALE!! ** OFF 1/2 start '1 to *\*V^* S 'b 1.0 S^ S ^50 RENTAL PRICE TAKE IT HOME - YOU OWN IT NO RENTAL PAPERWORK „ fjv NOW THRU SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17™ !!!! at . 6 ?0’ Sj , ' 3t a * d S0‘ r/ ’ ,S ^“TiAcr ’ S fo JfSty Rn *<> £S ^ l, Nq Sh r.So'"** COSTUME CONNECTION 2553-C TEXAS AVENUE SOUTH • COLLEGE STATION (979) 694-9016 ** RED X ITEMS PRICED AS MARKED FIXTURES FOR SALE Hours: Sun: 1-5 • Tues: - Fri: 11-6 • Sat: 1-5 Yeah...uh... if you could just sign up as soon as possible. that would be great. (Don't forget your red stapler) MSC Spring 2002 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 27, 2002 Tables for sale at MSC Box Office $30 registration fee Cash, check, Aggie Bucks and credit cards accepted Questions? Contact Chris Carter, MSC Executive Director of Marketing 845-1515 0 .djOLlhk. Sponsored by • MSC Marketing Team News Page 2 THE BATTALION funny side u p t by Josh Darwin nERCHftNDlStNG! MCRCHANDtSm&? WHAT PO YOU THINK? I PLAN PEOPLE Boy tF IS ASSOClATEO LOtTVt A KMOWN Pet«oN ( a«00P ( OR EVfNT 1 ON Cot'OlNG OUT Of= TKI«5 THVNOi OJCTH AT ueA-ST A RACING YACHT. Continued from Wuss Cookie Morales Continued from Page 1 u Victor Morales said he will revisit several issues from his 1996 campaign, including cam paign reform, education, immigration and calling for policies that are fiscally conservative. He also said he supports some levels of gun control, including waiting periods. Two candidates named Morales on the ballot shouldn’t confuse voters or split the Hispanic votes Democrats are courting heavily, he said. “There may be some people who are confused but they won’t be confused for long,” Victor Morales said. “There’s no way Dan Morales can take more Hispanic votes than 1 can. I'm much closer to the people.” Dan Morales, who has not yet formally announced a campaign, said he welcomed another Democrat on the ballot. “The more candidates we have in the primary, the fuller the ideo logical spectrum we have to choose from will be,” Dan Morales said. He hopes to formally announce his There's no way Dan Morales can take more Hispanic votes than I can. I’m much closer to the people. Morales drove to Austin for Tuesday's cam paign announcement. He hopes he'll be able to fly to more campaign events this time. He also said he’s likely to retire the truck soon. “I promised my wife. I said after this year I will buy me a new car.” he said. “My kids are embarrassed every time 1 get in the truck. That thing’s all beat up and old.” Also Tuesday, District Judge William Moody of El Paso announced his campaign to seek the Democratic nomination for the state Supreme Court. Place 3. The seat is held by Republican Justice Wallace Jefferson, the first black to serve on the state’s high est civil court. Wallace was appointed in March by Gov. Rick Perry. The court has been unani mously Republican since 1999. “I am running because I believe in a balanced court,” said Moody, who added that he believes judicial elections in Texas should be non partisan. “Balanced geographical ly, politically and philosophically, a court that is accessible to all Texans, a court that is truly neutral and fair to all.” A former El Paso district attor- once Putin and I Lyudmila, arrive Wednesday afternoon second part of Putin's t visit to the United Stale more casual. Bush said “We’ll go foraett nice, long walks and i. Bush said. “The best;; starts with getting toll other.” The Putins were het the guest house when parents stay when the; Situated beside iIk dent’s own homeonaii cular driveway, the i guest quarters boast u rooms on opposite eiM airy, central living roo bedroom has its ownh where the Putins will tub, only a shower impressive water press®, raves from former guest Mrs. Bush ducked a Texas last week toov preparations for the of Putin’s visit to the ner on the lawn Wi evening. Back at the White nesday, _ By Bj th! Tie moviej [y sensatj ling, Hi erer’s St a [country Fit je can hard’ [David Hilj — Victor Morales candidate for Texas U.S. senate seat candidacy shortly after Thanksgiving, he said. “It is a good thing for the party and a good thing for the state.” Dan Morales said he believes voters will be well informed and not be confused about two Democrats with the same last name running for the same office. Victor Morales, 51, who lives in Crandall, east of Dallas, said he’ll be more aggressive about soliciting campaign contributions this time but still won’t accept donations from political action committees. He raised $900,000 in his 1996 effort. ney. Moody has served on the bench for 15 years, the past nine handling mostly civil cases. He also sat on the Texas Ethics Commission from 1983-86 and is a former U.S. Army captain. In the governor’s race. Democratic favorite Tony Sanchez lost a top campaign official when campaign director Jim Moore was asked to leave. Moore told the Austin American-Statesman he was asked to leave but was not given a reason why. Sanchez campaign spokeswoman Michelle Kucera had no comment. people in the West Wg dubbed the dinner "tht down” because it w chuck-wagon, baibeciM boy cooks (courtesy oft ing friend in B I ex as) and a five-member band to compete with the ing coyotes that Mrs. Bus she hears at night. Bush, who admits hisw feet have to be dragged oik dance floor, joked prospects for dancing ones band starts to play. '1 can cut a pretty rug,’ he told reporters« wink. It Putin hoped tog; riding in, he’ll bedisapp I he Russian news a I fAR-Tass recen\\y vt\ea: official photo of Putinod back, leading to speiaMfl Moscow that Putin -\m mer. skier and Judo dap — was brushing upt« equestrianship for the visit Bush squashed that is He does not keep horsesoa ranch, and guests ride instd! “Gator,” a rugged goifcait is “a little more compa® than some horses,” Bush sail HAIR DESIGN Color Correction Specialist 118 Walton Dr. Across from Main Entrance to Texas A&M Are you a good listener? Do you like to help others? Are you a responsible & committed person? VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! ISLAM 101 An Intro to Islam presents QURAN: God’s Revealed Word Wednesday, 14 th November 7:00 PM @ MSC 145 Sponsored by Muslim Student’s Association All majors are welcome! Interviewing now to begin service in the Spring, Training is January 7-12, 2002. For more information, contact Susan Vavra at 845-4427 x!33 or The Helpline is sponsored & supervised by (# STUDENT COUNSELING SERVICE Texas A6-M University — Celebrating 125 Ye Y^.*.**. vt 16) iears ifliTHE BATTAI tm Brady Creel, Editor in Chief Mariano Castillo, Managing Editor Melissa Braddock, Sci/Tech Editor Jen Bales, Executive Editor Rolando Garcia, News Editor Kelly Preiser, Aggielife Editor Cayla Carr, Opinion Editor Jonathan Jones, Opinion Editor Kevin Thurman, Webmaster Brian Ruff, Sports Editor Guy Rogers III, Photo Editor Adrian Calcaneo, Visual Ans Dir® l .had Mai lam, Visual Arts Ditectoi Jon Niven Radio Producer THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday duMf' 5 and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer sessior: University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage : : College Station, TX 77840. 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