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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 2001)
(OSM MCA fDC/CAUO^ Pe06l?A/V\ Spend your second summer session in the beautiful aomntry of Costa Rica while earning TAMU credit! Want to know how'? Come to an informational Meeting: November 8 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm - 804 Harrington Tower November 9 - 10am to 11am - 804 Harrington Tower November 1 3 - 3pm to 4pm - 804 Harrington Tower Included In this program aro: - A week intensive Spanish study at the Centro Panamorlcano d© Idiomas for 4 hours / day ^ E xperin two ecological/cuiturai areas tropical cloud forost and temperate central valley Homostay & meals with Costa Rican families > Extensive field experience »n Costa Rican schools ^ All excursions (rainforest, coffee plantation, skywalk. otc.) ^ Weekend trips fo Volcano Arenal and Jaco Beach Page 2A Campus ^ Jt THE E BATTALION Fish by R.DeLuna Tech (ontinuedfrom hi To Apply: ^ Go to our online application at ^ Paper applications also available for pick up in Study Abroad (Bizitell Hall West, first floor), or in the faculty offices ^ Deadline Monday. December 3, 2001 Contact: Brian Lancaster (blancaster<g>tamu edu) Study Abroad Program Office - 1st Floor - Biczell Hall West http://studyabroad tamu edu Tuesday, November: ^ Noveni 1 He called the action! students involved the form of barbaric behavin' “We’ve seen the They’re not pretty," SeJ said. "Some activity^ than others.” No arrests have been connection with the ii some students involvedv titled on videotape, accortj statement released by Tec )el By True E3 THE BAIT > JlJBBOCK ase this seaso s A&M defer - ] i\ggies from been a dix The Wres One student, whose to be the s i Schmidly declined to r ::^ ! s * (> Official 125th Anniversary T-shirt iSstkc Wuas Cookia I. holding the lo field goals, hi on four tri It 20-yard lin«. ITexas Tech also came to his office Mi tears. Disciplinary actKt not yet been determined!] student, he said. A new emphasis on c! manshipat rechalsov3|| on a A 1 Schmidly said. A comm! has worked to boost atti at Tech games will ben the Pride, Pageantn Sportsmanship Com Work to educate student sportsmanship will be through numerous groups, he said. Tech officials also jj| look at stadium capacir into A&M tei~ r e have a lot : red zone,” s£ omerback Si knew that if th O-yard line], [g to score. \N. going to have | goal, or we 'v. 1c it. We had to bse and make 1 On Sale Nov. 5th-9tli at the MSC tOam-Znvn MA«nJMATIO»r ... . , o play was stadmm ,s bu.luoh,* 1 jjnebac nicut’s first-q «. MATT '< WeDNero/'j 7:30 - CLo^e $1 L/il>?e« T>R?HK -For $1 99$ : ^l > Hour A€te??e ‘SucKj ■> At EL CHTcoi Exclude* alcohol purchasaa. :ELCHICa: 1912 S. Texas Ave. 693-6684 I ■IMCt~ LWOiCW This is a Magic eye picture. Check it out, when you look at it with your eyes crossed, the pieces all form somethin I just can't figure out what it is! Gross dude fans, but Saturday's atts was 52.649. Big 12 Confii spokesman Bo Carter sa league would investigatt ivcci\ mg written report!J the game from both ihk ties, expected this weeli. Cynthia Lawson. AO* utive director of Uni Relations, called Satu; fight an “unfortunate ind “We must all intensif) resolve to ensure that pb; contact at athletic i remains on the kid oi Lawson said. It running I iams at the > After the ^ pd to punt on i xh w lot up* Authentic handmade Mexican Food™ cN”oel's World of p!?eS6DtS SpriDg 2002 Gavcttio Mexico 3ip«citil 2J&4 Night Pticikiigtjs a4LL INCLUSIVE Round Trip Air From Houston • Accommodations at Beach Front Hotels • All meals. Beverages, and Activities • Airport Transfers • Hotel Taxes and Gratuities 3TA1RTINQ AT *:699 PEiR PERSON Space is limited! Call today for more information! 979-693-2143 Ask Santa NOW for your Spring Break Wish! WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE REWARD: MEETING MAGGIESAll CORPS OUTFITS OCA MEMBERS ARE WANTED AT HURICANi: HARRY S ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2001 TO COME AND CORI WITH OTHER MEMBERS. I L AFROTC.COM PENN GRADUATE SCHOOL OP EDUCATION senior free s; 'Curtis on a fc What are you looking for in a Graduate School? You pick up a lot of important survival tools in ROTC. Starting with a tuition check. First things first. Pay the bills, get through college, then get on with the rest of your life. Fortunately, joining Air Force ROTC can help you do all this and more. You could earn up to TOO percent of your tuition, fees and book costs — plus up to $400 of additional spending money every month. Not to mention gaining skills you’ll use your entire career — like leadership, team-building and physical fitness. To find out how, visit AFROTC.COM or call 1-800-522-0033, ext. 2091. U.S.AIR FORCE R*0*T*C Chances are we have it! POST AE Penn GSE offers Doctoral (Ph.D. Education, Culture and Society Educational Leadership Educational Linguistics Educational Policy Higher Education Management Intercultural Communication Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Development Policy Research, Evaluation, and Measurement 8c EtLD.) and Masters degrees Teaching, Learning and CurncuE Teaching English to Speakers of to Languages School, Community, and ClinioKi* Psychology** Dual Degree with School of Am ad Sciences* Executive Ed.D. in HigherEduaw: Management Mid-Career Ed. D. in Educadoaalid Organizational Leadership Psychological Services* R ea din g/Writin g/Li teia cy* Elementary Sc SecondaryTeacherEducation* * St ate certification available **APA a.wedited University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education V877-PEIMNGSE Texas A&JVf University — Celebrating U5 Years THE BATTALI01 Brady Creel, Editor in Chief Mariano Castillo, Managing Editor Melissa Braddock, Sci/Tech Editor Jen Bales, Executive Editor Rolando Garcia, News Editor Kelly Preiser, Aggielife Editor Cayla Carr, Opinion Editor Jonathan Jones, Opinion Editor Kevin Thurman, Webmaster Brian Ruff, Sports Editor Guy Rogers III, Photo Editor Adrian Calcaneo, Visual Arts DirtctC | Chad Mallam, Visual Arts Director Jon Niven Radio Producer THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday dum^ and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session ( r University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postafi College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion Ti University, 1111 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M UnivesV Division of Student Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax; 845-2647 F; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement^ Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696 ForcliS advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and officeh 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student tot a single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail subscnpfo^l $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer or- l; month. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611