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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 2001)
The Battalion Classified To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional. 1 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end toqu# 1 the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. ANNOUNCEMENTS COMPUTERS FOR RENT FOR RENT BOOKS 30% Off Everything November 1st- 7th. Joe’s Books, corner Texas Ave/ George Bush. Open Mon.-Sat. 10-9, Sun day 10-6, 693-4499. More books added daily. Pentium II, 128M, 4G, CD, 56K Modem, Ethernet, USB. Win2000, OfficeXP, Inter net. $190. 324-0083. 3bdrm/2bth duplex w/backyard, pets al lowed, $1100/mo., off of SW-Pkwy, close to campus. 693-9817. Available Now! Day Hunt, San Saba County, Opening Weekend, $200/day then $150 Sat. &Sun. $125 Mon- Fri, Buck, Doe. 915-623-5439. Why pay thou sands? We have a Dell Latitude Pll 266, 4.3 Gig Hard Drive for only $599! Reach US at 800.805.0062. 3bdrm/2bth Duplex, 2 walk-in closets, 2 other closets, storage room, pets allowed, fenced yard, lawn maintenance, no depos it, $850/mo. 764-1492. AUTO DJ MUSIC 1992 Ford Probe, a/c, cd, blue, tinted win dows. $2500. 268-7828. 1996 Ford Probe-SE. Dark green, good condition. $3950. 774-1446,777-7106. "Party Block Mobile DJ"- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693- 6294. 3bdrm/2bth, fenced, pets ok, w/d, on bus route, Legacy Lane, off 2818 SHolleman. 764-6712. 3bdrm/2bth, large garage, fireplace, w/d, full kitchen, near Wolf Pen Creek, $1200/mo. Call 979-695-1721. •1996 Honda Civic DX, black exterior &in- terior, 75k-miles, $6500. 694-9321. EMPLOYMENT 1999 Mustang V6, sunroof, leather, CD, excellent condition. $11,990, 777-7202. 2000 Chevy S-10 LS, 27k miles, manual, cruise, $9500 negotiable. 979-822-8051. •40th Ruby Red Corvette- 320H.P./ •360Torque, 33,000 miles, every option in cluded, 5-spoke chrome rims, $24,900. Call 485-0864. '94 white Chevy truck. Mud-tires, chrome wheels, great condition. 774-4439. FOR RENT ‘96 Chevy Blazer LS S10, V6, great condi tion, $8750. 847-2531. Mazda Protege, good condition, moving Must Sell! Call Tina 775-0596. Police Impounds! Cars from $500. listings, 800-319-3323 ext.3782. For 1bdrm/1bth, $435/mo., water, gas, sew age paid, close to TAMU. No deposit. 693-9134. BED AND BREAKFAST Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,’70, 979- 696-0091. 2bdrm/1.5ba w/central air/heat, w/d, 15- min from campus. Upto 2-horses. $600/mo. w/horses $250 deposit. (979)272-2309. COMPUTERS Compaq Presario 5170 Pentiumll Pro- cessor/350mhz, 10.0GB hard-drive, CD- rom, zip drive, floppy drive, accessories include updated software. Excellent con dition. $325/obo. 764-7779. 2bdrm/1bth duplex, w/d conn., big back yard, pets ok, $550/mo. Call Jana 774- 0802. Need a computer cheap? We build new customized computers for half the retail price. Contact Need a computer? Then visit PCScream- 3809 Old College. 846-3672. 3/2 house, nice neighborhood, huge yard. $1100/mo. Available December. 694- 9602. THMere AGENCY INSURANCE Two part-time customer service positions available in large insur ance agency. The first position is lOhrs/week. And the second position is 20hrs/week. Starting at $8/hr. GPA of 3.0 or higher preferred. Please send resume to: The Liere Agency, 1101 University Dr. East, Ste. 100, College Station, TX 77840. Fraternities • Sororities Clubs • Student Groups Earn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with the easy three hour fundraising event. Does not involve credit card applications. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact at (888)923-3238, or visit www.carnpug.fundralsetigom Newsday Crossword GO THE DISTANCE by Lee Weaver Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 1 Chinese temple 7 Attack word 10 Paid player 13 Makes jubilant 14 I love: Lat. 15 Johnny Carson predecessor 16 Ziti and linguine 17 Wandering aimlessly 19 Totally, with ‘Ihe” 21 Sault Marie 22 Table scrap 23 Triumphant exclamation 26 Enters 32 In the air 34 Romeo 35 Metal deposit 36 “Me too!” 37 It’s over your head 38 Supporte'r of the arts 40 Tad’s dad 41 Lacking color 43 Make purchases 44 Significant events 48 Take a stab at 49 Universal ideal 50 Viva Vegas 52 Very close to 60 No longer in use 61 Apply novocaine to 63 Slashes 64 Scale notes 65 Complete 66 Slalom curve 67 Complete collection 68 Take umbrage at DOWN 1 Get-up-and-go 2 ‘There oughta be !” 3 Deep cut 4 Beetle Bailey dog 5 Distributes cards 6 Desirable qualities 7 Hindu garment 8 Top fashion model 9 Happen as planned 10 Pants purchase 11 McNally’s partner 12 Special-interest groups: Abbr. 15 Greek philosopher 18 Little-traveled paths 20 Society-page word 23 Suspect’s story 24 Monopoly purchase 25 Behind, on a ship 27 Already in use 28 Shrewd 29 Copy-machine need 30 Satire feature 31 Social misfit 32 Original gardener 33 Part of a ship’s rigging 37 School-zone sign 39 Make a choice 42 They make amends 45 Cultural traits 46 Inventor Whitney 47 Carpenter's tool 51 Setting for a story 52 Had on 53 Sacred bird of the Nile 54 Cooks’ measures: Abbr. 55 Suit to 56 Robin’s residence 57 Beanies or berets 58 Garfield canine 59 Plant with fronds 62 Tennis divider CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 11/6/01 Answer to previous puzzle 1 C B N A ALL A S P UR T T E PE E Attention Telemarketers: Earn up to $15/hr.+ Salary bonuses. Evenings &weekends. No cold calling. Lots of fun, lots of dollars. Fantastic schedules availa ble. Don't wait call now, space is limited. (979)694-2980. 4bdrm/2bth, large game room, fenced backyard, refrigerator, w/d included. Available now! Call 694-0866. Attention: Polish your toenails, put that lit tle umbrella back in your drink. Relax, let Summit Properties do the work. $495 specials. No deposit. 777-3371. Ninfa's is now accepting applications for hostess and waitstaff. Inquire within, M-F, 2-4pm. B/CS 1,2,3 bedrooms available. Great lo cations, All Prices. Summit Properties, 979-777-3371. 1 -2/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$325/mo. 696- 2038. Comfort- Convenience- Space in our 1//1 (studios) 2/2’s or 2/1.5 apts. Some w. fire place- all w w/d conn. Call us for our early m/i specials or come see us at Spring Heights 4-Plexes, 409-C Summer Ct.- 846-3569. WASHERS & DRYERS FOR RENT Don’t buy, rent a washer & dryer, $28/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster. Better, 764-3902. FOR SALE 1-senior sports pass for sale for tu game. $200/obo. Call 575-1173. December- May sublease. 2bdrm/2bth new duplex. $800/mo. Call 690-2817. 1-sr and 1-jr sports pass for tu game. $250 for both or $150 each obo. 696- 7227. 2bdrm furnished apt., Casa Blanca on College Main. Available 11/1. Sublease or take over. I pay $300 deposit if move in for November’s rent. John 979-268-7555. Duplex in CS 3/2, microwave, w/d, ceiling fans included, $800/mo. 272-1323 leave message. 2 Senior sports passes for sale! $200/obo fo both. Call 695-8371. Efficiency Apartment, $420/mo., most bills paid, right by campus. 979-255-4395. 2 senior sports passes for t.u. game, $100 each. Call 696-9177. Free Locator. Apartments, Duplexes, Houses. Alpha Omega Properties, Brok er. 693-0868. 2 senior sports passes for t.u. game, $150 O.B.O. 862-9101 or 847-9463. 2-junior sports passes for t.u. game, $150 each O.B.O. 779-2006 ask for Shane. Great sublease. 2bdrm/1bth apt. with private fenced backyard. $510/mo., Ag- gieland shuttle, w/d connections. Availa ble December. 764-9749. 2-t.u. junior sports passes. $75 each. Call 268-7741 or mari8781 © 2-ut senior sports passes $100/obo. 268-3829. for sale. 2bdrm/2bth apartment sublease. Fenced back-yard, I.OOOsqft, on shuttle. $545/mo. Available 12/1. 696-4558. Guest house, $450/mo., 20-min. from A&M, free horse boarding. 846-2573. 3-2 duplex, like new. Pre-leasing for spring. 1250sqft, large kitchen w/applian- ces. On shuttle route. No pets. $850/mo. 775-4225. Large 2bdrm/1.5bth 4-plex, $585/mo., w/d connections, fence, pets ok, available mid- December. 680-1099 or 690-1093. Custom made box for Z-71. Holds two 10” sub-woofers. Fit directly under back seat. Must Sell! $175. Call Tyler 696-4140. Large 3/2 house. 2-story, close to cam pus. Very nice, no pets, $775/mo. 764- 0442, 693-3682. Furniture! Black Futon, good condition- $50, Beige recliner- $50, coffee/ end ta bles- $10, desk- $20. obo/all come seel! Moving I 696-3761. 3/3 country house. All major appliances included. Yard care provided. $825/mo. 272-0229. Lincoln Square Apts. Avail, immed or Jan- Ig Ibdrm. apts start at $430. Close to campus- call for early m/i specials or stop by 313-Llncoln to view. 693-2720. High speed internet conn, avail. Junior sports pass for t.u. game for sale. Call Brent at 260-7027. Asking $100 O.B.O. Junior sports pass for tu game. $90 obo. Call 693-3310 or 845-9756. Mill Creek Condos. Contemporary de sign in these 2/1 apts (loft style bdrm) w. high soaring ceilings & washer/dryer in ev ery apt. Call 846-2976 for early m/i spe cials or come by The Timber Creek Of fice. Montague Mountain Bike. Never been used! Still in box. $549.99 value for $400! obo call Julie 694-9209. Portable folding keyboard. Four palm pilot. Ill, VII series and m100 series. $75 979- 361-0285. New duplex, 3bdrm/2bth, rent $950/mo. & fourplex, 2bdrm/2bth, $550/mo. Available now. 696-1176. Senior sports pass and junior sports pass for t.u. game. $200-each O.B.O. 695- 2069. Nice 2bdrm/1bth Duplex, shuttle, good area, first month discount. 214-908-6260. Senior sports pass for sale, $200/0.B.O. Call 764-2097. Northgate- 2/2. 3/2 nice. Available De cember, w/d connections. Call 846-4076. Senior sports pass for sale. $250 O.B.O. Call Jeanna 255-4629. Parkway Apartments, 1600 Southwest Parkway, 693-6540. Now available 2bdrm/2bth w/study, 3bdrm/2bth. Special $50 deposit. Senior sports pass for sale. $100 Call Jen ny, 693-1853. Small 2bdrm/ibth in Bryan on Briarcrest. Extensive remodel in progress. New car pet, tile, windows, mini-blinds, stove, dish washer, large refrigerator with ice-maker, disposal. $420/mo., $300/deposit. No pets. Credit check required. 775-6852. Senior sports pass for t.u. game. $100 O.B.O. Call Me!! 229-0829 or 693-0195. First Come, First Serve! 229-0829 or 693- 0195. Senior sports pass for t.u. game. 3973. 680- Sports pass for sale. Liz. 846-5319. Spring semester sublease. 1bdrm/1bth, Sundance Apartments, $480/mo., water included, pets allowed. Excel shuttle route. Call (979)764-8697. Sports pass for t.u. game. Asking $150 o.b.o. Call 764-2795. Washer $75; Rowing machine $50; queen bed $30. Call 696-3733. Spring semester sublease. 2bdrm/2bth, Treehouse-ll Complex, walk to campus, on shuttle route. No deposit. For details, 696-6930. GARAGE SALES Sublease 1/02. 3bdrm/2bth, 2-yr old du plex. $960/mo., w/d conn., close to cam pus. Call 691-0957. Saturday, November 10, 308-B Cooner. Kitchen appliances, clothes, pots, picture frames. HELP WANTED Sublease 1bdrm/1bth apartment, $525/mo., Treehouse Apts., close to cam pus, available 1/2/02. Call 694-2002. $$$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Flexi ble hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. 18+ only. Sublease 1bdrm/1bth, Dec.-May, shuttle route. Call 680-8634. Sublease 2bdrm/1.5bth, available January through August. Great condition. $560/mo. 260-6472. A fun, prestigious teaching position. Some evenings &Saturdays. Must have had driver’s license 4+years. No criminal record. We train. $8/hr. 693-9294. Sublease for spring. 2bdrm/2ba, $619/mo. Huntington Apts. 680-1608. Carpenters needed, experience helpful but not required, will work with schedules, $7/hr. 775-7126. Sublease for Spring’02, 1-bedroom. No deposit, great location, Huntington Apart ments. Call Debbie 680-1101. Sublease Jan.-May/ Aug., 3bdrm/2bth du plex, w/d included, shuttle, $900/mo. 695- 8627. Clean Carpets. Experience helpful, but will train. Part-time/ full-time hours M-F. 823-5031. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M- F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. Sublease January through August. Own bedroom and bathroom. Great room mates. Female. $375/mo. +1 futilities. 764-9689. Financial services company seeking moti vated person part/full time. Fax ressume attn: Eric 979-846-5591. For appointments 903-536-6004. Sublease January to August, brand new 3bedroom 3bath, rent negotiable. 847- 0907 or 690-0222. Layne’s Chicken Fingers is now hiring. Apply at 106-Walton, across from the main entrance to campus. YEAST INFECTION STUDY Females, ages 18 and older are being recruited to participate in a research study to compare two research medications for the treatment of a yeast infection (vaginitis). If you are currently experiencing vaginal burning, itching or irritation, call for more information. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $150. BEACH St SKI TRIPS l«aOO»SUNCHASE TOENAIL FUNGUS STUDY 11/6/01 Volunteers, ages 18 and older, needed to participate in an 18 month clinical trial with an inves tigational medicated patch for the treatment of an infection of the toenail called onychomycosis. Eligible volunteers will be com pensated up to $250. For more information, please contact J&S Studies, Ine. 97’9-V’7'4-5933 3201 University Drive East, Suite 475 Bryan, TX 77802 /// CoHboo su Mr Boam weak SV 5Resorts, 20 mountains tor the price of 1 %,...... , w ' D - ^ Bred Vail, ^ ^ Keystone, » Beaver Creek m ~ ^ t41A - O O O V G -rj o-* S £3 MI-lWfW.Mf as HELP WANTED Sublease now until August '02. 1bdrm/1ba., $400/mo. No deposit. Coun try Place Apts. 260-9190. Sublease. Available in December or Jan uary. 2bdrm/2bth, fenced yard, $555/mo. 774-1446. Subleaser needed for Ibdrm apartment for Jan.-Aug. Will sublease all 9mo. or spring/summer individually. On Tamu shuttle route. Call 693-2108. Fish. Medical office now hiring full-time Medical Assistant. Great experience for student applying for medical school. Position re quires a one year commitment. Salary commencery with experience. Please fax resume to (979)776-4260 or apply in per son at Allergy Associates. 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan TX 77802. F-Roommate needed spring; 3bdrm/2.5bth new townhouse bed/bath, $375/mo. +1/3utilfe 8733. F-Roommate needed spring 3bdrm/2bth PepperTree Apts route, $300/mo. +1/2 utilities 694-0679. Super Duper Duplex for sublease, 2-bed room 2-bath, fenced yard, lawn mainte nance, available beginning 12/20, $595/mo. 268-0303. Need extra holiday cash? Texas A&M Bookstore & MSC is now hiring for fall buyback. Applications available in store. F-roommate needed. Spring 4/2 apt on shuttle route. $315/mo.+utilities. 696-2496 Part-time veterinary technician, morning hours. Experience preferred. Shenan doah Vet Clinic. 690-7999. F-Roommate Spring Semesa bdrm/bth, $380/mo, +1/3 bits 680-8747. Timber Creek Apts. Avail now or for spring semester- 2/2 or 2/1.5 starting at $540. Stop by to see us at 801-Spring Loop or call for early m/i specials & amen ities. 846-2976. Sell Avon, $10 starter fee. Easy/sells it self. P-T/F-T. Call Nancy 1-800-873- 6316 access code 00-free call. Female roommate needed 3bdrm/3bth furnished Melrose te S438/mo. 71 3-864-7522. ROOMMATES Spanish teacher wanted to teach adult student once a week. Must be experi enced. Please call 764-7921. Waitstaff, $8-$1Q/hr average. Also hiring daytime cashier. Flexible hours. Apply Monday-Friday. 2-4pm at Golden Corral. Female roommate needed on 1/1/02. New duplex, 3•bedrodsi , For more info, contact Andrea at!’ 9550. Wanted: Part-time student domestic work er. Household maintenance, laundry, and light cooking. Salary/hours neg. M/F for elderly couple. Refs. Call b/t7-8am. Engl, not nec. 776-7149. Female roommate needed Pna room in brand new 4-bedroom ben Pronghorn, S375/mo. 979-761-“ 979-574-3234. Female to share nice 2bdrm/l£ townhome with busy male. $250-15 all bills paid. Eric 832-752-2643 LOST & FOUND Black leather wallet Lost between Hullaba loo bus-line and Frands Hall. Contains Mexican identification. SlOO-reward. 680- 3209. M-roommate for sublease froir i through August 4-bdrm apartrr versify Commons. 764-6965. MOTORCYCLE M-Roommate needed lor subte mg in January, S285/mo., on tot Call 764-4103. 1997 Yamaha XT225, 8000 miles, good shape. $2700. Call 694-8076. M/F needed spring semester fit +l/3utilities, 3bdrm/2bth new »' Call Clay 779-1870. 1999 Honda CBR F4, 4,000 miles, $6700 O.B.O. Jeff 695-6830. 1999 Kawasaki Ninja 250. 30d0-miles, green, $2000. Call Brian 574-3699. M/F Roommate 2bdrm/2btti duplex bdrm/bth. Must like cats $315fl 3116- Karen. 2000 Ninja ZX-6R, 3000 miles. O B O. Cal) 979-268-0507. PETS $6000 M/F Roommate needed ASAP. + 1/3utilities. Katy- 458-1234 1505. 3-month old female ferret. Spayed and de-scented with new cage and all acces sories (includes toys). $300/0.8.0. Call Austen 695-1031. M/F roommate needed for $350/mo. plus 1/3-bills. Master open Available 12/1/01. 696-3248 M/F Roommate neeed. Duple* bdrm/bth, on shuttle route, S375/mo 2133. Adopt Pets: Brazos Animal Shelter, 775-5755, Female rat terrier to good home. 3.5 months with papers, $100. Call 260-6902. Red tailed boa babies, veterinarian raised, $80. Call 694-9091. Male roommate needed spring sent: RoyalOaks Apartments, 2bdmV2bfr bdrm/bth. No deposit. Call lor price gotiable 1 260-5094. REAL ESTATE 5yr old patio home, close to campus, 3/2/2, 1500sqft., fenced yard, $125,000. Call 979-260-0334 for information or ap pointment. Roommate needed ASAP tot 3-2 '</ story house; fenced-yard. pets«/7-' storage, great location (Lenw* ^ 268-4308.420 please call. SERVICES By Owner- Very nice 3/2/2 brick home in Southwood Valley. Large backyard, ask ing $88,500. Call 979-575-8912, 281-337- 5159 leave message. ROOMMATES 2F needed after fall finals to share 3-2-2, furnished house off Longmire. Great sub division. Approx. 3-miles from campus; $400/mo, 1/3utilities. Call Lindsey (936)674-7784(cell), 764-2753(h). AAA Texas Defensive Driving. ** | fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket disci®® ance discount. M-T(6pm-9|W) Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6f7i' &Sat(l0am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2# Inside BankofAmerica. Walk/s < come. $25/cash. Lowest price law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846/ Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017) F-roommate needed before 1/1/02. 3bdrm/2bth, $280/mo +1/3 bills. On shut tle route, w/d, ice maker, ceiling fans. 680- 0447. Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Centers, College Station 695-9193,8 846-1097: Post Abortion Peer Cweif 695-9193. Guided duck and goose hunts in!* Texas. Please call 281-382-2644. -1 F-Roommate needed for spring semester. Timber Creek Apartments. 2bdrm/1.5bth, $280/mo., +1/2bills. Call Melissa 691- 0279. Yoga Classes- Anusava Yoga- AH» Mornings, Evenings- (979)268-3838 F-roommate needed for spring semester, $325 +1/2bills, own bdrm/bth. 595-1217. WANTED Looking for Male roommate for Brand New 3bdrm/2bth duplex. Call asap 690-2923. Needed one student ticket for t.u.! Willing to pay reasonable price. Ci 3390. CHAD MALLAl Your Headquarters ForRoo. Novelty, and AggieT-shirts! 3gies share itStenaitiboat ANNUnL NATIONAL COLLEGE WEEK Complete College Ski Package mclLKlos H nmlits ImUjuui. 'I *Jc*y lift p<»s»s. «incJ l xcImsiv«* rt NEW AT VISIONS AIR BRUSHING 1 WELL AIRBRUSH, ALMOST ANYTHING! £87*1.99 A: f-BSU-SKITHIS WWW- Usk I tfrlis-corw WE ALSO CARRY DECALS.INCH® BLACKLIGHTS. JEWELRY. POSTER AND MUCH. MUCH MORE! Located in the Sears Count in post Oak Mall >\> • Club sports • Academic organizations • Any student organizations Leave your mark Make sure you make it in the 2002 Aggieland. Get a contract at 004 Reed McDonald Building oral $15 late fee. Call 845-2682 for details k Battalion lies would nev( jus and classles Ibbock this week |iously has a she 1995 game v sld featured bea We tackled and | of the Corps ibers of the Ci ans to defend K tslion rightly cal embarrassmen :er the 1995 U Aggies also re ie defended the fans had asked field. One Agg an "if anyone is ts, not the A&M fiose defending t 3r Aggies seem morial stadium ting victory on physically as stin. [Aggies, Longh 'e been part o ociated with h this will cot Gt this inciden h us two things lory. Second, a r lose to Texas ’ AGGIELAND Texas A&M University Yearbook •100 Years of Excellen