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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 2001)
T Repres Inforr la (71 I Ls ( ill ll ill ll ill ll ill ll ill ll ill II III II III ll III ll Hi ll ill ll Brazos Valley Piano Studio Vincent Campise Faculty Member National Guild of Piano Teachers Add your personality to this special studio. 2202 Old Hearne Rd., Bryan 778-3997 News Page 2A THE BATTALION Thursday, Novemberl Fish by R.DeLuna RWB Fri: Austin Music by Rivertrain U/'-l , YES. ARE you ,MAD ? That Yoim Blowing me opt fo 8E UlTH 5o/*|E GUV Y^ HAR&iv R.VOW OF Cocke MOT! You HAVE A Pleasant LujVcH Continued fromb. \raz* $ 3.50 Pitchers till 11 pm $ 1.50 Pints all night 2T University Ave 51 - Sat: Texas Country Music by The Ben Atkins Band as -2 as »— • 3 C/2 4- nr $ 1.50 Pints all night $9 Buckets of Beer Every Saturday Independent lob Search workshop Monday, November 5 10 am MSC 226 Learn important skills for managing day-to-day activities for a successful job hunt. Career Center Texas A&M University TAMU Career Center 845-5139 Steps to your Success! r The week of November 4 - November 8 Acct 229 Dr. Holder- Webb Acct 229 Dr. Shomaker Chem 101 Dr. Peck Fine 309 Fine 341 Info 303 Rosas- Vega/Stein Math 141/166 Mgmt 309 Mktg 309 Dr. Desvald Mktg 321 Dr. Pride Phys 218 Part I Sun Nov 4 8pm-2am Part I Mon Nov 5 8pin-12am Parti Sun Nov 4 6pm-9pni Part 1 Mon Nov 5 6pm-8pm Parti Mon Nov 5 6pm-8pm Part 1 Sun Nov 4 6pm-9ptn Part I Sun Nov 4 9pm-12ain Part 1 Mon Nov 5 Spm-llpni Part I Tue Nov 6 5pm-8pm Part I Mon Nov 5 5pm-8pm Part I Mon Nov 5 8pin-llpm Part H Tue Nov 6 8pm-12ant Part II Tue Nov 6 6pm-9pm Part II Tue Nov 6 6pm-9prn Part II Mon Nov 5 6pm-9pm Part II Mon Nov 5 9pm-12am •—~~ Part II Tue Nov 6 8pm-llpm You can now buy tickets online at our website and avoid standing in ticket lines PartlTl Wed Nov 7 6pm-8pm Part III Wed Nov 7 6pm-8pm Part III Tue Nov 6 6pm-9pm Part III Tue Nov 6 9pm-12am Part III Wed Nov 7 8pm-llpm Part IV Sun Nov 11 3pm-4pm Part IV Sun Nov II 6pm-9pm Tickets go on sale Sunday at 3:00 p.m. 4.0 & Go is located on the comer of SW Pkwy and Tx Ave, behind KFC next to Lack’s. Check our web page at or call 696-8886{TUTOR) exans are= ha booths Wuss Cookie Adrian WHAT S UP IAN? REMEMBER THAT I LET VOU' 1 BORROWTHOSE “SUPERB" 15 BUCKS YESTERDAY? CAN I HAVE IT BACK? 254 by J. Gold flute — I : Pi ^ i* £ 7(),000 shirts in week before the gat have since sold 10,0(111 tional shirts through orders. The group k more than 7,000 poste- Texas A&M Bookstore ed proceeds from its red, white and blui totalling $10,000. Bethea said he et| hand over two check week, each for $100,1 The Baytown clutmt sther the to provide the funds for the students’ airfigj hotel stay in New Evans said, but it tui to be unnecessary, Evans called Coi Airlines to make ai ments, he explained lb tion to company offc who agreed to waive tie dents’ airfare. Evans called the Hilton Hon New York donated hotel rooms students. The club will give to each of the studeffi tuition. “What these kid something students, students and all Aim be proud of, ed amer cerns do City, an4®iptnent 4 servatior - iposed an allow ke amend ;ution w i le-wide e 1 Karen Me nty Clerk can De proud ot, ar:* in charge indicative of the youngfe ctions foi we have at A&M.''E\:; *Queen sai In addition to thedBally very presentation, the stude®PP as this also join the New York Mlude the e A&M Club Saturdavtci Ip to public f nlot/tKa TWm ■‘In qn 1 funny Side t by Josh Darwin the Aggies play the lWH“In an oi of Oklahoma. Universirip! low, we cials are still trying ton |ii 10 pert a visit to the site of thf’led voters ist attack, interviews on bt. ’ McQue< ing talk shows andas' ijAsof 10 a various tourist sites, sn Pg the clerl Broadway play and P'ui 200 vol we VKX)Lt> UK.E TO apologize: for our PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED CARTOON WHICH MOCKED FUR LOIN BEING MUGGED BY A WOMAW IN ORDER TO MAKE THE OFFE(4DING StfMf FIORE Politically correct, we HPiV£ CHANGED the LAST PANEL. OBSERY6. that woman who hugged HE DID AN EXCELLENT JoB BETTER TUAN AMY MAN I THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE, AND PLEPEC STOP SENDING US DEATH THREATS IN THE MAIL. >ite low wl tat the Bra Kansas governor plans to head trucking group TOPEKA. Kan. (AP) — Ending speculation that he might step down early. Gov. Bill Graves said Tuesday that he plans to head a national truck ing industry group after his term ends in 2003. He said he never intended to leave before the conclusion of his second four-year term. Some had suggested he might resign, allowing Lt. Gov. Gary Sherrer, a fellow Republican, to move into the governor’s office and get a head start on his own gubernatorial campaign. His father built a trucking company into the largest in Kansas. After the family sold the busi ness in 1979, Graves went to work in the secre tary of state’s office, and then won election as secretary of state in 1986. He served two terms before being elected governor in 1994. Stadium. “I’m a finance maj would definitely be i#gistration ed in seeing Wall S'Tl,39 Bethea said. 'Wijftie county Luton said the firekp and policeman relief were chosen because/^ Out organizers wanta/D^ the widows and cita those who died while their job. “They ran to the site, away from it, and the)' their lives trying to helpffl ers.” Luton said. Personally presenting i checks to the beneficial will be a rewardingcondns to the weeks-long fundtaii effort, Bethea said. “Instead of just mail another check, we can more of a personalized sh on it by presenting it on M of the entire Aggie conffl ty,” Bethea said. • Annual Exams • Birth Control • Pregnancy Tests • Breast Exams • Treatment of Infections Affordable, Confiden tial. Convenient ti Call 1 -800-230-PLAN and be connected to the nearest Planned Parenthood MSC Film Society presents . . Sweetheart 01 Sunday, November 4th, 2001 7:00 pm & 9:30 pm Rudder Theatre 1 Tickets available at Box Office. For more informa 1 tion call 845-1234 or visit: If you need special assistance, please call 845- 1515 one working day http://filmS.tamU .edU before the show. Career Center Texas A&M University eChoices On-Line Career Assessment! Has been purchased for you! eChoices offers validated career assessments througli| * Interest Profiler * Transferable Work Content Skills Checklist * Work Importance Locater Call the Career Center at 845-5139 to get started with eChoices today! Texas Ac r M University — Celebrating 125 Years Brady Creel, Editor in Chief The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and springsf-j ters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and eampaOT Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send a$j; changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, 1111 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald Bui phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail:; Web site; http://www.thebatLti Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. F#! pus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fat: M5-^' Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a singM*! The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30to or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer or $10 a month. To charge by Visa, MasterCard,! American Express, call 845-2611.