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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 2001)
The Battalion Classified Classified continued from page 8 LOST & FOUND ost Sheltie. Black with white chest and in markings. Answers to “Hunter”. He as last seen on the corner of Welsh San Pedro on 10/8. Please call 694- 731 or 575-2466. $$$Reward$$$ Tiis rate appli additional 5 end to ost: Black slacks & tie. Reward offered, ontact number 492-7574. (ale black lab, Harley, lost near Wellborn/ lain. 696-2267. MISCELLANEOUS ANTED Kt now hiring casji to start in mid- appearance, immunity and ikills. Approxi'a vith flexible sell e worked betw» iday through R I255 or come by (across from lore information ecember Grads! Join group going to Ha- aii to live &work for spring semester, ontact MOTORCYCLE 993 Honda Shadow Ace, 1100cc. Per- for getting to class! Helmet and sad- bags included. $3,500/060. Call 75-4491. ■. i-r I M-F 1-5. s Services, 1,1 999 Honda Shadow 750-ACE. Great rpoks, sound, custom exhaust and acces- ories, $4599. David 574-8052. id. Call 764-293! 1 jpular local some week:-,! )073. handicapped. 5270/mo.. 12iirs ant needed for ist be detail ow ‘liable tram ikills. This pcsm and occasional rson Coventry Gs ty Dr. East, , '64-1 UCS, Inc. I comes to prow the automotive ng-standing o excellence ano S has expei i past 31 years a (f or downsize. 1 we value ourAu UCS currently li tunities for India.- majors and badi you the exper*-5 Computer Rep - Customer Serva :al. Get your a oroven leader! at 595-2609. EOt UCS y. Attn: ad# 1405. Technician. Lym didate is hands-on. ietail oriented anc I Engineering, design mk r 993 Kawasaki Ninja 500. cod condition, runs great, in 979-820-1729. 21k miles, $1700. Call 999 Honda CBR600 F4 7800-miles, new i,oil &exhaust. $6400/060. Call Lyle 75-8302. 999 Yamaha FZR-600. Gray/Black. 3900 Call Tyson at 693-6246. 9j| Ninja ZX-6R, 3000 B O. Call 979-268-0507. MUSIC miles, $6000 ilto Saxophone for sale! Great condition! tom USA. $300 Or Best Offer. Call Ma- xm 660-8174. PETS C. Boston Terrier puppies. Active and to train. $250/each. Ready now! 1089 or 979-229-4571. -a Adop! Pets: Brazos Animal Shelter, 175-5755, )ne flashy female Boxer, AKC, 5 weeks, awn. $450. (979)575-1601. led tailed boa babies, veterinarian raised, trao5j|S80. Cenegal parrot and cage, sweet na- beautiful 6" tall, veterinarian owned, 694-9091. lined, i :5:. The Cat’s Cradle has a great selection of cals & kittens for adoption! Fee includes complete health care. Student discount. So.C.S. 936-870-62 95. Veiled Chameleons, $50. Call Grant at 268-2440. ROOMMATES roommate needed for spring semester. Enclave Apartments. Own bedroom and bath. S397/mo. 693-1023. F/roommate needed Spring semester. 4bdrm/2bth house, $275+ utilities. Great location. Call 695-6895. Female roommate ASAP, new 2bdrm/2bth duplex, fenced yard, w/d, $400 +1/2bills. 778-8305. partmentsasm Bd pleaseematf re am, mail: FD.fte- 310 EastmkOi., 7840 or tax. ®r Visit us at mician. lym- esumes lor nowledge in jn. You will be g and asser- d please enw m, mail: P-9 ) EastmarkOr 0 or lax: 'isit us iat Nanny iuth of C.S. Tre !610. medical practice Rock Prairie ^ 0PENING5! 6Sr 1 local leading p Irazos Valley, l/illiam Joel am and 12:00prr Roommate wanted, $200 a month for rent. 272-1892. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- lun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Tli(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) iSat(10am-2:3Opm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Br,? nch Sdinner downtown on earth. Call 8# Bry/ yj oga Classes- Anusava Yoga- All Levels- Mornings, Evenings- (979)268-3838 l*i Test t multiple ion 1800-N. Op. ted on page* nes s ances :s illege •1771 ttf needed for 3bdrm/2bth house. Own bedroom, on shuttle route, fenced back- y®l$280/mo. +1/3utilities. 695-9952. Mfroommate needed. Private bedroom (i brand new 4-bedroom home, 312- Pronghorn, $375/mo. 979-731-0056 or 879-574-3234. JtW roommate wanted, $170/mo. +utflit- res.from Nov. to Dec. 693-2340. Male roommate ASAP, 3bdrm/2bth town- tee, $300/mo. +shared utilities, w/d. 731-8427 leave message. Male roommate needed. Brand new louse by Blinn. Own bedroom, fully fur- ifehed, $400/mo. +1/3utilities. 779-5891. Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan i-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling -9193. TRAVEL Spring Break- Cancun 2002- 4-nights from $435. 5-nights from $446- 7-nights from $475- Dep. tax extra. Join the action- Don’t miss out- Limited availability. Call Dawn at MVP Travel at 1-800-223-1815, 5p Cst. WANTED Need sports pass for Texas game. Willing lopay. Call 694-7914. Saturday, October 20, 2001 Green Acres Ranch, Royse City The Gourds Billy joe Shaver Eleven Hundred Springs Speedtrucker Houston Marchman Slick 52 TheWendel Brothers Band Molly Coddle Tickets only $15 thru, Albertson Stores, or i-888-597-star www. ru ral m u s icfesti va I .com Sports Tuesday, October 16, 200lJLTH E BATT AL I ON Page 9 Tech cancels game with IU INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — An Indiana official said Monday that the basketball game, which would have brought former coach Bob Knight back to Bloomington, Ind., was canceled because of new “circumstances.” Spokesman Jeff Fanter said Texas Tech officials contacted Indiana earlier this month to dis cuss the game and that both schools agreed to cancel it. “The circumstances at both schools have changed since the game was originally scheduled,” Fanter said in a statement. “We were in agreement with Texas T ech and both schools agreed mutually to forgo the final year of the contract.” Indiana Athletic Director Michael McNeely was in meet ings all day Monday and unavail able for comment, Fanter said. The game was originally scheduled as part of a three- game deal that was signed when Knight coached at Indiana. Knight was fired Sept. 10, 2000, after violating the univer sity’s zero-tolerance policy and was hired by Texas Tech to re place the fired James Dickey. The game would have brought Knight back to Bloom ington for a showdown against Indiana, where he coached for SPORTS IN BRIEF Men’s basketball begins practice The Texas A&M men’s basket ball team began fall practices last weekend. The team prac ticed twice on both Saturday and Sunday. The Aggies, who finished No. 11 in the Big 12 last sea son, return four starters and nine lettermen. Junior guard Bernard King, and sophomore forward Nick Anderson will play for the Aggies again this season. King, a pre season All-Big 12 selection by Basketball News, averaged 18.0 points and 4.8 assists per game last season. Anderson was the only fresh man in the Big 12 to start every game in 2000. A&M will open its regular season on Nov. 19 against George Washington University at Reed Arena. 29 seasons and won a school record 661 games and three na tional championships. Fanter said the game was not bought out and that there were no financial obligations for ei ther school. T he contract called for Texas Tech to visit Bloom ington twice in exchange for In diana visiting Lubbock, Texas, to help the Red Raiders open their new basketball arena in November 1999. “Scheduling is a challenge that all athletic departments face, so we will always accommodate whenever possible,” Fanter said. “It is our goal to schedule the most competitive men’s basket ball teams as possible.” Indiana could replace the game on the 2002-03 schedule, but Fanter did not say what the Hoosiers intended to do. Texas Tech has had discussions about another contest in Indiana, against Purdue, but Boilennakers coach Gene Keady has said that would not happen next year. “There’s no game with Texas Tech. Period,” Keady said last month. “Pat Knight called one of my assistants this spring and asked if we might be interested in playing down the road. We’ve heard nothing from them since, nor have we followed up.” Melt down Continued from Page 7 all their third quarter woes the following drive after Mur phy’s touchdown but fumbled on a first-and-ten play from the Colorado 3 5-yard line af ter looking like they would march in for the game-win ning score uncontested. Junior quarterback Mark Far ris and the Aggie offense looked sharp in the fourth quarter but came one big play short of a cru cial Big 12 victory. The A&M offense, that had found success on the ground pri or to the Colorado game, was held to just 42 yards, a season low for the Aggies. “We had trouble running the ball, just like every other team that has played Colorado,” said A&M football head coach R.C. Slocum. “They stack the line and are very aggressive. Fortunately, we were able to pass the ball.” Help Continued from Page 7 Wins by both Colorado and Nebraska would drastically ease the road for A&M, but the Aggies must find a way to win in big-game situations. This Saturday’s game against K-State will be a good indica tor of the Aggies’ hig-game ability. Although the Wildcats are not the same caliber of team as they have been in the last few years, they are foaming at the mouth for a win after losing three straight conference games. The Aggies showed they are a good team by taking one of the hottest teams in the nation down to the wire last Saturday, and on any given day could match up with any squad in the Big 12. But a little help would go a long way. # Radio news from the newsroom of THEUPRANHA liimiiiiiimiiiliiiimiiiiHiiiif |A Uniciue Country Retreat! campus and community news Daytime Weekend Rates 1:57 p.m. Monday through Friday starting at $400 on KAMU-FM 90.9 Wedding Events • Parties Family Reunions • Meetings College Station/Bryan 979-731-8155 ? T IcONTACTSf We deliver. You saver Save $8.00 on your first order. Use offer code C624 on the web or when you call. Offer expires 1/31/02. Limit one offer per customer. Offer valid on orders of $50 or more. or eate Your Own Street Sl gfJ BEAT THE HELL OUTTA Lu. •Standard Gauge Aluainua (O-ObB”) •With or without TAMU Logo •Maroon or Green Background •Dimensions: H = b” ,L = 12”-30" •Up to 55 Characters •Laser Etched Screened Imaging Name: •Standard Gauge Aluainua <0-0b3") •With or without TAMU Logo •Up to Four Numbers •Dimensions: •Laser Etched Screened Imaging Please Print Legibly Address, City, State, Zip: Phone #: E-Mail: Alternate. 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