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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 2001)
Friday, Oct 1 THE BATTALION Page 5 UPebsite Review By Kelly Preiser Entertainment (Grade: A) A procrastinator’s heaven — this is is an interactive Website for anyone who still feels like a kid at heart. With cartoon characters and cartoon-like music to greet the user when the site opens, any fun-loving visitor will be hooked. fea tures characters that any true procrastinator will spend lots of time getting to know and grow ing to love. Homestar is the main character and the way he talks will have users giggling like a child. The site has several links with a broad range of activities including full-length cartoons that are funny and interesting to watch. The animation on the site and of the cartoon graph ics are professional looking and run very smoothly. They are also extremely quick; the site user will never have to wait long for it to load. Another link where visitors will likely spend most of their time is the link to games. This is where the real time-wasting comes in. First, there is the game "Marzipan’s answering machine.’’ Marzipan is the love interest of Homestar who closely resembles a feather duster. Visitors can listen to the prank calls from other characters and nervous phone calls from Homestar. A favorite game on is “Dancing Bub.” This is much more of an interactive game than the answering machine. There is a silly, monster-looking cartoon man on a black screen and the user can control his movements 'and make him dance by pressing the buttons on the screen. The user also can pick the place at which he will dance (like a bar versus a grave yard) and what music plays in the background. This game can easily provide hours of laughs and entertainment, as there are thousands of combinations for making Bub move, plus, the movements look very realistic even though Bub is a cartoon. Second to “Dancing Bub” is the game, "Strong Libs." Most students have played around with Mad Libs sometime in their life. This is when there is a para graph with words missing and someone is asked to fill in the blanks with different parts of speech, like a verb or plural noun or with a person’s name, and when the final story is read aloud, it is usually very silly and funny. Well, this is what "Strong Libs” are. Participants are asked for different parts of speech and names of males, females and movie stars and the results are hilarious. Other games include Homestar Talker where users can make Homestar or other characters say any combination of a given set of words, Spin 'n Say, Hairstyle Runner, Fortune Cookies, Bronco Trolley and audition with Marzipan. All the games are interactive and can keep a person busy for hours. Beyond the cartoons and games, links on the site include charac ters, where a visitor can read a biography on each main character and downloads, where users can get things like desktop themes and wallpapers from a download engine that looks extremely similar to the former Napster site. There is also a store where Homestar fans can buy things like T-shirts, stick ers or pins and there is a link for users to be added to the mailing list. Other features that make the Website worth visiting and saving is the fact that users can choose what they want the page to look like while they are visiting the site. There are 12 different themes, each with different graphics and animation. is extremely entertaining and if students have nothing better to do, or something important to do for that matter, spending hours getting to know this site will be a great way use their time. FRIDAY Jack Ingram Live zv/ special guest Magee Payne $ 1.00 Well & Longnecks 8-10 SATURDAY A&M vs. Colorado Televised Broadcast Doors open @ 1:00 pm Game @ 2:30 pm 30 TV's w/ Surround Sound Full Kitchen & Drink Specials 696-5570 Designate * Party Safe <w orship Directory AssemBCy of Qod Bethel Temple Assembly of God 2608 Villa Maria, Bryan 776-4835 Sunday Worship 10:15, 6:00 pm Sunday School 9:00 ‘Baptist Fellowship Free Will Baptist Church College & Career Class You are invited to a Bible study especially for students. Sunday mornings at 9:45 1228 W. Villa Maria 779-2297 For more information contact Marcus Brewer: 731 -1890 CatfioQc St. Mary’s Catholic Center 603 Church Avenue in Northgate (979)846-5717 Pastoral Team Rev. Michael J. Sis, Pastor Rev. Keith Koehl, Associate Pastor Campus Ministers - Deacon Bill Scott, Deacon David Reed, Martha Tonn, Maureen Murray, Dawn Rouen Daily Masses Mon.-Fri.: 5:30 p.m. in the Church Tues. &Thurs.: 12:05 noon in the All Faiths’ Chapel Sat.: 10:30 a.m. (Korean) Weekend Masses Sat.: 5:30 p.m. (English), 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Sun.: 9:00,11:00 am., 5:30 p.m., and 7:00 p.m. Confessions Wed. 8:30-9:30 p.m., Sat. 4:00-5:15 p.m. or by appointment. 9s(pn-&enominationaC Community Church M Sundays W 10:00am | (8>The Hilton | Small Groups ^ meet weekly 260-1163 IWWW.C0HCHURCH.COM ^Pentecostal Cornerstone Church • Mid Week Small Group Meetings ' Sunday Service at 4:30pm on George Bush, just across from campus at the , College Station Conference Center. 485-8744 (PresByterian ‘Episcopal Covenant Presbyterian Church “A welcoming community of faith who reaches out, cares for one another & proclaims the love of Jesus Christ to air 220 Rock Prarie Road (979) 694-7700 G. Thomas Huser - Minister Sunday Service: 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Aggie Classes: 9:45 fax: (979) 696-4334 , p ’ ■ St. Thomas Episcopal 906 George Bush Dr. • College Station, IX 696-1726 Summer services - 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Evensong Next door to Canterbury House, the Episopal Student Center To advertise on this page call The Battalion today! 845-2696 v FIRST 1 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH pss* I Helping Aggies grow in faith 1 New Fall Hours: 1 Worship 8:30, 11:00 a.m. a Church School 9:30 p Fellowship on the Patio 10:30 ” 1100 Carter Creek Parkway United Methodist A&M United Methodist 417 University Dr. (on Northgate) • 846-8731 Church at 8:30, 9:45, 10:50 College Sunday School 9:30 & 10:45 Sr. Pastor Dr. Jerry Neff