Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 2001)
The Battalion Classified To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualifyh] the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. iiesday, C FURNITURE DJ MUSIC FOR RENT HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MOTORCYCLE Nice couch and 2 chairs, $150 O.B.O. Call Kendra at 695-1178. AUTO "Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Large room for rent, own bathroom. Ex tremely close to campus. $315/mo. +bills. Call Ryan 823-2066. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693- 6294. 1990 Ford Taurus, 260-7755. $1500, reliable. Call EMPLOYMENT Sublease efficiency on or before 12/10/01. Furnished, CP Treehouse. 680-8157. December rent paid. 1990 Geo Prism, $2300 negotiable, 4- door, 100,000-mi, good condition. 693- 2340. ‘91 Acura Integra, red, 52,800mi., auto, cd, excellent condition. $5500 O.B.O. 979-260-1608. Attention Telemarketers: Earn up to $15/hr.+ Salary bonuses. Evenings &weekends. No cold calling. Lots of fun, lots of dollars. Fantastic schedules availa ble. Don’t wait call now, space is limited. (979)694-2980. WASHERS & DRYERS FOR RENT Don’t buy, rent a washer & dryer, $28/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better, 764-3902. FOR SALE FOR RENT ‘98 Chevy pick-up, V-8, loaded, exellent condition. $14,000. 696-2362. 1-2/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$325/mo. 696- 2038. ‘01 Sea Doo Jet Ski with trailer, $5500. 776-5727, 776-7166. Police Impounds! Cars from $500. listings, 800-319-3323 ext.3782. For Shell for mid-90’s Chevy. New. Swindows. $500/obo. 696-7379. Locks 1bdrm/1.5bth w/study, large walk-in clos et, Royal Oaks Gardens, $730/mo. 777- 9531. 1999 Jeep Wrangler Sport, low mileage, fully equipped, very clean, discounted price. $15,000 obo must sell! 972-432- 8552. BED AND BREAKFAST 2-2bdrm/1ba duplex available. 8/10’s mile from campus, 1/2-block from shuttle. W/D connection. $560/mo. 690-4181. Attention: Duck and Goose Hunters or ganizing water-foul group in the Katy Prai rie. Call Craig 979-847-0583. Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,’70, 979- 696-0091. 2bdrm/1bth duplex, w/d, on shuttle, availa ble mid-December, fenced yard, $575/mo. Call Amanda 693-6909. By Owner- Very nice 3/2/2 brick home in Southwood Valley. Large backyard, ask ing $89,500. Call 979-485-0558, 832-385- 6203 leave message. Attention: Polish your toenails, put that lit tle umbrella back in your drink. Relax, let Summit Properties do the work. $495 specials. No deposit. 777-3371. Nacra 5.2 Catamaran. In good condition. $900 O.B.O. Call 764-7251. COMPUTERS Computer, monitor, cd writer, scanner, zip, ethernet or dial-up, Win2K Pro & more, $650. 694-6443. Awesome cute house for rent. 3-2, big fenced yard, on shuttle. Available until June. $900 negotiable. Laredo Court, College Station. Please call 694-8224. Hurry, won't last long. New Foosball Table, only 3 months old, electronic scoreboard, $125. Call Eric 845-2190 (work) or 693-1162 (home). Full-Time Design Engineer: Responsi bilities will involve all aspects of system design including: concept development, system level design, and detail design. The position will also include involvement with assembly, testing, refinement and production ramp-up. A working under standing of Pro/E and rapid prototyping is desired. The ability to work on multiple projects and to rapidly understand the pur pose, goals, and requirements of new projects is required. While experience in the following specific area is not required, projects will include fuel cells, power sour ces, analytical and test equipment, waste processing equipment, environmental sensing and monitoring equipment, envi ronmental remediation equipment, medi cal equipment, etc. A minimum B.S./M.S. in Engineering or Physics or equivalent experience in related fields. As an engi neer you will be expected to actively par ticipate in the development, testing, and documentation effort of prototype, demon- strational and commercial equipment. Candidates should possess supervisory skills as well as technical writing ability. Salary based on exp. See www.lynn- for detailed info. Send resume to or mail Lynntech, Inc., 7610 Eastmark Dr., Col lege Station, Tx 77840. Attn: Wanda Bleekman, fax: 979-764-5794. Lynntech, Inc. is always looking for full time and part-time positions in our Me chanical Engineering and Design Groups These positions include: 1)Ma- chine Shop 2)CAD and Analysis 3)Proto- type Assembly and Testing. The CAD package we use is Pro/ENGINEER, Anal ysis package is Pro/Mechanica and the manufacturing package is Pro/Manufactur ing. Our machine shop consists of a CNC Mill, Manual Mill and Lathe. The group works from 6am-12am, Monday-Friday, al lowing for flexible schedules. Motivated, hardworking individuals that can work in a team environment and are committed to continuous improvements of their own skills as well as the company are encour aged to apply. Lynntech EOE. E-mail re sume: Fax: 764-5794, or bring resume to: Lynntech, Inc., 7610 Eastmark Dr, College Station, Tx 77840. '96 Honda Rebel. Excellent runs daily. 250cc, 13,000 miles, Call Christa 775-6999. MUSIC Bassist needed for original Texas J Band Brad Bookout 847-7286. Experienced band seeks lead guitari bassist or lead singer. Influences i Korn, Sevendust, Linkin Park, etc. Michael @695-7709. Ovation Celebrity acoustic/electric jdj round-back, 2-months old, less Da hours of play time, mint condition,! Call 695-6976, leave message. PETS A.K.C. Boston Terrier puppies. ActWii easy to train. $250/each. ReadyiJ 764-1089 or 979-229-4571. NEW SEMESTER, NEW JOBI *S11 GUAR-APPT.* Part-time &Full-time Avail. Scholarships possible, all majors, Custom er Service/Sales, Conditions apply. 695- 1386. Adopt Pets: Brazos Animal SMj 775-5755, Nursery workers needed for Sundays and Wednesdays. Call Northview Baptist Church, 778-0014. Doberman Red Healer Puppies, 8*8 first shots. $75. 4 males. 5 females. II see, adorable! Call 823-2060 after6prJ Senior sports 255-2927. pass, $100 O.B.O. Call HELP WANTED Need a computer? Then visit PCScream- 3809 Old College. 846-3672. B/CS 1,2,3 bedrooms available. Great lo cations, All Prices. Summit Properties, 979-777-3371. $$$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. ble hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. only. Flexi- 18+ Why pay thou sands? We have a Dell Latitude Pll 266, 4.3 Gig Hard Drive for only $599! Reach us at 800.805.0062. Bryan condominium, 2bdrm/1.5bth, 2841 Oakside, 1340sqft, large kitchen, fire place, w/d connections, garage, no pets, $750. 731-8951. "Shift Supervisors ACashiers" wanted. Flexible time around class schedules. Ac cepting applications at Burger King, 1719- TX. Ave., Culpepper Plaza. YEAST INFECTION STUDY Free Locator. Apartments, Duplexes, Houses. Alpha Omega Properties, Brok er. 693-0868. Great 2bdrm/1bth apartment, walk to TA MU. No Pets. $450/mo. +$300 deposit. 764-1082 32-Degrees Ice-Cream Club now hiring smiling, friendly faces for counter help. Apply in person at SW Pkwy and Texas Ave. location. Females, ages 18 and older are being recruited to participate in a research study to compare two research medications for the treatment of a yeast infection (vaginitis). If you are currently experiencing vaginal burning, itching or irritation, call for more information. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $150. J&S Studies, Inc. 979-774-5933 3201 University Drive East, Suite 475 Bryan, TX 77802 House: 3/2/2, 2-story, fireplace, close to A&M, $750/mo. 764-0442, 693-3682. A fun, prestigious teaching position. Some evenings &Saturdays. Must have had driver's license 4+years. No criminal record. We train. $8/hr. 693-9294. THfcjere AGENCY INSURANCE Part-time customer service posi tion available in large insurance agency. Hours are MWF l l am- 1pm and T, TH 9am-llam. Starting at $8/hr. GPA of 3.0 or higher preferred. Please send resume to: The Liere Agency, 1101 University Dr. East Ste 100, College Station, TX 77840. Cactus Canyon, College Station’s premier dance club now accepting applications from people who want to have fun at work. Bartenders-Bar Backs, Waitresses-Shot Girls, Floor Staff-Door Staff. Apply in per son. Same day interviews, starting Octo ber 8th. 1500 Harvey Rd., main entrance of the Post Oak Mall. College Station, Tx. Full-Time Engineer, Software Develop ment: Lynntech is looking for an individu al highly skilled in software design and im plementation for Win32 systems in C++ with solid background in Active X/DCOM development using ATL and MFC. The candidate must have a background in pro gramming control strategies on embedded microcontrollers. Ability to troubleshoot circuitry related to microcontrollers, and implement PC- to- embedded systems in terface programming are required. A mini mum B.S./M.S. in Engineering, Physics or Computer Science or equivalent experi ence in related fields; As an engineer you will be expected to actively participate in the development, testing, and documen tation effort. Candidates should possess supervisory well as technical writ ing ability. Salary based on exp. See for detailed info. Send resume to or mail Lynntech, Inc., 7610 Eastmark Dr., Col lege Station, Tx 77840. Attn: Wanda Bleekman, fax: 979-764-5794. Part-time clerical, M-F 1-5. ©MarWay Business Services, E.29th St.. Bryan. Apply 2729 Red tailed boa babies, veterinarianai $80. Cenegal parrot and cage. sw«* tured, beautiful 6” tall, veterinariano $250. 694-9091. Part-time cooks needed. Call 764-2933 Partner’s now hiring. Apply at 113 Wal ton, CS or The Cat's Cradle has a great seleaM cats & kittens for adoption! Feeinda complete health care. Student distal So. C.S. 936-870-6295. Students! IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! 696- 7734 or apply at: ROOMMATES Supervisors needed for local leading jani torial company in the Brazos Valley. Ap ply in person, 1530 William Joel Bryan Parkway, between 8:00am and 12:00pm. F-roommate needed for spring setni Enclave Apartments. Own bedroom* bath. $397/mo. 693-1023. Carpenters with some sheetrock and painting experience. Aggressive and dedicated. Some hand tools required. Will work with schedule. $7/hr. 775-7126. Clean Carpets. Experience helpful, but will train. Part-time/ full-time hours M-F. 823-5031. Newsday Crossword ON A FLING by Lee Weaver Edited by Stanley Newman Dependable, loyal, part-time assisting with computers, MS-Office, Outlook, Excel and network proficiency, building, upgrading system components. Also general office work. Call 775-6531. ACROSS 1 Speed contest 5 Mine finds 9 Baseballer Ty 13 Gershwin et al. 14 Sandbank • 15 Add staff 16 Phonograph record 17 Prepare greens for dinner 19 Posh property 21 Flower part 22 Gathering the harvest 24 Divides evenly, as a check 27 Fit into a group 29 Engraver, at times 31 Word of regret 33 Well-built 35 Sea eagle 36 Hair goo 37 Yr. divisions 38 Sugar suffix 39 Fifty percent 41 Whimpers 43 Used a credit card 44 Olympian hunk 46 African desert 48 Takes the helm 50 Extraordinary event 53 Gobbled up 55 Religious ceremony 56 Set up shelter in camp 60 la Douce 61 Workout result, maybe 62 Angler's devices 63 Cookie cooker 64 Monopoly card 65 Dick and Jane’s pooch 66 Social misfit DOWN 1 Contract addition 2 Greet the day 3 Vote 4 Houdini happenings 5 Taunting cry 6 Seamstress Betsy 7 Smooths the path 8 Gave a high-five 6” 9 Goblet 10 Peanut product 11 Swimsuit part 12 River bottom 14 Dictation takers 18 Shaker contents 20 “Open 9 23 Folklore creature 25 Take by surprise 26 Touch or taste 28 Radiates soft light 30 Cattail, e.g. 31 Turkish title 32 Pounces 34 Mideast religion 40 Got wool from sheep Is 41 Human beings 42 Father’s Day gifts 43 Formal speech 45 Wife of Jacob 47 Onassis’ nickname 49 Arrange 51 Less plausible, as an excuse 52 African antelope 54 Infamous Roman emperor 56 Paper holder 57 Frozen surface 58 Common title word 59 Volleyball- court divider Earn $. Sell Avon. $10 starter fee. Call Nancy 1-800-873-6316, access code 00 (free call). Full-Time Research Assistant: Lynn tech, Inc. a technology development com pany has an opening for a Research As sistant with a Bachelor’s or Masters in Chemistry, Physics, Chemical Engineer ing, Mechanical Engineering, or Engineer ing Technology. The successful candi date will work with a technology develop ment team on the most electrifying tech nologies of the 21st century. You will de sign, fabricate and test electrochemical materials and structures. You will develop and fabricate fuel cells and fuel cell sys tems for testing. Salary based on exp. See for detailed info. Send resume to or mail Lynn tech, Inc., 7610 Eastmark Dr., College Station, Tx 77840. Attn: Wanda Bleek man, fax: 979-764-5794. The City of College Station’s Development Services Department is currently accept ing applications for a: Part-Time Map ping Technician. This position will report to the Senior Planner and assist with graphics and map preparation, GIS data input, general drafting and research in support of department activities, and map and aerial document filing and retrieval. Required: High School diploma or GED equivalent: experience with Autocad, graphic presentations and display techni ques; knowledge of algebra, trigonometry, and geometry as relates to determining areas, sizes, and dimensions. Preferred: Experience with geographic information systems (GIS) —in particular Arclnfo or ArcView; experience with engineering, landscape architecture or architecture graphics and/or classwork in engineering or Planning. Job salary and benefits: Half-time, permanent position has full medical benefits and 1/2-time vacation and sick leave accrual. Salary: $9.09- $ 10.43/hour DOQ. Deadline to apply: October 19, 2001. ‘Must submit a com pleted City of College Station applica tion* Apply at: City of College Station, Human Resources Department, 1101 S. Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77840. Fax: 979-764-3800. Internet: Equal Opportunity Employer. F-roommate needed, 2bdrm/2bth« ment, $375/mo. bills paid til JanuaryJlj 696-2130. F/roommate needed Spring serai 4bdrm/2bth house, $275+ utilities. Gej location. Call 695-6895. Female roommate ASAP, new 2bdmfl duplex, fenced yard, w/d. 5400 +10i 778-8305. Female roommate needed 4bdrm/4ba, furnished. $454/mo, pncefi gotiable. Melrose Apts. 680-3275. M/F roommate needed. Private tedw in brand new 4-bedroom home, 312 Pronghorn, $375/mo. 979-731'W5t 979-574-3234. note Calif a ma M/W roommate wanted, Si 70M.-i‘. ies, from Nov. to Dec. 693-234IP Roommate Wanted, Sterling jpesitf Reduced Rates. Call (830)625-7548. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lotsd fun, Laugh-a-lot!! Ticket dismissalte ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pni), I Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8{f k - &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:Xp Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins »• come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed! law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 84M1« Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017), Earn extra income by cleaning offices M- F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. Engineering student wanted part time for web design. Must know ASP, SQL Mac romedia-Flash. Call Systek. 776-9955. Hamptons Cafe now accepting applica tions for part-time cooks & waitstaff. Please apply in person. 2516 S Texas Avenue, Bryan. 775-8811. Will Pay You To Lose Weight! Spaces... Apply Today! Limited Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregsaf ®>Ure the fi Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bi)t 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counsel 695-9193 LOST & FOUND Fatburger-C.S. Help wanted all positions. Drivers earn up to $11/hr. Immediate hir ing. 725-A University. Little Caesar’s now accepting applica tions for drivers and cooks. Apply at ei ther Little Caesar's location. Notes-N-Quotes is now hiring campus sales representatives to start in mid-Octo ber. Must have neat appearance, knowl edge of university community and excel lent communication skills. Approximately 20 hours per week with flexible schedul ing, but hours must be worked between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please call 979-846-2255 or come by 701 W. University Drive (across from the Blocker building) for more information. Cool, New Officially Licensed ACGIErTUDE Part-time Web Page Designer, Lynntech seeks a candidate who is exceptionally creative, self-directed, deadline-con scious, and a master at multi-tasking. De veloping and organizing content, building information architectures, assisting with in terface issues, and manipulating graphics and imagery for best web presentation and download speed will be an important part of your responsibilities. As well as, spending time debugging and fine-tuning the already-live site so that it works more efficiently. Please include web addresses with resume submitted. Resumes via email, via mail Lynntech, Inc. 7610 Eastmark Dr., College Station, Texas 77840, Attn: Wanda Bleekman, or via fax 764-5794. EOE. Money Clip lost at Notre Dame vs. A&M game. Sterling silver with “Mitch” en graved on front. If found, call 303-902- 0607. Sentimental Value, Will Offer Re ward! Yoga Classes- Anusava Yoga- Allle Mornings, Evenings- (979)268-3838 TRAVEL MOTORCYCLE Spring Break- Cancun 2002- 4-nighlsf» j 7-niqhtsifl „ ; ues $435, 5-nights from $446- 7-nigWslB ! $475- Dep. tax extra. Join the actio 11 il1 1993 Yamaha XT225, good condition, 5600 miles, see classified for pics, $1850 778- 0678. Don’t miss out- Limited availability, Csl Mhe Unite Dawn at MVP Travel at 1-800-223-I:” 8a-5p Cst. 2000 Ninja ZX-6R, 3000 O.B.O. Call 979-268-0507. miles, $6000 TUTORS 2000 Yamaha V-Star Classic, 4000 miles, $5000. 575-2710. Helmet included. 2001 Honda Shadow, 4yr warranty, hel met, cover, lock, $5500. 764-0901 Chad. Germania Now! Need serious help"* your German studies? Call SabineS?* 8326 or Pnva* lessons or group sessions available. Goar Now Available at Local Retailers Check It Out! 1^10 l_J INI I INI S ! Fraternities • Sororities Clubs • Student Groups Earn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with the easy three hour fundraising event. Does not involve credit card applications. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact at (888)923-3238, or visit ANNUAL NATIONAL COLLEGE WEEK Complete College Ski Package mclticies S nicilit,£ locjQtiici, <4 lift p^»ss, eincJ Exclusive? YCljgB) Evt;ots. ssi CoHttao SUM. Baant Waak Sti 5 Resorts. 20 Mountains for the price etl Breck. ¥311, Keystone, Beavercreek 41A & A Basin W? s 1/9 A H Dab Hi 11 V u ** mo-sia-m 1 -*300-T'S-r* -0-4S3 WANTED Need 2 Tickets for KSU Game. 764-053! leave message. Need sports pass for Texas game. $ me at 696-6856. I am willing to pay f* sonable price. QjSSSlf 1 rm ,TrY BEACH <St SKI TRIPS www. sunchase.cpg l*8aO*STOCHAflS 5 ~I-88U-SKJTI-I IS WWW- UFstcithis-com CREATORS SYNDICATE O 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 10/9/01 Answer to previous puzzle JtTlT IsItIaIrI □BE] □HQ QHnHCD rnHOH □HOQQHmama ntnaH □□urns qbq aBQaa mHOaiDB QQ3BE3 HnnHEoa Quail Hollow... t@ lb(§ • Spacious 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartment Homes • NEW Fully Applianced Designer Kitchens • NEW Spectacular Modern Baths • NEW Plush Wall-To-Wall Carpeting • NEW Elegant Mirror Accents Full Size Washer/Dryer Connections & Appliances • Sparkling Swimming Pool & Tennis Courts • 24-Hour State Of The Art Fitness Center • Computer Lab On TAMU Shuttle Route & Close To Blinn College Quail Hollow Apartment Homes 3535 Plainsman Lane Bryan.TX 77802 Ema il: Qua il_Hollow@Aspensquare. com 979-846-1771 Believe it or Not You are a Senior go get your picture in the yearbook Class of 2002 Don't miss your chance to be in the 2002 Aggieland year book. Get your FREE Senior picture taken at AR Photography. Mo appointment needed. Visit AR Photography at 1410 Texas Ave. South or call 693-8183. Open AA-F 9-1 1 :30, 1 :30-4. Senior portraits will not be taken Oct. 10-19. L AG GI ELAN D GEORGE deutsc: d State safety ot ase she ot a bad Efforts v *2an after in I9 ( eft the data ^America tamigratior t of the The ques htabase wi ■ARIOOI c: „ T he Ba Words or | e The opi accuracy, l '' alid studei . Subm Atta chmen