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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 2001)
mm to win Six students will win lunch at the Faculty Club with Charles A. Johnson, Dean, College of Liberal Arts. What: Welcome Reception for Liberal Arts Students Register to win at: When: Monday, October 8 5:15- 6:45 p.m. Where: Stark Galleries, MSC Dress: Come as you are Drawing will be held at the Welcome Reception. You must be present to win. 4E* MSC Film Society presents SHREK7 Oct. 5th :00 & 9:30pm Rudder Theatre For more information call 845-1515 or visit: <k If you need special assistance, please call 845- 1515 one working day before the show. United Stat*» Postal Sarvtca Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation 1. Pubfccatton Tm« The Battalion 2 Publication Number 3 FHmg Dale 10-1-01 >M 5 I 5 I-M 7 1 2 I 6 rough Thursday during tne summer session, „ xcept University holidays and exam periods) 5. Number of laeues Pubfehed Annualty 183 6 Annual Subscription Pile# $60.00 7. 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PS Form 3526, October 1999 (Reverse) News Page 2 THE BATTALION Friday, October 5,:! Fish by R.DeLuna NEWS IN BRIEF Pretty mile Having A Day off For Airt* Aam/'iveksarv, Hurt ? / WWY , X 5PEMT The Day The of our. SCHOOL.' Ju5T 45 sure all ,%gies Past /kib r&SM/T, Did/ UELL, I Almost 54/d IT UlTH A S TM Sore The. uaj/vers iry APPRECIATES THE SEMTiAEAJT rv Texas scales bad marketing to inti tourists, visitors T l*l^vr ■ € [enFTrance L AA ATX MICHAELAMG FLO’S DAV(D £ X H | BIX FORT WORTH. Texas (AP) Tourism officials are hopr Texans and residents of neij boring states will prop i Texas’ fourth-largest industry State officials rolled outanti marketing campaign thiswa amid signs that they will scat back efforts to attract tional visitors due to an w nomic slowdown in many part of the world and, since Sen 11, a fear of flying. Two die when plane crashes in Johnson County twm-enps int0 Thurss orfu Freshman Continued from Page 1 died in 1999.” In the contest for Class of 2005 vice president. Tommy Slocum Jr. won in a landslide, receiving 618 votes, or 82 per cent, against Precious Atlas who received 134 votes, or 18 per cent. Slocum attributed his suc cess to his personality. “In my campaign I stressed being well presentable and 1 like to think I go out and give a good impression” Slocum said. “I don’t like to be fake.” Atlas won a Senate seat in the first round of elections and will serve in that body. “Right now I’m still in the learning process,” she said. “Last night was our first meet ing. After about two or three sessions I’ll know a lot more about the senate and how to get my ideas through.” Other run-off victors were Jared Grisham for secretary with 67 percent, Christopher White for social secretary with 75 percent and Courtney Fairchild for historian with 64 percent. “To never have a student body position and to come up to A&M and to have a completely new start definitely puts a light on my day,” White said. The remaining class council position, treasurer, was the only position that did not require a runoff, with Timothy Soeken receiving a majority in the first round. ALVARADO, Texas (AP) people aboard a Beechcraft plane died afternoon in a crash in Jolw County, authorities said. The plane went into at and crashed about 1 p.m four miles east of Intersti near the town of Alvarado. Lorraine Ronquillo, a si woman for the Department of Public Safety The wreckage was in a off County Road 206, acara to the Department of Safety. Party Continued from Run Continued from Page 1 fun and a good community service opportunity,” said Ben Arcuni of Company C-2. Arcuni said Run to the Chicken is one of the better fun-runs because there are so many participants. The 5K run will begin Saturday at 8 a.m., behind the Dixie Chicken. “We chose the Dixie Chicken because it is a well established business and helps promote our event.” said Jessica Newhouse, member of Delta Zeta and a run organizer. The second half of the pro ceeds will go to the Delta Zeta Foundation and the Houston Ear Research Foundation. Entrants can register at the Commons, E. L. Wehner Building or the Memorial Student Center today or at the Dixie Chicken Saturday morn ing, Newhouse said. “There will be registration going on up until the race,” Newhouse said. “The cost is $15 after Thursday.” the Aggie Wranglers team and the salsa Grupo KaChe. Freudian Slip had crowd laughing with unique brand of imi tional comedy. When the perfo were done, the crowd m way to the YMCA buildi an OF Army Midnight Practice. Octobei 5 r By Tl The aisles are < who visit ea< over the paths, s coats of paint, tf somewhere in the ingfor the openir The Texas Rer vibrant life S and noisy a "The Magic Real s to another wc A glorious gan unwary morta a deadly pr end of the f; by the day. The G King has pledged :atei part of o, s the em .POK dNMU'd lei Coming Out Week Events Calendar October 7th-14th All week long there will be tables at the MSC from 10-2pm. Sunday, 7th: Allies Advance 1 -4pm Monday, 8th: Dr. Joe Fcagin Speaks, 1-2pm ACAD 326 and 7-8:15pm RUDD 504 Tuesday, 9th: Religious Tolerance Panel, 7-8:15pm MSC 226 NOW : Lesbianism and Feminism, 7pm RUDD 407 Wednesday, 10th: Speak Out Against Hate, 1 l-2pm Free Speech Area GLBT-PN Queer 102: An Informal Lecture, TBA Thursday, Uth: National Coming Out Day GLBTA Meeting with Greek Life, 7pm TBA Coffee Talk with GIES & the Women’s Center, 4~5pm ACAD Friday, 12th: Heartstrong Presentation, TBA Sunday, 14th: Allies Advance, 2-5pm Jw For more information on the week’s events, check out I A U D E IM T FOUNDATION 1 BAYLOR GAME FOOD DRIVE 12th Man Towels & AggiesCAN The 12th Man Student Foundation donate a portion of their 12th Man towe sales at the Baylor game in support AggiesCAN food drive. Towels cost $4 each and sales teams wii be located at donation stations surroundin' Kyle Field. Thank you for helping to provide foodfof the Brazos Valley! Over tlie Rainbow Gaze out over this rainbow,and you 11 fi nd boohs. A.11 of your children 's favorites! READING RAINBOW Sun, Oct 7 • 2 PM & 4 PM Rudder Theatre TIC K ET S : Call 845-1234. Online at AH tickets only $6.50! OPA5 JR opens its 12th season with two performances of READING RAINBOW. The same award-winning PBS television program that engages your children is now a LIVE stage show. Some of your kids' favorites to be featured in this literary musical extravaganza include "Amazing Grace," "Owen," "Martha Speaks," "Borreguita and the Coyote" and "Imogene's Antlers." FOR THE YOUNG AT ARTI Suppert provided by? The OPAS Guild Supporting the arts since 19/3. csb. mM 98 ; 3*KGRA Mi****** Trxt! L'mrtnil} - Crklh&tin ten ,J1 ifliTHE BATTAL1M Brady Creel Editor in Chief The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is publisWiM Monday through Friday during the fall and semesters and Monday through Thuisday dims# summer session (except University tiolKlais exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Pe"0Mi Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. K8- MASTER: Send address changes to The fiaat Texas A&M University, 1111 TAMU, College Star 1 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is ira students at Texas A&M University in tire Diwwrt Student Media, a unit of the Depart# rt Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed Wat Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313: Fax St; 2647; E-mail:; Web s Advertising: Publication of advertising does n# sponsorship or endorsement by The Baitato W; campus, local, and national display advertising a 1 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845459i Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services ?» entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a tf copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional pj^| 254. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year IS for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 fortlresirT and $10 per month. To charge by Visa, Masted Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611. e :4'2 : 001:kf