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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 19, 2001)
AGGIELIFE THE BATTALION Lara Croft Continued from Page 3 are a Tomb Raider fan, you can ac cessorize. The 'Tomb Raider Website offers four styles of T-shirts, includ ing a millennium edition, and a clas sic pose of Lara Croft leaping from the darkness, guns blazing. Or you could be on time and in fashion with your own Tomb Raider sport watch. You might look into your own 'Tomb Raider toy if you want to cre ate some adventures of your own. Angelina Jolie is already the model for eleven different action figures. Jolie, however, expressed her disap pointment in the chest size of the figures in this month’s Rolling Stone. “My breasts are big enough,” Jolie said. “Why are they enhanced that much bigger?” Tomb Continued from Page 3 Oscar-winning actress Jolie plays Lara Croft, tomb raider and photojournalist. Jolie brings her own flair and dynamic personality to the role of the Tomb Raider, which may disappoint die-hard fans of die phenomenally popular video game. Fans of the comic will find their favorite characters have been replaced, save Chase Carver, who appears to be going under the name of Alex West, played by Craig. Regardless, the pace, plotline and action are everything fans have come to expect from Lara Croft. The storyline is unique enough to keep viewers guessing, but has the pre dictability of a pulp movie. The movie even includes an obligatory shower scene with Jolie, a comic book staple, which is balanced by a similar scene with Craig. Do not expect any major drama or character development, but the actionis fast paced and the stunts, most ptt formed by Jolie herself, are well execm ed, with creative touches that makeevei cynical moviegoers sit up and takei» tice. T he computer animation issmooti and cutting edge without distractinj from the film. All in all, if movies are supposed tok fun, Tomb Raider is it. (Grade: A-) —Jenni Cm upcr [ruck driv Ith mar ummer avings Caffe? 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