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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 2001)
HASSLE FREE from VARSITY FORD HIGH REBATES LOW INTEREST RATES COLLEGE GRAD PROGRAMS MUSTANGS, FOCUS & TRUCK SPECIALS! (Questions? - e-mail us at A R Page 2 COMICS Monday, May 28, 2001 The Bcsl Scat In Town THE BATTALION HOLLYWOOD USA Hwy. 30 @ E. Bypass 6 764-7592 STEREO SURROUND SOUND IN ALL AUDITORIUMS SURROUND YOURSELF WITH BEAUTY 2 16 N. Bryan . c, C O p-^ Hours: iDowntown Bryan Mon. • Sal. 779-8208 /jf 10am - 6 pm Class of ‘79 , ^ ^ J A KNIGHT'S TALE (R) 1:25 4:30 7:35 10:35 12:15 3:30 6:55 10:00 ALONG CAME A SPIDER (R) 11:10 1:45 4:20 7:40 10:15 ANGEL EYES (R) 4 11:45 2:10 5:00 7:55 10:25 11:05 1:35 4:10 7:10 9:45 BLOW (R) 10:30 BRIDGET JONES’ DIARY (R) 11:40 2:15 4:40 7:15 9:35 CROCODILE DUNDEE IN Diptm Hpps pm p.DELunn LOS ANGELES (PG) 2:25 7:45 DRIVEN (R) 11:50 4:50 10:20 PEARL HARBOR (R) 4 11:15 3:00 7:00 10:45 12:00 4:00 8:00 1:30 5:30 9:30 SHREK (PG) 4 12:00 2:20- 4:45 7:20 9:40 12:30 2:50 5:15 7:50 10:10 11:30 1:50 4:15 6:50 9:10 THE MUMMY RETURNS (R) 11:00 2:00 5:10 8:15 12:40 3:40 6:45 9:50 Tmi> isaJT The Tear. Zooi >*> yxi-Q Star Lights • Velvet Burnt-Out Shawls Ihcense Oils S Candles • Celtic Crosses Dragons S Gargoyles • Kites 6 Chimes Museum Reproductions • Religous Art EXQUISITE STERLING JEWELRY 4-DAY ADVANCE TICKET SALES ♦ NO PASSES-NO SUPEBSAYERS Tickets & Times At f A N D * N G 0 (0,1 While there register to receive FREE showtimes via email. THE UH°LE '’£l/£Ky<MJE rto/OKEV" THl/VG Too SUBTLE. Fo& A MOST EXTRAORDINARY STORE I read the fine print. THE CLASSIFIEDS CALL 845-0569 TO PLACE YOUR AD *** rtalsea Mteft Post Oak Moll • 693-6429 The pantastko Chronicles BY J. G0LDFLUTE 1 loOUIVOT 8£ £AT//04 80RK1TQ5 /N YOUR CoOdit/o/D ENTERTAINMENT! CAiX -TH£S&, KuaJT. i tmjnk \ r&zi m Monday, May! Ba Featuring NEW Host Lee Felly "da’ ^SAdriati Tuesday - Saturday 9 PM-Close Monday's Late Nite Happy Hour 8 - 10pm We'oe <fot * 1 toer. ( , rT < /''' ^ j-'. Y 1 T dy HEY PEDRO! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STOP PLAYING WITH THE LIVING! ESPECIALLY WITH COLLEGE STUDENTS! THE WAV IT FLAYS OUT ^Tuesday - *3 Dog Nighf- - Buy 2 Hot Dogs, get 1 FREE! n ■ ' No Cover ' : TjVcdnesday *Jazz with Greg Tivis* Cover $ 3.00 TThursday *3 of Q Kind (formerly Speakeasy) * Cover J 3.00 VFriday- *Feeding 5000* - Opening Act: 3 of a Kind Cover $ 5.00 ^Saturday - *Return of Sly Letter* L Cover s 5.00 Where real musicians play! 201 W. 26th Street, Downtown tSryan 775-7735 LOOKING FOR A (GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO HELP BUILD A&M ATHLETICS AND EARN SOME MONEY? The Brazos Animal Shelter extends a Giant Thanks to participants in the State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC). Over $10,000 from participants who chose the Shelter as its charity for the year 2000. For information in participation in the 2001 Campaign call 979-774-4535. By Mark Pa The Battalic Entering t ment in Old; team would i onship or a ir nament. Itgo vancingtothi and No. 1 ran Game 1: The sixth- tournament, pitch was thr decided to st started only f against the t Gerrit Simps the Aggies in The ace < Longhorns s hammered S work. The A: first when lef designated h field that Te: down chasin In the sec prepared to 1 when catche after the first Greg Porter er Ben King it fall betwei Wardinskys then made a who launch bullpen. “[S: fore,” Evan him pay.” The Agg: after Schind first basema: misplayed, a The Agg right fielde baseman T freshman E earned runs point, close gie bullpen, and I want< Russ said af THE 12TH MAN FOUNDATION IS NOW HIRlljsIG FOR POSITIONS IN IT’S 2001 SUMMER TELEMARKETING CAMPAIGIS|. Earn $6.00 per Hour* Plus (Bonuses Gain Valuable Work Experience Flexible Scheduling • . jj after the first 30 days To apply, visit the 12th Man Fjoundatioh Office at the North End of Kyle Fk?ld, or fill out an' application onlirhe. www.12thmanfoundation.ccfm/teJemarketing Cameron Reynolds Attorney At Law Licensed by the Texas Supreme Court Not Board Certified Class of ‘91 Jim James Attorney At Law Board Certified Criminal Law Class of ‘75 ,.. hit: ar /Y SPF.riAI.I7.INr. !M THE DEKF.NSK OF CRIMINAL CHARfiFS INCl.llDINfi: “A V Driving While Intoxicated All Alcohol and Drug Offenses All other Criminal Offenses 979-846-1934 e-mail: website: Studeni/youth airfares ISIC (Int’E Student ID Card) Railpasses Travel Gear & much much more! launch your trip! 1-800-2COUNCIL Public Hearing on Proposed Increase in University Authorized Tuition (UAT) Tuesday, May 29 w 1. ~ ifjr: 3 p.m. MemQ^jal Student Center 39rt Rm. 292 ayGba ' Students, faculty and staff are invited to attend the public meeting to hear a briefing on the recommended uses of a proposed increase of $2 per semester credit hour in the UAT at Texas A&M University, beginning with the 2001 fall semester. (Office of the President, Texas A&M University) BATTALION Jeff Kempf, Editor in Chief Jen Bales, Managing Editor Jason Bennylioff, Radio Producer Jessica Crutcher, Opinion Editor Ruben DeLuna, Ciraphics Editor Bernie Garza, Photo Editor Stuart Hutson, News Editor Mark Passwaters, Sports Editor Brandon Payton, Webmaster Lizette Resendez, Asst. Aggielifc Edit Karen Weinberg, Design Director THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is pi* daily, Monday through Friday during the fall andspfi ' semesters and Monday through Thursday during K summer session (except University holidays and ar periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Post# B Paid at College Station,TX 77840. POSTMASTER:Sr: f address changes to The Batta/ron,Texas A&M Unlwss 1111 TAMU, College Station.TX 77843-1111. New»: The Battalion news department is managed) students at Texas A&M University in the Division! • Student Media, a unit of the Department: Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed McDok: , Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax 86 * 2647; E-mail:; Web S ir Advertising: Publication of advertising does note sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion, f) campus, local, and national display advertising,s 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-05t. ; Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald.!', office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday dim/ Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student ServicesFeee" ties each Texas A&M student to pick up a single c ' of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies® Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30to': tall or spring semester and $17.50 for the summe’i charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or Ameto Express, call 845-2613. Pa Multi The purp ticultural fidence Group tc shock; c i tural/mu I students Facilitat