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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 2001)
- -Pltge 4 AGGIELIFE Thursday,! 'hursday, March i THE BATTALION pring break activities are available in Bryan-College StatiiHor Mikel Parent The Battalion ^ ; Next week, many students will UJiead to the beach, ski slopes or oth- Cer fabulous vacations. If you are not ! *■ one of them, there are many things to >.£lo in and around College Station dur- ■-* mg spring break. C* * Watching movies is a good way to let your mind relax after midterm ex ams. A movie marathon can span a few days or nights. An example of this would be to rent all the films from' The Godfather trilogy and watch them in succession. This is a cheap and easy way to entertain yourself or a group of friends. For those who want to stay around their dorm or apartment, enhance your surroundings with a little spring cleaning. Spring break is the perfect opportunity to tackle all the cleaning jobs that get passed over from lack of time. After the cleaning is complet ed, it may be a good idea to rearrange the furniture or even redecorate. Try sprucing up white walls with cheery spring colors. Repainting will take up a majority of the week. Paint ing can also be a social occasion. If yours is the room that needs a paint job, order a pizza, call some friends and turn on the tunes. Make sure you lay down newspaper before you paint in case the fun gets out of control. After the decorating facelift is complete, the next step is to show off Out Thursdays uv The^ Battalion/ r -— 909 B Harvey Road^ 909 B Harvey Road Woodstone Center (Behind Coffee Station) College Station, Tx. 77840 695-1279 OFF 50# a potato Not valid with any other offer. Expires 05/31/01. Mon. - Fri. 11 am - 10 pm • Sun. 2 pm - 9 pm Take out & limited delivery. ^Nlmimum purchase required for campus delivery. I Martin’s Place SAME FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1925 Chopped Beef Sandwich, Tots and Tea *2.99 SERVING REAL BRICK PIT BBQ j 3403 S. College Ave., Bryan ^icross From Carneys Pub 822-2031 Buppy’s Catering & BBQ Buffet 506 Sulpher Springs I Block Behind Bryan Long John Silver 979-779-BQUE (2783) □ate Spring 2001 To: Faculty. Staff. Students & Friends $ 1.00 OFF ONE DOLLAR OFF BUPPY’S BBQ BUFFET Customer Phone # Customer Signature Bring in this coupon to be entered into a drawing for a s 10 Buppy’s Catering and BBQ Buffet Gift Certificate. Drawings will be held weekly. Rolled Sandwiches Drink & Chips w/Purchase of Full Sandwich Expires 03/31/01 r 693-1225 2414 Texas Ave. Parkway Square Shopping Center (near Kroger’s) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !! <^A/\axLua ± Greek and American Grill Authentic Greek Food Vegetarian Dishes • Gyros Texas Size Hamburgers • Baklava J is 5% off w/purchase w/this coupon* Expires 3-31 -01 Open 6 days a week. Closed Monday. Sun, Tues, Wed 11-9 pm. Thurs - Sat. 11-10 pm. *1 coupon per person, please ^{SANDWICH SHOPSV^ ‘Home of the Original Texas Cheesesteak’ FREE Chips and Queso w/ purchase of 2 sandwiches • Dirt Cheap Beer • Lunch Specials Mon. - Fri. c^l/laz ] 1037 S. Texas Ave. College Station, TX 696-4239 20% OflFEntree Monday-Wednesday Accepting Aggie Bucks 201 College Main (Northgate) • 260-1999 Freshly made Sandwiches, Soups & Desserts I J Authentic Mexican Cuisine & Seafood Breakfast Buffet Sat-Sun 8-12pm Lunch Buffet Mon-Fri llam-2pm NOW ACCEPTING AGGIE BUCKS Other Locations: 300 N. Texas Ave. 3702 S. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX College Station, TX 822-9192 695-0966 FREE CHIP & DRINK! w/purchase of any sandwich Present coupon before ordering Expires 05/31/01 2416 Texas Ave. S • College Station i 696-DELI Fax: 693-6606 I ^^lours: 10 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Delivery available. $20 minimum^/ Caffe? Coj^y the place to eat for more info, ask a friei FREE Mozzarella (farlic Bread with this coupon 222 n. main in historic cfoiontoion bryan 979.822.2675 the new arrangement. An easy way to do this is to throw a party and invite friends who are in town during the break. Parties are a good idea even if you have not redecorated. Lisa Miles, a senior French and English major, said she is going to have a party at her house during the break. “I’m going to throw a weeklong party at my house,” Miles said. "I think I’ll make it a Hawaiian theme party — get some singles — 'Temp tation Island’ singles, that is.” For the Martha Stewart wannabes, making different recipes for your parties is a good way to en tertain yourself and impress your friends. Since you have all day to cook, you can experiment until you have the perfect dish. For those who want a break from their apartment or dorm room, there are several outdoor activities in the Bryan-College Station area. There is more to this region than the area bounded by Texas Avenue, University Drive, Wellborn Road and George Bush Drive. Downtown Bryan is a great place to explore for its historic buildings andr HOUSTOI gift shops. lF dle scho ° Bryan and College St hearing hii many gardens. The Texas- I Le studer ticulture Gardens andFie!cf uesda y' on k by students and faculty inl u P'^ antl th< culture department, is ok Jit,,, a ' ■ ec tors. In Bryan, the Stet2 lheTex ? s Gardens are a great placett recomi | lende J tiful plants or take a ron,rS nlndepend , , weapon was There are several parfe S p 0 / eswomal the native and introduced: h-yy e were . the Brazos Valley At Ltia J Park, you can see the pos comfortable t vannah, the natural ecosyst:;® pre-development Brazos the park, one can findseds ows and the endangered ladies tresses orchid. Playing sports is anotk spend an afternoon during David Zuniga, a senior cal engineering major, ph the vacation to work on hisgc: “I haven’t been able to;! playing in this semester.' said. “I’m looking forwardi; the course as much as posaiii Puffy in the News Records show phone calls with his entourage NEW YORK (AP) — Telephone calls were made between Sean “Puffy” Combs or his entourage and witnesses who later testi fied Combs did not have a gun a The records also sho/ calls last January from phone owned by Christ;; Chambers, an auto tech who testified that he oc know Combs. Combs app? called him once that mot A third set of calls, 22ofi last December, camefe ness Glen Beck's home Combs' bodyguard, Paul Prosecutor Matthew connected COMBS during a night club shooting, according to records present ed Wednesday at his gun and bribery trial. The three wit nesses had testified about events during a Dec. 27, 1999, shooting at a Times Square club in which three people were wounded. Each witness denied speaking with the rap entrepre neur after the incident. Club New York security guard Charise Myers said she never spoke to Combs after the inci dent, but records show a three- minute call from her home to Combs' cell phone on Jan. 8, 2000. danos has accused thstte- Tiopolitan ( “They w( of witness tampering dunr; trial, now in its sixth a Dackofthei Wednesday was the finaldi -iarem and testimony; closing states into the ot are scheduled for Monday During cross-examinatic spokesman Combs’ lawyer, Benjamin: man, Majid said she could tell who had made acallff swered a telephone. Sheet only say who owned a phone that a call was made or ret* on it. Combs, 31, hisbodyguac thony ''Wolf" Jones, 3^i charged with criminal pos sion of two guns, and with hr;' for allegedly trying to get Cor: driver. Warden Fenderson, EL PASC dull nightc trance serv for smuggle §ity, accord! ho found 2 nd detaine U.S. Bon [ested Jose brres, the Plus who all< led immigr tel, led then eked gate; he adjacer derating ni The imm he nightcl hrough a < ehind a rc ment club,” The immi to leave for Oklahoma, sonal jobs, interviews v migrants re' from $1,20 an undeterr “They we the floor, wi of the peopl on that wei rain,” said C he owned one of the guns. I visory ager Combs and Jones facentf trol’s Anti-S 15 years in prison ifconvictf .were lying tl Wanted: Cap and Gown Senior Hont Society Members Media worke with s - Recognizes college seniors for distinguished ability and achievement in scholarship, leadership, and service - Selects the top I % of senior class Requirements: -minimum of 3.25 cum. GPR -at least 75 credit hours Applications available in Cap and Gown box, Student Activities office, Koldus Must be returned to box by March 20, 2001 Contact Recruitment Chair Maren Moore at WASH IN woman wh< company tt President E indicted fo videotape c a debate t Gore’s carr Juanita Austin, Tex; mail fraud, the FBI ar grand jury, scheming Bush’s det terials “to preparatioi debate,” s dictment r tice Depar If convi years in pri fine. Tine turned by e Texas. AN AGGIE TRADITION SINCE 1984 Patersc Co tANGtf SPRING SESSION II DANCE LESSONS SIGN-UPS WILL BE IN THE MSC FLAGROOM FROM SAM - 3PM Begins Monday March 5 thru Thursday March 8 Cost: s 35 per couple $ 40 per couple for advanced lessons FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT THE AGGIE WRANGLERS ON-LINE) wranglers “I will be 1 I’ve learned next instituti Paterson Student Life cal Incidenl which hand sues and w meet certaii said he the grown in re( “Signific changes for fraternities; veloped o\ groups have and shown gether to hi Paterson sai Although leaving A&l ward to new State.