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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 2001)
J^day.Feb^'. science V- - Page 5A hum > Inc. Steven Piwonka r&attalioti ilp95, the first digital cameras marketed for consumers were shipped ores across the country and labeled with price tags of more than '00. Commercially, they flopped. Last year, an estimated 4 million digital cameras were distributed in United States, where consumers were waiting and willing to spend where from $ 100 to $20,000. Technology gurus have long expected digital cameras to replace con- itifnal cameras, but technology and the price tag that accompanies the tnology have only recently begun to make the digital tools a com- rcially viable evolution of the century-old technology. ^ma jor problem people have with digital cameras is the price. Digital cameras often cost up to 10 times as much as a film camera produces the same quality of image. [B only price advantages that digital cameras boast are that, instead Hatedly doling out money for film, the photographer only needs .'place or recharge batteries; and, instead of paying to have the film elfped, one can plug his or her camera into a computer to see the ills of a photographic expedition. o Odelax. I sounds of lb \ljhough digital cameras have just recently come onto )eat. Itisapegmarket, the technology has been around since 1951, t as a Becf 'inping Crosby Laboratories introduced the video tape is to new-i: jrdcr (VTR). It was designed to electronically record tele- on images onto magnetic tape. ake guises,cin the 1960s, NASA l^pgan to use digital imaging methods 4e refers to nap the surface of the moon. ith “Debra, 3y the time of the Ranger 7 mission, the technology en- ith her sistei id crystal-clear images of the moon’s surface to be broad bat Beck brail tl Earth. t in “Sexs Jincv that time, all space probes have been outfitted with tal cameras to help explore the limits of the solar system, k has made.Totay, the Hubble telescope maps the limits of the ributes—b ,wn universe with the same type of technology sold at ch,toan Jrfnics stores. ultures is tie*® t is guaranis - MlgHlSllF© tlM© — Rupert0me standard cameras capture an image by fo- ing light and color onto a piece of film, digital icras focus light and color onto a light-sensi- OY Tell Dc computer chip called a charged-couple de- > i (CCD). The CCD saves images electron- ly as a gridwork of dots called pixels. m listeninpfigital image quality has always been vhy Frusciac ted by the fact that pixels are square and i Peppersan«l to make an image blocky unless there ti lot of them fit into a picture, making the Fruscianteswl small enough to appear smooth. n g voice thailow many pixels does it take to make an d more accufce look as smooth as film to a human eye? llillions,” said Sally Grotta, a reporter iante’s sinjtiiBechTV. “The newest cameras capture ancetohisV*es with three or more megapixels — ■3 million pixels — and the images look etto hittingWd as conventional ones.” >r the bestfmgain, the only problem is the price, single “Scarf camera like the one Grotta described will background! 800 or more, ng thechoniij ge on songs ir Space," and! piercing votf itar. Evenk lecord Ofllf 1 ' /lurderers. is they arC er starts grdp With the high price tag of digital cameras, one may ask why they are becoming an increasingly hot commodity. The simple answer, besides the need to have the newest and hottest thing, is the cameras’ versatility. Newer models can record sound and video simultaneously. The user can take a series of images so quickly that they can be played on a com puter like a movie, accompanied by recorded sound in MP3 format. Something that may be important to keep in mind, however, is that digital cameras use internal memory, removable cards or disks to hold pictures and sounds. The larger fhe storage space, the higher the price. Capturing images containing millions of pixels or a long series of pic tures with sound to boot tends to eat up camera space quickly. Some cameras only allow one to make an eight- or nine-second “movie” before they run out of space. Using a camera as an MP3 play er requires the user to compromise between memory dedicated to mu sic and enough free space to take pictures. Ideally, a user can download his or her pictures to his or her comput er and escape having to buy more storage media. However, that is not always an option for the photographer who wants to carry his or her cam era while on vacation or on a job assignment. ©©sating tins® ff®®!!© Camera enthusiasts have always enjoyed the flexibility of sin gle lens reflex (SLR) cameras. With interchangeable lenses and a vari ety of accessories, these cameras offer more flexibility than any point- and-shoot camera, which offer a limited field of focus and little or no accessories. Until recently, all digital cameras were point-and-shoot, which did not appeal to hardcore photographers. However, when digital SLRs first entered the market, they were not received well for rea sons other than high prices. These models were not compatible with the accessories of the conventional SLRs, and the prospect of buying a digital SLR for $ 1,000 or more and then adding the cost of new lenses made these cameras fail. Some companies have corrected that er ror with a new generation of digital SLRs that capture images with millions of pixels and are compatible with conventional ac cessories. However, there still remains another dif ference: with great technology comes great mass. James Kim, a reporter for TechTV, had this to say about a new Nikon model: “Its magnesium alloy body is heavy at 3 pounds, but it’s nearly bulletproof ... at times became a pain to lug around.” Digital media is not feasibly priced to overtake conventional photography... yet. As with all other technology, once it has been on the market for a while, the price will probably come down to a range that can appeal to the average consumer. Until then, higher-end digital cameras will appeal to professionals, while the average con sumer is likely to become increasingly sold on the simplicity and features that are exclusive to digital cameras. Don't Miss The Second Coming I Put away the love beads and incense - this GODSPELL is for the new millennium! i Today's GODSPELL loses no thrust as it embarks on a pop culture adventure that keeps this retelling of the life of Jesus Christ as fresh and as modern as ever. CALL 845-1234 • March 6-7 • 7:30 PM • Rudder Auditorium Win free tickets online at 2000-2001 Season Media Partners KETX KJSRSZI 1620 KAMI) “©■ FM90.9 nraa SHIPMENT OF LOOSE DIAMONDS! 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