Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 2001)
The Battalion Classified y, Februun 27. To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Msnday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad).Thisratejp only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an addition* days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to ewitotp the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. rp ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTO 25% off Carlson Craft® Wedding Invitations. Virtual Proofing, AUTO 1991 Chevrolet Cavalier, auto, $2000. Call 694-4626. STUDENT TAXES File your tax return online with us and you will be eligible to WIN 1 of 10 SPRING BREAK TRIPS we’re giving awav in 2001! • Filing your taxes online is QUICK, SIMPLE and CHEAP! • $9.95 for a federal return and $9.95 for a state return. • You will receive instant e-mail confirmation after filing your return. • No software to download. • And by filing your return electronically you will receive the benefit of Rapid Return (a check or deposit within 7-10 days)!!! estudenttax is a member of the IRS e-file program. (we have a secure website) AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BED AND BREAKFAST Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways. For information/ reser vations call Rebecca Sicllio Lewis,70, 409-696-0091. Voted Most Romantic in Brazos Valley. Special Events, Weddings, Etc. Calvert Inn Gourmet Bed and Breakfast. 979-364-2868. former students welcome e # StudenHTax»com Toll Free Number 1-866-464-5213 DJ MUSIC "Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693-6294. SINUS INFECTION STUDY Are you experiencing the following symptoms? Facial Pain/ Pressure/ Tightness Facial Congestion/ Fullness Tooth Pain/ Earache/ Headache/ Sore Throat Cough/ Bad Breath/ Fever Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 16 years of age and older to participate in a research study with an investigational oral antibiotic. If qualified, your participa tion will last up to 24 days and you will be compensated up to $500. For more information, please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis Study Are you experiencing the following symptoms? Sore and Scratchy Throat/ Pain on Swallowing/ Redness of Tonsils/ Swollen Lymph Nodes/Fever Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 18 years of age and older to participate in a research study with an investigational oral antibiotic. If qualified, your participa tion will last up to 28 days and you will be compensated up to $200. For more information, please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 LAXATIVE STUDY Sciman Biomedical Research is currently conducting a research study of a prescription laxative to determine the lowest effective dose that could be sold without a prescription for the treatment of constipation. If you are 18-85 years of age and you currently use nonprescription laxatives to treat constipation, you may qualify for this research study. If you qualify, your participation will last up to four weeks and you will be compensated up to $125. For more information please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 Newsday Crossword ACROSS 1 Revealed 6 Frequent London forecast 9 Secret writings 14 Atmospheric layer 15 Reveal, old-style 16 Saint Teresa’s home 17 “Who’s on First?” straight man 19 Author Shute 20 Bric-a- 21 To boot 22 Pooch’s reward 23 Busybodies 25 _ NO HOOKS 27 Halt an assault 34 Earthenware containers 38 Number (Chan’s eldest) 39 Breakfast fare 40 Santa winds 42 Nay sayer 43 Actress Heckart 46 Like mixed nuts 49 Hippie 51 “Well, -di- da h” 52 Muddleheaded 57 Ten Command ments mount 61 Bring in 64 Have a belly laugh 65 On one’s belly 66 Ultimate reason 68 Gives off 69 Sturm Drang 70 Church nooks 71 Insertion mark 72 Honeycomb maker 73 Monopoly stack PLANTATION by Fred Piscop Edited by Stanley Newman 37 DOWN 1 Hockey Or great Orr 2 Sky shade 3 Flying monster of sci-fi 4 Pass into law 5 Society newcomer 6 April 1 victim 7 Makes a selection 8 “Amscray!” 9 Hiker’s accessory 10 Walkie-talkie word TT 17 11 Deliberate loss 12 Essayist’s alias 13 Pretzel topper 18 Tend to the turkey 24 Set as a price 26 ’nuff!” 28 Mound stat 29 Talking bird 30 Dotted-line instruction 31 Does not exist 32 Lavish affection 33 Oklahoma city 34 Food preparer 35 Epitome of thinness 36 Capital on a fjord 17 41 44 45 47 8 Enjoy some gum “Do _ say, . . .” Hardest to handle New Deal org. Biased viewpoint Like 7 or 11 Little angel Hang loosely Dirty rat Assuaged Get togged up Job detail, briefly La Douce Black: Fr. Pot starter Top-rated Took a cab No-goodnik 10 ii-i [12 Il3 rnr |25" (38 49 |4€T 50 142 51 52 153 57 58 59 w 64 65 ■scT 68 He* HP 0 71 III!7^ Mi* CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 2/27/01 Answer to previous puzzle EMPLOYMENT 1968 Chevy Corvair. Needs work. Good project car. $500. 774-1527. 1996 T-Bird LX V8, extended warranty, sun-roof, od, alarm. 979-260-3992. OPPORTUNITY ‘95 Eagle Talon -white, 58K, turbo engine, automatic, cd player, leather. In great condition! $8900. 693-6456 or Police impounds: Cars from $500. For listings/ payment details 800-319-3323 ext.3782. FOR RENT Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. Help on the spot. General Automotive Repair. 828-4832. Available May 2001! Southwood Oaks, 3bdrm/2bth. $828/mo., 1130sqft., w/d, water paid, 2100 Southwood Drive. Contact 764-3902 or Available Now! Ibdrm, 3-2 duplex, renewable spring sublease, reduced $320- $240. 817-277-0574 or 680- 8918. Awesome 1-bdrm loft needs sub-lease till May. Will pay $50 of rent/mo. 693-9779 B/CS 1,2,3 bedrooms available. Great locations, All Prices. Summit Properties. 979-777-3371. Cozy, large 2bdrm/2bth townhouse, 6-blocks from cam pus. Available 6/1. $565/mo. 1-800-521-3988. Efficiency for rent. $295/mo., no deposit, bus to cam pus. Call Paul 979-218-7651. Exceptional 4-3-2, 2-dining, 2-living, 1-block from University Sgolf course. $1499/$ 1899. 694-0886. Free Locator. Apartments, Duplexes, Houses. Alpha Omega Properties, Broker. 693-0868. “2001” SPRING BREAK SOUTH PADRE ISLAND Book Now - Limited Space!! Prices starting at: $178.76 p/p -3 nights $297.83 p/p -5 nights (Payment in full required at time of booking.) APEX TOURS 111 East Hopkins San Marcos, TX 78666 512-392-7600 or toll free 877-825-2739 FACIAL ACNE STUDY Volunteers, ages 12-40, with moder ate to moderately severe facial acne needed to participate in a 12-week clinical trial with an investigational top ical cream. Eligible volunteers will be compensated for their time and travel. Call for more information. AN OPPORTUNITY TO HELP FIND A BETTER TREATMENT FOR GENITAL HERPES If you are 18-65 years of age with a history of frequently occurring genital herpes outbreaks, we invite you to participate in a medical research study of an investigational medication. Participants will receive all study-relat ed medical care at no cost. Participants may also receive com pensation for time and travel. The medical staff conducting the study is courteous, respectful, professional and expert at treating genital herpes. Call today to find out more. J&S Studies, Inc. 979-774-5933 3201 University Drive East Suite 475 Bryan, Texas 77802 FOR RENT HELP WANTED LOST & 4 n j; Telemarketers Attention: Earn up to $15/hr+. Salary +bonuses. Evenings Sweekends. Lots of Fun, Lots of Dollars!! 979-694-2980. House for rent, 2bdrm/1bth, large yard, storage, new carpet. $695/mo., $500/deposit. 979-693-8138, 817- 481-4072. $$$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Stocking 690-1478. 18+only. Flexible hours. Silk Most Value! 2-2-2, large, walk-in closets, close to cam pus, $529/$579. 694-0166. •'Shift Supervisors &Crew Members** wanted. Flexible time around class schedule. Accepting applica tions at Burger King, 1719-TX. Ave., Culpepper Plaza. Win $10,000! Try out for a “Million- Dollar- Career”! “Hands-on" introductory flights available on request. ($35) Must sublease 2bdrm/1.5bth apartment now! Feb. paid. No deposit. $520/mo. includes cable &gas. 492-5606. Nice 2bdrm/1bth duplex, $550/mo., w/d connection, on shuttle route. 764-9741. 100 Instructors/ Counselors needed. Coed sleepaway camp. Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Good salary/tips! 1-800-422-9842 ( 1-2/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$325/mo. 696-2038. Northgate. 2bdrm/2bth, 3bdrm/2bth new 4-plexes, walk to A&M. 2bdrm/2bth brand new. Walk to Blinn College. Call MGMT 979-846-4076. 2001 EXPANSION. 27 immediate openings, online at Apply Ibdrm/lbth apartment, $460/mo., on bus route. Kristina 695-1471. Parkway Apartments now pre-leasing 1,2&3 bedroom apartments for Summer &Fall. 693-6540. Aggressive individuals needed for painting, sheet rock, exterior carpentry. Experience helpful but not neces sary. Will work with schedule. $7/hr. 775-7126 2bdrm apartment in Willowick Apts., SWPkwy, pool &volleyball courts. Avail, today through 8/23 485-8739 price range between $400- $500. Pre-leasing For Fall- Spacious 4bdrm/4.5bth townhome units (2228sqft) with attached 2-car garage, on shuttle route. Attention Telemarketers: Earn up to $15/hr+. Salary +bonuses. Evenings &weekends. Lots of Fun. Lots of Dollars!! 979-694-2980. 3-Roommates, M/F, big house, $315/mo. +1/3bills, 8- min. from campus, non-smoker, no pets. 776-3556. 3bdrm/2bth brick home with fenced backyard, walking distance to TAMU. Includes new w/d +fridge. $1100 +deposit. 694-0866. Pre-leasing for May&Aug., near new 3bdrm/2bth Rock Hollow Duplexes, fenced, minutes to A&M, no pets, $1000/mo. 846-5722. Caregiver for disabled student, on-campus, help w/dressing, grooming, etc. M-F, 7:45am-10am. $5.15/hr. Contact David 979-847-1836. ]D April 9, 1995, lie Al- Lost Female Calico, missing 2/12, notip \_i n'iih Call Kim 695-9158. i i, i i- ^, r ral Building MOTORCYCLE)d e d 0 k- 1990 CR125, runs great, $1250/060 Tia City. 1998 Honda CBR 600F3, 12.000-mte hur died Call Scott 979*774-2935. $4,500. lixty ClCllt MUSIC lew ere |and more th;« »deadliest act soil. Timothy = Hf the crime- Adopt: Puppies. Kittens. CatS,Oojl^B t + ,,,j m i breeds! Occasional birds, snakes nrf-yr 1 L lK Brazos Animal Shelter- 775-5755 tiotl. His 6X601" a federal prism DRUMMERS WANTED, local Tx. must practice, gig offers already in. Call Ml! PETS Data Entry, filing clerk, part-time, perfect for student Call 690-2029. Available May 2001! 2bdrm/1bth, $450/mo., SOOsq.ft., w/d, water paid. 1526 Pine Ridge. Contact 764-3902 or Rosewood Villas- Preleasing for Summer and Fall Occupancy. 3bdrm/2bth, W/D, On Shuttle, 1,215sqft. 12mos.- $1000/mo., 9mos - $1100/mo. For More Info. or 846-1100 or Tommye, 680-1758. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M-F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. Sublease Ibdrm, $410/mo. will negotiate, furnished liv ing-room. Have left A&M. 817-453-1918. Sublease Ibdrm/lbth, 825sqft, across street from cam pus, $525/mo. 696-4139. Sublease large Ibdrm/lbth, $470/mo. Complex, College Station. 695-1187. Walk fo TAMU. Great 2bdrm/1bth, +$300/dep. Non-smoker. 764-1082. WASHERS & DRYERS FOR RENT Don’t buy. rent a washer & dryer, $28/month (plus tax). Univers/tyLeasing, Local. Faster, Better, 764-3902. FOR SALE Bach Omega silver-tone Trumpet for sale. Like new! Includes 7C Bach mouthpiece and various accessories. $499/OBO. Call 680-3142/ email: Ljcm8199 @ Dorm refrigerator -$100: two 2-month old rabbits -$130 with cage. 260-9904. . Ladies Rossignol Snow Skis, Boots, (71/2) Poles. $200. 845-1253. New Shipment! Beer Signs and Neons. $50-$250. Call 764-3095. Peavey PA System -$370. Never used, paid over $800. Mic +mic-stand included. Call 268-8074. Piano, good condition, $500. 845-2646. Spacious 4bdrm/4.5bth townhome units (2228sqft) with attached 2-car garage, gated community, on shuttle route. Don’t pass up these pre-development prices. Tickets: Matchbox 20, NSYNC, WWF, Rodeo- Kenny Chesney. Call 713-294-5432. U2 Tickets - Houston, Dallas. $200. 210-379-5390. Floor seats available, SPRING BREAK EMPLOYMENT The Texas Transportation Institute is hiring students from the following cities to survey child safety seat use during Spring Break: Amarillo, Austin, Beaumont, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Ft. Worth, Houston, Lubbock, San Antonio, Tyler & Waco. 3-5 days work. $8/hr. plus gas. Call 845-2736, 8a.m.-5p.m. for interview. CAMP COUNSELORS Summer in New England! Have fun. Make A Difference. Camp Greylock & Romaca seek caring, energetic counselors and coaches. Co-ed staffs, competitive salaries + room and board. Internships are available. Located in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts, 2.5 hours from Boston and NYC. Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Climbing Wall, Creative Arts, Drama, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Hiking, Inline-Hockey, Lacrosse, Mountain Biking, Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Waterskiing, plus nursing and administrative positions. Beautiful waterfront campus, out standing group of people, very rewarding summer. Camp Romaca for Girls: 888-2-romaca Camp Greylock for Boys: 800-842-5214 What are you doing this summer? HOUSTON SUMMER JOBS Miller Swim Academy is now hiring ay is now swim instructors, lifeguards, and pool managers. Excellent pay! Sixty locations throughout Houston. 713^777-7946 Call between 3p.m. - 6p.m. Fraternities -Sororities -Clubs -Student Groups. Earn $1000- $2000 this semester with the easy three hour fundraising event. No sales required. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today) Contact at (888)923-3238, or visit Free to a good home, adult cal. nwM Very affectionate Cal! Becky 7664-l5t' | SC I ' Lab AKC Puppies- black & yellow, sorrcfc " A . , A $250-$300. Call 695-7776 UlS IO W IIIKSS l . ROOMMATE 1M&1F s,.ek roommate for mastertK~ iOIl OH ClOSCcl-Qi Valley House. Pets welcome. K Michael. 574-1131 .UCgOV Cl 11111011. —jq because of tP Peppertree Full-time, 4am to noon. Shop. 774-9946. Part-time weekends. Donut F-Roommate needed, summer si 4 3bdrm/2bth new duplex, Rock HotaffiS relatives. $325/mo. ♦ 1/3utilrties. 775-9571 ' -■execution Sh Sublease: March-May, new 3/2 duplex, shuttle, w/d, pkg. $950. 575-6754. Full/part-time supervisors needed in B/CS for building maintenance company. Must be available 5p-Midnight M-F. Call 823-1775 exl.116 for more information. F-roommate wanted, close to cai + 1/2utllities. 972-291-2947. pay-per-view, F/M roommate needed tor renewal*IltcniOl furnished apartment, great location. So:Th IS WOllld SC SUBLET CS, 2bdrm/1bth, $517/mo. including cable &alarm. No deposit. 695-7682. Koppe Bridge Bar &Grill. part-time cook positions need ed. Call 764-2933. —ould-be terror!^ Summer sublease at University Commons, 4bdrm/2bth, $321/mo., furnished, w/d. 693-9816. Local E-business opportunity. Wanted sales manager/ representatives. Make $108/sale (813)960-5113. MUSIKER TOURS AND SUMMER DISCOVERY SUM MER OPPORTUNITIES. Want to travel this summer on usl! Counselors needed for our student travel and pre college enrichment programs. Applicants must be 21- years old by June 20th and possess a valid driver’s license. We need: Mature. Hardworking, Energetic indi viduals who can dedicate 4-7 weeks mentoring and supervising teens. To receive an application or informa tion. please call 800-645-6611, e-mail staft@surrimer- or visit our website Female non-smoker, 1100 Hardwoc.^ _ 2bdrms available Call 694-7837 “FS dll OppOTtUI M/F Roommate, available 02/2501. S^ftpUDl sh ntCItt — $265/mo. +utiliti0s, Peppertree Apart' IcVcl (T h WOUld 862-2599, B? , “T M/F. 2-bedrooms available. 3txJmV1.»«p-^ eal 1 A 1 1C pus. w/d 979-691-8206 J 1963. TldC Ok_ Needed ASAP! 2-roommates, male t/rBr Jl UUiqUC CUSC Tbdrm house Cal. 847-5392 0,2207*1 Ea slu j 1 \ \ } \ SERVICES NEW YEAR NEW JOB! Part-time work, full-time pay. *$11 BASE-Appt.* Fun environment. Ideal tor students, customer service/ sales, conditions apply. 696-7734, Onsite Supervisor/ Porter person needed full-time in Bryan for building maintenance company. Must be available M-F at $7/hr. Call 823-1775 ext. 116 for more information. 2bdmV1bth, smoking spate-: • r Mnnr ramnne la aUCVUlOU TTOl d,exposing the Stales is not AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-ol-V zjj) be I is’\ C. f li p Ticket dismissal/insurance discount , , W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri &Sat - Fn(6pm-8p~ eC1 tOrevef the I 2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm| Inside Bi'- bOlTlbln 0 WUS cl Walk-iris welcome. $25/cash Lowest ptti£- & law. iii-univ. Dr., ste.217. 846-6itPy hi the entire 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Part-time landscape/ yard maintenance. $7/hr, week ends only. Calvert, Texas. 979-364-3696. Start Immediately! inca is not imrr s devastation at iblic execution Part-time legal assistant position. Must have strong writ ing, proofreading &computer skills. General office skills needed. Mail for fax resume to: 218-N. Main St., Bryan. 77803, 979-775-5718. TRAVEL Last Chance To Party On Padre! Spnrc^ j n anyone's n Night Packages Available from $82! 1/ - )tt()leruteu 1111(1 JS|e penalty. Part-time student worker, afternoon hours, Monday through Friday and every other Saturday. Apply in per son ©Equity Real Estate, 201 Wellborn Road. Responsible cashiers needed, flexible hours, great start ing pay. Apply in person: 4150-Hwy6 South. TUTORS Sick children need your help now! Donate your life saving blood plasma & receive $20 TODAY (for approx. 2-hours). Call or stop by: Nabi Biomedical Center, 2701 Morgan Ave, #400, Corpus Christi. 361-883-5106. Fees & donation times may vary, Tutor for high school student- Latin, French, Algebra. Call 774-7099. Vet Tech needed, mixed animal practice, part or full time, some weekends. Send resume: 6086 East Hwy21, Bryan, Texas 77808. Want A Great Summer Job? Demanding, highly- rewarding summer camp jobs available at oldest camp in the southwest. Come teach sports and outdoor activ ities while helping kids to grow. Top pay. Work on beautiful, cool Guadalupe River near Kerrville. Download an application at or give us a call at 1-800-545-3233. Spring Break South Padre Island and Flw^^ tions. Best ocean front hotels and conte, r pfty-pCr-View ( 800-575-2026 wisted blit that never happened tg executions is Mathematics Tutor- will help with school ar:.’S, Including 01 uate math 695-2783. id relatives of tl va/piuht i hqc ^ecutions via WEIGHT LOSS /ision Everyon Lose up to 30-lbs. in 30 days for $38 Sl id tllC OppOrtUll guaranteed! 1-888-261*4006. WOTSt tCrTOTlSt 1 Lose Weight Fast! Safe, Guaranteed, Nrl^ long US there show you how! Call Val at 1-888-536-971; j ()]VlCtllTlS' hi Lose weight quickly &safely. Up lo 10+pc [iotl matters mt) spring break. Amy 696-9711/229-3582. ^ ^ ^ ^ Need to gain or lose weight? 100% nalura : vi lated, 100% guaranteed, doctor rjarjRwayS. First, £ (866)283-5713, ask for Herb. Want to lose weight before Spring Break? S?l, that COUld be I al, $20. 696-7024. H worthy cans that f*nn1H hp t - Mifedera mbol of 1 reference to Di Ibent “The Com wrong symbol fo PICKED UP OR PURCHASED YOUR 2000 Aqqlelatul yearbook have a questior ft exactly is the Irsity? ie Confederate :ory that took pic B our Universit) Bbnd that some ■s a symbol ofi Bare many of ui ■ought and diet IFYOU ORDERED a 2000 Aggieland and haven't picked it up, stop by:. ; speak. Why lnu 015 in the basement of the Reed McDonald Building. Please bring yor: .u , f |Y.c tnr w hf dent ID. If you did not order last year's Texas A&M yearbook (the Wll y , school year), you may purchase one for $35 plus tax. Bant to do a ill ORDERED YOUR 2001 AGGIELAND? THE 2001 AGGIELAND yearbook will be an 784-page record of the 29 2001 Texas A&M school year. Distribution will be during Fall 2001. Cost tTOON OFI plus tax, if purchased by MsrcllJt 2001. Its simple on fou write it em Student Media Advertising/Distribution Office: Room 015 Reed McOo’/l Hours: 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Cash, Check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express accepted b ttp://aggieland. tam u. edu I Radio news from the newsroom of THE campus and community news 1:57 p.m. Monday through Friday on KAMU-FM 90.9 College Station/Bryan