Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 2000)
THE BATTALION The Battaeion Classified s To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Bldg. Business Hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day 5> Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. FURNITURE DJ MUSIC FOR RENT HELP WANTED ROOMMATES Sofas, Bedroom Furniture, Tables, Lots More. Aggieland Discount Furniture, 1001-S. Texas, Bryan. Hours: Friday 2-6 &Saturday 10-6 or call 776-9663, 777-6207 for appointment. We also buy furniture. AUTO 1993 2-door Saturn. Standard, leather, sunroof, good condition, $5000. 774-0543. ''Party Block Mobile DJ”- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693-6294. MSR DJ Service, experienced, reasonable rates. Call Shawn at 731-8414. FOR RENT 1993 Geo Storm- 60K miles, 2-doors, runs great, cold a/c, $3500/nego. Call 693-7503. 1995 Jeep Wrangler, 88,000 miles, soft top, a/c, excel lent condition. $8,250. 694-8971 1996 Chevy Tahoe, 4-door, 4x4 LT. White w/tan leather, dual exhaust. Brand new tires &rims. 75,000 miles $18,500 obo. Call 680-3223, ask for Eric. 1996 Toyota Camry. 75K, excellent condition, $8900. 695-0349 ask for Lauren. ‘90 Geo Storm, CD player/ 10-disc changer, chrome rims, runs great, $1700. 776-7146. 91 Toyota Camry, air, stereo, auto, blue book $4,850, asking $4,350. Call 693-7717. 1-2/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$325/mo. 696-2038. Ibdrm furnished apartment. On Old College Road, 15- min. bike to campus. Will give 5%-discount. 595-1158 or Ibdrm/lbth apartment, available December, shuttle route. $400/mo. 693-5191. Ibdrm/lbth condo near campus, TAMU shuttle, huge closets, available mid-Dec., deposit paid, Dec. paid, pets allowed, quiet, Save $650, water paid, w/d includ ed, $500/mo. 693-7963,575-6194. 1bdrm/1bth newly remodeled apartment. 1-block from campus at Northgate. ‘93 Chrysler LeBaron, repairs needed but runs fine. $800 negotiable. Call Stephen or Carrie 693-0225. ‘95 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, 4x4, 58K-miles, $12,500. 485-8253 ask for Veronica. ‘95 Jeep Wrangler Rio Grand. Must sell! Only 54K, excellent shape, green with soft top and sound bar. $10,400-o.b.o. Shannon 574-5347. Police impounds: Cars from $500. For listings/ payment details 800-319-3323 ext.3782. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. Help on the spot. General Automotive Repair. 828-4832. BED AND BREAKFAST Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways. For information/ reser vations call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,’70, 409-696-0091. Browning Plantation- 150 Year Old Home- B&B and Special Event Facility (weddings, family reunions, cor porate retreats, etc.) 1-888-912-6144 www.browning- COMPUTERS Compaq Presario 4500 PC, 233MHz, 3GB HDD, 56K modem, CD-ROM, speakers, monitor, mouse, key board. $750/080. Abby at 680-0411. Pentiumlll 800MHz $795, 866MHz $885, 30GB-HD, 128MB-RAM, 48XCD-ROM, 56K-modem, s/speakers, warranty, 846-7186. ATHLETE S FOOT STUDY Volunteers ages 12 and up needed for a research study of a medication for the treatment of athlete’s foot. Subjects must have active signs and symptoms of athlete’s foot. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $200.00 for 8 clinic visits. « For more information call: 979-846-5933 J&S Studies, Inc. 4309 Wellborn Road Bryan, TX 77801 1st Month Discount, nice 2bdrm/1bth duplex, shuttle route, fenced yard, $540/mo. (214)908-6260, (972)537- 0287, jlacewell @ 2bdrm/1bth $395/mo., water included. Call Maurizio at 595-1179. 2bdrm/1bth 4-plex, Northgate, walk to campus, available 12/15, $435/mo. 575-4842. 2bdrm/1bth duplex, 2bdrm/2bth 4-plex, available December. Great condition, w/d available, $560+, 777- 5477. 2bdrm/2ba furnished, w/d apartment sub-lease for spring/summer, bus-route $370/person, weight room, pool, volleyball, 10 minutes from campus. 485-8593. 2bdrm/2bth condo, available Jan.-May, w/d, tennis, pool, shuttle, 1250sq.ft., $635/mo. 695-1413 or 601- 264-5646. 2bdrm/2bth CS apartment. Dec-May sublease needed. Patio, two-story, huge! $535/mo. 680-0089. 2bdrm/2bth duplex, w/d, fenced yard, available January. $720/mo. Call 693-1266. 2bdrm/2bth spacious, fully furnished, w/d, on bus route, ALL the amenities $390/person. 764-8999. 4bdrm/ 2bth, 4 blocks from tamu. Nice brick home with big fenced backyard. Available now. Call 694-0866. Available January 2001! 3/2, $828/mo.. 1130sqft. at 2100 Southwood Drive or 3/3, $1200mo., 1350sqft. at 2306 Trace Meadows. Contact 764-3902 or Available now! 2bdrm/1bth duplex, fenced, w/d connec tions, 803-Conch, $475/mo. 693-1448. Bryan Historical District. Older home. 1700sqft., yard, fireplace, 2bdrm/2bth, study, w/d connections. Credit check required. $600/mo., $600 deposit. 775-6652, 9am-8pm only. Bryan: Monito Way, 2-1.5, w/d connections, $450. Equity Real Estate, 696-4464. Close to campus. Sublease for spring semester, 2bdrm/2bth. Call 696-3172. December Rent Free!! Available 12/15, 2bdrm/1.5bth, 850sq.ft., upstairs, comer unit, rent $570/mo., near cam pus, pets welcome. 595-1160. FREE LOCATOR SERVICE! Call UNITED REALTY @ 694-9140 and let our agents locate your next place to live FREE! Experience the Difference! House for rent- 3bdrm/1bth, 126-A Richards, $400/deposit, $675/rent. Call 822-0104 or 822-4977. In Bryan, 1bdrm/1bth at Glendwood Apartments. Sublease for spring semester. December &security deposit paid, rent $310/mo. 775-8419 ask for Desmond. Large 2bdrm/2ba, spring sublease. $495/mo. Call 693- 4354. New townhome unit, 2bdrm/2bth, w/d, walking distance to campus, $375/bdrm +utilities. (713)978-6630. Parkway Apartments- 1&2 bdrms now available for Spring preleasing. 693-6540, EOH. Newsday Crossword BROKEN DOORBELL by Fred Piscop Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 1 Unearthed 6 Fountain drink 10 Wild guess 14 Oldsmobile model 15 Offender, in cop lingo 16 Apple or pear 17 Music often carrying a • warning label 19 Monogram Itr. 20 Schindler portrayer 21 Borge or Liberace 23 Have a late bite 24 Aspirin target 25 Trig, ratio 28 “I never man I didn't like” 30 Lon of Cambodia 31 Grass garment 34 Pancake serving 38 Computer- screen symbol 39 Lake Titicaca’s locale 41 Court king Arthur 42 Letter after eta 44 Back-to-back- to-back championships 46 "Sort of” suffix 48 Snobs put them on 49 Tiny crawler 50 Most precarious 54 Do something 56 Ball club's prize 57 Thinly spread 60 Division word 61 How bologna is sold 64 Idle of comedy 65 Concerning, in legalese 66 My Fair Lady lady 67 Skater Button 68 Jets, Mets or Nets 69 Pop singer John DOWN 1 Hammarskjold of the UN 2 Bator 3 Trait carrier 4 Prods 5 Pouched critters 6 Full extent 7 Not ’neath 8 Window cover 9 Rome’s Way 10 Band in a 1984 film parody 11 Gin’s partner 12 Pennsylvania sect 13 Melodious Midler 18 Kansas capital 22 Hubbubs 24 Riveter’s topper 25 IOU 26 'That hurts!” 27 Tart plum 29 Windshield shading 32 Gasoline additive 33 Garr or Hatcher 35 En route to England, maybe 36 Gumshoe Charlie 37 Etta of old comics 40 Mariachi’s wrap 43 The East 45 Object of a manhunt 47 Weed of the mint family 50 Caught sight of 51 Painter Matisse 52 Bit of high jinks 53 Tunesmith Jule 55 Bridge guard of folklore 57 Noah's eldest 58 Interview wear 59 Singer Stuarti 62 “La la” preceder 63 Actor Aykroyd CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 11/21/00 (Truck’s Pizza PIZZA STROMBOLI HOAGIES Medium Mopping Pizza *3.50 ‘order 3 for free delivery 693-BUCX Answer to previous puzzle s T E E P o H A R A L O A G L E BClU 11/21/00 Prelease for January! 2bdrm/1bth 4-plex. w/d connec tions, 609-Turner, $400/mo. 693-1448. Re-let nice downstairs corner apartment, 1bdrm/1bth. '^Sundance, on bus route, mid- December through mid- August. Call Julie 694-9784. Spacious house for sublease, 2-blocks from campus, 2bdrms, a living, large kitchen, available immediately, $575/mo. 268-0005. Spring sublease 1bdrm/1bth loft, Treehouse Apartments, $525/mo., walking distance to campus. Call Farah 693-6146. Spring sublease Ibdrm/lbth, Arbors at Wolfpen Creek, $635/mo. negotiable. 694-7721. Spring sublease, 2bdrm/2bth 4-plex, on bus-route, $580/mo. John or Lance 268-3280. Spring sublease, 2bdrm/2bth apartment, w/d hookups, large kitchen/ living room. On shuttle route. $660/mo. Jan. rent paid. Call 260-3215. Spring sublease, available Dec.-Jan. Ibdrm/lbath, w/d, backyard, $240/mo. Call Brad, 779-5912. Spring sublease, available January. Spacious 1bdrm/1bth, amenities. Cripple Creek Apts. $430/mo. Call Michelle, 764-2074. Spring sublease, Melrose. Own room/bath, on bus route. $369 +1/4util. Free phone/ethemet. 680-3134. Spring Sublease. Option to renew. Peppertree Apartments. $575/mo., 2bdrm/1,5bth, I will cover half of deposit. Dillon 224-1470 for info. Sublease 1 bdrm of a 2bdrm/1.5bth apartment, $263/mo. Call 777-9514. Sublease 1bdrm/1bth duplex, available 12/18, 2-blocks from campus, pels ok, $350/mo. 255-9509. Sublease 1bdrm/1bth, 5-min. to campus, $370/mo. Available Dec., $250 refundable deposit. 485-8725. Sublease Ibdrm/lbth, Huntington Apartment, pets ok, $479/mo. Rosalyn 695-0634. Sublease 2bdrm/1.5bth four plex. Move in December. $610/mo. 680-8741. Sublease 3bdrm/2bth, Parkway Apartments. 1st month’s rent free, 1/2-off deposit. 695-1048. Sublease Jan.-Aug., 2bdrm/1bth, w/d, no deposit, $590/mo. Call 268-9772, Sublease Lincoln Square, Ibdrm/lbth. Walk, bus, or bike to campus. $450. Available December, Call 696- 5948. Sublease one bedroom apartment, $305/mo. Available Jan-1. Call Danny 979-361-3351, Dottea21 @ Sublease Spring’01, The Exchange, fully furnished, own bed/bath, great roommates, $375/mo. no deposit. 979- 764-7253. Sublease: spacious 1-bdrm cottage. 900sqft, $450/mo. Available Jan.-1 -Aug.-1. 774-3938. The Colony complex . Sublease Jan.-Aug., Ibdrm/lbth, $485/mo. Call 694-9381. Walk to TAMU. Great 2bdrm/1bth, $400/mo. +$300/dep. Non-smoker. 764-1082. WASHERS & DRYERS FOR RENT Don’t buy, rent a washer & dryer, $28/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better, 764-3902. S . FOR SALE Buy/ Sell A&M Fooball Tickets. Call 1-800-776-9488 or (210)349-0317. Day bed and trundle. Mattresses included, good condi- tion, $250. Contact Stephanie 696-8952. Fender BXR200 bass amp, 200 watts, very loud, used once, channel select/ chorus petal. $300/obo. Call Matt, 694-3460. Internal CD burner for sale. $95.00 Call Sarah at 764- 8943. Pioneer CD Deck, detachable face, remote control, CD tech memory, like new, $200/060. 847-2008. Two tickets: A&M vs. ut in end zone. Call 979-693- 6000. Worldwide Phonecards 1c Minute Anywhere In USA. $10 Card Max 951 Minutes. International Cards. Great rates available to 149 countries around the world. 936- 293-8147 HELP WANTED $$$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Flexible hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. 18+only. 2-clerical positions, am/pm. Start $6.00/hr, 20hrs/wk. Good computer skills a must, Microsoft Office knowl edge required. Call 696-8378. A Fun, prestigious teaching position. Some evenings/ Saturdays. $6/hr. Must have had drivers license 4+ years. No criminal record. Also, telemarketing or data- entry positions. Apply AAA 111-Univ. Dr.E., Ste.#217, 5:30pm-7:00pm only. (979)693-3992. Aggressive individual to work for small contracting com pany. Will work with schedule. $6.50/hr. 775-7126. ^American Bank exec seeks student aupair to care for 2- ,yr. old 1-yr. in Switzerland. Own room, bath, pc, travel card, insurance, indoor pool, sauna, beautiful view of Lake Wallenees. If, interested contact travelerl © Are you computer savvy? We need part-time sales peo ple in our computer software department. Apply at Texas A&M Bookstore in MSC. Assistant Manager Full-time. Apply Parkway Apts., 1600-S.W. Pkwy, CS or fax resume to 979-693-0180. BARTENDERS MAKE $100-$250 PEF? NIGHT! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! CALL NOW!! 1-800-981-8168 ext.9049 College Station Pawn is currently taking applications for sales rep. Apply at 2316-Texas Ave. South or call 696- 7296, ask for Rob or Brad. Delivery tech needed, part-time, willing to train the right individual. Apply at P.H.M.E. 3505 E.29th, Bryan. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M-F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. Full/part-time draftsman for cabinet shop. Must be pro ficient in AutoCad. Fax or E-mail resume to: 979-775- 6666, E-mail: Local Business needs part-time warehouse help/deliv ery driver. Must have good driving record. Need to be available Monday-Friday. Please call 779-7043 for application. Marketing majors & sales people needed for Christmas break or longer. Gain experience & make some money. WinterGafe Marketing, 764-5902. Mom Injured in accident (children ages 5&11) needs help 2-3hrs each afternoon with errands, dinner prepa ration, etc. Must have car &insurance. Position will con tinue through spring semester. S.W. Pkwy/Welsh area. References required. 694-8875. Nlnfa’s is now hiring friendly waitstaff experience pre ferred, but not necessary. Apply Monday thru Friday, 2pm-4pm. Notes-N-Quotes is now hiring for part-time and tempo rary in-store positions for Spring 2001 semester. For more information, please call 979-846-2255 or come by 701 W. University Drive, directly across from Blocker building. Now hiring teacher aides, substitutes for Christmas Break & for Spring Break 2001. Experience preferred. Christian Daycare & Preschool. Call 846-1762 P-time job helping handicapped. Male student pre ferred. $270/mo., lOhrs/wk. 846-3376. Part-time Programmer wanted by local engineering soft ware firm. Flexible hours, great real world experience. See more info at, or e-mail tscott @ Part-time Web Developer wanted by local engineering software firm. Flexible hours, great real world experi ence. See more info at or e-mail Pruitt’s Fabric Shop, 318 George Bush Drive. Sewing experience helpful. Research Technician position available in plant genome lab. Extract and analyze DNA molecules from cotton plants. BS in Genetics, Biochemistry, or related field required. Previous experience In DNA markers pre ferred. Contact Dr. John Yu, 260-9237. Square One Restaurant now hiring kitchen staff. 361- 0264, 211-W. Wm.J. Bryan, Bryan. Waitstaff needed 7pm-1am shifts, TABC certification preferred. Call 690-1478. Warehouse help needed Tues.-Fri. 9am-5:30pm, Sat. 10am-4pm. Over Christmas & Spring semester. $6.50- $7.00/hr. Call 779-7586. Witts End is seeking a qualified part-time energetic Sales Associate with flexible hours. Perfect for a mom or young adult. Apply In person 3525-L Longmire, CS, 485-8991, new Kroger off Rock Prairie Road. Work with your favorite movie star! Now hiring at HOLLYWOOD USA Concession, Box Office, Usher. $5.15/hr. Pick-up application @box office. Flexible hours, holiday pay, all shifts available. FREE MOVIES for you and your family!) LOST & FOUND Lost 5/16: m/n, white/ tan/ black tabby. ''Target” on both sides, blue eyes, “kink” in tail. Please call 260-0686, reward! MOTORCYCLE 1988 Suzuki Katana 600cc. Good condition. Call 979- 693-5057. $2000 or best offer. PETS Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure breeds! Occasional birds, snakes, rabbits & others. Brazos Animal Shelter- 775-5755. Free Puppies- 6 weeks old, Red Heeler/Blue Heeler cross. Adorable, 2 males, 1 female^ Please call 979- 696-4292. Rescued Dog Needs Home!! Very sweet female, 1-yr., spayed, vaccinated, medium-sized, potty Senate trained. Perfect Family Dog! Adoption- $35. 696-5344. The Cat's Cradle, a rescue &adopion shelter for cats ^kittens, has fabulous felines of al ages for adoption. Spayed/neutered, de-wormed, de-flead, vaccinated. 15- miles south of CS. 936-825-8610. ROOMMATES $275/mo., master bedroom, own bathroom +1/3bills. Call Sean. 696-1394. 1 M/F lake over large bedroom, $320/mo. +1/2bills, Jan.- Redass01@hotmail.cdm 1-bedroom available in 4-bedroom apartment. University Commons. Call 1-800-240-3887 after 7pm for Apt.#303 Phase One. 1-female roommate, 2bdrm/1.5bth apartment, close to campus, $300/mo, +1/2bllls. 764-9381. 1-female roommate, 4bdrm/2bth, University Commons, shuttle, Dec.-Aug. sublease. Call 485-8296. 3bdrm/2bth new duplex, room available spring, w/d, $307/mo., Christian female. 694-1544. 3bdrm/2bth duplex, room available, walk-in closet. $307/mo„ female. Call 764-2728. 3bdrm/2bth, own bedroom. Spring semester 680-8283. F-lbdrm/lbth, private duplex, $342/mo. +1/3bllls. Sublease Dec.-Aug., bus-route. Call 268-4308. F-roommate needed lor spring. 3bdmV2bth house. All utilities paid except cable &phone, $425/mo Call Jamie 695-7898. F-roommale needed for spring. Own bed/bath, $295/mo. +1/2bills. Darby 846-8793. F-roommate needed for spring. 2bdrm/1bth house. 1- block from campus. $300/mo. +1/2bills Call 696-5297. F-roommate needed for spring/summer. 4bdrm/4bth condo, $320/mo. +1/4utilities. 680-8747. F-roommate needed to share 3bdmV2bth furnished townhouse. 1-block from campus, on bus route Call Melanie 979-764-9490 or 979-255-1532. F-roommate needed, large 2bdrm/2bth apartment, close to campus, on shuttle, private bath, available December. $380/mo. +1/2bills. (903)570-5706. F-roommate needed. 3bdrm/2ba house. Rmavail start ing December $325/mo &deposits. Call Marie O 693- 6953/255-7910. F-Roommate needed. You will have 2-wonderful roomies in a brand new duplex, in a quiet neighborhood. Call 695-9347 or 575-7463. F-roommate, 2bdrm/2bth, fully furnished, free efhemet, bus route, w/d. $40Q/mo., no deposit Nikki 485-8254. Female roommate needed lor spring, $315/mo. +1/3bills. Call 764-0889. Female roommate needed spring/ summer 2001. Call Valerie 696-1708. Female roommate to share 2bdrm/1bth condo, close to campus, $275/mo. 260-2263. Female roommate/ House mother needed to assist &share 4bdrm, 2-story house w/2 special females. Can be a full-time student. Looking for a caring &compas- sionate person w/special education interest. Call 690- 6990. Female sublease wanted for spring semester. 3bdrm/2bth duplex, on bus-route, $307/mo. +1/3bllls. Call Michelle at 823-2823. M/F 1 -bedroom available in 3bdrm/1,5bth house, walk to campus, W/D, hot tub. 979-691-8206. M/F spring or longer. 4bdrm/2ba house. $300/mo, util ities included. Call Christa 695-0375. Male, non-smoker, 4bdrm/3bth house, w/d, own room, $285 +1/4 bills. 822-9586 Kevin. Male- 4bdrm/2bth house close to campus. $300/mo. +1/4bills. 823-8718. Need female roommate starting dec./jan. for 4bdrm house. $300/mo. +1/4utilities, 694-7195. Roommate needed for spring semester in 3bdrm/2bth 4- plex. Own room and bath. $260/mo. +1/3bills. On bus route. Call 680-9230. Roommate needed for spring, 1700sqft house, 3bdrm/2bth, garage, furnished, with backyard, $325/mo. +1/3elec. Paul 822-1569. Roommate needed Jan.-Aug. sublease. $250/mo. +1/3bills, w/d, on shuttle, available ASAP. 823-4206. Roommate needed to share 2/bdrm apartment in College Station. Prefers non-smoker, female. Call 695- 6616. Roommate wanted. 4bdnm/2bth, fully furnished, w/d, on bus route, fitness center, 2-pools, computer lab, $315/mo. +1/4utilities. 7648999. Roommates needed, 3bdrm/2bth house on bus-route, own room, w/d, garage, $280/mo. +1/3bllls. Call Eric at 485-0995. Roommates Needed- Woodstock Condominiums (University Drive), 1-minute from campus. 2-Christian female roommates needed at $250/mo. each, includes all utilities except phone. Pool, fireplace, fenced yard, upstairs bedroom w/balcony, partially furnished. Call (972)291-2947. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am- 2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). GRE Mastery Course $245. Classes start frequently throughout the year. This course is the best and most affordable way to prepare for the GRE. Contact us at 979-764-0080 or Looking for a place to live? Your move off campus! WANTED Buy/ Sell A&M Fooball Tickets. Call 1-800-776-9488 or (210)349-0317. WEIGHT LOSS Lose weight fast! 1-800-416-LEAN access code: WLME1563 Lose up to 30lbs. in the next 30 daysl Natural/ Nutritional, money back guarantee. Metabolite 356 & MeTrimPlus! New Lower Pricesl Still Free Delivery in B/CS! Cash, Checks, Credit Cards. JCS Enterprises, 695-6983. SINUS INFECTION STUDY Are you experiencing the following symptoms? ' Facial Pain/ Pressure/Tightness Facial Congestion/ Fullness Tooth Pain/ Earache/ Headache/ Sore Throat Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 16 years of age and cider to participate in a research study with an investigational oral antibiotic. If qualified, your participa tion will last up to 24 days and you will be compensated up to $500. For more information, please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 DO YOU HAVE DARK SPOTS ON YOUR FACE? These dark spots (Hyperpigmentation) are often caused by birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy. If you have spots and are 18 years of age or older you may qualify to participate in a research study with an investigative topical med ication. Call for more information. Eligible volunteers will be com pensated. J&S Studies, Inc. 979-846-5933 r LAXATIVE STUDY Sciman Biomedical Research is currently conducting a research study of a prescription laxative to determine the lowest effective dose that could be sold without a prescription for the treatment of constipation. If you are 18-85 years of age and you currently use nonprescription laxatives to treat constipation, you may qualify for this research study. If you qualify, your participation will last up to four weeks and you will be compensated up to $125. V For more information please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 y Iteamboat dbi] January 8-18,2001 3/4/5/6 or 7 nighu T«80Q»SUNCHASE Snowboard Ski 5 Resorts lor the Price oil Bpociif.fiPHlSfi, Steil, Crock, Keystone & ms$m nunfe You< Complete $w PacXaae loctudeo: • 6 Days & 5 Nights in Slopesicte Condos • 4 Fun Day A Night Lift Pass • SKI w Snowboard Rentals & Lessons • Non-Stop Parties & Happy Hours • Ftoundtrip Airfare or Motorooech l-M-Skl -.B.ftSkl The #1 Spring Break for 17 Tears! SPRING BREAK 2001 C-atiicvim £2^ TVIazatlsLii XXs'iJy .A_oay>ialoo - 8EAC jffi B ’- Breckenridge ^ If F> Clz'a Beaver Creek - W . Z-/ 01*1 Kevstone A-Baain 1-800-BEACH-BUM (1 .BOO.232.2-428) Colleg e bowl bi decided Purdue to atte Rose Bpwl, Oh fire State to Oum EVANSTON, Ill Northwestern’s reward f the Big Ten title? Playk gh ing — t Dec. 30 Alamo Bowl. Hke that | The Wildcats let the R« pecan pie t slip away and were siik/the best try passed over by the Citrus ami v Strange games played on New Yea: out travel | “If you can’t be in theliwlly muc the national championshr Jicult than you can shake them up:!® 186 I ex ‘ them in a hat and they all tomorrow. Northwestern coach Rand;;4 s an 0 ^ 1C said Monday when these! . Ihe ide nounced it would play in W ore * game at San Antonio. cause it ha Northwestern’s Alamo!® 1 ! a11 an ponent will come fromtkT* 1 and could be Texas, Texas , r . , lLl | Kansas Slate. » a h “ lR The Wildcats (8-3). s ! L jb , e one of the »i»«« %, nlinis , r . offenses shared the Big!*,, Wedn with Purdue, which ishean 9' . Rose Bowl, and Michigan, i -p^ e |( j c going to Orlando for theCu neet i e( j to The Big Ten hasarela j| sl becau with six bowl games. AfeHj phy S j c; Rose Bowl, the CitrusandO® £ xtra j are considered the mostpre .Hhi’y couk Michigan got the (kfiy to sp< even though it lost toNort 'libs in pea this season, and Ohio State Last yt ed to the Outback, eventhi Textraordii Buckeyes were 5-3 in th students \ compared to the WildcatsTiecautio “Absolutely I’m surpik-rather tha it’s not anything we arep- While worry about,” Northwester -pan of m; sive end Dwayne Misso: Campus, t Monday. olTcxas- “We proved field. If the bowl selection^! deal abou tees don’t want to takeusljhould tal their loss the way we're see": P'anning We’re going to get filled for'T/ F° r m. (Big Ten) rings, go tolheAlaJNekend ome and play a great game." | nv ' n 8 >> Northwestern will bemaliiii; '^ )n \^ Us fourth bowl appearance in sdB^ n 81 history and third in the last fiw|P!”- es l * 1 The Wildcats lost in theRosei-f' 1 ^ to Southern Cal in 1996, and- ■ 111 Tennessee in the 1997 CitrusRj 4 lls r tea “After that Citrus BowLin'^ 0 ' 1 like, 'Man lean get used to Hi is going to be a regular thing we had a few down years,”0) Emmerich said. “It’s weirdlioi| that time goes by.” Northwestern, featuringtai Damien Anderson, who 1,914 yards and scored 22iu“J downs this season, lost its mq with Purdue. ■ermane Northwestern routed IlfcP ,1 PP e d 23 Saturday to gain a share r i conference title, but could haclp lat 1! r the championship outrighthacf| 01 vote lost to Iowa the previous weei [ lloas ' 0l “That’s on us,” said lul who replaced Gary Barnet ;¥ ue -.* n ‘ years ago and took the WiiB ote 18 s from 3-8 to 8-3 in one season.'P enten Cf had it in our hands.” Walker insisted doesn’t feel his team wasslijl by the New Year’s Day bowl: “1 don’t see it as a slap ora ative,” he said. “I’m thrilledt 1 ] going anywhere. Therearenoi- 1 of people who gave us any hop*' it. Not a lot who gave us tl of being in this position.” How |elons f] iave sei Totij |ently _ |owa, K Nevada and Wv Vizcaino Continued from Dodgers and played there forf 1 - of 1989 a lid 1990. Hethenplai for the Chicago Cubs (199I 1 New York Mets (1994-96), Ck 1 land Indians (latter part of 1$ San Francisco Giants (1997)anil : turned to Los Angeles in He has a .269 career battios- erage and a .977 fielding percent: He made four errors in 102^ last season. In addition to his salary, Vi# ' can earn an additional $600.(W performance incentives. In other moves, the Astros nounced they have purchased^ players from minor-leagueaf® and placed them on the team s' man roster. The club purchased right-ill' ed pitchers Brad Lidge, Roy O' and Tim Redding, left-W pitchers Greg Miller, Carloslq nandez and Kyle Kesselandc/’ er Carlos Maldonado. The hese re fivil rio averse Corr •hese st ot sen