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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 2000)
November; Hiesday. , November 21, 2000 11 ways tfO arouojl i^i* said, b on every ng s 1 te ^a n their members!' j. • not asj s they are: aid the s| lc | seemeji mm 'he playful nature ofthese^§l§ 'f Hlhese days it is not fashionable to be a conspiracy theorist, but the simple fact is, conspiracies are be- .. (h— — hind everything people hate. No one would like to •‘YoudotB&nh that there is a guiding force behind their daily tri- „ 1 1 J als and the pain they suffer throughout their lives. iPainful divorces, the AIDS epidemic, the Bay of Pigs disaster and countless Pennsylvania road accidents are 11 due to one diabolical group — the deer. ed around . it tragus* vear, Maj.|.. ,edav, tt; . Is it any coincidence that people shoot deer and not d third prs bison? For that matter, why do people shoot deer and not , I ^. people? For the simple reason that deer kill. I For proof of this, one need look no further than any Fox Television I hursday night special. Every time you turn around, it is goring here and loring there. Deer kicking people, poking them with their pointy antler Ihingies, and yes, shiving children in the lunch line with sharpened spoons. I Deer are the greatest public relations artists of modern times. They ■ass themselves off as cute and cuddly creatures, but some people will ■ot be fooled. Some can see past the charade of grass chewing, butterfly Sniffing and joyful forrest romping to see these carnivorous head hunters Bor what they are. d theil ^ ie Michigan Militia, that bastion of American virtue, shoots deer by . diitjyjjhe bushel. But even it is not fool enough to take on a deer without a trusty Bucket launcher. Only a moron would dare oppose a deer unarmed. Speaking of which, if one were to doubt the evil of the deer, one need |ook no further than the exploits of the Crocodile Hunter — that resident )f the upper cable channels who fights the most vicious animals on iarth. Lines like, “This is the most venomous snake in the world, low I am going to punch him in the face ... Oh he’s really miffed now," have made the crocodile-hunting Aussie the most famous inimal fighter in the world. Yet, when has he ever fought a deer? If he is so tough, he would lave shellacked those fuzzy little critters long ago. Still, he shies away from a duel with the deer. This is not because he is a ‘bofty,” as the Australians might say — it is because deer kill. In order to prove this assertion, one has to look back in histo ry. There have been numerous hits ordered by deer, but we will investigate only the most famous. First, the assassination of JFK: Oswald, CIA ... or deer? The data has always been sketchy on this killing, but if one examines the film of the assassination closely, a unity", Ider died' vas affed ial servii; than S brmersta inner Pie / few m cainpit ,t all-wfe was slo# icilitieslo: i/ere ed’a mer said f from year, me"' ecidedicf theirspr pair of antlers can clearly be seen just over the grassy knoll. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis did eventually einony.I imarry an extremely hairy man who could well have is, die $ {been a deer in disguise; shoulderi | The second most obvious case of deer murder- rfflitoroi 'Tor-hire was Sonny Bono. He ran into a tree, did ■ he? Poppycock! ig forward' remepM - have had'r Page 3 mm disguise their lust for blood He was pushed, I tell you, or perhaps he had to swerve to avoid an in nocent-looking fawn. It surely looked like Bambi in the scene after the hunters got his moth er before he swerved, but it was a Bambi who talked with a Brooklyn ac cent and sent people to sleep with the fishes. Luca Brazzi the deer. Perhaps I ramble because I hit a deer with my Ford Bronco while taking my friend, let’s call him Orenthal, through the “woods” in order to escape the “deer,” or Los Angeles Police Department. In fact, none of this is happening, and deer do not hurt people. Love them and pet them. But kill the little buckaroos if they look at you wrong. That is what the Second Amendment is all about. Killing wildlife. Nothing is cooler than going to a wildlife reserve and shooting en dangered deer and eating them with spotted owl dumplings. I may disappear for writing this column — the deer do not like to have their real activities publicized. This man has tried to warn you. He has given everything to warn the The assassination of JFK. Oswald, CIA ... or deer? The data has al ways been sketchy on this killing, but if one examines the film of the assassination closely, a pair of antlers can clearly be seen just over the grassy knoll. citizens of the world about the deer. Praise those who venture out to rid us of these psychotic assassins of the animal kingdom. They save us from the hordes of malevolent deer that would surely accumulate and euthanize mankind as a whole. The fourth reich, the deer reich. As for me, I will likely be sitting in my study, thinking of my summers in Rangoon, pouring mustard on my chest and waiting. Waiting for the day when the deer will come for their revenge. That day will come, and when it does, I will sit in my overstuffed leather chair with my shotgun in my hand and my chaw in my mouth. But I will take hostages beforehand, and when the great 10-point buck comes to throttle me, I will slaughter the fawns like so many chickens at an Ozzy Osbourne concert. Amen. — Jason Bennyhoffis a senior journalism major DriMion?' rninamf-' j leen slut' .isthowf | iged siitf -• erisheditf ion, jwiif * Lphani"- • ay.TfcG ' i thegai# J c iuniors 1 ; 2:30 or: ' y short's hasgro"! 1 lewtral ^ n in l$ji itenedP Only *25.00 per couple Appetizer, 2 salads, 2 entrees, & a dessert to share CENARE Italian Restaurant Only Tuesdays and Wednesdays No coupon needed 404 University Dr. 696-7311 eggs,"* jts. THIS FRIDAY! >1$ By ft! UR NEEDS ONALQUtf ;| S3 AKMAIlF -W: ■ • j STUDY mow hv DO/VvilvtCA Spend Summer Session I in a Carribean Island Tropical Rainforest and EARN TAMU CREDIT! Interested? Contact Or. Tom Lacher 210 Nagle Hall 862-7667 Or come by the Study Abroad Program Office, Bizzell Hall West, first floor Study Abroad Programs • * 845-0544 r TKXAS AJkm JR. Iditor Pat uree W/Deryl Dodd & Houston Marchm. Friday November 24th E-WALK ASS OF 2002 Texas A AM University Hus Operations ttt TO GIVE ME YOUR OPINION. GO TO WWW-BUSOPS.TAMU.EDU, CLICK ON THE VOTE LINK AND VOTE ON WHICH BUS PAINT SCHEME YOU LIKE BEST. TUESDAY NOV. 21ST flUITIN miliiaiffLL . THIRD & NUECES, AUSTIN, TX - WWW.AUST1NMUSICHALL.COM ■j- (512) 469-SHOW TO CHARGE IZZZm ffT (512) 263-4146 FOR MORE INFO. ■£3^ Event Begins - 10:00 am Games, prizes and elephants Location - Law/Puryear Field Fajita Lunch - (11:30 - 1:30) Catered by - Mi Cocina Walk, Speaker (Brant Ince '91), and Class Picture approx. 1:30 ■M I ,