Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 2000)
THE BATTALION The Battalion Classified To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Bldg. Business Hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Science help Olympians break records FURNITURE AUTO FOR RENT FOR SALE HELP WANTED Sofas, Bedroom Furniture. Tables, Lots More. Aggieland Discount Furniture, 1001-S. Texas, Bryan. Hours: Friday 2-6 &Saturday 10-6 or call 776-9663. 777-6207 for appointment. We also buy furniture. ‘94 Mitsubishi Eclipse, maroon. 1589/ 575-8398. Must see! $5100. 268- AUTO Cars from $29/mo. $0/down, 24-months @ 19.9%, for listings/ payment details 800-319-3323 ext.3782. *No Roommate? No Problem! Room by Room Rent starting at $275 per person. Four Bedrooms Available For Two, Three or Four roommates. Call Autumn Woods Apartments Today, 979-775-6700. OPEN WEEKENDS! Worldwide Phonecards 1e Minute Anywhere In USA. $1(7 Card Max 951 Minutes. International Cards. Great rates available to 149 countries around the world. 936- 293-8147 Partners Food Delivery now hiring delivery drivers. Flexible hours, good pay. Apply in person at 113 Walton, C. S. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 1983 Jeep Scrambler 4x4, good shape, $8500. 254)729-8099. Mason's Mobile Car Repair. Help on the spot. General Automotive Repair. 828-4832. 1-2/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$325/mo. 696-2038. HELP WANTED 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme. 79,000 miles, V6, automatic, CD, a/c, red. $6500, 696-4659, Ibdrm apartment near park, on Harvey Rd., pool, pets allowed. Caroline 268-6081. $$$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Flexible hours. Stocking 690-1478. 18+ only*. Siljr Places: Home of Rodeo &Viper Club now accepting applications for all positions- bartender, waitstatf, cashier, doorstaff, assistant manager. Apply in person, 1600-B South College. 12pm-3pm Tues.-Fri. 823-6111. Scooter’s Paint and Body: Collision Repair Specialist. Insurance Claims. 1211-South College, Bryan TX. 823-2758. 2bdnm/1bth duplex, walking distance to campus. OK. $425/mo. Available Jan. 268-0155. 1995 Jeep Wrangler 4x4, soft top, a/c, sound bar, $9,600/nego. Call 694-8971. BED AND BREAKFAST College Station house for lease. 3bdrm/1bth, close to shopping center &TAMU. 126-A Richards. $400/deposit, $700/rent. 822-4977. 2-POSITIONS AVAILABLE. Full-time lab tech, 35- 40hrs/wk, benefits ind. ($8.50-11/hr). Part-time lab attendant, 20-30hrs/wk, $6.35-7/hr. Soil Analytical Services, Inc., 415-Graham Rd., College Station (4-mi S of TAMU left off Wellborn Rd), Apply in person. Semen Donors Needed (Between 18-44 yrs.) to assist infertile couples. Excellent Compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank at 713-799-9937 or E-Mail Houstoncryo @ 1995 Toyota Camry, 76K, all power. $9500 o.b.o. Call 272-7076. 1996 Mazda B2300- black, 57,000 miles, $6200. 936-873-3250. Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways. For information/ reser vations call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,’70, 409-696-0091. Home for rent- 1511 Arctic, 3bdrm, fenced, 1600sqft, ©Anderson &Cedar Run, across from Kroger Center. (713)365-9011. Aerobics instructor needed: Caldwell, certified pre ferred. Call for details 979-567-3800 leave message. Seniors and Graduate Students, Notes-N-Quotes is currently hiring notetakers for the Fall Semester. Apply at 701 University Drive, directly across from the Blocker building on the A&M campus or call 846-2255. Low sublease $450. weights. 694-9353. No deposit. Pool, recreation, Aggieland Printing is looking for an experienced part- time press operator to join our team. Great pay for great skills & attitude. Apply at 1801 Holleman C.S. 979-693- 8621. Shop assistant needed 15-25 hours per week. Flexible. Ability to do basic car maintenance. Start at $7/hr. Apply at Jack Hilliard Distributing Co., 1000 Independence, Bryan. (AP) — Sprinters faster than; thoroughbred horse. Female swim mers with the shoulders and swaggei of linebackers. Weightlifters general ing enough energy in a single clean and jerk to illuminate your house- and your neighbor’s. World records are falling ii bunches at the Sydney 2000 Olympi Games. The athletes’ performances aretli( product of superb genes, hard work and, increasingly, science. Years ago, scientists — physiolo gists, kinesiologists, nutritionists, bio- mechanists, even physicists — began applying their knowledge to athlete! As a result, practicing a sport fo hours is no longer enough to win. In the lungs of cyclists, scientist; measure the maximum oxygen take in milliliters per kilogram of ^ [) emocr 1997 Mustang- auto., white w/gray interior, miles, $10,900. (409)781-6114. Long Distance Telephone Service All day, everyday, *62.00 monthly! Intrastate, Puerto Rico, the American Virgin Islands. Fax documents and 3-way calling included. Use any touch tone phone - anywhere, including: Pay Phones Eliminates Calling Cards and Collect Calls For payment and enrollment options, send S.A.S.E. to: Jay Co., P.O. Box 22358 Baltimore, MD 21203-4358. Browning Plantation- 150 Year Old Home- B&B and Special Event Facility (weddings, family reunions, cor porate retreats, etc.) 1-888-912-6144 www.browning- Manufactured homes- 2&3/bdrm, 1&2/bath, $400-up. Close to tamu. No pets, 823-3106. One month's free rent. CHILD CARE New 3bdrm/2bth duplex, CS, fenced- pets allowed, w/d, on bus route, off 2818& Holleman. 764-6712. Assistant needed to answer telephones, take orders, and assist clients from 1-5pm, Mon.-Fri. Basic comput er skills and friendly personality required. Please apply at Collegiate Illustrations, 300 S. Bryan at 28th in down town Bryan. Temporary part-time work, $6.50/hour, flexible hours. Call 846-4713. MOTORCYCLE Child care available in my College Station home. Sevening openings. Call 694-2847. Day Spring sublease 2bdrm/2bth duplex C.S., W/D, fenced, pets allowed, bus route, $605/mo. 696-4431. COMPUTERS Sublease my furnished 1bdrm/1bth apartment ASAP! $400/mo., $300 deposit. About 1-mile from campus. Bill Bradford 979-846-9196. Attention Students: Part-time work with flexible hours. The Technology Mentor Fellowship Program. Train people to use computers in educational settings. Basic computer skills required. For more information call 458- 2279, e-mail: or visit: 1994 Kawasaki Ninja 600R. OBO. Chris 680-0126. Perfect for student, $2900 1998 Harley Sportster 883, candy apple red, 1400- miles, garage kept, must sell, $6700/060. 694-9885. Vednesday, Septem Bus rea< elec AUSTIN ( Bush jokes th engaging in m< Judd Gregg is 1 The New 1 can has been Democrat A1 < sions with tl And while Bi impression he time or ene hearsals, the p underway for One span i Bush and G ranch in Crav 2000 Honda Elite- brand new, warranty, just over 500- miles, $2000. 268-9072/ 255-0765. Toshiba Laptop 266 Pentium 4G, floppy, CD, ethernet card. Windows 98, Norton. $475/OBO. 696-7048. DJ MUSIC WASHERS & DRYERS FOR RENT. Don't buy, rent a washer & dryer, $28/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better, 764-3902. Bass guitar player for country band with steady gigs. Call Crystal 693-7334. ‘83 Honda Scooter, good condition, good starter bike, $850. Call 775-6999. Bryan Outboard, part-time, mechanically inclined, $7- $8/hour. 822-6836, ask for Jeff. MUSIC "Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693-6294. WE CAN HELP! We LOCATE ALL property types throughout the B/CS area! Alpha-Omega Properties, Inc, Broker 693-0868. Cashiers: Full/Part time, day& night shifts available, can woVk with class schedules. Apply af Max Food Mart 4150 Hwy-6 South at Barron Road, C.S. Got Talent? Drummer and Bassist seeking singer (female preferred) and guitarist(s) for original rock band. Call Rob 571-9260. FOR SALE Clerical, data entry, receptionist. Special events and day labor, f/p-time. 846-8555, ask for Cassie, PERSONAL weight per minute In the fast-twitch muscle cells oh rower, they determine the use of en ergy-producing adenosine triphos phate and the buildup of fatigue-in ducing lactic acid. Using computers, videotape andj sensors, they streamline the trajecto ry of a weightlifter’s hoist or a gym nast's vault. Combined with more than l.OOO hours of intensive training a year, how much might science improve an Olympian’s peak performance? Maybe 1 percent. 2 Zone Tickets For Tech Game. Call 764-2982. MSR DJ Service, experienced, reasonable rates. Shawn at 731-8414. OPPORTUNITY Sales-National Marketing Company seeks student rep to market credit cards on your campus. Earn up to $500 or more/wk. 800-592-2121ext.300. 3bdrm/2bth home with attached garage in C.S. over looking Gabbard Park. $80,340/firm. Huge fenced yard vfith trees, fully updated appliances, kitchen& bath fur- rtishings, new paint InsideS out, new roof& siding, many more updates, spacious, living/ dining/ kitchen, conve nient to A&M. Will consider one-time listings for pre approved clients at 3%. Get more details at Daniel Jarvis Home Health has immediate openings for full& part-time RN s. Good pay and benefits, 979-779- 5733 or 1-800-333-8545, ask for Georgette or Geraldine. Loose 2-8 pounds every week guaranteed, www.get- 1-877-284-2815. PETS Dental Assistant Wanted: part-time for high quality spe cialty practice, experience preferred but will train the right person. Call 979-260-9772. 2-dutch blue lovebirds, $ 150-pair, includes cage and accessories. Must sell! 268-3033. Future limits to athletic perfor- ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM COLD SYMPTOMS? IF YOU HAVE A RUNNY NOSE- CALL US IMMEDIATELY! We are conducting a research study for people who have a runny nose aleng with nasal congestion, a cough, or a sore throat. You may be eligible to par ticipate in this study to evaluate an investigational oral antiviral medication. This Research Study Is Ongoining From Now Until December 2000. For More Information Please Call: J&S Studies, Inc. 979-846-5933 '99 Sea-Doo GSX-RFI clean, fast, 2-yrs remain on war ranty, trailer included, $5750. 693-1689. Earn extra cash having fun. Dealers needed for recre ational casino parties. Will train. 696-5555. Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure breeds! Occasional birds, snakes, rabbits & others. Brazos Animal Shelter- 775-5755. Buy/ Sell A&M Fooball Tickets: Call 1-800-776-9488 or (210)349-0317. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M-F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. Computer desk. Very compact and ergonomical. $90 O.B.O. Call 485-8096. Female attendant needed for handicapped student. Morning and night shifts. Call 847-2147. The Cat's Cradle, a rescue &adoption shelter for cats &kittens, has fabulous felines ot all ages for adoption. Spayed/neutered, de-wormed, de-flead, vaccinated. 15- miles south of CS. 936-825-8610. Desk for sale, $85. Call 696-4478. Pioneer 3:1 CD recorder, $400 O.B.O. Call 847-0076. Scuba/Snorkel Equipment New BCDs $250, regulators $275, computers $200, warranty, mask/fins/snorkel $125. 281-468-8104. Fun, prestigious teaching position. Some evenings/ Saturdays. $6/hr. Must have had drivers license 4+ years. No criminal record. Also, telemarketing or data- ontry positions. Apply at AAA 111-Univ. Dr.E., Ste.#217, 5:30pm-7:00pm only. (979)693-3992. Weimaraner, beautiful ginger-red female, lime eyes, 6- months, parents on property, $150. Call 272-1223. REAL ESTATE Tips for Law School Success. A book giving the inside scoop. $10+$2S&H. Check or money order. Payable to: F.A. Romeu, 6476 Sunbeam Dr., Riverside, CA 92506. Help Wanted. Positions for telephone interviewers available on Campus. Part-time, evening and weekend shifts. Bilingual (Spanish/English) a plus. Competitive hourly pay. Call Linda Magee at the PPRI Survey Lab at 845-9550. B/CS- STOP PAYING RENT! Free Special Report. Visit Broker, Century 21 Beal. mance will be determined less by the innate physiology of the athlete, than by technological advances... ” ROOMMATES Honest, hard working employees for new convenience store. Cashier experience helpful, $6.50-$7/hr. 777- 3702. 1-female roommate, 2bdrm/1.5bth apartrrient, close to campus, $275/mo. +1/2bills. 764-9381. — Guy C. Brown British Biochemist ATHLETE’S FOOT STUDY Koppe, Bridge Bar & Grill, part-time counter help need ed. 764-2933. F-roommate needed to share 2bdrm/1bth furnished apartment, on campus shuttle, no deposit. $260/mo. +1/2bills. Call 694-1729/695-8983. Newsday Crossword CAREGIVERS by Fred Piscop Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 1 Underground explorer 6 The majority 57 Saltwater predator 60 Percussionist Puente 10 Perfume holder 61 Feminizing 14 Kind of acid 15 Lighten up 16 Picnic playwright 17 Advanced degrees 19 Blue-pencil 20 Palindromic preposition 21 and kin 22 Wyoming range 24 Relate under 7 Down 26 Satirist Freberg 27 Not active: Abbr. 28 Like wet concrete 32 Nostrils 35 __ YOUR DOG 36 Othello, for one 37 Nobelist Wiesel 38 Menu 39 Colorado ski spot 40 Cleaning cloths 41 Astronomical bear 42 In itself 43 Statuette 45 Portable bed 46 Bouquet unit 47 Veteran seafarer 51 Composer Prokofiev 54 Down in the dumps 55 long way (last) 56 Pennsylvania port suffix 62 Conical abode 63 Leaf through 64 Imminently 65 Service closers DOWN 1 Citadel student 2 Dean Martin song subject 3 Bad habits 4 Med. specialty 5 Newcomers 6 Beef-filled 7 Court procedure 8 NNW’s opposite 9 Lab container 10 Bom on the Fourth of July marchers 11 -European languages 12 Not “fer” 13 Cole Porter’s Do If 18 Falling-out 23 Pencil holder, at times 25 She may take a bough 26 More or less, informally 28 Pug’s pay 29 Guy in a sty 30 Hi’s wife, in the comics 31 Perry’s creator 32 Indoor ball 33 Jai _ 34 Diana of The Avengers 35 Chili con 38 Thai and Cajun, e.g. 42 Italian magistrate 44 Future fish 45 Fingerprint, perhaps 47 Lois Lane colleague 48 Slack-jawed 49 Heston’s El Cid costar 50 Movie shots ‘ 51 Match units 52 Author Ambler 53 Beatles’ meter maid 54 Czech city 58 Important numero 59 Haw’s partner Volunteers ages 12 and up needed for a research study of a medication for the treatment of athlete’s foot. Subjects must have active signs and symptoms of athlete’s foot. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $200.00 for 8 clinic visits. For more information call: 979-846-5933 Local company needs 2 part-time telemarketers. 1 -day time, 1-evening. Hourly +commission, apply in person ©United Roofing, 3501-S. Texas, Bryan. Female roommate, 1 or 2 rooms in 3/2 house. $330/mo +1/3bills. 229-5600. Ninfa’s is now accepting applications for all positions. Inquire Mon.-Fri. between 2pm-4pm. Sublease available immediately. 4bdrm/4bth condo, $350/mo. all bills paid except phone, 903-846-2405 email: Oxford Street Restaurant now hiring waitstatf that can work minimum 2-lunches per/week, Mon.-Fri. 11-3pm. Please apply in person. SERVICES Part-time maintenance person needed. Apartment com plex convenient to TAMU campus. Call Will at 822- 0780. Part-time physical therapy assistant for busy rehab cen ter. Will train, morning only. Fax resume 979-775-0383. AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am- 2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr,, Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). J&S Studies, Inc. 4309 Wellborn Road Bryan, TX 77801 Semester & Short Term Leases Available For Furnished Rooms w/AII Bills Paid. FREE Private Shuttle to TAMU. CALL 779-7091 GRE Mastery Course $245. Classes start frequently throughout the year. This course is the best and most affordable way to prepare for the GRE. Contact us at 979-764-0080 or Looking for a place to live? Your move off campus! www.housingl 01 .net.. TRAVEL SKI STEAMBOAT with Pat Green and Cory Morrow at the Nations Largest College Ski Week Party. DO YOU HAVE DARK SPOTS ON YOUR FACE? HURRY!! WINTER BREAK/ SPRING BREAK Ski & Beach Trips on sale now! or call 1-800-SUN- CHASE TODAY! These dark spots (Hyperpigmentation 1 ) are often caused by birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy. If you have spots and are 18 years of age or older you may qualify to participate in a research study with an investigative topical med ication. Call for more information. Eligible volunteers will be com pensated. J&S Studies, Inc. 979-846-5933 Sign Now & Save $100 on 1st Months Rent WANTED 2 Bedroom Starting @ $545 Buy/ Sell A&M Fooball Tickets. (210)349-0317. Call 1 -800-776-9488 or TIMBER CREEK 801 SPRING Need two senior sports passes for Tech game. Call Ken 361-0202. Top$. (Behind The Hilton) 846-2976 Toll Free: 877-810-7409 WEIGHT LOSS Metabolite 356 & MeTrimPlus! New Lower Prices! Still Free Delivery in B/CSI Cash, Checks, Credit Cards. JCS Enterprises, 695-6983. A Great Way to Earn $20 Today! Complete College Ski Package I . fro £L?!2i y includes S nights.lodging. 4 day lilt pass, and Exclusive(Q|£) tvcnts. Service __ (I-888-7S4-8447) CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 9/27/00 ^Ruck’s Pizza PIZZA STROMBOLI HOAGIES Answer to previous puzzle Medium 1-Topping Pizza $ 3.50 ‘order 3 for free delivery "693-BUCK 9/27/00 Donate your blood plasma to help save kids’ lives EARN $20 CASH (for approx. 2 hrs of your time). Call or stop by: Nabi Biomedical Center 2701 Morgan Ave, #400, Corpus Chrrsti 361-883-5106 Fees & donation time may vary. ^ | I -OOO”/ j**-o**h / I 1-88U-SKITHIS For more info W ■ - . m • 8M & Snowboard Ski 5 Resorts forte Price oil * 6 Days & 5 Nights In Slopesxle Condos * 4 Full Day & Night lift Pass * Ski or Snowboard Rentals S lessons * Non-Stop Parties & Happy Hours * RoundMp Airfare or Motorcoach 1-S00-SKI 1 WWW,Mii«ifi,CO»W MAKE MONEY THE ' OLD-FASHIONED WAY. SELL SOMETHING. The Battalion Classifieds Co// 845-0569 The Battalion Online offers access to news from The Associated Press The WIRE provides continuously updated news coverage from one of the world’s oldest, largest news servipes via The Battalion’s web page. ■ A comprehensive, up-to-the-minute news report combining the latest AP stories with photos, graphics, sound and video. ■ Headlines and bulletins delivered as soon as news breaks. • U.S., World, Business, Sports, Science,Tecbnology, Weather, Arts, and Special Sections. That's often the difference between a gold medal and a silver. For now. But are we reaching the upper lim its of athletic performance? Are the world's top athletes, in the words of British biochemist Guy C. Brown, “doomed to battle ... over ever-di minishing fractions of seconds and centimeters?” Or can more science help Olympic athletes improve significantly? Both, Brown says. In a study pub lished in the journal The Sciences, Brown reports about the steadily im proving performances of athletes since 1900. For example, the record time in the men’s 1500-meter run has improved by about 10 seconds every quarter- century. Men historically have out performed women, but the gap is nar rowing. In a 1992 UCLA study, scientists predicted the women would outrun men, especially in endurance races such as the marathon, by 2035. By 2020, the editors of The Sciences predict, women will run the 10,000-me ter race a full minute faster than men. But humans might soon reach the limits of physical fitness, Brown argues. The overall limiting factor for ath letes is the heart’s ability to pump more freshly oxygenated blood through miles of blood vessels. “If it could push more blood through the body, an athlete could run, swim, row or ride a bicycle faster than usual,” Brown said. Brown says’ athletic improve ments in the 21st century probably will depend on scientific and techno logical gains. Among them, better equipment, surgical enhancements such as more flexible tendons, even genetic engi-. neering for faster-acting muscles,; higher oxygen absorption and faster ■ blood circulation. Future limits to athletic perfor-; mance will be determined less by the innate physiology of the athlete,” 1 Brown said, “than by technological advances and the evolving judgment. on where to draw the line between; what is ‘natural’ and what is artifi- •; cially enhanced.” For now, there are no clear answers; to the performance questions Brown > raises. Too many athletes. Too much! history. Too many complicating factors.; To gain an edge, most elite athletes - visualize a perfect race or routine be-; fore competing. “Visualization actually gets the! muscles firing,” Zaichowsky said. “It ’ gives the body a rehearsal.” * month — fo Gore campa turned the ta; which is inve With the 1 away on Oct, ing to Austin practice sessi full 90-mini moderator ar are planned fi There’s a < too much, 1 you’re ready t he says. He tl Some Re have voiced < not taking del ously enouj chafes at prac to get out of t Gre mana^ ture t scendi Gor del Bush corr Still, the 1 been poring given him by Bush says iarize himsell Gore’s varioi is refreshing of his own p those he doe: the campaigr The leai looks nothin cording to B cials, he has to sound like “I told h said Bush cor Karen Hughe him during al Gregg “he the condesce uses in deb “never missi get in a dig a Bush at schedule foi lined by a bi that has over bates since 1 He agreec challenging less-formal : two — in pa ances onNB and on CNN Gore woe Bush event schedule set sion. Gore p; of trying to c Jcis< 76 LUe deliver $1 CAFE Espresso Drint Sandwiches - Sou Leather 10 w/ va www.a 3( Hwy 6 and Briarcre