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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 2000)
Do you feel out of control when you are eating? Do you think you have problems with binge eating or bulimia? A short-term treatment program is now being formed at the TAMU Psychology Clinic to help with these problems. This will be an affordable and scientifically supported treatment that will address: gaining control over binge eating/vomiting, reducing weight and shape concerns, building self-esteem, and developing healthy eating patterns. For more information call Michelle at the Texas A&M Psychology Clinic - 845-8017 Page 2 CAMPUS Wednesday, September 27,20 THE BATTALION FISH by R.DeLuna Minorities bo You K\)o\*J UHY T SRouOHT YoU HEKE , ComRAPB ? But You're UASTIAJ6 Your Time!' I Uoaj’t, bo ^/-Mr You W/WT me To bo, Torture me 4LU YoO U/*A)T That's a Pity. um, 6£T OS£D To Those ropes. Because iOE'RE mot LEAY\M(p PH/Sj Library Till You Do. X SAID UJE'RE MOT LEAYimc Tll You STuby For Your fUHATgVEP^^—TESTS' Con tin ued from Page (yioHi\r that the admissions office show the receptivity and warmthtfc they preferred to receive.” The report elaborates on this,sa ing, “coupled with the periodic gem ic mailings they received fronttl University, the lack of personal co tact led many students to perceivi lack of interest by Texas A&M towa minorities. Steve Yancy, a senior manufa Graduating Seniors Texas A&M Graduation Announcements from Aggieland Printing We accept orders until Nov. 30 ,h 1 Aggieland Printing can get you ready to mail announcements in one week We have our own unique design Licensed by A&M Don't miss it - see them on the web We sell • Graduation Announcements • Graduation Remembrance Displays • Thank You Notes • Personalized Graduate Notepads Order & pay online: 1801 Holleman • College Station 693-8621 M-F 8:30-5:30 Non Mia Culpa by B-Hippie p brom 0H HORNS, I'VE NEVER FELT THIS WAY v .BEFORE- V V's VtFlNrriOH: WR0N5KIAN- WfvAjv, A v 3 k N4' v; WELL THAT PUT THE V/RONSKlAN INTO AN ENTIRELY NEW PERSPECTIVE. V ANOTHER TEST WEEK NIGHTMARE? By Anne Hoar The Battalion tuning engineering technologym jor, said personal contact doespli a major role in attracting minoritii to a university. “It's all about getting peoplee posure to the university,” Yancysai The report suggests a number solutions to the problem, inclui contacting minority students durii their sophomore and junior yean: high school. Making admissioi 4ing the area kr and scholarship staff aware of the demeanor in personal communid lions with minority students anddi gate included c 254 BY J. 60LDFLUTE S|NG6 |AlS FlfcST JUMP, J/lW NAS D6$T7N6b foR bcmm SFbKTS. signing a more effective approac for publicizing scholarships avai able to prospective minority sis dents are two other suggestions, Bowen says steps have alreaiunpaved road, been taken to start addressing il pletely wooden concerns of the report. “The prove! and I both want everything ontheii sue to be responded to,” he said. Bowen also said administratoislthe Texas Aggi the Department of Student Financu cated provided Aid, the Office of Admissions, Res; dence Life and the Honors Progm Hmgstore-pool have met and are taking action. ‘When we went into this; we really didn’t have any expeco 1938, and Nortl tions of what we would find,” Ri said. “The University was abletos an( j ► Cash Hi Earn $150+ in minutes. Third false alarm for Underwood Hall Caapusucoai Check school email Anywhere! College Station firemen re sponded to a fire alarm in Under wood Hall Tuesday afternoon. Bart Humphries, public infor mation officer for the College Sta tion Fire Department, said it was a false alarm caused by an equip ment malfunction. "The bigger the [fire alarm] sys tem, the more chance you have for malfunctions,” he said. Dan Mizer, associate director of Residence Life for dormitories administration, said it was the third false alarm in Underwood this semester. He said the alarm was acci dentally triggered during mainte nance three weeks ago and someone activated a pull station last weekend. All residence halls are equipped with fire alarm systems that auto matically signal the fire depart ment when activated. itary sewer capacity from Northgate to the Hensel Park Lift Station. cept the negatives that came out ini study and knows it can do a betterjc of recruiting minorities in the lot am. The University and the preside can interpret the feedback as cot structive feedback and can use the it formation to make the Universityoi 7 that all will want to attend.” Bowen and Rice both indicatt that new research would be conduf ed on the Class of '04 and the repo will be more detailed. They hope increase the sample size from 30pf cent to 50 percent of minority si* 1 dents admitted but not enrolled. “We are committed to doing report for four or five years,” Bow said. “Our plan is to make the repd widely known and try and e/tgA the campus in a discussionwithfa! ulty and students that will make tf campus recruitment more succe: ful. We can also learn some thin) that might be useful for other versities in the state.” Wednesday, Septeml in 1928, Texas | changed after ifor generation commercial bui The name N the college acti to supply store; commercial st< walkways, insh place for shopp The tailor sh< to students at th were custom-ir sible way to b gies to relax on College Stat downtown are n churches were 1 ing that time. Carolyn Matheson, of H Northgate busi specializes in orps boots, s the store has Northgate sinct Director head Boyette Street parking removed The city of College Station will re move on-street parking Thursday along Boyette Street between Louis Street and Spruce Street as part of the Northgate sewer trunkline ren ovation. One lane on Boyette Street will be closed, restricting traffic to southbound travel only. The construction will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily for one week, starting Thursday. The rehabilitation of the sewer line is intended to improve the san- Dr. David Szymanski has been appointed director of the Center for Retailing Studies at Texas A&M. “It is a pleasure to announce this leadership appointment,” A. Benton Cocanougher, dean of the Lowry Mays College and Graduate School of Business said in a press release. "The center is a nationally recog nized leader in retailing education, and we are fortunate to have an in dividual of Dr. Szymanski’s proven ability and professional stature to assume this important position.” The center was created in 1983 as a liaison between the academ ic and business communities. Correction The Sept. 20 Battalion arti cle, "UT professor speaks to Aggies about racism," stat ed that affirmative action requires a quota of minori ty students or employees in an institution. Institutions are required only to demonstrate that they are making an effort to be fair to all applicants of minority and majority races. Call us 713-812- Expressions Vance'Studio M Dtutce, Instruction Lyrical Ballet & Jcucc \ 8 weeks $60 Classes Begin Oct. 3Y 9 - 10 Registration Deadline Oct. T ■ 2045 Harvey Mitchell, CS 693-11Si or 693-0249 toothpicks outtcwalSmPT! posters • unique aggie t-shirts • framed art • texas a&m caps and visors your source for Aggie fashions that won't leave you broke. POST OAK MALL 764-4444 .. . . ... . '• ■. :■ % . .. . ■■ - ■: . .. ‘ THE Beth Miller Editor in Chief The Baitalioh (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monity * through Friday during the fall and spring semesters i Monday through Thursday during the summer session (excel) 1 , University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M Untolf • Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, IK 77840, P MASTER: Send address changes to The Batta/ron, Texas ASH “ University, 1111 TAMU, College Station.TX 77843-1111. , News: The Battalion news department is managed by stir- i dents at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student I Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offi® [ are in 014 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-. 3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail: Thebattalion@hotmail.coin; < | Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply spon-, sorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For campus, local, i and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classi- r tied advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 1 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ] Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. | Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles 1 each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy of The | Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail sub-, scriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer and $10 per month.To 1 charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, ’ call 845-2611.