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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 2000)
6|? CM Women’s Development Educational Enhancement Grant For information and applications visit 211A YMCA or studentlife.tamu.cdu/gies/Women/wdrgrant.htni. http:// Grant requests should not exceed $250, and should be of clear and should be of clear and direct benefit to Texas A&M students with regard to gender issues. All students currently enrolled at Texas A&M University and University-recognized organizations are eligible to apply for a Gender Issues Education Services grant. Applications due September 22, 2000. Announcement of winner(s) will be made October 6, 2000. ecember Graduates The Official Texas A&M Graduation Announcements Order via the web! All orders and payments must be received by September 29! MSC Box Office ~ * " '* 979-845-1234 M-F11 am-8pm j -888-890-5667 Graduating Seniors Texas A&M Graduation Announcements from Aggieland Printing Tt’.vus A&'M Umvi’.isilv We accept orders until Nov. 30 lf Aggieland Printing can get you ready to mail announcements in one week • We have our own unique design Licensed by A&M Don't miss it - see them on the web We sell • Graduation Announcements • Graduation Remembrance Displays • Thank You Notes • Personalized Graduate Notepads Order & pay online: 1801 Holleman • College Station 693-8621 M-F 8:30-5:30 Free fooP! 100 Lucky Students Will Be Selected To Have Free BBQ At The President’s Home With Ray ant> sally Bowen Tuesday October 3, 2000 6:00 p.nrt. Page 2A CAMPUS Wednesday, September Wee Inesday, Septe THE BATTALION FISH by R.DeLuna News in Brief OH MAAJ! X Forgot THB CmBK F/)IR U)AS TH(5 CJEBK V. XT‘6 5o PHo/uv! mi Tneti People 5i>aa/o& up so they CAa) 6ET A Xo6f LOEiL, X Refuse To Partake ia/ IT! X Uoaj'T Subject myself To The Huai u/yfioA)/ Teaj Tears ARS\[ ... M "r" 1 na So I TooK l/ttek -- M s™" 6 - 1 PRESSMEN ZfiJTEGUlTY' Mo You quarter [OR A)0T Jr' Two lanes on University Orivi temporarily eta Two right westbound lart University Drive from C Non Mia Culpa by B-Hippie Street to Nagle Street i closed tonight, leavingon| lane open to traffic, toi leaking 12-inch water vafe pairs will be begin at 10p.| day and should be complex a.m. Thursday. The city of College Sfiffkxas A& said water service willr& ’■ dollars er shut off during the repaim P thing ho crews do not expect anyone, know tin. without water during thatt ? . ( ol Ic^c si During the repairs v|| s1cl1 Haily, Street will be closed fra'- » an y tlios versity Drive to Church Sip pi ice if thear If anyone experiences^jghts. A few lems with water service :| ei torcement the time of the repairs, caB-' n t s avoid p College Station Utility Dispsfc| bp 764-3836. H Can a pol No, but if !| particular i k-A* that pers Correction Tuesday's "TAPS5. ates mentor progq brief stated that the] gram is in its first year? Police offi is open to new stafi * able cause’* b faculty members. j| However. The program is into!®'[ sity Pollcc . ' . pfcle cause ca ycau, but is opentoalf for the first time this) It is open to all staff] Cup of Jo BY NOTORIOUS L.I.B Oh my God.... it's HUGEi “An office Jxpired re go /iatt said. “1 just new members,a# j acdii\ , , Mover does r is not open to |H lce0 |' oncon members. JJ Bear over.” Bruce L. E ■aid these kii Clarification Re time, bug rare occu Tuesday's Texas structure graphicdtot all of the departnwfr encompass thed« Departmentswe^m peopl’e'in 'it., ing from the adrriw cause of a lit tion, finance and stT lu ‘ ur(J of SOI j n< affairs divisions. ® RU1SL p a rrest. “Stops line en when the ect of carry irst thing the pull the car o end up gettir mse of th Jensen Continued from Page l A exploring a world in which white men receive an undeniable privilege — an advantage over other races in every issue from hiring by white employ ers to being overlooked by police who seek mem bers of other races as potential violators of laws. Jensen shared testimony he has received from minorities. Jensen talked about a Hispanic man who joined what he thought was a color-blind fra ternity. After a night of drinking, one of his white fraternity brothers turned to him and said, “I nev er figured out why you were in college anyway, since you’re going to go back to picking beans.” Jensen told another story about an African- American man who was consistently stopped by police in his own neighborhood who did not seem to believe that a black man could drive a nice car and live in a nice area. Jensen said this story af firmed his belief that certain privileges do exist. Rice, an African-American who first entered college at the advent of affirmative action, said he knows that his efforts to make the grade, graduate and continue through graduate studies were not the result of any program, but rather the result of his hard work to succeed. The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas ruled in March 1998 in the Hopwood vs. Texas case that affirmative action is unconstitution al. However, many public universities within the state have initiated other incentives for admission, such as the Top 10 Percent rule, in which in the top 10 percent of their high school ceive automatic admission into a public! The automatic admission embrace qualified students of any race, Jensene: many things, whites are given a privily because it is the predominate race in “I’m free to ask questions of affirmative! I'm free to ask the questions that other Jensen said, noting that an affluent,educai male discussing affirmative action whites more than an African-Americanasl same question. “An author once gaveaw statement, talking about the joy and thek| being human. And that’s what 1 think when we talk about race.” if l get teamlogogear. com featuring officially licensed “logo” merchandise for J'f GREEK - COLLEGE - PRO <0 clothing - candles - pajamas - flags - backpacks blankets - luggage - caps - tailgate party gear - jewelry & many more hard-to-fmd “logo” items , f - ■ ' * ."V- , - "TT'"' v.;' ' ' Pi Attention Spanish Speaking Stuck When a c iriver must of insm “When ai tapproac ajpolice offic driver w ask for a lie must provide vide those, d tfms, it coul ejen go to jt Rick Pow nflict Rest it thing fo polite and of We have special Spanish services now available Sunday's 3 pm - 4:30 pm A&M Church of Christ 1901 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy. College Station, IX Contact: Byrl Brockman 693-7703 jM A&M Church 693-0400 WfM t ; fh gold? , : ,..yy:v:-yyy; -.y; | in i 11 yyy . y-yy ■ 11 '■'''Tiyyyy m k Bragging rights. The Collegiate Olympic Medal Race is on! Follow the tally with the GE College Medal Tracker, only on NBCOLYMPICS.COM A CO-PRODUCTION OF NBCOLYMPiCS I Cf Quokkasports We bring good things to life. THE Beth Miller, Editor in Chief Jeff Kempf, Managing Editor Marium Mohiuddin, City Editor Ruben DeLuna, Graphics Editor Blaine Dionne, Sports Editor Jason Lincoln, Sports Editor Noni Sridhara, Sci/Tech Editor Jason Bennyhoff, Aggiclife Editor Stuart Hutson, Aggiclife Editof David Lee, Opinion Editor Bradley Atchison, Photo Ediw r Cody Wages, Photo Editor Jennifer Bales, Night News fd |t; Beth Ahlquist, Copy Chief Eric Dickens, Radio Producer TA Lei Bl Brandon Payton, Web Master THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during® spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except UnW; idays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College' 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, Texas A&M University, If College Station, TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M UnW® Division of Student Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in); McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail: ThebaW; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorseme 1 " Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classifr, tising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours® 1 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 25$. Mail subscriptions arc— - — school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer or $10 a month^, 1 by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611. Tv 209 b