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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 2000)
Page 12 THE BATTALION Wednesday, August! 1 The Battalion Classified Please sign this, mister Wednesday, Angus To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. FURNITURE OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE HELP WANTED Sofas, Bedroom Furniture, Tables, Lots More. Aggieland Discount Furniture, 1001-S. Texas, Bryan. Hours: Friday 2-6 SSaturday 10-6 or call 776-9663, 777-6207 for appointment. We also buy furniture. SScholarship guaranteedS Need money for college? Call toll free 877-511-4723. Bicycles mountain Bicycles racer Bicycles 10-22speed Bicycles. New/used, $30-$150. 309B-First. FOR RENT AUTO Dorm size white fridge. Only used 1-month. Will deliv er. $50. 260-2594. Part-time programmer wanted by local engineering soft ware firm. Flexible hours, great real world experience. Call Mike at 776-7520 or e-mail Convertible 1968 Ford Galaxy 500, excellent condition, maroon, white interior, white top. Real head turner. $11,500. 210-860-7783. *No Roommate? No Problem! Room by Room Rent starting at $275 per person. Four Bedrooms Available For Two, Three or Four roommates. Call Autumn Woods Apartments Today, 979-775-6700. OPEN WEEKENDS! Magnavox 48-inch Big Screen TV. Remote control, stereo sound, excellent condition, $550. Call 776-8616. Part-time auto mechanic or experienced helper needed, good pay. 828-4832. Washing machine in good working condition, $150. Call 936-825-8610. Part-time babysitter needed for infant and toddler. Experience and references required. 268-0245. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 1-2/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$325/mo. 696-2038. Mason's Mobile Car Repair. Help on the spot. Automotive Repair. 828-4832. 2bdrm/2.5bth 1501 Stallings #48, $850/mo. REALTOR/ Ashford Square realty. 260-7653. Worldwide Phonecards 1c Minute Anywhere In USA. $10 Card Max 951 Minutes. International Cards Available. Mexico 5c, France 1.9c, Taiwan 2.9c. 936- 293-8147 Part-time help needed for maintenance &upkeep of new estate home. $7/hr, flexible hours, 10-15hrs/wk, M-F. Call Susan 229-2544 or 779-4714. BED AND BREAKFAST 3bdrm/1bth house $700/mo.; $850/mo. Call 696-1390. 3bdrm/2bth duplex GREEKS & CLUBS Part-time help wanted, 15-20hrs/wk at commercial real estate office. Neatly dressed &dependable. Call 979- 846-4384 for more information. Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways. For information/ reser vations call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,’70, 409-696-0091. Available Now: 2bdrm/1,5bth, upstairs, close to cam pus, 979-776-8622. COMPUTERS Bryan 2bdrm/2bth, $500/mo., $350/deposit, pool, shuttle bus. No pets. 779-1978. Start your own Fraternity! Zeta Beta Tau is looking for men to start a new Chapter, if you are interested in aca demic success, a chance to network and an opportunity to make new friends in a non-pledging Brotherhood, e- or call 800-431-9674. Intel Pentium MHz Computer, lots of software, free Cannon printer, good monitor& speakers. $250. Please call Jim in evenings 764-3131. Cozy two-story 2bdrm/2bth condo, 6-blocks from cam pus, $565/mo., $300 deposit. 1-800-521-3988. HELP WANTED Part-Time Receptionist/Office Clerk Lynntech, Inc. is looking for energetic individuals with good phone, gen eral office and PC skills. Experience in MS Word a plus. 15-20 hrs. a week, 8-12pm and 12-5pm, M-F available. E-mail resume to or bring to 7610 Eastmark Drive, Suite 202, CS, TX 77840. Be sure to list times available to work. Lynntech Is an EOE. To fill by 9/4/00. SANJUAN bmpact, quic lame the first landfall this se mall Caribbet esterly route ico and the B Forecasters o gauge the th and but urged he storm. With winds as a minor 1 ausing little nguilla and iiesday mon- light — but c north that me ico and the v epublic coulc "We’ve far utside at my evastated by [year, and it st Glen Holm, di [bureau on the I On nearby andy hancock/thebami by hurricanes Cute studio, 2bdrm/1.5bth, sublease, $660/mo. all bills paid including satellite tv, great location. 979-694-9953 or 409-514-6877. $$$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Stocking 690-1478. 18+only. Flexible hours. Silk Pt/Ft grill &banquet server positions. Briarcrest Country Club, 1929 Country Club Drive. New Computer Systems. Intel C500, 64MB, 10G, 52X CD, 56K, 16MB Video, Sound $699. Intel PHI-667, 64MB, 15G, 52X CD, 56K, 16MB Video, Sound $899. 1 - Year Warranty. (979)775-7817. FALL LEASE- Spacious room for rent, country setting, kitchen/laundry privileges, close to A&M, graduate stu dent preferred. $500/mo.- no bills. 260-9059. (800)864-2345 DJ MUSIC '“'Party Block Mobile DJ'*- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book earlyll 693-6294. EMPLOYMENT The Deluxe Diner on Northgate hiring cooks and wait- staff for am/pm shifts. Apply in person, 203 University Drive. Room for rent. Excellent location, or (979)255-0788. Walk to TAMU. 2bdrm/1bth, $350. Call 846-8432. LOW BACK PAIN STUDY If you experience muscle pain in your lower back, you may qualify to take part in a local research program testing a heat therapy wrap applied to the skin or an active pain relieving medication. Men and Women ages 18-55 EARN up to $100.00 For information call: J&S Studies, Inc. 979-846-5933 Newsday Crossword ACROSS 1 Meccan pilgrimage 5 Rabbit’s tail 9 Cellular 14 Woodwind instrument 15 Approximately 16 More uncommon 17 Arizona national park 20 Attempt 21 Defeat at the polls 22 Land measures 25 Actor Stephen 26 Open carriage 27 Pitcher who won 300 games 34 Sty residents 35 Increase 36 Newsman Newman 37 “Outer” word form 38 Paint basecoats 40 Hide hair 41 Title holder 43 Cake section 44 Emmy-winner Ward 45 Current golf star 47 Vacation plan 48 Homer Simpson exclamation 49 The Christmas That Almost 50 Railroad worker’s transport 54 Sound like a fan 56 Paint Your Wagon song 61 Home on the range 62 Say forcefully 63 Humorist Bombeck 64 Clever 65 Sandwich spread 66 Pas de SYLVAN SETTINGS by Rich Norris Edited by Stanley Newman 11 After-school snack 12 Arbor abode 13 Art Deco designer 18“ a deal!” DOWN 1 Short flight 2 White House nickname 3 j topping 4 Football shirts 5 Parlor piece 6 Tot spot 7 Put to work 8 Hoopla 9 Ones under mentors 10 Ivy League school 19 Unrestrained anger 22 Appearance 23 Affectedly elegant 24 Motley 27 Bigger than med. 28 Poetry Muse 29 Folded book sheet 30 Suit fabric 31 Title holders 32 Perlman's instrument 33 Mesmerized 38 Machine wheel 39 Monopoly purchases: Abbr. 42 Busybody 44 Appeared in the lead 46 " gives?” 49 Clever sort 50 Broadway winners 51 “Up and !” 52 California wine valley 53 Go here and there 54 Miss Muffet fare 55 Protagonist 57 Rural power org. 58 Before, poetically 59 Australian bird 60 Kenny G’s . instrument CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 8/23/00 ^Ruck’s Pizza PIZZA STROMBOLI HOAGIES Medium Mopping Pizza *3.50 ‘order 3 for free delivery 193-BUCK Answer to previous puzzle T A N □ 0 0 man □ □□□ A N G B □ T 1 C E 0 □□□ E I G HD N T O R E L 1 E 1 D I° NffiE AS T E R S T A L wa[r TllD RjE, S S Y Buck's Pizza accepting applications, part/full time deliv ery drivers. Call 693-2825. Sales help needed. Ladies &children’s clothing store, Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm, The Resale Wearhouse, 3800 South Texas Avenue, Bryan. Senior offensive lineman Toby McArthy signs an autograph for a young fan at Picture Day Saturday at Kyle Field. Home for rent- 1511 Arctic, 3bdrm, fenced, 1600sqft., ©Andersop &Cedar Run, across from Kroger Center. (713)365-9011. Buppy's Catering &BBQ Buffet is seeking part-time employees. Experience is helpful but not required. Pay ranges from $6.50-$9/hr. &will work around schedule. Call Chris 229-3590. New 3bdrm/2bth Duplex available now. No pets. $ 1000/mo. 846-5722. C&J Bar-B-Que, full& part-time help, experience pre ferred, but will train. Paid vacations& insurance avail able to qualified employees. Call between 8-12, 776- 8969. Nice 2bdrm/1bth duplex near Aerofit on VillaMaria. Quiet neighborhood. Available immediately. Newly remodeled. 979-823-2782. Surrounded by Growing Minds! A dynamic educational services company, is seeking a Program Administrator for the Central, South Texas area. If you are a growth- oriented leader with customer/ client relations skills and management experience, we invite you to explore this exciting opportunity. Competitive comp/ benefits includ ing childcare discount, premium bonus plan and more! Come make a difference in a child’s world. Fax resume to 253-872-6922. EOE. Remodeled apartment, 2bdrm/1bth, $525. 3-blocks from campus, Northgate area, 2bdrm/1bth, $350. 690- 6520. Cigar Mfg. needs local distributor, 24 locations, free start-up inventory, cash biz, earn big $$$, free samples. Call 1-888-264-4113, 24 hours. T-Bone Jones now hiring kitchen staff. Apply between 3-5pm af 809-E. University Drive. Call (979)680-8468 Counter sales in auto parts store, also needed, delivery & warehouse person. Experience preferred. Apply in person, 1501 Texas Avenue, Bryan. Early Learning Center: part-time teachers needed, flex ible hours, M-F. Call Martha 764-1084. Technical support part-time positions available (8am- 1pm, 1pm-6pm) in our Bryan office 1313-A Briarcrest Drive. See website for detailsS qualifications www.alphal .net/jobs.html Strawberry loses kidney to cancer Earn extra income by cleaning offices M-F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. The Grapevine Restaurant needs part-time help for day time hours only. 696-3411. $6/hour. Immediate openings in warehouse and feed-mills. Apply in person at Producer's Co-Op, 1800-N. Texas Avenue. Treasures Gift Shop Employment Opportunity. Looking for someone who is trustworthy, dependent, hard-working and has an outgoing personality. If inter ested, come by Treasures Gift Shop at 1108 Harvey Road to fill out application. Koppe Bridge Bar & Grill. 2933. Part-time cook position. 764- Warehouse help needed Tues.-Fri. 9am-5:30pm, Sal. 10am-4pm. $6.50-$7.00/hr. Call 779-7586. Little Caesars Pizza is now hiring delivery drivers and pizza makers. Apply at either College Station location. PERSONAL Manager/ office assistant needed PT/FT acct./finc. major preferred. Call Compuview 846-5454. Mechanical Engineer Positions: Lynntech, Inc.'s Product Development Group is looking for Full and Part- Time Mechanical Engineers or Mechanical Engineering students. QUALIFICATIONS: The successful candi date will be expected to have a good working knowl edge of CAD (Pro/ENGINEER) and ability to perform mechanical design. Must have a strong interest in prod uct development, a good foundation in engineering prin ciples and have the ability to produce accurate shop drawings. Ability to work in a team environment and good technical communication skills is a must. Full-time candidates should possess a BS in ME or Engineering Technology. Candidates with a strong background in CAD and CAE will be preferred. Part-Time candidates are expected to work a minimum of 20 hours/week. SALARY: Commensurate with experience. These posi tions are in College Station, TX. Lynntech offers com petitive salaries and generous benefits package. Send resume to HR/PD, Lynntech, Inc. 7610 Eastmark Drive, College Station, Texas 77840. E-mail hrlynntech@lyn- EOE. WELCOME BACK AGS. GET. READY FOR THE 8TH ANNUAL AG KICKOFF CONCERT, CHECK IT OUT @ AGKICKOFF.COM. BIG SCHOOL- BIG CONCERT- HUGE PARTY. PETS Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure breeds! Occasional birds, snakes, rabbits & others. Brazos Animal Shelter- 775-5755. Kittens: vaccinated, neutered, $45. Call 268-8267. The Cat's Cradle has rescued, well-cared for& well- socialized cats& kittens for adoption to good loving homes. For a Fabulous Feline Call 936-825-8610! ROOMMATES F-roommate to share new 3bdrm/3bth townhouse only blocks from tamu. Covered parking and energy efficient. $350 +1/3utilities. (979)694-0952,(512)9.14-1151. Ask for Amy. Need extra money this fall semester? Looking for ener getic Sales persons for marketing positions with Sam Bradley and Associates. Positions consist of part-time work to market A&M Mastercard at home football games. $10/hr. Contact Wade at 800-825-1851 or Joe at 800-825-1606. Females(2) to share 4bdrm/3bth house. Walk to cam pus, utilities paid, w/d, own room, share bath, furnished, must like pets, $350/mo. 260-3148. M/F Roommate, own bathroom, 4-miles from campus, 1/2-utilities, $225/mo. 695-1838, 777-2878. NEW YORK (AP) — Darryl Strawberry had his left kidney re moved during cancer surgery earlier this month, placing another hurdle in his possible return to baseball. A friend of the former Yankees slugger confirmed a report in Tues day’s Newsday that Strawberry's surgery Aug. 7 was more serious than previously indicated and led to the re moval of the kidney. It was not immediately known why the kidney had been removed. After the operation, doctors said they removed a tumor near his left kidney and there was no obvious spread of cancer. The doctors were optimistic for an “uneventful recovery.” After spending 11 days at Colum- bia-Presbyterian Medical Center, Strawberry, 38, quietly returned home to Tampa, Fla., last week, where his is “emotionally and phys ically tired,” according to the friend, who spoke to the Associated Press on condition he not be identified. It is expected that Strawberry will need another round of chemota Strawberry had a tumor rep from his colon in October Strawberry’s future in basefc once again is in doubt. Here® from his first cancer surgery to jo the Yankees in spring 1999. When he did not makethetfti Strawberry was depressed and»t soon arrested on charges of cot possession and solicitation.! turned from a suspension in tember to help the Yankees w their third World Series titleinfw years. Strawberry was suspendedafl in February for testing positivel drugs and had hoped to have his® pension reduced and rejoin the la kees this season. But thenhisci returned and an investigation begi last month to see if he had violated! probation. Strawberry has one functioni: kidney and would not necessaii need a transplant. few was lifte Ashford Jame sage of “Little Still, the th disrupt life thr Caribbean as businesses an into the rout -I M Aug. 22 5 p.m. E Hurricam Moving: W! Sustained' Wind gusts Source: AccuWeat NO SUNDAY WORK! $1000 COLLEGE SCHOLAR SHIP OPPORTUNITY! FLEXIBLE WORK SCHED ULES! COMPANY WITH PRIDE IN NAME! Chick-fil-A Post Oak Mall or Bryan at Briarcrest &Freedom Blvd. offers schedules for students or persons interested in part-time work, possible hours to work: 6-10am, 6-2pm, 10am-4pm, 11am-3pm, or 4-Close (approx. 9:45pm &10:45pm). Employment benefits of Closed Sunday, flexible work schedules, opportunity to apply for a $1000 scholarship to College. Maybe you have an interest in a Restaurant Career? Come in for an application at the Food Court in Post Oak Mall on Harvey Road or in Bryan near the Wal-Mart, &learn more about Chick-fil-A. Experience preferred, but not limited to restaurant. EOE. Male needed for new 3bdrm/2bth duplex, close to cam pus, $350/mo. 492-8069. SERVICES Europe Soccer AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am- 2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Continued from Page 11 Continued from Pag:. Looking for a place to live? Find summer housing!. WEIGHT LOSS Our company needs student salesman to handle inter net sports-contest sign ups. Easy, short-term, lucrative work. Call Bob Basil at, 800-667- 4470. Metabolite 356 & MeTrimPlus! New Lower Prices! Still Free Delivery in B/CS! Cash, Checks, Credit Cards. JCS Enterprises, 695-6983. ATHLETE’S FOOT STUDY Volunteers ages 12 and up needed for a research study of a medication for the treatment of athlete’s foot. Subjects must have active signs and symptoms of athlete’s foot. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $200.00 for 8 clinic visits. For more information call: 979-846-5933 f IN THE AFTERNOON! Radio News from the newsroom of THE campus and community news 1:57 p.m. Monday through Friday J&S Studies, Inc. 4309 Wellborn Road Bryan, TX 77801 on KAMU-FM 90.9 College Station / Bryan average teams,” Guerrieri said. “The teams over there are really, really good or bad. We had the good fortune to play some of the good teams and win. The one game we lost against Holland, though, may have been just as valuable because we needed to see how teams can beat us.” Any questions about A&M’s of fensive firepower were answered during the tour. The Aggies had 14 players combine for the 29 goals in Europe, with eight players scoring multiple goals. Senior forward Nicky Thrasher, sophomore forward Heather Rags dale and sophomore midfielder An drea Starns each scored four goals on the road. For Texas A&M that was the most valuable lesson of all — how to score. most formidable opponent an soccer team can face. However,: Aggies cannot afford to take Ceff Florida lightly, either. The Knights coming off an NCAA tourneybei and have a lot of talent an could pose a challenge fortheAg* “It’s great that we get to| team that advanced to the s round of NCAAs and has big experience,” Guerrieri said, ‘ great first game for us, especial we can come out with a win." This weekend will serve leaping point for what the Agf hope to turn into a Top 10 season! a second Big 12 Championship, j For now A&M will concei# on the biggest weekend in theh ry of the Aggie Soccer Complex, day’s kickoff against Central Hon will be at 7:30 p.m. with highlight scheduled for 1 p.m. Medical Drug Study VOLUNTEERS WANTED Volunteers needed to participate in a research study of a cream for the treatment of tinea versicolor a superficial scaling fungal infection of the skin which often produces white spots. Criteria include: • Men & Women 12 & older • Must be in good health • Volunteers must qualify •'Treatment is free and volunteers will be paid up to $100.00 For information call: (979) 846-5933 J&S Studies, Inc. 4309 Wellborn Road Bryan, TX 77801 o! Government & public Service Texas A&M University Graduating in August with a HA or BS? Working on a graduate degree at Texas A&M? The George Bush School of Government & Public Service CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN ADVANCED INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS This program equips participanrs with essential knowledge of the world than be used in careers in government and the private sector as well as the expand' world of nongovernmental and not-for-profit organizations. The certificate p |f grain can also be a gateway to determine whether you have the interest and af i: tude for a graduate degree he earning masters level credit hours. The two emir* being offered this Fail are: Historical Geography and the World System Twentieth Century U.S. Diplomacy. Call now to find out how to enhance your international expertise. For nt information on this program call Nikki Jones at (979) 458-2276 or en