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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 2000)
I ■ v '..y.. ... , 1 . vilif "Don't gei caucht with vour pants dOWN." - ill , mm ■ . • • . ikh/tJk 4 ' .... . Sfl ■ <- ■ ' ' . , d . • m . .. .. .. - • A>' ' x- § m / p m dm I iam ><J0\ * v MaxiMum FinAls covERace Lecture notes . Novel notes . fmaLS toolKit. pRactice exAms -always (1440.355) open- VEFSIIV w —.com—^ Where to go when you need to know.' classes with lecture notes iiesday. May 2, 2000 ti ACCT 209 Survey of Accounting Principles, ACCT 229 Introductory Accounting, ACCT 230 Introductory Accounting, ACCT 315 ACCT IN CORP ENVIRON, AGEC 105 Introduction to Agricultural Ecoi AGEC 314 MKTG AGRICULTURAL PROD, AGLS 101 MOD AG SYS & RNW NAT RES, ANSC 303 PRIN OF ANIM NUTRITION, ANTH 201 Introduction to Anthropology, ANTH 205 Peoples & Culture of the World, ANTH 317 INTRO BIB ARCHAEOLOGY, ARTS 150 Art History Survey II, BICH 410 Comprehensive Biochemistry I, BIOL 113 Introductory Biology, BIOL 114 Introductory Biology, CHEM 102 Fundamentals of Chemistry II, CHEM 102 Fundamentals of Chemistry II, CLAS 215 ETYMOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE, ECON 202 Principles of Economics, ECON 203 Principles of Economics, ECON 322 Applied Microeconomics Theory. ECON 323 Microeconomic Theory. ENGL 203 INTRO TO LITERATURE, ENGL 212 Shakespeare, ENGL 228 American Lit Civil War to Present ENGL 231 Survey of English Literature I, ENGL 251 LANGUAGE OF FILM, ENGL 360 Literature for Children, ENGL 361 Literature for Adolescents, ENTC 206 Nonmetallic Materials, FINC 434 MANAGERIAL FINANCE I, FINC 445 FUND INTERNATL BUS, FINC 460 MONEY 4 CAPTL MRKTS, FINC 471 REAL ESTATE DCSN-MKNG, GENE 301 Genetics, \ryan he difference tween Bryan College Stali ine letters and abo inch. Despite thi to cities insist on ining identities at lidependent of eacl s Siamese twins. I ase of Bryan and ( tation, unlike the niteand not divide There are sever; mite. Bryan and C fmoney by existing ire two mayors, t\v Jouncils and two b min. Even worse, t lalls, two police st if city vehicles. Tf wasteful, not only GEOG 201 Introduction to Human Geograph IP I money. In terms of mat ; of course), having ie best person for hat position in onl econd-best also st ither city. By spre ween two govern i ool is made shall lolitics know the ( late pool, the resu low gene pool. Do ant the best, or tl Intenns of mo |fone is also wast ost twice as mud le are on payroll. u. Testt GEOG 202 Geography ol Global Village, GEOG 203 Planet Earth System Science, GEOG 204 Economic Geography, GEOG 301 Geography of the US, GEOL 101 PRINCIPLES OF GEOLOGY, HIST 105 History of the US, HIST 106 History of the US. HIST 232 History of American Seapower, HLTH 210 INTRO TO THE DISCIPLNE, HLTH 342 HUMAN SEXUALITY, HORT 201 GENERAL HORTICULTURE, INFO 207 Business Data Processing ConcepS INFO 316 BUSINESS PROGRAMMING, INFO 318 PROG BUS DATA STRUCT, INFO 320 BUS Systems ANLY & DESN, INFO 364 Operations Managment, INFO 434 DATA COMM 4 NETWORK, INFO 439 MGMT INFORMATION SYSTEMS, INST 210 UNDERSTAND SPECLPOPUL, INST 301 EDUC PSYCHOLOGY, JOUR 102 American Mass Media, JOUR 301 MASS COMM LAW 4 SOCIETY, METR 201 Atmospheric Science, MGMT 105 Introduction to Business, MGMT 211 Leg 4 Soc Envlr of Business, MGMT 212 Business Law, MGMT 363 The MGMT Process, MICR 351 Fundamentals of Microbiology, MKTG 321 Marketing, MKTG 347 Advertising, MKTG 436 Sales Management, MUSC 201 MUSIC 4 HUMAN EXPERIENCE, NUTR 202 Fundamentals ol Human Nutrition, OCNG 251 OCEANOGRAPHY, PHIL 111 CONTEMP Moral Issues, PHIL 240 Introduction to Logic, PHIL 251 INTRO TO PHILOSOPHY, PHYS 201 College Physics, PHYS 218 MECHANICS, POLS 206 American National Government POLS 207 State 4 Local Government, PSYC 107 Introduction to Psychology, PSYC 203 Elementary Statistics for PsychoB® the Stereotypical PSYC 305 Psychology of Adjuslmanf. m-ih' PSYC 340 PSYC of Learning, 1 PSYC 351 INDUS/ORGAN PSY, RENR 205 Fundamentals of fecology, RPTS 201 Foundations of Rec 4 parks, RPTS 202 FOUND OF TOURISM, SCOM 203 Public Speaking, • SCOM 301 Rhetoric West Thought, SCOM 315 INTERPERSONAL COMM, SCOM 327 American Oratory, SCOM 335 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNIC, SOCI 205 Introduction to Sociology, SOCI 220 Methods of Sociology Research, SOCI 315 Marriage Institution, STAT 302 STATISTICAL METHODS, STAT 303 Statistical Methods, THEA 101 Intro to Theatre, VAPH 305 Biomedical Anatomy, VAPH 404 FOOD TOXICOLOGY 4 SAFETY, VTPB 221 GREAT DISEASES OF WORLD, r he debate o testosterom nothing net or years, men ha Injected the honn In hopes of becon It seems the^Sv If the male popul tion known as the longer exists. With the cre£ cription drugs ti Ind the media’s ] irile men, male: o accept Mothei lead, they creati ditch places me raphic category Itreet Boys.” One way men feelings of inadei scribed doses of million men whe duce enough test rescribed synthi zinc reports tha ad to take it by stosterone pate am. Ouch. And and-A ids is pai This summer where can have hormone by usir testosterone oint irone easier to i several reasons. 1 The reasons i ftrone are not lil frivolous. Havin gives them conf and aids in builc S Using unnec' onfident is ridi ■diculous as bu ed cab pick-up t ground to cruise Also, the mal insert For many C word of God. occurs at inai Corps Chapla this year and and disrespe Muster is a ti feel comforts friends. And \ seem to be a not, and Aggi non-Christian Ebeling m; from Philippi; ment. For ms .and inspiring Christian stu Marisa Minoi