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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 2000)
- *> Is your group or organization in need of a fundraiser? Easy Dough Up to or more in 30 days or less Call Chastity Rodgers at 776-4444 extension 503 Flying higher every day Attention: New Graduates After Years Of Standing Up For The Aggies, You’ve Earned a Seat The 12th Man Foundation invites new Texas A&M graduates TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR NEW GRAD PROGRAM, WHICH ENTITLES YOU TO A COMPLIMENTARY ONE-YEAR MEMBERSHIP. BENEFITS INCLUDE. - • Priority Football season ticket options In The Zone • One-year subscription to 12th Man Magazine • Weekly sports updates via e-mail • Window decal, lapel pin and much more To TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY, CALL THE 12th Man Foundation at 846-8892, sign up online at or stop by our offices in The Zone (enter through G. Rollie White Coliseum). 12 33 MAN 979/846-8892 OEMIMiK EZKKI AGGIELIFE Page 4 HE BATTALION Thursday,A|ni: Extracurricular inactivit Summer means time off for some BY MELISSA PANTANO The Battalion A quick glimpse around the Texas A&M campus betw een classes during the summer reveals a very different scene from the usual bustle of fall and spring. The campus undergoes minor changes as some staples like dining halls and libraries close earlier, and, like the stu dents that compose their ranks, some student organizations opt to take a break during the summer sessions, while others continue to go about their work. Lisa Cantu, a member of the business fraternity I’i Sig ma Epsilon and ,3 se- but not all — student organim are a lot of provisional students around, and peopi IITH more time to walk around campus and really ligurec; l v ' : aJova the Corps is all about Also, that is when thelinivet bG 1 ^ CLE. the most campus visits by people who are still inliigl ^ UAlo g • who are interested in A&M.” [If SFXi mor nutrition major, said her organization goes out with a bang and then takes the summer off. “We always have a big banquet at the end of the year,” Cantu said. “That marks the end of the semester, and we don't have any ‘official’ events after that until rush next year.” Cantu said just be cause the organization does not have any offi cial events does not mean she does not see other members. ”W'e are a tightly knit group.” Cantu said. "‘We usually get together at parties, or go out together during the summer." Brandon Savat, a junior agricultural development major and a member of the Corps of Cadets' Company l)-2. said the summer is one of the busiest times for the Corps. “Summer is when we do most of our recruiting.” Sav at said. “Usually, every outfit picks about two members to stay in the Quadfrangle]. They stay in uniform all summer and spend most of their time taking prospective members around campus.” Savat said that having members of the Corps visible and on campus aids their recruiting. “|Summer) is the best time to get recruits because there In addition to recruiting future cadets, theinMi fits get together during their vacation to keep in louii their friends. "I sually all the outfits go to New Braunfelsandfii river after school is out,” Savat said. "But the stay up here is because the people who you hangoun y ear are your good friends.” Jennifer Ki member of the* fraternity Omega andaffi ucation major, fraternity puts a trip to Lake every y ear summer b said getaways ss this trip are a for an organize stay' together. "A lot of people get we ed over the sa about an king said, "nil' something that and involves whole group and giv es ev erv one a break from their While most students welcome the inactivity that vacation allow s, some students believe that doing during the summer can mean their organizationsareiti opportunities to grow. Carey Withem. a member of the Nutrition Association and a senior nutrition major, said she wi organization did more over the summer. “A lot of people go away for the summer, and Ilia an organization held even just a few events it i ter for the organization as a whole,” she said. DON'T GABBY RUENES Thi Bu iujov “And people could see friends that they haven'tstc I while, or that thc\ didn't know were even in town," * Celebrities’ financial adviser indictei NEW YORK (AP) A financial ad viser to some of I lolly wood's young stars has been indicted on charges of spending their money on helicopters, hotels, limou sines and rent for his Sol lo loft The cost of liv ing in a world that in cluded clients Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Stiller and Courtney Cox caused Dana C. Giacchetto to reach into their accounts and grab at least $9 million, said the indictment issued Tuesday. Giacchetto, 37, allegedly misappropri ated the money through Cassandra, a com pany he ran from Manhattan. The federal indictment gives new de tails on allegations announced when Gi acchetto was arrested last month. It accus es him of taking the money to benefit himself, his company, third parties to which he lent money or to pay other clients mid conceal the fraud. In the last year alone, Giacchetto al legedly spent at least $8,000 on heli copters. $3,400 on limousines. SI2,000 to lease a new Mercedes-Benz and more than $30,000 on stereos, computers, art and clothing. He allegedly rang up more than $120,000 in hotel bills, including a stint at a Hollywood hotel that cost more than S80.(HM) for 10 suites, the indictment said. Restaurant hills added another $55,000. I le gave millions of dollars belonging to his clients to friends and associates, the government said. Hie comforts allegedly supported his ability to flash the pearls of success at I lol lywchxI parties where he could pad a client list so valuable that, after his arrest, he an nounced through his lawyer that he want ed to become an agent. The indictment said Giacchetto promised clients he used a conserv ative in vestment strategy and did not take custody of their money when he actually m ing their accounts. When federal aiithoritiesnoticedl legedly lied to them and altered a portion ofa Cassandra balancesh The altered portion of the balance: falsely represented that the company liabilities and net capital of million when it actually kid mrotff million in liabilities and was insoto more than S2.2 million, theindicimetii: The indictment also accused failing to disclose that he owed$48: lion to the hand Phish. Giacchetto dered and was released on b; Later, he was ordered held without ter prosecutors said he was airport w ith an expired passport,aW cash and $44,000 in airplane tickets. If convicted, Giacchetto faces ai mum lOyears in prison and a fine ofi S18 million on a securities fraud Snot nos punk kid iockF file Summer Jobs! College Station Need some extra spending money? Want to work at a fun company? Want to gain valuable work experience? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then UCS is the place for you! UCS has been in the computer and automotive business for 30 years. We are looking for bright individuals with various backgrounds to help for the summer! Positions include: Inventory Client Services Programming Quality Control PC Support Shipping/Receiving Computer Assembly Positions are available full time or part-time. If you are interested and would like to apply, please contact our Recruiting department for more information. UCS, Inc. 979-595-2609 Schlumlieriifl Electronics Engineer Position Schlumberger in Sugar Land, TXislootiip SAN FRANCISCO ire says th [schy “spokespuppet” uthed dog puppet lea ith Conan O’Brien.” In a federal lawsuit ft I “Late Night” writer I w’s “Triumph the Ins ubiquitous sock pupp “Triumph is a rubber- Electronics/Electrical Engineer to joinoi/B Be involved in the entire product develop' process for building oilfield-related teat® acquisition/contfol systems. Requirements: • 8S or MS in Electronics/Electiical Engineering. • Solid EE engineering background (ell systems, control theory, and softwaie development) • Experience with real-time data acquit systems. • Strong software skills (C/Ch, Asse# • Strong teamwork and communication? • Summer or Coop experience is a sMJf Cc Gra< R I "I nhV wher or Prior full time employment is noltet|u ,, » Mail resumes to: Rich Christie 110 Schlumberger Drive Sugar hand, TX 77478 Or email to LastF. Last Show in B/CS Friday, April 28th w/ Special Guest: SUN Apr 30 6-8PM Chem 238 Lab Final Chem 227 Roview I Math 152 Rovlew I 10AM. LiJoon Steamroller $5 - music at 9pm Bring your boots y'all - it's gonna be BIG IncT UiL 1 p INc U41 7-9 PM 9-11 PM MON May 1 Chem 107 Ch. 14 Kln»tlc» Chem102 Ch. 2? Organic A Chem102 Ch. 27 Phys 202 Ch.31 Phys 218 Ch.11 Chem 107 Ch. 14 Chem 227 Rsviawll Math 1 52 Review II Chem 237 Fine) MON May 1 Chem 228 Exams 1,2,3 Chem 101 Ch. 12,13 Phys 201 Ch. 13,14 Chem 102 Ch.25,26 Math 151 New Materiel SUN Apr 30 Parti Part 1