Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 2000)
The Battalion Classified ssified continue ft HELP WAN lient complex in need of groi lime hours available, $6/hr. To place a classified ad: Business Hours ftPhone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Office: Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building 19 Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rateapp! only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additionalj days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled toendtoqei the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. to consultants in local i in accident investigatio hing, compiling and organ esources. Typing, proofre (skills necessary. Full-time © or d ■tree!, Ste.-E. Iders make $100-$300 per i lary Call 1-800-981-8168 e ADOPTION DJ MUSIC FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT feeper needed for part-time/ line. Flexible hours. 690-7E Unplanned Pregnancy? Former students hoping to adopt For information: http.//sltes.netscape net/jame- saw53/homepage Legal/medical expenses only. ANNOUNCEMENTS •■Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing In Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693-6294. 2-F-Roommates for summer sublease, 3bdrm/2bth house, $240/rent +1/4bills, w/d, backyard, close to cam pus Call 696-7665 today! Student Organization Annual Recognition for 2000-2001 School Year April10-May12. 125-Koldus MSR D.J. Service. Experienced. Call Shawn at 731-8414. Reasonable Rates 2Bdm/1bth Duplexes, brand new W/D, on shuttle, fenced backyard, large closets, avail 5/16, $500 822- 2492 after 7pm. Academic Village and Scholars Inn 1&2 bedrooms, fur nished or unfurnished Also dorm plans 1-yr lease beginning August Start at $385/mo 3900 Ok) College Road, Bryan 846-9196 MkHom^i sumn rooms availat 9132 tease 1 1-month tree 1 SSOfac i/2bth Great condition Fun Summer Jobs lobs at •AUTO EMPLOYMENT 2bdrm duplex. 6161. Wellborn area, available mid may 690- Affordable 2bdrm/1bth lourplex Available for May move in. $450/mo+water paid 1526 Pine Ridge is in CS off Brentwood by the Kroger Shopping Center 765- 2019 Moving in May or Au LOCATOR service a bdrms Untied Realit 1985 Honda Prelude 5-speed $1,000nego Call James 695-9186 P/W sunroof a/c Childcare position must be cfepenable, enthusiastic, intergetic. have good transportation 680-1107. 2bdrm/i 5bth mobile home, $425/mo. 2bdrm/1bth mobile home. $475/mo. In-Bryan 778-3424 April move-ln special. $475/mo . 2bdrm/1 Sbth lourplex Fireplace, walk-in closet, shuttle bus 822-7772. Must sublease J900ATX xith C shuttle route P '95 Jeep Cherokee Green. 5-speed, cold air, 67K- miles, new tires, new CD. EXCELLENT CONDITION $7,000/080 Shannon 409-574-5347 FOR RENT 2bdrm/1bth apartment w/new appliano on shuttle. In CS, $525/hio. 695-9646 96 Blue Chevy 1500. extended cab. 60K-miles, Flowmats. headers, billet grill, sound system Lots of extras. $16,000 691-7020, mat10680® * 2bdrm/2bth summer sublease University Commons Fully furnished, w/d inside. 2-pools. Ut volleyball &ten- nls Very clean $350. Call 764-9155 Nathan. 1,243 bedrooms Beautiful locations. $375-$1200 Available In May and August. 777-3371. 2bdrm/1bth loft apartment, vaulted ceilings, partial wooden floors, w/d. near campus $560/mo , no deposit Summer lease w/renewal option. 255-7380. 846-4263 Attractive large one bedroom 4plex apartment WA) built- in Bookcase, large covered deck overlooking woods 11/2 miles from campus near bus stop avail June 1st $460/mo 1(409)273-2479 Cars for $29/mo , $0 down, 24-months. 19 9% For list ings. 800-319-3323 xt 3782 1-2/bedroom apartments Some with w/d. some near campus. $150-$325/mo 696-2038 2bdrm/1bth. four-plex summer sublease $42 ities. w/d conn . bus route Call 696-5123 i/mo Beautiful RV Trailer Location, Shade trees, own drive way off Hwy 47. utilities included in return for taking ewe of place Must have own RV trailer 4-min from cam pus 845-5265. 823-0104 Need summer r south of campui roes paid $27$/ One Room m 31 w/option to rene 88 Chevy Camaro IROC 228 T-tops. 5 7l!ter. bona, heads, viper alarm. $5,250.00 694-3196 98 Jeep Wrangler 14.700/miles 16/months transferable factory warranty $14,500/trade 268-1013 1 -bdrm In 3-bdrm house, private bath, w/d. across from campus MaylSth -Aug . option to renew $300 *1/3 bills Shannon 574-5347 3-female roommates needed for summer bdrm house near Sorority Row $285/mo 5093 Reagan Best Value In Town! Greaf 2bdrm/2bth. w/d. lots of space, covered parking Start it at $419/mo (979)218- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Help on the spot 828- 1-room In new 3bdrm/3bth duplex. Steeplechase sub Nice yard In CS. $350/mo +1/2bills Call ASAP 694- 0350 3-rooms available tn brand new 4bdrm/4bth University Place on SW-Pkwy $380/mo Please calf for more info 680-1776. condo * 1 /4biH Brand Northgr aik-to Blinn 846-4076 Mason's Mobile Car Repair 4832 IBdm in 2bdm/2bth apartment University Commons. Summer sublease, June. July. August. 680-9470 3/2/2. appliances, fans $900 693-5885 LAN. fenced Bike to A&M Campus 306 (713)978-6630 2bdm/2btfv W/D. 375 00/perbdm < BED AND BREAKFAST Ibdrm of 3bdrm apartment. Own bath, furnished. For summer. Easy access to A&M. Call Jack 764-8904. 3/2/2Z2 hardwood floors, central, appliances, tiled kitchen &baths, fenced yard Walk to A&M $1,000. 693-5885 C S Brick duplex 2bdm/lbth W/D connection 1609 Southwest Parkway $495/mo 776-8399 Cheap Ibdrm/lbth. $305/mo continue lease Call 779-4333. Available i 693-8534 Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways For information/ reser vations call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis. 70. 409-696-0091. Ibdrm/lbth in 2bdrm/2bth. w/d, 3/4-mile from campus, shuttle. $275/mo. (nego ) +1 futilities 260-0076 3Bdm/2bth mobile home in the country covered deck and carport Available May 1st $575/mo 778-0593 CS lourplex. 2408 Blanco. 2bdrm/l pets. $440 731-8951 . studio style No Sterling Apt for rent 2bdrm m $270/mo 696-1560or696-6462 2-Bedroom with air. tlaundry facilities Walking distance to campus summer lease $460/mo ^utilities no deposit 268-3175 3bdrm/2bth duplex Call 696-0461 W/D $725/mo Available mid-May Cute 3bdrm/2bth $850/mo (817)4* Bryan 1-5988 p< Sublease ibdrm/lbth school, furnished. S37 sessions sur irneitra income by cleaning offi attendant needed for both lapped student. Call 847-2 flerk/ Office Worker- Needi ri. Filing, maintaining policy ig up client files. Fax 774-6: estigious Instructor, some e We’ll train. 696-9142. lal Manager Tanning Salon dfl full-time. Fax resume to lodnr near Mil i ll/anted Dental Lab Model 1 ptients' plaster models. App Will train. 3200 Kent at Go anted: Experience Dental 1200 Kent at Goessler n based Mortgage Compan summer intern, interested ixciting and lucrative busines or (ai Bridge Bar and Grill, part 4-2933. g Position P-time May-/ ents 1600/SW Parkway. C.: ING FOR A GREAT SUMfi lamp Counselor this summe Rio Vista for boys and Camj lave a few openings left for lack riding and ropes progra such as management . comr Grand dinners and romantic evenings Your #1 wedding location The finest in the Brazos Valley Calvert Inn Gourmet B&B 364-2868 www.calvertlnn com 2-F roommates for summer/permanent. 7-blocks from campus. 3bdrm/1 Sbth. fenced, hot-tub. furnished, w/d $233 33/each ♦utilities Contact Hetdy 846-4129 3bdrm/2bth house Summer sublease, large yard, pets okay $850/hio 776-7504 F-Roommate $250/mo 7071 Sublease avail 2bdrm/1 Sbth $21 ■I Ml MOl Mi Ml levelopment and supervise ly apply to your chosen care and request an employ me e our website at www.vistai 3bdrm/2bth summer sublease Forrestwood and VillaMana big living-room and back-yard $700/mo 695- 2775 F-Roommate duplex lor tu $300Woo. 3bdm/2b(h Summer Duplex w/d. University Oa jMease 20 1 Blvd , oh 695 9305 ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES - HOUSEHOLD GOODS PUBUC AUCTION Estate of Mrs. Vfta Palasota S&S AUCTION SERVICE 113 E. ZB 1 * St.-Downtown Bryan, Trias SUNDAY -APRIL 30, 2000 - 12.-00 NOON Viewing: 10:00 a..m. Sun., April 30 Until Sale Time Antique Fumitura, China, Silvsr, Glassware, Collectibles, Fine Jewelry, Nice Clothing, Newer FumitureJools, Linen*, ToweieJV*. Small & Large Appliances, PLUS - NO BUYER PREHIUU f Climate Controlled Seating - Conceeaion Available ■ Ceeh. Check, VISA, ISC. AMX. DISC. GARLAND L (BUD) SPARJCS74 -10197 - McatWr Texas Aactieaecr Aaaec. A Nano eel Aactioaccn Aaaec. FOR FREE BROCHURE & TERMS OF SALE )) (409) 822-7830 - 822-4582 - 822-0398 Web Site: WWW.SSattlC.COm - E-mail:SSattlC@aol.COfTI 3bdrm/3bth. w/d. Park Place Duplexes Available May Very nice 695-8557 FREE LOCATOR SERVICE Fourpiexes. Houses. Alpha-O 693-0868 Apartrr lega Pri Summe: route fre set- $50. luton- JtOO c ) patio set-$35 OS’: College 10 up B4€ 4110 College Main Walk to campus! Bike or ride shut tle bus tyr lease at Casa Blanca $395/mo Water, gas. sewer fees paid Compare and call us at 846- f 413 FREE Mi vaulted ( $850/mo bth HOUSE W/D mar lease. ukno Can D* ig to earn money this fall in f u now to become a student seeking motivated campus le jrees Web site. If selected, all summer long and kick of fall. Are you re Stylist Color 400 printer 530 00 #Si* duty la-iat nneet >' f"W n ey@sixdegfees com nc great pn ford super 764-1470. n you need. K M mmer lease 1 cepttng $400mno 4bdrm/2bth furnished Unrverslty sublease $295/person free-cable Commons summer Call 696-6869 GREAT 3bdn 4bdrm/4bt. furnished condo (home). 571-6555 (cell) Call Mike 485-0511 A+ 2/2 with study, w/d. $575/i Universityleasing com vafer paid 784-2019 apartment available for MAY MOVE IN. $828Ano ♦water paid, lawn care, pesf control 1130sq It Southwood Oaks four-plexes are located at 2100 Southwood Dr. near quiet residential neighbor hood 764-2019 1 Sbth, new carpel, new paint, fenced Available Now 1 774-9691 immer Sublease .you I eluded $3 7 S/mo 660-12 rbed w/mirrored headtoa-1 leater Really nice! StOO ( Jger assistant, office keeping, Ifull-time call compuview at 84 iblease 1 paid. $50 Lamp-$25. pi Offers considi $20. home tneatei systf 764-7202/ barkieys s-N-Quotes for parttime ant |ons for Fall 2000 semester. F e call 979-846-2255 or come i. directly across from Blocker House- yard. $t route, bicycling dn 260-5022 (Gwen) bus Abie. Mobile home for i set) Graduating! le 2tKjrm/1l)tti w.d. i 10.000 776-9710 T Ime clerical positions avails " >340 HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS RESEARCH STUDY House- 3bdrm/l Sbth. w/d connections, fenced yard, shuttle route. $850/mo Available August! 774-9691 Summer Sublease 1 $470/mo Sammantha Administrative Assistant Applicant must have a college degree or extensive experience. Responsibilities include record maintenance, appointment scheduling, answering phones, managing prescription refills and assisting the receptionist and office manager. Must be responsible, reliable, and personable. Medical Assistant Ideal experience for the pre-med graduate seeking admission to med ical school. Must have college degree with science related major. Duties include patient care and lab work. Excellent pay and benefits. Apply in person at: Allergy Associates 2706 Osier Blvd. Bryan, TX 77802 776-7895 Volunteers, ages 18 and older, with oral (fever blisters) or genital herpes needed to participate in a brief specimen procurement study. Eligible volunteers will receive $20.00 . Call for more information. J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 Houm- 3bdrm/2bth, w/d. shuttle route $875/mo Call 774-9691 Mobile Home- 2bdrm/1bth. 15-mlnstocatrw - living, tishmg, horses, garden Wotkolflotre 272-0057 time Helping Handicapp I no 12hrs-par week 846-3376 $300/1 M H Houston Apartment For Summer Sublease. Inside the loop Medical Center area Ibdrm/lbth. security gates, dry bar, sauna, racquetbaii Rent $565/mo, 1 lease term MaylSth- Aug 15th Contact Daryl at (713)383-6011 in the evening uty Oa Summer sublease 2bdn keep deposit West Untv Summer Sublease 3/2. Sprmgloop. fireplace, W/D cc neettons. new floors. $650/mo 846-2063/ 680-0877 Sleeper sola, reclmer, and entertammert $225/0 b o 680-8406 leave a massage ers Food Delivery now hiring. >n. Flexible hours and good pi Sleeper sola- $125. 4-drawer diest-$30; desk- $35 693-3063 Kelli. Ime Auto Mechanic flexible h il 337 Summi $94S/rr hbi King size bedrooms 2bdrm/1 bth brick duplex, fireplace Separate utility room, wood fenced yard On shuttle No pets, no HUD $575/mo. ♦bills Available last pan of May orJune-lstf. 693-8534 r sublease 3bdm/ibtt > ♦utilities new carpets Bob (979)68' Sublease 3bdm/2bth duplex. W/D a creek, option to renew in Fall $97 nd Chilis -8822 Solid black sofa and love seal. $150 CaJW| Jime Assistant for busy health c Jyping, experience in insurance,' fc Apply in person (8-5M/F) ross from /mo 695 W/D $150, XL twin bed w/bedding $75.Wt$ w/chair $60 10-speed bike 510. ™ ™ Girl S ■ wranglers, lifeguards, unit cc Large CS Fourplex 2bdm/1.5bth celling fans. W/D con nection, shuttle, by park, $525/mo. 690-1093 Summer Sublease Ashford Duplexes 3bdm/4bth W/D very nice! Rent negotiable call Ashlie or Laura at 680- 8833 Waterbed Super-single looks great. Call >'H 7642 $80/obo. Leave message. ) instructors and nurses (RN !-7272, ext. 209 or khutchis Live free! Buy 3bdrm/2ba new mobile home Rent 1 - room, live free Land or good park space 822-2929. SUMMER BREAK EMPLOYMENT May Sublease, renewal option 4bdm/2bth. some bills paid, $1000/mo. pets ok. 778-5655 Summer sublease mid-May through late August. Ibdrm/lbth. No May rent Room for 2. Shuttle route. 8-minute bike ride 16 campus $305/mo ♦utilities near laundry ladlitles. pool and volleyball Call Casandra 694-3107. 95-Vagabond Travel Trailer 35-loot gas-stott reg. waterheater, porch/included, Mi $9.000/nego must/sell Call(779-9432) HELP WANTED MldtownSummer Sublease 2 f-roommaies needed 4bdm/3bth lownhouse 695-6942 close to campus Summer Sublease mid-May to mid-Aug 4bdm/2bth, fur nished. $280ea./mo University Commons 694-0920. Level 3 Communications, ILC mill be visiting Tenas H & III to conduct interviems for immediate openings Level 3 is a 2 year old start up, headquartered in Broom field, Colorado currently building a 23,000 mile, IP based, global communications Network with a comple tion date planned for Spring 2001. Our company has been coined the largest start-up in the World based on our $6 billion market cap without a single customer. With our network spanning 56 U.S. and 21 Internation al markets and focusing on Web-centric/Fortune 100 companies, we are fueling the IP/Internet Age by offer ing Collocation, Managed Modem, Internet Access, Submarine Transmission and Long Distance services. The Texas Transportation Institute is looking for students from the following cities to collect data on seat belt use: Abilene, Amarillo, Austin, Beaumont, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, El Paso, Houston, Laredo, Lubbock, Midland, San Angelo, San Antonio, Tyler, and Waco. Hours vary, depending on location, to be done between May 20 & June 10. $7/hr, $50 minimum. Call 845-2736, between 8a.m.-5p.m. for interview. Student ganization ognition for all studrnt orponlz-alions April 10 - May 12, 2000 Register online at “XL jtiXKttamuedu for more information atop by 125 Koldun Summer sublease renewal option $525/mo 2bdm/1bth on shuttle bus 3-mlles campus W/D connections 779- 5780 ••• ATTENTION STUDENTS! “* $11 GUAI Interview now. start now. Scholarships i Customer service/sales Conditions apply. i9! apply online at www.workforsludents.comhp Relations -Related degree a Exciting opportunity for s |ty and challenge. Excellen rinperson: 4545 Old Reliance Summer sublease University Commons 2bdrm/2bth fully furnished Call Robin 764-0649 100 Instructors/ Counselors needed. Coed si camp Pocono Mountains. Pennsylvania. W’ 1 -800-422-9842 ( Summer sublease walk to TAMU 8486 $ 180/mo. Call 680- STORAGE STATION Mini-Warehouse Pre-leasing Now for May Lowest Rates 219 Manuel, CS Close to Outback Steakhouse 693-0551 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose! W New England. Instructors Needed: Tennls.8 Roller Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse, M Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Waierskilng, & Windsurfing, Aerobics, Archery, Ml Rockclimbing. Ropes Dance. Piano to''® pj^TfflacirtaTQ Drama, Ceramics. Woodwork, Photography^ i r-i^ , , . , Nurses, Chef. Arlene Streisand- t-BKMU* “ hatcnel www JOD Ofl r; 3 CBS eye, e.g. rs and Graduate Students, Nc hiring notetakers for the sur at 701 University Drive, dire :er Building on the A&M camp le Jones now hiring kitchen Fri from 3-5. ACROSS Not quite shut Aggressive individuals for painting & prepwert summer, flexible schedule. $7.50/hour 775-711 Classified continue page I THE FOLLOWING FULL-TIME POSITIONS ARE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE: SOFTWARE ENGINEER Software Developer to join our SoftSwitch Development Team. This UNIX based, dis tributed switch is responsible for controlling the Level 3 IP Voice Network. Require ments include: Object Oriented development experience, C++ and/or Java, CORBA, Solaris, Administration background and Rational Rose modeling. A Bachelor's degree in CS or Electrical Engineering is preferred and a Master's degree is a plus. SOFTWARE TEST ENGINEER This position will also be in the SoftSwitch Development Team. The Test Engineers will be responsible for developing; executing, and documenting tests on a wide spec trum of software applications written in C/C++ and Java. Duties will also include min imal network device testing. We are looking for candidates that aren't focused strict ly on software development, but would rather take his /her career more toward a testing and debugging role. Requirements include: a background in Object Orient ed development and testing in C/C++, UNIX and Perl. We prefer candidates to have knowledge of LAN/WAN and telephony technologies, but it is not required. A Bach elor's degree in CS or Electrical Engineering is preferred and a Master's degree is a plus. TRANSMISSION POSITION IN GLOBAL PROTOTYPE LAB The candidate should have an understanding of transmission networking —including the data interface and protocol fields — for inter-city networking and international transmission. This position will be responsible for prototyping key initiatives utilizing the following technologies to show proof of concepts. Candidate will need to under stand and have a minimum 3 years experience with: SONET/SDH, ADMs, DACs, ESCON, 1/10 Ethernet, 2.5/10Gb SONET, RAMAN amplification, FEC modulation schemes, and basic networking. Also, the candidate must have strong UNIX skills. Candidates must possess a college degree in the following disciplines: Electrical Engi neering, Computer Science or Telecommunications. Years of work experience in the telecommunications industry can be substituted for educational background. The City of College Station is accepting applications for: •LIFEGUARDS: $6.00/Hour - $6.30/Hour Deadline to apply: Open Until Filled Apply at: City of College Station MOVING TO DALLAS- FT. WORTH AREAS? Fast, FREE Personalized Locating Service Apts, Townhomes, Condos Call Accent (toil free)...877-870-0878 , 4 Element #5 5 Leave the stage i6 Two examples j of 56 Across M New Haven SUMMER LEASES K2 0 Green Hornet’s driver P Amateurs 61 62 63 64 Furnished Rooms With All Free Shuttle to TAMU Call The Horizon fKSi'.es Today 979-779*7091 l Meat in a pita ■"•ijlS Two examples of 56 Across Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 Web address: Equal Opportunity Employer ENTRY-LEVEL MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES **Students graduating with a degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mathematics are encouraged to apply. We offer excellent compensation and benefits, as well as an outstanding relocation package. Qualified candidates should email their resume to: or fax to 720-888-5117. For more information regarding our positions visit us at our website at EOE Level (3) COMMUNICATIONS x ^ SPENDING 8 HOURS IN ONE POSITION REALLY CRAMPS YOUR STYLE. PERFECT To say you thrive on challenge is hardly a stretch. So consider this. Enterprise Rent-A-Car has entry-level management opportunities that give you the freedom to make critical decisions. Join us and have hands-on involvement in every aspect of business management — from sales and marketing to customer service and administration. But here’s the real excitement — you'll have a clear shot at outpacing the achievements and earnings of your peers. Everything you need is here at Enterprise. All you need to do is use your head. This growth opportunity offers a competitive salary and benefits package. A college degree is preferred. Summer Internships Available! Use Your Head. Join Enterprise. For consideration, please apply on-line at: Or forward resume to: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Attn: Al Ryba Fax: (512) 912-9381 Phone: (512) 912-0332 Email: We are an equal opportunity employer. pH Enterprise ■■■Si ronta-CT Les -Unis ! Pub pints 1 George Bush's 70s grp. Love god > Telemarketing tasks Barry’s Going My Way costar Kipling character They’re divided into periods Breadth Two examples of 56 Across Spherical bodies Sow sound Prepare a floppy disk Casino game Soup veggie Mecca man Theme of this puzzle Bethlehem visitors Makes less burdensome Apartment Homes Out With The Old, In With The New Ruck’s I PIZZA STROMBI Call Today! 3535 Plainsman Lane 846-1771 • New Owner, New Management, New Image • New Designer Oak Kitchens • New Elegant Mirror Accents • New Modern Baths • W/D Connections • Fireplace Available • Screened Patio • On A&M Shuttle Route M-F8a.m.-5:30P' Sat. 10 a.m. Mopp $ 3.5' order 3 for free